Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 1238A. A Small Goal

Kacha –

There was a light sound, like a pine branch breaking in the midst of a silent snowfield.

The snow fell to the ground…then, it initiated a dreadful avalanche.

But this wasn’t a snowfield, so there was no pine branch breaking. The light sound just now was the Great Dao of a Saint being directly cut asunder by a very, very sharp sword.

The Great Dao collapses, a Saint perishes, the heavens and earth resonate in sympathy and all things in existence feel sorrow in their passing.

Among them, it was a fact that the heavens and earth resonated in sympathy. As for all things feeling sorrow…it was because they were forced to mourn.

Imagine someone living well and fine when a sudden catastrophe struck, and that person would lose their little life just by looking at it. Who wouldn’t feel sorrow in their heart?

Qin Yu never imagined that after doing his best to release this strike, something like this would occur. After all, when he killed Lian Yi who had just stepped into the Sea of Bitterness, everything had been calm and quiet. He had died, without anything happening at all.

The most likely reason behind that was because Lian Yi’s Great Dao had broken to pieces before it had enough time to be approved by the world.

Of course, this was just a guess. No one knew what the truth was. Moreover, at this time, Qin Yu thought his heart was great enough to still think about such things.

The young man across from him…sorry, as a Saint, he didn’t even have a genuine name until the time he died.

The young man looked down at his chest. It was still intact as it was before, but he could clearly see the bloody wound there that severed all his vitality.

Light and darkness, time and space…the young man could understand why a mere Qin Yu could be selected by such an existence. He really was a junior with infinite potential and talent that defied the heavens.

But what pity, did the Spring Master not have enough time to teach you how dangerous it is to slay a Saint who has been enlightened for a long time and has taken the initiative to attach themselves to the Saint’s path of the vast brightness?

This time, he had indeed been blind. He chased Qin Yu all the way here only to deliver his head.

But even if he was a blind Saint, he was still a Saint. If he could drag Qin Yu into the grave with him, to go to the yellow springs with such a proud son of heaven, that wasn’t something disgraceful at all. And if Qin Yu survived…hoho, Scholartree Saint you bastard, I’ll be waiting for you in hell!

As this final thought passed, the young man’s lips curved upwards. Next, like a statue that had crossed infinite years, he slowly dissolved into powder.

Then it was time for all things in existence to feel sorrow!

A terrifying impact of strength erupted from the place where the Saint dissipated. Like a comet striking the ground, shock waves swept out in all directions.

Space directly shattered and countless cracks spread everywhere. It was like a giant invisible hand had grabbed this piece of the world and was twisting with all its strength.

There was all sorts of pain and agony!

Qin Yu didn’t even have time to mouth out some dirty words before he was sucked in.

He really wanted to curse out loud!

Everyone was fighting fairly, and even though I cheated a little and borrowed another power, it wasn’t a big deal since there’s such a giant gap between our cultivation bases, right?

I fought so hard, fighting until blood burst out of my body, desperately risking my life to kill someone, and now after killing them I have to desperately risk my life again? If I can’t withstand it then I’ll die!

This is too unfair.

But in the end, all the curses stayed in his heart. First, this was because preserving his life was the most important thing right now, and he couldn’t do anything that wasted his energy.

Second, absolute fairness never existed in the world to begin with. If you aren’t satisfied with that, then do your best and cultivate to make yourself like this, an existence that became a super firecracker even after they were killed. At that time, even if someone wanted to kill you, they would still need to think it over.

This could be considered a kind of ability!

Although this was more idle talk, this was about what Qin Yu was feeling.

The reason he still had all sorts of random and chaotic thoughts as he experienced the torment of life and death was related to the unreasonable and cold actions of the young man who just died when he tried to find Qin Yu and blew apart the earth to do so.

This perception of Saints seeing everything below them as ants, as being completely indifferent to slaughter, had indeed struck certain bottom lines in Qin Yu’s heart.

At this moment, after the second ‘Slaying of a Saint’, the massive super firecracker that had been ignited, causing all things to grieve in sorrow, was in fact no different from the young man’s ruthless actions when he blasted away the land.

They were both filled with a bone-deep indifference and callousness!

Saint’s path.

These two words rolled around and around in Qin Yu’s mind, finally becoming a monument. The future was too far away and everything was subject to ever-changing variables, so he would set a small goal first…for instance, stepping into the Sea of Bitterness and becoming a Saint!

In truth, this definitely wasn’t a small goal. If others discovered that Qin Yu had such ridiculous thoughts even as he was on the verge of death, they would certainly curse to the heavens and call him a feckless young boy who had no idea of death or danger.

The vast brightness had trillions of cultivators. Yet, how many of them had even been able to see the distant Sea of Bitterness, much less become Saints? Moreover, he hadn’t even touched the threshold of the Origin God boundary yet!

Qin Yu had no idea that the small goal he set for himself was enough to cause himself to be drowned in spit. As for the Scholartree Saint who didn’t hesitate to start a battle between Saints and hold back the Spring Master, he must have never imagined that his plans would end in complete failure.

A protracted battle with no result could describe what was happening between the Scholartree Saint and the Spring Master. In fact, this was a matter of course. They both knew each other well, and even though they wanted to kill each other, they knew that they weren’t capable of doing so.

But the one who chased down Peachy was too slow. If the Scholartree Saint hadn’t obtained one of the young man’s fatal weaknesses during the transaction, he would have suspected that he was trying to renege on the deal.

After waiting and waiting, what finally came was the death of a Saint!

Even with the Scholartree Saint’s willpower, he still couldn’t help but furrow his eyebrows as shock flashed in his eyes.

Lian Yi’s death was indeed unexpected, but in the end, he was just a junior who rapidly grew up through relying on external means. The one who chased Peachy had lived for a long, long time, and his strength was far from being comparable to someone like Lian Yi who had just become a Saint.

But in the end, he had been the one killed instead!

In the aether outside the East Sea World, darkness and nothingness filled the void. This was enough for two True Saints to fight and for the terrifying shockwaves of their power to be absorbed.

At this moment, there was a brief pause in their battle. The Spring Master’s calm voice said, “I never thought that he would be the one you found.”

The Scholartree Saint said, “You’ve prepared for this?”

The Spring Master replied, “Of course.” But at this moment, his voice came to a stop. An aura appeared within his senses, but it was far away from where the Saint perished.

It wasn’t him!

Then who was the cause of a Saint’s death?

The Spring Master did his best to control himself, but the two sides were too close. The Scholartree Saint could still feel some changes in his mood.

The face on the ancient heaven-reaching scholartree appeared. It sighed and said, “So it isn’t your work.”

The Spring Master said, “So what?”

The Scholartree Saint fell silent. The Spring Master was right. No matter who slayed the Saint, his plan had failed. He had spent endless time and effort arranging this. Everything had been perfect, and yet all of it had been for nothing.

Hum –

The heaven-reaching scholartree disappeared, and so did the blue-robed Scholartree Saint. He lifted a hand and grasped forward. Since that person had died and the transaction hadn’t been completed, he naturally had to take back the reward he gave as payment.

With that, the curtains would drop on this event.

Of course, the curtains dropping only applied to this disturbance. After this, there was sure to be countless surging undercurrents between the peach garden, East Sea, and Western Mountain.

But the Scholartree Saint wasn’t afraid.

In order to win, one had to be willing to lose…before he made his move, he had already made preparations to return empty-handed.

The Western Mountain might have to pay a price, and some people might have to die, but as long as he lived, the Western Mountain would always be the Western Mountain.

But at this time, the Scholartree Saint’s complexion changed. He was even more shocked than when he sensed the death of a Saint.

Because right now, someone was actually attempting to steal his reward – the dao quintessence that came from a True Saint who reached the other shore!

Black Shadow Half-Saint…alright, he deserved a name, after all, the dead were the greatest and he had still been an ancient Half-Saint.

Black Shadow Half-Saint had already lived for many years, and without accident he would have lived for a gloriously long time. If it weren’t for the fact that he hadn’t managed to find the other shore after searching for so long, and in addition to the reward that the Scholartree Saint offered being irresistible, he never would have taken the risk to kill Peachy when he knew how tyrannically powerful the Spring Master was.

This reward was the Scholartree Saint’s Great Dao dao quintessence. Even though it was just a tiny bit, he would have been able to use it to peep at the location of the other shore, giving direction to his cultivation.

There was no need to mention the past. Moreover, the Scholartree Saint had tampered with that dao quintessence fragment, so that in the end, what Black Shadow Half-Saint obtained would actually be very little.

In short, someone was trying to rob him, and they even had the advantage!

It was simply preposterous.

It had to be known that he was a True Saint, and this dao quintessence was his to begin with.

Unless it was a Ruler, the Scholartree Saint couldn’t think of anyone who could have the advantage over him.

But this time, it definitely wasn’t the work of a Ruler. The Scholartree Saint was positive of this.

So at this moment, the Scholartree Saint only had a single thought in mind. He would arrive at where his dao quintessence was, find the person who seized it…and then tear them to shreds!

Although he couldn’t lock onto the aura of the one who seized this dao quintessence, his intuition told him that Black Shadow Half-Saint died because of this person.

Bang –

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