Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 1287: Corpse Spirit

Cang Zhu could clearly feel Qin Yu’s condition becoming steadier as she grew closer to the altar. Furthermore, he was becoming more stable the faster she went nearer to the altar. As such, when she had blown Ye Xing back earlier, she was secretly jumping for joy because Qin Yu could live.

Although she did not know why, it was obvious that the shiny black altar played a part in stabilizing Qin Yu’s condition. From Old Ancestor’s records, the powerful corpse was here and it was possible that Qin Yu had connections to it.

Cang Zhu was not dumb and she remembered things that she saw. For instance, she had seen how Qin Yu’s eyes were glittering despite his calmness when she gave him the shard. Also, when the fire pillar descended previously, the shard that he took out had turned to dust.

Cang Zhu did not want to overthink things, but she had a rough impression in her mind. The eggshell and the corpse within the pillar might be connected. She did not need to consider other things.

Feeling a cold stare behind her, Cang Zhu hesitated and finally stopped. She was still a distance from the altar but she could feel that Qin Yu had stabilized and was recovering.

It was probably safe to leave him here given the mysterious connection he had with the altar… Mm, she should not take the risk and she ought to play it safe.

“Old Ancestor, I need your strength for my next step.”

“Cang Zhu…”

“This is the last time. Once I am done, I will turn and head to the East Sea!”


She held Qin Yu close to her and gently kissed his face as she sighed, “Forget it, I will take back my words. Don’t come to the East Sea…I hope you will live well.” She placed Qin Yu down onto the ground, then turned and left. Without any warning, she disappeared in front of everyone.

Many people were instantly disappointed. What was going on? She had gone against Ye Xing just to place this half dead man right before the altar? Did she want him to die in front of everyone? This did not make sense.

Otherwise, what kind of plot did this unconscious man have? Some people had this initial thought but they quickly threw it aside. They could tell that the man was heavily injured.

In truth, they were already surprised that this man was still alive. With such heavy injuries, what kind of scheme could he have? What a joke! If he succeeded, they would rather kill themselves and die a faster death than live in embarrassment.

If he was going to lie there, they were going to leave him be. The battle between the Peach Garden disciple, Nether Ye Xing, the Prince of Heavenly Palace and the three-headed giant was still the most important event. The best outcome would be for all four would die in battle, but this was highly unlikely.

Furthermore, some among the crowd were slightly unsettled. The three cultivators had sensed everyone’s arrival but they did nothing. Were they confident in their own strength or did they have other plans?

At that point, people turned their attention to the battle. Only Lei Xiaoyu continued to stare at the altar and the man lying on the ground. Her intuition told her that something was wrong.

There seemed to be a connection between that man and the Peach Garden. After a little hesitation, she decided to continue observing him.

Lei Xiaoyu’s intuition was correct. The thing that everyone found absurd could truly happen…no, in actuality, it had already happened.

Qin Yu had regained consciousness a long time ago. His consciousness was awake but his body was sleeping. This was because the Rule System body had been destroyed and he could not control his physical body. As such, Qin Yu had heard everything Cang Zhu said right before she left.

She had stolen a kiss. In a harsher way, she had violated him. After committing something so bad, did she think…hehe, no way!

Old Turtle laughed coldly, “Master, you are right. We have to go to the East Sea and hammer that Old Ancestor. How dare he threaten Miss Cang Zhu? That is absurd!” The Shadow of the Abyss had good hearing. Furthermore, they were very close and Qin Yu had been hugged tightly by Cang Zhu. As such, Qin Yu heard every word in the conversation between Cang Zhu and Old Ancestor.

That woman changed her mind at the last minute. Did she think that he did not have the capabilities to barge into the East Sea? Cough cough, it was true that he did not have the ability now. The great battle with the three-headed giant and the sudden explosion had reduced him to this state.

But that was alright. He did not have the ability previously, but he might soon have it. Qin Yu had established a connection with the altar and he was using its strength. Without it, the Rule System body would have been completely destroyed much earlier on. He would have died and he would not even be here thinking about these right now.

That’s right. Qin Yu was currently taking the altar’s strength under everyone’s eyes right now. It was now evident that Stone Pagoda was speaking about a real event that happened a long time ago. The altar really sealed the corpse of an innate spirit!

While the story might not be complete and there might be gaps in between, it was good enough for Qin Yu. He was still alive and that was the most important thing. Furthermore, if nothing went wrong, he would be the biggest winner in the Lost Garden very soon. He would personally bury the ancient creatures and make them draw their last breath.

However, the only thing that made Qin Yu uneasy was that this entire process had gone way too smoothly. He was not referring to the fact that he almost died and had to rely on Cang Zhu giving her all to bring him to the altar.

Instead, he was wondering why the altar or the corpse of the innate spirit acknowledged him. It had established a connection with him from the moment he appeared before the altar. The stream of energy entered him very smoothly and it had prevented the Rule System body from collapsing.

It was as if it had been prepared for Qin Yu’s arrival…if anyone else knew this, they would scold him for being too presumptuous. He had already obtained the best deal but he was still trying to bargain for more!

The innate spirit…the complete corpse of the innate spirit had sustained the Lost Garden and allowed it to go against the natural order of heaven and earth. The amount of power in the corpse was enough to let everyone drool a river over it. How could Qin Yu have such thoughts? Why didn’t he just die?

Qin Yu asked Old Turtle and Stone Pagoda about his suspicions after a while. He was mainly reliant on Stone Pagoda as he had accumulated a wealth of knowledge.

As he expected, the excited Old Turtle suddenly fell silent. It was evident that he did not foresee this.

Thankfully, Stone Pagoda did not disappoint. He spoke in a deep voice after a few moments, “Master, you are wise. I did not consider this point before but I think you are right. This whole process has gone way too smoothly…”

Old Turtle gritted his teeth. He really wanted to make a comment, ‘Isn’t a smooth process good? How many times have you almost died? Are you two paranoid because there isn’t a larger scheme?’ However, this thought only circulated in his head, and without any evidence, he would only embarrass himself if he said this.

Qin Yu asked, “What are you thinking of?” He could sense the hesitation in Stone Pagoda’s voice.

Stone Pagoda was slightly embarrassed. He cleared his throat and carefully said, “Master, have you ever heard of a ‘corpse spirit’? If it really is this case, I am afraid we are too late.”

Qin Yu frowned slightly and asked, “Corpse spirit?”

“Yes.” Stonen Pagoda sighed. He stabilized himself and continued bitterly, “Strong individuals who had power beyond a certain threshold would have their souls destroyed after death. However, their physical bodies would not rot and decay and they can sustain a large power. After a long time, a spirit consciousness can form in a corpse and this is called a corpse spirit.”

“I have always thought that a corpse spirit is such a rare thing and there was no possibility that it could appear. However, I never imagined that the coprse of the innate spirit would have a corpse spirit.”

Old Turtle’s voice shook and he asked, “Are you saying that there is a new consciousness in this corpse? Master, let’s run. Let’s hurry and run!”

If this was something else, Old Turtle might have mustered up his courage to fight to protect himself. However, this was an innate spirit. Even if it was a corpse, it had unimaginable strength and it could easily rip them apart.

Furthermore, Qin Yu had mentioned that that process was too smooth and this meant that the corpse spirit was cooperating with Qin Yu voluntarily. Old Turtle suspected that there was more to this. It was highly possible that Qin Yu has already been locked onto as a target by the corpse spirit.

This was so terrifying that Old Turtle was about to break down and cry!

Old Turtle had always thought that Qin Yu’s luck was through the roof and he had encountered all kinds of rare things. Although he had survived every incident so far and he had even emerged as a greater form of himself, who knew what could happen next?

Death was right before his eyes and he could smell its aura. If they weren’t going to leave now, were they really waiting here to die?

Stone Pagoda’s tone was dark and he said, “Master, maybe we were really too late. It is best that we leave now.”

There was a moment of silence.

Old Turtle was the first to suggest running away, but he too felt that it was such a pity as he looked at the black altar in front of him. The corpse of the innate spirit was theirs and it was right before them. However, they had to run away now. This kind of torture ripped his heart and it was a hundred times more painful than being skinned alive!

Old Turtle was not a very broad-minded person.

Qin Yu broke the silence, “The corpse of the innate spirit has successfully given birth to a corpse spirit. Why has it continuously allowed the Lost Garden to suck its power and sustain itself? Furthermore, how could the group of ancient spirits that killed the innate spirit not know about the corpse spirit?”

“The ancient creatures had long prepared for the corpse spirit!” Stone Pagoda agreed. He grew excited and said, “You are right. The corpse spirit has remained silent for a long time, and this is the most suspicious point.”

Old Turtle felt as though his head was about to burst. Many disastrous possible outcomes formed in his mind and he quickly said, “Master, you might be right but the corpse spirit voluntarily gave its powers to you. There must be some scheme in this…maybe…maybe…”

His mind was in turmoil and Qin Yu did not let him wallow in his misery further. Qin Yu added, “Perhaps the corpse spirit is helping me because it wants to find a sacrifice for itself.”

“That’s right! Master you are smart. It must be this case!” Old Turtle nodded quickly. But he soon realized that something was still wrong. Qin Yu and Stone Pagoda were both silent. However, this silence was different from before. Old Turtle felt an eagerness and excitement from them.

He was screwed! These two idiots. Do they really want to test their luck at this moment? Did they really not know what death was like?

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