Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 1248: No Feeling

Qin Yu’s thoughts raced, but he put on a cautious expression. He bowed his head, making it look as if he was simply following along with everyone else, with no opinion of his own.

Flatrock heartily laughed. He kept chatting with the other two youths across from him. They smiled and chuckled often, and the atmosphere was harmonious.

Seeing Qin Yu not talk, Flatrock tried to intentionally turn the topic of conversation to him. He reluctantly answered a few times but didn’t continue any longer than that. He just couldn’t justify it. He was about to enter the Lost Garden, so how could he waste his time talking to them?

Flatrock silently sneered. He thought that he had done enough. Even if this person died afterwards, he wouldn’t be suspected.

In the end, he apologetically smiled at Qin Yu and then turned his head to talk with the other two.

The two were a man and a woman. They had exceptional good looks and appeared similar. Perhaps there was a bloodline connection between them.

Tan Hai was talking with Flatrock. He glanced at his cousin beside him and couldn’t help but furrow his eyebrows. Of course, this movement was small and brief, so one couldn’t see it unless they looked carefully. Even if someone did, they might not be able to sense anything.

Outsiders couldn’t see anything, but he knew his cousin quite well so he naturally noticed some difference in her at this moment.

Taking advantage of the gap in conversation, Tan Hai lightly coughed and mentioned his cousin. Their gazes briefly met before sliding off each other.

The transmission began.

It was only after experiencing the transmission method of Dragon Mountain Holy Land that Qin Yu realized the ultra long-distance transmission array he took to get here could be considered the highest quality amongst high quality ones.

What he experienced now could truly be called shoddy. With a tearing sound, space was torn apart and the five people and one beast hurried in.

What followed was a jolt and bump-filled ride!

Mountain boring beast…that’s right, while it had the bloodline of ancient life forms flowing within it, it actually had a down-to-earth name. Perhaps because this was the first time it experienced this sort of transmission, it was left shocked.

This fellow had a giant physique, one that occupied over half the transmission array space. As it swung around, everyone had to follow it.

Qin Yu couldn’t act like he wasn’t affected. Doing that would be like clearly shouting out that there was a problem with him and they all needed to suspect him. Before entering the Lost Garden, it was better for him to keep his acting skills online at all times. As a result, he swung along with the rest of the group, even crying out from time to time.

Then, in an instant, he felt that he knocked into someone. His arms suddenly retracted and he quickly flung himself to another side.

Flatrock actually had some skills. He managed to comfort the agitated mountain boring beast. The fierce and jolting transmission finally calmed down a little.

Shua –

Light arrived and the transmission ended.

Qin Yu quickly closed his eyes and opened them up once again, looking at his surroundings with both fear and wonder, and perfectly expressing the emotions he should have right now. When it came to acting, he feared it was a bit addicting. Once he started, he felt more and more that he wanted to put on an even better performance.

As Qin Yu thought that his acting skills were improving again, he met a pair of eyes. The girl’s face reddened and she couldn’t help but glare at him.

Qin Yu maintained his composure and pretended that he didn’t see anything. He averted his eyes and cursed inside. There were so many people and it was dark just then, so how did she know it was him who bumped into her?

Flatrock took a deep breath. He smiled and said, “Everyone, we’ve arrived. The Lost Garden will soon open so let’s look for a place to camp first.”

As he finished speaking, he led everyone away.

Not long after space shattered and he arrived here, he felt numerous eyes lock onto him from the distance.

None of them were easy to provoke. Some of them even made him feel as if there was a burning heat on his back, as if he was going to be burnt alive.

In truth, even Flatrock, who was participating in the opening of the Lost Garden for the first time, was left shaken. Then, he couldn’t help but feel a burning heat surging within him. This, along with what he heard before, made him raise his expectations of the Lost Garden to the highest level.

If things went smoothly this time, he might be able to find that sea and gain some hope of becoming a Saint. Even in his excitement, he never forgot that junior-apprentice sister who had ruthlessly kicked him in the groin.

He still remembered that bitter feeling. He turned and looked at Qin Yu, and a warm and friendly smile split open his face.

Brat, I’ll let you jump around for a bit longer. Once we enter the Lost Garden, that will be the moment of your death!

The people from the Dragon Mountain Holy Land hadn’t come particularly early and all the good spots had been taken. Flatrock had no other ideas, so he chose a place where no one was.

Those that had the qualifications to come here weren’t ordinary characters. Rather than messing around, it was better to avoid causing trouble for himself.

After he spoke a few more words, they settled down. Unless there was an extremely poor or harsh environment, it was easy for cultivators to camp anywhere.

On the other side, the man and woman took out a small palace. It swelled in the wind, expanding to a normal size. Then, with a bow, they entered.

Dragon Peak’s eyes widened and he couldn’t help but lick his lips. He elbowed his senior-apprentice brother and said, “Flatrock, do you see that palace?”

Flatrock nodded. He quietly said, “It’s not ordinary. It seems that the one who traded with master this time has some background.”

Dragon Peak laughed, “It’s more than background. I fear there are other reasons for them to deliberately come to our door. This palace…tsk tsk, I’ve seen it before. I asked my old man to buy it for me once. Its value is astonishing.”

After he spoke, he stared at the closed palace doors once again. He walked back a distance and then summoned his own palace. It wasn’t bad to say the least, but people always had to compare things. Dragon Peak sighed twice before he pushed open the door and walked in.

Flatrock sneered inwardly. In terms of eyesight, he flung that boy back 80 feet. If it weren’t for him being lucky in reincarnation, would he even have the qualifications to serve him tea? Someone like that still wants to hit on girls? He should just give up now.

Flatrock turned and asked Qin Yu if he wanted to rest with him. After being turned down he said, “Junior-apprentice brother Qin, there’s no need to be so anxious. Since it’s like this, I won’t ask any further.”

Being kind and personable, showing his genial nature – that was probably what he was doing right now. The nobler someone was, the more they had to pay attention to such things.

Perhaps I might catch the eyes of some ladies? This might be my lucky chance! With this thought in mind, Flatrock’s smile widened and he nodded at Qin Yu. Then, he waved his hand, summoning his own palace and walking inside.

Hu –

He let out a light breath, finding it difficult to continue holding it in. If that fellow hadn’t left just now, he feared he would have vomited.

Like this, he still wants to attract girls? Tsk tsk, his courage was commendable!

He didn’t take out a palace or anything. His role was a junior who came from a poor family in decline, who was shouldered with the task of reversing the fate of his family. Of course he had to put on a perfect act.

The Lost Garden was going to open soon. He couldn’t allow a mistake to happen at the end.

Qin Yu walked over to a quiet area and sat down. He looked into the tumbling clouds and fog in the distance. Was the Lost Garden there? He couldn’t see it at all!

As Qin Yu looked towards the depths of the fog in confusion, he didn’t know that someone was looking at him completely puzzled.

Tan Hai frowned and then frowned again. Even now, he wasn’t able to discover anything special about this boy.

He was just an ordinary nobody with no background worthy of mention, so why was he worthy of his cousin’s attention?

Although he knew that his cousin was a president-level figure of the Looks Matter Association, this Qin boy wasn’t especially handsome or anything.

“Cang Zhu, do you know this boy?” In his opinion, this was the only possibility.

“I don’t!” Cang Zhu’s face flushed red. “I would never know someone as shameless as him!”

Tan Hai hesitated for a moment, “Did you two have some problem before this?”

Cang Zhu glared at him, “Cousin, can you be any more bothersome? You keep asking me this but I’ve told you that I don’t know him, so how can I have a problem with him!”

Tan Hai was left speechless. He also couldn’t figure it out. If they didn’t know each other and had no problems with each other, how come she clenched her teeth and glared at him, as if she had been played with and then abandoned? Cousin, you are confusing me too much!

Cang Zhu angrily glared at Qin Yu. This bastard, he behaved so calmly without showing any abnormality at all. Although her chest wasn’t that large, if he touched it he touched it. It was impossible for him not to have felt anything.

Act? I want to see how long you can continue acting for!

Before, I thought there was something wrong with you. Now I’m definitely sure! Can a boy with no foundation put on such an act? Humph! Just you wait, I will definitely grab your weakness and expose you!

Qin Yu believed that his performance was perfect, but he never expected that he had exposed himself from this angle. If he knew about this, he would truly be left speechless. He had really just accidentally bumped into her, and there really wasn’t much of a feeling. Was there a reason to be so angry?

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