Chapter 1115B - Ancestral Land Projection


Before the examination of Qin Yu’s bloodline began, a small interlude occurred – a group of demons were escorted out, all of them with expressions full of grief and despair.

Seeing this scene, Qin Yu’s lips twitched. He glanced at Cloud Mist and saw a faint perturbed look.

As he thought, this was most likely the actions of that old freak Cloud Boundless. Was he trying to scare him? Otherwise, even if Bluetile Courtyard was being cleaned out, why would this be occurring in front of him?

It was obviously a warning for him. You had better not play any more tricks, or do you not see this? This is what will happen to you!

Qin Yu coughed. He asked, “They are?”

Cloud Mist composed herself. There was a complex look on her face as she said, “The carriage from before was specially prepared by the Clan Elder, but the defensive runes had their weakness exploited…these people were all involved.”

Cloud Boundless had given a life-saving tool to Cloud Mist, but that tool hadn’t been able to display its use. The fate of these people could be imagined.

Qin Yu raised an eyebrow. To be able to investigate and find out where the problem was so quickly, Cloud Boundless’ control over Bluetile Courtyard was indeed astonishing.

However…if he looked at this from a darker viewpoint, who knew whether that old thing had already been aware of these people’s movements long ago and was just pretending to not know.

Of course, these were merely nonsensical thoughts. If Cloud Boundless really desired to harm Cloud Mist, there would be no reason for him to go through so much trouble.

“We’ve arrived.” Cloud Mist said. She pointed at a temple in front and said, “Once you enter, release your bloodline aura with all your strength and the examination will begin.”

The temple was nameless and wasn’t that large. It appeared to be ordinary, but Qin Yu could feel a strange oppression coming from it. This oppression…faintly came from the abyssal bloodline he had inherited.

Sure enough, the so-called examination was related to his bloodline. He nodded without saying much else, walking towards the temple.

He reached out a hand and pushed open the temple doors. Without hesitation, he stepped inside.

The door closed behind him and his surroundings fell into darkness. It was like all light had been isolated outside, and he couldn’t even use his divine sense.

Qin Yu’s complexion changed. He took a deep breath and suppressed the impulse to react. The old King’s lineage shouldn’t be trying to harm him.

As he thought, he couldn’t sense anything in the darkness. The only sound in the silence was his own breathing.

Mm? What should he do now? Was it over?

Qin Yu revealed a helpless expression. Today’s test was to decide whether or not he had the qualifications to participate in the struggle for the throne of the Nightmare King.

Couldn’t they be more serious and have a ritual or something like that? It had directly started before he could even respond!

Cough…whatever. In any case, it was all the same in the end…

He took a deep breath. Within his chest, the heart of the abyss began to accelerate. As it contracted and expanded, it pushed blood to flow through his body.

Hum –

Within the endless darkness where there was no light in sight, Qin Yu released his bloodline aura. As he did, something seemed to suddenly activate as a powerful pressure erupted.

The pressure came from everywhere, wrapping around him. It was like a web that could clearly sense everything, and it covered him completely.

A sense of crisis rose up in his heart. He had no idea what this pressure was, but he had a bad feeling…he absolutely could not allow this pressure to suppress him!

Without a need for explanation, Qin Yu knew that this was today’s bloodline test.

It was to resist the pressure in the darkness. The longer he lasted, the higher his score. Once his aura was completely suppressed, the examination would end.

“Open for me!” With a deep roar, the aura he released suddenly rose and the pressure from the darkness was smashed to pieces.

But good times don’t last long. Before Qin Yu could breathe a sigh of relief, the pressure in the darkness swept back in, even stronger than before.

“Humph!” With a stuffy cough, his blood vessels bulged out from beneath his skin and he forced a smile.

He felt that he had underestimated the requirements of the Nightmare Clan to compete for the throne…in this current situation, he feared he wouldn’t be able to last much longer.

This was trouble!

If he couldn’t pass this test, then besides flipping the table with the old King’s lineage, there would be no other choice for him.

But if things really reached that point, while it wouldn’t be difficult for him to withdraw intact, it would become impossibly difficult to enter the Nightmare Ancestral Land.

As Qin Yu was bitterly smiling and feeling anxious and bothered, Cloud Boundless had arrived outside the nameless temple.

His eyes were wide as he looked at the demon runes shining on the surface of the temple. “This…is Qin Yu?” As he finished speaking, he came to his senses and realized that he was speaking nonsense. He immediately asked, “When did he go in?”

Cloud Mist was even more shocked than he was. She bit her lips and said with difficulty, “He just entered…”

Cloud Boundless was anxious to the point of stamping his feet. “How long is that? I need the exact time!”

Cloud Mist took a deep breath, “It was at most ten breaths of time…he just walked in and the runes of the temple were activated.”

She looked at the temple and the runes on its surface that were shining with fluctuations of light, causing space to fluctuate. Ripples diffused outwards, distorting the surrounding area and isolating it from the outside.

Right now, this ancestral hall was still within Bluetile Courtyard, but a powerful barrier had appeared around it.

This was the self-activated power of the ancestral land…only people with a sufficiently strong Nightmare bloodline could trigger its appearance.

Or to put it differently, the triggered strength of the ancestral land indicated that Qin Yu indeed had the qualifications to compete for the throne.

But…the time was off…

Cloud Mist clearly remembered. When she secretly participated in the test, it took around an hour, and the runes only lit up on the temple just before she was no longer able to persist, galvanizing the strength of the ancestral land. This had caused the Clan Elder to become overjoyed. He called her an unmatched genius born to the Nightmare Clan.

This was because according to the clan rules, those that could quicken the strength of the ancestral land within two hours had the qualifications to participate in the struggle for the throne.

One hour…that was a result that could rank amongst the highest scores of the Nightmare Clan.

But now, Qin Yu had only used a few breaths of time. This didn’t even include the brief delay before he fell into darkness.

If it was carefully calculated, it was definitely even less than expected…what did this mean?

As Cloud Mist was shaken, at her side, Cloud Boundless’ uncertain face started to fill with disbelief.

He stubbornly stared at the temple that was shining with demon runes and muttered beneath his breath, “Impossible…how is this possible…”

But besides the possibility he thought of, how could anyone initiate the strength of the ancestral land in such a short period of time?

He took a deep breath and calmed himself. When he looked at the temple again, his eyes had become incomparably bright.

No matter whether Qin Yu was the possibility he thought of or not, he had displayed sufficient qualifications.

If the old King’s lineage agreed to Qin Yu’s proposition and supported him with all their strength…at this moment, Cloud Boundless couldn’t help but gulp, his mouth turning parched.

Stand firm! Stand firm!

Don’t panic. First, take a closer look. This matter is too serious and nothing can go wrong.

At this moment, the demon runes on the temple shined with an even brighter line, almost blinding to the eyes.

A suppressive aura emanated from the temple. Cloud Boundless and Cloud Mist both subconsciously stepped backwards, their complexions changing.

Kacha –

Kacha –

Shattering sounds filled the air. Cloud Boundless stared blankly as the runes on the temple’s surface began to break apart.

“Not good!” His heart skipped a beat. He took a step forward and pressed his hands down.

Bang –

A powerful strength instantly arrived, covering the entire temple and suppressing the incomparably formidable aura that erupted from it.

The disintegration of the runes slowed down but didn’t stop. As they cracked more and more, Cloud Boundless’ complexion became increasingly ugly.

Bang –

With an explosion, he was sent flying backwards. After losing the suppression of his strength the runes on the temple blew apart.

In the blink of an eye, all the fragments dissipated and the strength from within the temple could no longer be hidden. It blasted into the void like an erupting volcano.

The formidable barrier formed from distorted space violently shook. Black cracks appeared within it.

Cloud Boundless spat out blood, a bitter smile on his face. He looked at Cloud Mist and said, “There is going to be trouble now!” His figure flickered and he passed straight through the spatial barrier, appearing above Bluetile Courtyard.

Then, he stiffened.

Sure enough, the most worrying situation had occurred.

A massive phantom appeared in midair, stretching out into the distance. Countless giant palaces, layered and intertwined with each other, flashed into existence, all of them exuding an endlessly ancient aura.

As if it had existed from time immemorial and would continue to exist until the world came to an end.

At this moment, the entirety of Adversity Peak City fell deathly silent!

All the demons below couldn’t help but widen their eyes as they saw the phantom appear above the city.

That is…that is…

Although no one had witnessed it with their own eyes before, for it to have such an ancient and magnificent aura, such powerful pressure, and even appear in Adversity Peak City…

Then there was only one possibility – the Nightmare Ancestral Land. This was the Nightmare Ancestral Land that only existed in legends!

The reason it was called a ‘legend’ was because besides the Nightmare King, no one else had ever entered it.

Even in the Nightmare Clan, powerful Clan Elders like Cloud Boundless and Seven Wounds had never taken a single step into it. It existed, but no one had seen it. It represented a strength that was unimaginably powerful and infinitely mystical.

This was genuine power and mystery. Looking through the endless abyss, the Nightmare Ancestral Land could be ranked amongst the top ancestral lands.

The reason was simple – when any Nightmare clansman obtained its approval and entered it, regardless of how weak or low their cultivation was before they entered, once they returned from the ancestral land they would transform and step into the incomparably powerful Demon King realm, becoming the incarnation of the true Nightmare King!

With one leap, they would become a formidable existence that stood at the peak of the abyss…this was an ability that nearly defied the heavens and could shape and change the fate of a person. How could it be described as just ‘unimaginable?’

Today was the first time, and only time, it had truly appeared in front of these people.

Right now, the shock of the demons in Adversity Peak City could be imagined. But as time slowly passed and their surging emotions calmed down, a single question started to form in their minds – why did the Nightmare Ancestral Land suddenly appear?

Countless eyes gathered towards the location right beneath the ancestral land phantom. That place seemed to be…Bluetile Courtyard.

Were they related to this incident?

In East Willow Courtyard, Seven Wounds Clan Elder furrowed his eyebrows, shock on his face. Although he had never seen the ancestral land with his own eyes, the bloodline suppression he felt was all the proof he needed to know this was a projection of the Nightmare Ancestral Land!

And the reason this projection arrived was because a strength had appeared in Bluetile Courtyard that was capable of quickening the power of the ancestral land!

What was this strength?

Seven Wounds Clan Elder had no idea, but no matter what the truth was, this could not be considered good news for the ancient King’s lineage.

How hateful!

That old freak Cloud Boundless, what games was he playing this time?

His eyes were dark and uncertain. He took a step forward. Space distorted and he appeared outside of Bluetile Courtyard.

He had to personally confirm it himself!

Bang –

Just as Seven Wounds Clan Elder appeared, the space in front of him exploded. Pitch black cracks exuded a powerful tearing force.

His complexion paled and he angrily shouted, “Cloud Boundless, you want to fight me!?”

Across from him, Cloud Boundless retracted his fist. He glanced at Seven Wounds’ angry face and lightly said, “I am just reminding you that this is the temporary palace of the late King. To intrude recklessly is the greatest show of disrespect to the late King, and the old King’s lineage will never let it go!”

Seven Wounds Clan Elder was so mad that his cheeks twitched. You said all of that, but do you think I didn’t know? And don’t you see I am still a little bit away from Bluetile Courtyard? I haven’t crossed the line at all!

This old thing was clearly looking for something to argue about!

Cloud Boundless glanced at him contemptuously. That’s right, I am looking for trouble, so what are you going to do about it?

He slowly looked around. Right now, many people began to gather outside of Bluetile Courtyard. They were all drawn here by the ancestral land projection.

Only by putting on the strongest appearance could he deter these people and ensure they didn’t act rashly.

Cloud Boundless knew that Qin Yu’s existence could not be exposed.

Otherwise, no one would be able to save him…even if he was the reincarnation of the late King!

That’s right, in Cloud Boundless’ eyes, Qin Yu was the reincarnation of the late Nightmare King. Only this could explain how he could easily quicken an eruption of the ancestral land’s strength, even causing a projection to appear above Adversity Peak City.

Even if he hadn’t yet confirmed it, just what Cloud Boundless saw so far was enough for him to decide to protect Qin Yu at all costs.

What nonsense, if Qin Yu really was the reincarnation of the late King, that meant he was the equivalent of the ancestor of the old King’s lineage. How could he not save him?

Taking a step back, even if Qin Yu wasn’t, with his bloodline it would be far too easy for him to seize the throne. This was a trump card. If he used it well, then the entire old King’s lineage would rise up once more!

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