Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 1283A. An Opportunity for Instant Success

The crack in the cave shattered and humongous white bony hands reached out. Pressing on the ground, they pushed its body out. It was as if a giant skeleton had awoken! Looking closely, one would realize that this giant was actually made out of numerous bones intertwined together.

Bom —

Bom —

The ground continued to crack apart as one by one, giant skeletons rose. It was similar to how the ancient creatures had awakened. They shouted and howled. Thirteen empty pairs of eyes were locked on Qin Yu. Even though he had passed the heart calamity, he could not help the goosebumps that appeared on his back.

His first thought was that these giant skeletons were here for him and he instantly paled. But the truth was different from what he imagined. Although Qin Yu’s intuition was right that they were not friendly towards him, coincidentally they were helping him…

A shadow appeared above his head and a loud sound resounded. The claw that had reached out towards Qin Yu had been blocked by skeleton bones. It looked like the Giant Turtle, an ancient creature. It shouted with fury but before it could attack once more, it was held back by a giant skeleton.

It was as if a war fuse had been lit. The ancient creatures and giant skeletons started to fight. The enormous cave was suddenly filled with a horrifying amount of energy, wrecking everything in sight.

The ancient creatures wanted to kill him and the giant skeletons wanted to save him. But Qin Yu did not know whether he should be killed or saved. All he knew was that he had to leave this area or he would be caught up in the fight.

“Kill him!” A deep voice shouted. Someone who spoke the human language! Qin Yu turned his head sharply and saw a Thousand-eyed Beast.

If its body was slightly bigger and its thousand eyes multiplied to ten thousand eyes, it would look exactly like the Ten Thousand-eyed Beast he saw in his imagination that killed millions of living creatures with a single curse…could it be its descendant?

A loud boom could be heard from above. The stone pillars on the thirteen ancient creatures rapidly crumbled and exposed what was on the inside. The channels that Cang Zhu said were to transfer energy — numerous silver branches.

The branches were bare and did not have any leaves on them. They resembled dried bones tangled together.

The moment Qin Yu caught sight of the silver tree branches, his heart shrunk. He was immediately reminded of the time when he saw the silver root.

Could it have been the root system of the silver tree in front of him? If that was the case…Qin Yu’s expression changed. He stomped and jumped backwards. In the next moment, a loud boom sounded from the ground that his shadow had just been on. Countless silver branches intertwined to form a long whip, breaking apart the ground.

Space Laws!

Alas, he was right. The silver root came from this silver tree.


When the giant skeletons awoke, along with when the silver tree joined in the fight to kill Qin Yu, the restrictive power outside the mountain disappeared. The cultivators who had been stuck outside and thinking of ways to enter immediately broke into smiles.

Without stopping to think, as soon as the restrictive power disappeared, numerous bodies rushed into the mountain with a speed that caused the air to whistle. The longer they observed, the surer they were that this mountain had a huge secret and this was a huge opportunity.

Maybe it would be dangerous but nothing in this world came easy. The more one wanted to obtain, the more one had to give. When it came to this, cultivators often had a clearer understanding.

So what reason was there to hesitate now? Perhaps they needed to. However, as everyone fought to be first, and cultivation was a matter of oneself, if they lagged behind now, they would lag behind tomorrow and would never be able to prove themselves!

No one stayed behind and no one was willing to!

Elder apprentice brother sighed, “Let’s go.” If he thought about it calmly, he was not willing to take the risk. Moreover, the feeling this mountain gave him was not great.

But life was like this, not everything would go as one wished. There would be things that one would have to do even if one wasn’t willing.

Lei Xiaoyu quietly licked the corners of her lips. She felt like she had caught a whiff of an extremely desirable aroma from the mountain in front of her. If she was lucky and could find it, maybe she would be able to free herself.

Whoosh –

Whoosh –

The two people from Peach Blossom Spring flew past.

With bitter resentment in his eyes, Ye Xing had his eyes locked on the mountain as his lips turned up in an icy smile.

Danger was good. Only a scary place would be able to successfully destroy someone like his senior.

He, Nether Ye Xing, was not someone who could take indignance lying down. Once there was a chance, he would take it.

“Let’s go!”

He growled and flew.

Hesitation showed on the face of the Prince of Heavenly Palace. He had a good relationship with elder apprentice brother. However, Nether Ye Xing was simply too strong and was not easy to deal with either. After a moment of hesitation, he sighed, “Let’s go too.” He had chosen to just watch and let them battle it out.

Some noticed the undercurrent bubbling up amongst the top cultivators of the Holy Lands, whereas others did not care. They just wanted to quickly gain something. But regardless of whether they were someone who cared and held expectations secretly or someone who just wanted to find opportunities, they soon realized that what they should be concerned about was their own safety.

Before they could even step into the mountain, a huge shadow rushed up into the sky. Numerous blood-colored spots could be seen within it. Looking closer, they realized it was a humongous group of mosquitoes. Each and every mosquito was as big as a grown man’s arm. Their black mouthparts moved, making the hearts of those who saw them palpitate in fear.

Soon, they engulfed the cultivators that had flown into the mountain!

“Ah! Get off!”

“Be careful of their mouthparts!”

“I have been stung. There is poison!”

“Help me, help me!”

To be able to overcome all obstacles and make it all the way to the mountain, these were all well-known cultivators in the Lost Garden.

Moreover, to gain the right to enter the Lost Garden, they either came from strong backgrounds or were amongst the best in the Saint Circle. Everyone there could be said to be the cream of the crop. But it was exactly this group of cultivators that had just been taught a lesson after entering the mountain.

Shrieks, hollers and miserable cries…when the group of mosquitoes left and the sound of their wings faded, tens of dried up bodies were scattered all over. Everyone watching paled and their eyes shrunk in fear.

Even though they had known how scary this mountain could be, this was much scarier than they had expected.

A group of mosquitoes, something that could be easily killed, had actually killed over ten extremely strong cultivators in such a short time.

Elder apprentice brother lifted his head and looked at the endless mountain, “This place…is too dangerous!”

Lei Xiaoyu narrowed her eyes. She did not doubt her elder apprentice brother’s judgement at all, but the words ‘too dangerous’ were much more than expected.

He had conquered many realms and dangers in the Vast Brightness World with their master. With his knowledge and experience, if he said this mountain was ‘too dangerous’, what kind of dangers could this mountain hold?

Lei Xiaoyu could not be sure, but she knew that out of all these people who entered the mountain today, not many would come out alive.

Her eyes flashed as fear overcame her. She shrunk back, “Elder apprentice brother, I am scared. Let’s go.”

Elder apprentice brother greatly admired his junior apprentice sister’s acting skills. At least, from his point of view, it was perfect and there was not a single weak point. From what he knew of his junior apprentice sister, if she bothered to put up an act, it meant that she had a plan. If anyone believed her, they would definitely lose out.

“With everyone here together, we are too big a target. Let’s go.” Elder apprentice brother turned to leave. The two of them from Peach Blossom Spring left.

Ye Xing looked at them leave, his eyes filled with conflict. In the end, the greed won over the resentment in him. He could kill them anytime. However, opportunities like this mountain in front of them did not come often.

Outside the mountain, they could already sort of feel the aura. But only when they entered the mountain could they truly experience how mesmerizing its aura was. Although he was not able to confirm anything now, Ye Xing knew that if he could obtain what was hidden in the mountain, killing elder apprentice brother from Peach Blossom Spring would be easy.

He could easily weigh which was more important.

“Let’s go!” With a low growl, Ye Xing turned and sped along with others.

He would push his personal revenge aside first and find the real secret in the mountain.

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