Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 1263: Destructive Will

A deadly silence fell upon the Lost Garden.

Cultivators and ancient creatures alike had not recovered from the shock of what they just witnessed.

Dark and light had suddenly interchanged and the sky was dyed an ominous black color. Then, there was that terrifying streak of black lightning.

No one had ever witnessed such a bolt of lightning and none of them had been prepared to face such powerful strength. Despair, helplessness and fear had filled their hearts and they were certain that they would be instantly annihilated if the black lightning struck them.

Then, there was that bright arrow that showed up from the sky and a dark hand of scales. Finally, the brilliant sun that rose from the ground destroyed the black lightning.

No one had any idea what had just happened, but this did not stop them from making guesses. Several of them got a few facts right.

For instance, they had guessed that the black lightning was the legendary heavens’ punishment. This thought made their hearts jump in disbelief.

They could not believe that someone in the Lost Garden had done something to deserve the heavens’ punishment.

After all, the heavens’ punishment was a secretive art that belonged only to the Vast Brightness world and few had heard of it. Whomever caused it must have done something earth-shattering.

Cultivators below the Great Dao had no means of doing something that significant.

After witnessing everything, it was also easy to conclude that the heavens’ punishment had been blocked. This shocked everyone.

Someone had gone against the heavens’ punishment!

The arrow and the black scales were still within expectations, and it was understandable that they were no match for the black lightning. However, people could tell that it was the giant sun at the end that shattered the black lightning.

Unbelievably, the heavens’ punishment was stopped. The amount of power that was required to stop the heavens’ punishment must be immense, and no one could even imagine how much energy went into that.

The understanding that such a powerful person was in the Lost Garden had different implications for everyone. The creatures in the Lost Garden were ignorant of the facts and only felt fear. However, the visiting cultivators to the Lost Garden knew that this powerful being was someone who came to the Lost Garden with them.

Who was it?

The names of top cultivators from the Peach Garden, Nine Heads, Nether Ye Xing and Heavenly Palace flashed through their minds.

Some people were so scared they wanted to flee and others wore conflicted expressions. However, there were also those whose eyes filled with a newfound passion. These people hurried over to where the black lightning struck.

Even if that other party was a saint, he might not have escaped unscathed from the heavens’ punishment. There was no Great Dao in the Lost Garden. This was a law that was followed after ancient creatures sacrificed themselves to continue their clan’s bloodline.

No one had broken this rule before.

As such, the person who blocked the heavens’ punishment must be a cultivator with a powerful hidden card. The light arrow, shadow arm and the massive sun were mighty attacks.

Although this person managed to stop the heavens’ punishment, he had revealed all his hidden cards and must have been heavily injured. These were all guesses but the other cultivators were banking on a small possibility.

Perhaps they could get lucky out of another person’s misfortune. If they were really lucky, they may even be able to pick something up to help with their own cultivation.

Nonetheless, they were aware of the risks involved.

This person was someone who unleashed the heavens' punishment. If he still had strength left, the other cultivators should be prepared to suffer a terrible defeat. This was a gamble and they were risking their lives to head to the battleground.

The first cultivator who reached the scene carefully inched forward to the barren grounds. He shivered nervously as he stepped forward.

There was still a strong pressure around the area and the cultivator felt his heart tremor in fright.

Gritting his teeth, this man took a deep breath in. A strong force hit him and he spat out a mouthful of blood. The blood that was spurted out soaked the air red. In the next moment, it transformed into a blurred figure that flew forward at the speed of light.

Mere seconds later, the bloody figure turned back and slammed into the cultivator’s body, causing him to jerk from the force. His eyes flew open wide in shock and his face turned pale.

His mouth opened and he tried to make a sound, but nothing came out. Suddenly, he burst apart violently.

His flesh and blood splattered onto the ground and was quickly absorbed into it. All that was left of him was a small red stain on the earth. A few other cultivators had arrived, and as soon as they witnessed what happened to this first cultivator, they involuntarily stepped back in fear.

“It isn’t from the heavens’ punishment.” The Prince of Heavenly Palace remarked. He was dressed in a long golden robe with dragons embroidered on it. Wearing a golden phoenix crown, his sharp eyes stared intently at the scene before him. When he raised his hand, others could instantly feel his authority.

His father was known as the True Saint of Heavenly Palace and he was the individual with the deepest perception of the dao. As such, his comprehension of heaven and earth energy was good and he confidently came to a conclusion.

A few people beside him frowned.

If this strange pressure was not from the heavens’ punishment, then there was only one possibility. The mysterious cultivator who unleashed the heavens’ punishment was giving them a warning.

He was not dead! And he had even prepared such a strong barrier to deter others. Did he really still have strength left or was this an act to scare people away?

To obtain an answer, they could only try it out for themselves.

Elder apprentice brother lightly said, “The Peach Garden will not participate in this.” They would not take the risk to test the blood mist, but they would snatch any rewards available.

Of course, it was not fair for them to expect gains without taking the risk of participating. However, it was elder apprentice brother of the Peach Garden who spoke. Everyone knew that only four people from the Peach Garden came to the Lost Garden this time.

Disciples of the Peach Garden would not risk their lives, and although some people were unhappy, they did not say anything.

Nine Heads said, “It is not too late. He was the first person in and the only example. We should not be scared away.”

Spiteful laughter came from Nether Ye Xing and he suggested, “If no one is willing, we can just throw some people in forcefully. It isn’t too hard.”

The Nether Saint was someone who used dishonorable means to achieve what he wanted. Most of his disciples were also known to have murdered many others before. They took a similar path to become daoists. Throwing people forcefully into the pits as a test was something that came naturally to them.

No one spoke, but the silence also meant that people agreed with him. Elder senior apprentice brother was in agreement too.

The next day, a few people gathered before the barren land. Although their expressions were calm, they were concerned.

So far a total of nine men had entered the grounds. They had tried everything, including using an avatar and a puppet that were controlled by their minds. Nothing was successful and all of them self-destructed.

Most of the strong cultivators who came here in a gamble were dead, and the remaining people were all scared.

No one was willing to barge into the barren land again.

What should they do now?

For the mysterious man to wipe out nine cultivators one after another, there was a great possibility that he still had much strength left after blocking the heavens’ punishment. Furthermore, his method of killing was violent and decisive.

If the man was trying to scare the group off and fake his remaining strength, he would have been exhausted by now. The nine murders were brutal and they revealed no weaknesses from him.

The Prince of Heavenly Palace had a miserable expression as he slowly said, “I don’t think we have any chance.”

Elder apprentice brother announced, “The Peach Garden will back out from this matter.”

Nine Heads frowned as he took a look around him. His eyes sparkled but he did not speak.

“You guys are scared?” Nether Ye Xing mocked. His face was pale but his expression was rebellious, “Only nine victims so far. I don’t believe this. Why don’t we continue?”

He clapped his hands and five figures dashed out from the shadows. Each one of them held a cultivator captive in each arm.

“Young master!” The five men greeted Nether Ye Xing respectfully.

Nether Ye Xing smirked as he glanced across these men. Their cultivations had been sealed and Nether Ye Xing awakened their consciousnesses. “It seems like all of you recognize me. I will get to the point. If you can enter the grounds from here and exit through the opposite side, I will spare your lives. I am giving all of you a chance and I am warning you not to attempt an escape. You will regret trying.”

He waved his hand and gave an order. The five subordinates released the ten cultivators.

Their eyes were desperate as they pleaded for help from the other cultivators at the scene. No one responded and they knew that they could not escape their fate. Gritting their teeth, they dashed into the barren land.

They could only throw their all into escaping it!

Ye Xing suddenly turned around, and his gaze fell upon elder apprentice brother. He flashed a cocky smile again, “Haven’t you always paid attention to benevolence and righteousness? Why are you silent? If you had requested, I may have let two of them go.”

Elder apprentice brother glanced at him and said, “You would have killed them faster if I had spoken.”

Ye Xing laughed and clapped, “You are smart!”

Elder apprentice brother’s expression was calm, “It is wrong to kill others to become a Saint. Even if the Nether Saint became a Saint through those methods, it is not right. You will eventually suffer retribution for what you have done.”

“You don’t have to worry about that. The netherworld has its own ways; the more we kill, the closer we will get to becoming Saints!” Ye Xing’s eyes were icy cold.

“If you are not happy with it, we can have a battle after this is over.”

Elder apprentice brother nodded, “Sure.”

Ear-piercing screams interrupted their conversation. Ye Xing frowned and he wore a serious expression. The ten cultivators were all dead.

He had inserted his own mark into these ten cultivators’ bodies but he had not been able to find out anything about the mysterious power.

Damn it!

He whipped around and his gaze fell upon the five netherworld cultivators. Instantly, their expressions changed and fear and desperation filled their eyes.

However, this did not change Ye Xing’s mind and he barked an order, “Go in…” Before he could finish his words, red marks started to appear on the bodies of the five netherworld cultivators. Ye Xing was horrified.

Their eyes were wide open with fear and their hands flew to their neck, grasping at the invisible thing that was suffocating them. Their blood vessels were expanding so quickly that they now looked like little black snakes on the five cultivators’ necks.

Boom boom –

In the next instant, their bodies exploded and turned into dust.

Ye Xing flew backwards as fast as he could, but a drop of blood landed on him. His expression dramatically changed.

Boom –

Strong force surged from within him and the blood from the five cultivators disintegrated. However, he was already infected and small red marks slowly started to appear on him.

“Father, save me!” Ye Xing cried.

Buzz –

A beam of red light shot out from his body and formed a large shadow.

The figure placed a finger between Ye Xing’s brows and a deafening sound followed as one side of his body was blown apart. Ye Xing quickly regenerated himself. After a few moments, he was completely recovered but he was as pale as a sheet.

The figure that was formed from the blood red light dissipated and Ye Xing stared at the heavenly punishment ground with an indescribable fear in his eyes.

He had not expected that he would be in danger despite not heading into the area himself. If a part of his father’s blood shadow was not with him, the consequences would have been deadly.

He had to personally experience it for himself to understand how terrifying the red marks were. They had a destructive will and would kill any living being that stepped foot into their territory.

After what just happened, Ye Xing was sure that the individual who triggered the heavens’ punishment was not putting on an act. It was clear that he did not have any chance.

His five subordinates had to give up their lives and he ended up using his hidden card just to arrive at this conclusion. Not to mention that half his physical body was destroyed in the explosion just now.

The price to pay was too much to bear!

With this thought, Ye Xing’s expression grew solemn. He gave a final glance at the Land of Heavenly Punishment before he turned and left.

Since there wasn’t a chance, there was no need for him to remain there. Furthermore, he was worried that others would seek trouble with him.

He would plan for his next move.

However, right at that point, Ye Xing yelled in anger, “You!”


A deafening explosion shook the air as his body flew backwards. He coughed out blood uncontrollably. Anger could be seen in his ghastly pale face.

Elder apprentice brother curled his fist and calmly said, “Didn’t you say that we will battle it out once this matter is settled? I did my part, and I even held back some strength because you don’t look too well. Take this as a lesson learnt. You don’t have to thank me.”

Ye Xing clenched his jaw and he said through gritted teeth, “You…”

Elder apprentice brother added, “If you aren’t happy, we can continue to fight. I believe that the Nether Saint will understand it if you die through a fair battle. However, if he isn’t happy, he can come to the Peach Garden. My master mentioned that he had exchanged blows with the Nether Saint before and that they had not settled their score yet.”

Blood spurted out of Ye Xing’s mouth again and he roared, “Peach Garden! Fine! We will wait and see!”

Ye Xing turned and left swiftly. The blow from elder apprentice brother had left him in bad shape and he had to quickly find a place to recover.

This was the Lost Garden and even he had to be careful.

Nine Heads had an unreadable expression on his face and he said, “I would have stopped you if you really attacked him.”

Elder apprentice brother said, “That’s why I only gave him one blow.”

Nine Heads raised his eyebrows slightly. Then, he turned around and leapt into the air.

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