Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 1265: The Rule System

If he didn’t want to explode from eating too much, he had no choice but to find a way to save himself.

Qin Yu’s first thought was to find someone to help him. It was not the time to sulk over the ‘treasure’ now. What was the point of having the ‘treasure’ all to yourself if you are dead?

Moreover, the only ones that could help him were the helpers around him. The stronger they were the more useful they would be in the future.

Without hesitating, Qin Yu made a decision. Old Turtle was delighted by this. After all, he was now so weak he only had one layer of skin remaining. He was delighted to be able to replenish his power.

However, his delight did not last long before it turned into helplessness. Even if he replenished his power, it was not enough to deal with the Spiritual Snake.

Now, he was eating happily. But soon it turned into pain…after all, he was just a shadow. Even if he tried his best, how much could he consume?

“Master, don’t forget about Stone Pagoda, he has a huge appetite!” In another time and place, Old Turtle would never have said something like this. Why would he share this incredible power with others?

Now, Old Turtle had no hesitations as he pulled Stone Pagoda over.

There was no choice…with this feast today, even if more people came to eat, he and Qin Yu would still be bursting from how much they could consume.

Strictly speaking, Stone Pagoda was in about the same state as Old Turtle. He was being consumed by the distant shadows once more.

Hence, after receiving Qin Yu’s permission, Stone Pagoda did not say a single word as he immediately started absorbing as much power as he could. Stone Pagoda’s fragile body had been breaking apart, but now he was finally stable.

The shadows which had continued to assault them from all directions were finally, bit by bit, getting blocked outside.

With Old Turtle and Stone Pagoda sharing the burden, Qin Yu instantly felt a lot more relaxed. However, he did not dare to let his guard down. “How is it going?”

“...Master, you know I am just a shadow and have a limited capacity. Maybe Stone Pagoda can help you consume more. However, the both of us will only be able to help you with one-third of it. That means there is still at least half of the power that you will need to deal with yourself.”

Qin Yu lifted his hand as he massaged the space between his eyebrows. His lips were pulled in a grim line. With just a tenth of it, he had completely recovered and even felt bloated. What was he going to do with the remaining half? It seemed like even after turning in circles, he was still facing death!

Could it be fate that he was going to die from eating too much? Just thinking about it seemed so pitiful.

“Ke! The red robe you are wearing is the appearance of the Rule System but it is made up of a group of flying ants. This little thing is so lucky, it actually has signs of it returning to its root and is showing the properties of primal chaos. Perhaps they can help you consume some energy.”

Qin Yu looked down at his red robe. In the moment that he awoke, he already knew what was happening on his body. The Purpleback Bluewing Ants had already disappeared and turned into the long robe he was wearing. However, they were not dead, they merely changed the state in which they were living.

As soon as he thought it, the red robe he was wearing started to emit a blood red glow. Purpleback Bluewing Ants began to slowly appear. They started screaming soundlessly as they beat their wings and started to absorb the energy that was continuously flowing into Qin Yu’s body.

But this was not enough, it was far from enough. Unfortunately, Qin Yu had no more beings to help him share the burden of energy from the Spiritual Snake corpse.

Stone Pagoda suddenly called out as he thought of something. “Master, if you want to live you can only count on yourself. If you can’t absorb, it only means that you are not strong enough and don’t have enough capacity.

“Now, the only way is to become stronger and turn into a vessel that can take in mountains and the ocean. Only then can you consume the Spiritual Snake.”

Qin Yu waved angrily, “Of course I know. But do you think making a vessel takes only one or two days? There is no time for that now.”

“That may not be the case!”

Two voices sounded at once.

Old Turtle froze. This stupid Stone Pagoda. Alas, he could not control himself. Was Stone Pagoda trying to fight for authority with him?

Stone Pagoda was thinking similar thoughts. The mysterious odor around Qin Yu was not ordinary. Defeating him and becoming the most important to Qin Yu was going to be a difficult task.

Qin Yu did not have time to think about the sly thoughts of this pagoda and shadow. He spoke in a low voice, “If you have a solution, just say it. The situation is clear; I cannot hold on any longer.”

Old Turtle said, “The Rule System!”

Stone Pagoda said, “Forging Heavens!”

They spoke at the same time once again.

Qin Yu frowned, “You. Speak first.”

He chose Old Turtle. This was normal. After all, they had worked together for so long and he would trust him more.

Stone Pagoda fell silent. He was prepared for this and was not too worried, as he believed that his solution would be the most effective at the present moment.

Old Turtle coughed lightly. The impression that he left on Qin Yu earlier was starting to be useful. He had to maintain this; he could not make a mistake. He mentally prepared himself before saying, “There is one point that is both right. The best solution now is to forge a large enough and solid vessel. What I am suggesting is the fastest and most effective way of creating a vessel.

“The Rule System is a cultivation technique that appeared in the Abyss a long time ago. To put it simply, by continuously absorbing Rules into the body, as the amount increases, the physical body will also become stronger. In the end, you can become a part of the world and have an innate spirit.”

This sounded very similar to the True God Path.

Qin Yu muttered to himself, “Stone Pagoda, what is your idea?”

Stone Pagoda was silent. “...”

Everything I wanted to say has been said by this bastard. What should I say now?

Damn it, how could he also know this path. I can’t admit defeat like this. The situation is very clear now: as long as Qin Yu crosses this obstacle, his future will be limitless.

He had to fight for his future with Qin Yu!

“Master, the forging heavens that I mentioned is not ignorant. The process will create a comparable Heaven Match; it is similar to what some Turtle has said.”

Old Turtle snorted and looked unhappy. So he did not have anything to say and merely copied what I already said. How shameless. No matter how you say it, even if you spit out a flower, Qin Yu will know who the original idea came from.

Just with this, you want to fight with me?

Stone Pagoda did not seem to notice the mocking look from Old Turtle as he maintained a calm tone, “Absorbing rules is like training your physical body. It will create a Heaven Match…or to put it more simply, it is creating a small area. This is not in the scope of the world. So the process is not only dangerous and tough, almost no one has successfully persisted.

“I believe some Turtle is also very clear about this point. If not, why would this cultivation path disappear without a trace? After all, anyone who isn’t blind will be able to see the prospects of this method. To train one’s body to become a Heaven Match, it is not possible to cross to the heavens with just this.”

Qin Yu frowned.

Old Turtle rushed to add, “Master, what some pagoda said is correct but there is no shortcut in this world. Even if there is, there will be a price. Although the cultivation method of the Rule System is dangerous and difficult, with my help and your strong will, we can definitely make it!”

Stone Pagoda said blandly, “It is easy to suck up, but this is a real situation and sucking up has no use.” He paused for a moment before continuing, “But Master, I can help you reduce the number of routes you have to take and reduce the unnecessary pain. I can increase your chance of success.

“Many years ago, when the Forging Heavens Art appeared. I already knew about it. In this world, not many have the knowledge comparable to mine. Moreover, even since the robbery back then, even though I managed to survive, I was trapped. Luckily you saved me and I am able to see the day again. In these lonely times, the boredom makes it hard to maintain my own consciousness and it is easy for my consciousness to crumble. I carefully analyzed the Forging Heavens Art to find the flaws in it and made improvements to it.

“Although I dare not say that the Forging Heavens Art is perfect, if you follow my instructions to train I can definitely help you double your chances of success.”

Damn it!

Old Turtle never would have imagined that Stone Pagoda had this trick. He turned the tables in a flash. From Qin Yu’s expression, he was clearly moved.

Despicable, I cannot lose!

Unfortunately, before Old Turtle could rebut, Qin Yu sneered and waved his hand to cut him off.

“There is no time to waste. Let’s try your Forging Heavens Art…shadow can help from the side. If there are any issues, you both can discuss and settle it.”

The bloated feeling was becoming more intense. He felt like a leather bottle filled to the brim with water, extremely round and bloated. Although a leather bottle could still expand slightly even after being filled to the brim, it would burst sooner or later.

At this moment, Qin Yu was not in the mood to hear them argue. They were currently all grasshoppers tied to the same rope. If he exploded, these two guys would not be able to live well either.

Therefore, he was not too worried. Furthermore, it was an idea that both Old Turtle and Stone Pagoda suggested. The likelihood of success should be higher.

Stone Pagoda was calm, “Yes Master. I will try my best to help you. Later on, please cultivate according to my instructions. If something feels wrong, just tell me immediately.”

“Now, I will tell you about the Forging Heavens Art. You will need some time to understand it.”

He paused slightly, “In the entire cultivation process, I cannot be interrupted to avoid disturbing Master. So if a certain shadow has nothing going on, it is best if you just remain silent for the entire thing.”

He was furious!

Utterly furious!

Damn it. I am the one that Qin Yu trusts and thinks most capable. Stupid broken Stone Pagoda. Who do you think you are? You are just lucky. How dare you try to step all over me. Dream on!

Old Turtle was bursting with anger; he was fuming and his eyes were red. He only had one thought, to stare him down. To stare down and watch Stone Pagoda’s every move. You had better not let me find any flaws or you are dead!

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