Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 1298: Battle Of Saint Slayer (2)

The Half-Saint who was exposed widened his eyes. He stammered fearfully, “I…” Before he could finish, a ‘click’ sounded and his neck twisted to an odd angle.

A menacing force rushed into his body and obliterated everything in him. The light in his eyes turned dull as his soul was destroyed.

Silence filled the air.

At that moment, there wasn’t even the sound of anyone breathing. Everyone’s eyes were bulging open as they blankly stared before them. Their emotions rushed through them like waves, crashing and roaring.

The Vast Brightness World had existed for a long time and Saints were regarded as supreme beings here. There were at least three cycles of Saints coming and going; those who died naturally were a minority.

Since when were Saints as weak as chickens? How could they be so easily killed by a person with just a grab to their necks? However, this was what had happened and everyone had witnessed it.

A Saint had been murdered! The murderer was someone in a blood red robe. As Thousand Battles said, his name was Qin Yu!

How could this be? Back at the East Sea Banquet, Qin Yu had shocked everyone when he killed a Saint. However, he had barely done it after using all his strength.

Now, he flew through the air and reached forward with a hand. With a cold smile, he curled his fist together and instantly killed a Saint.

This entire process looked so easy but it showed his crushing power. Could a Half-Saint’s neck be twisted so easily? How about trying it for myself? Not to mention even touching the Half-Saint’s neck, you would be lucky to not be crushed apart.

Not much time had passed since the East Sea Banquet, yet Qin Yu’s strength had increased to the point that he could kill a Half-Saint with a single hand. This speed of improvement was immense. No, using the word ‘immense’ was not enough to describe how everyone felt right now.

It was unthinkable, unbelievable, insane and even terrifying. These words circulated in the minds of the crowd. The shock came from personally witnessing the murder.

Another Saint had died by Qin Yu’s hands. So far, he had slain two Saints. No, as the Peach Garden disciple said previously, Qin Yu had killed two Saints in a row. This must mean that there were at least three Saints who had died by his hands.

At that moment, all eyes were focused on Qin Yu. Disbelief and shock filled everyone.

Qin Yu released his hand and the corpse dropped to the floor. He turned towards Dragon Mountain and said, “You are next.”

With a single stomp, Qin Yu caused an instant collapse of the area around him. It was like an open mouth swallowed Dragon Mountain Half-Saint. The collapsing of the space was not meant to kill him but to trap him.

“Help me!” Dragon Mountain Half-Saint cried. He saw the black shadow of death about to befall him. He was not confident of blocking QinYu’s blow.

Bam –

Blood red rays shot out as a thick layer of its scent spread over the area. Everyone could feel the immense killing intent in that moment. The space collapsed in front of Dragon Mountain, blocking his path. Suddenly, an earth-shaking explosion happened.


Dragon Mountain Half-Saint spat out fresh blood. Disbelief filled his wide eyes. That was not possible, completely not possible. How could Qin Yu be this strong?

A flash of red rays shot past and a figure appeared. It was the Nether Saint whose illusion had appeared in Lost Garden not too long ago. His expression was calm but there was admiration in his eyes as he sighed, “I never expected that a young lad like you would have so much strength. It seems…” He paused as his eyes flashed red, “Qin Yu, the Peach Garden is doomed today. If you are willing to change sects, I am willing to accept you into the Netherworld. You will be my primary disciple and your status will be even higher than it is now!”

Qin Yu had been retreating back. He paused and his chest shivered. Yet, his heart was calm. True Saints from the shore were strong, but that was it!

As such, Qin Yu confidently laughed, “Nether Saint, you need not say such nonsense. I am a disciple from the Peach Garden and I will fight alongside my fellow senior brothers and sisters! Furthermore, you are thinking too highly of yourself if you believe you can destroy the Peach Garden!”

The Nether Saint shook his head in disapproval and sighed, “I wanted to give you another chance, but that’s too bad.” The deep red spark in his eyes suddenly exploded like two blood red seas that set off rolling waves of force. The Nether Saint’s aura erupted with destructive power. “Since this is the case, I will personally send you and the Peach Garden to hell!”

“What nonsense!” Qin Yu roared as he punched forward. Everyone, including Saints, could not help raising their eyebrows as they clicked their tongues.

The Nether Saint was one of the few top cultivators in the Vast Brightness World who was on par with the Spring Master and Scholartree Saint. Qin Yu had been so brazen to trigger him… However, on second thought, Qin Yu had so easily killed a Half-Saint. He had even taken a blow from the Nether Saint and appeared unharmed. He might be able to stand his ground.

Everyone was shaken by Thousand Battles’ combat strength, but Qin Yu was even more terrifying. He actually dared to look down on a True Saint. Was the Peach Garden crazy or were they ignorant of the ways of the world? It felt like they could no longer understand youngsters anymore!

The Nether Saint waved his sleeve and uttered, “Sea of Blood.”


Boundless blood red rays instantly shot out and illuminated the entire area. In an instant, a wide Sea of Blood had been formed. It had a piercing red color and its thick blood scent filled the air. Destructive and terrifying energy stored in the Sea of Blood made everyone’s hearts shiver!

A tsunami of blood rolled out and instantly engulfed Qin Yu.

Endless Sea of Blood!

One of the Nether Saint’s Great Divine Ways, it was formed by the murderous blood energy. The yin and poisonous energy within it gave it a corrosive ability. Anything that entered the Sea of Blood would be instantly eaten away.

With the Nether Saint personally attacking, the powers of the Sea of Blood was unimaginable. Any Half-Saint who fell into it would never need to dream of living again. Although Qin Yu was strong, he was still young. How could he know how powerful a True Saint was?

If he could not escape the Sea of Blood, he would be killed. Given that the Nether Saint had personally made the attack, did he think it would be easy to escape the Sea of Blood after being engulfed?

Many people had such thoughts circling their minds. The next instant, they were stunned.

“Is this all that a True Saint has?”

It was Qin Yu!


A loud sound followed as the Sea of Blood was ripped apart, revealing Qin Yu. His blood red robe looked perfectly kempt and he appeared fine.

His voice rang loud and clear as he looked at the Nether Saint, “It would be rude if I did not greet you. This bow is for you!”

His punch condensed energy together and crushed the heavens and earth. It formed a terrifying black line.


A loud roar came as the Nether Saint’s body exploded with bright red light. He turned into a Blood Demon shadow and raised his hand to throw a punch out.

Bam –

One of the limbs of the Blood Demon shadow was blown off and his large eyes stared intently at Qin Yu. There was no fear and the murderous intent in him was dense.

The Nether Saint frowned, he could feel that Qin Yu was strong. He had not expected that the Sea of Blood would do no harm to him at all. It showed that the strength of his physical body was terrifying.

Perhaps his guess was right. The large corpse of the Spiritual Snake…otherwise, there was no way to explain things. How else could a young man like him become so strong so quickly?

His eyes turned dark like the bottom of a well. They burnt with passion and greed. If he could capture Qin Yu and refine him, the position of Ruler… could be his!

“Blood Demon, go!”

He pointed forward and the Blood Demon roared. It flashed forward, pulling away from the Nether Saint. It entered the Endless Sea of Blood.

Kaboom –

The entire Sea of Blood shook violently and with a low rumble, it started to fall apart. The Blood Demon stepped out from it, its eyes locked onto Qin Yu. It raised its arm and threw a punch out.

Qin Yu scoffed. Is it trying to compare physical body strength? Qin Yu was not the least bit afraid! There was a growl in his body, and suddenly his flesh, muscles and bones stiffened and strengthened. In an instant, he turned into a thousand foot tall giant.

Amidst the blackness a pair of eyes appeared. They were pitch black and looked deep and endless. Rough and fearful auras burst out and the greatest hunter from the Abyss finally released destructive and murderous intent. It was even scarier than the Blood Demon opposite him in the Sea of Blood.

Without hesitation, the Abyssal Titan entered the Sea of Blood. The two colossal giants clashed against each other.

Deafening roars shook the skies and terrifying shock waves rolled out. The space distorted and there seemed to be an invisible path that encased the two massive giants within the Sea of Blood. It was hard to see what was going on.

Was this…the Battle from Shore? No, this was not completely correct. At least, there was a rough outline. If they were stronger, it could completely condense.

The giant formed from Qin Yu rushed into the Sea of Blood to fight against the Blood Demon. However, his real enemy was the Nether Saint.

At that point, the battle between the two almost led to the Battle from Shore. This was to say that the scary power from the fight had been judged by the Vast Brightness World to be a battle between True Saints from the shore.

Although everyone knew that Qin Yu was very strong, strong to the point that he could kill a Half-Saint with a single strike, they now realized that Qin Yu was so strong he could compete against a True Saint!

A young man could become so strong so quickly…

What happened in the Lost Garden? It was obvious that the solution was here! Everything that suddenly happened here, including why the Nether Saint and Scholartree Saint allied together to destroy the Peach Garden and conducted this battle of Saint Slayer, could be explained by the Lost Garden. It was possible that the two Saints knew something and that was why they suddenly attacked!

This was something that True Saints would give their all to obtain. With this thought, everyone started to glow in anticipation. Their eyes sparkled. If they could break through the True Saint? They could obtain far greater benefits!

Qin Yu was such a young man. After he obtained the treasure, he could fight against a True Saint. If they got the treasure too, they would be even stronger.

That was right, the strength of a True Saint far exceeded that of Half-Saints struggling in the Sea of Bitterness. However, this did not mean that the cultivators here were not qualified to fight for the treasure.

If this was the case, the Vast Brightness World would no longer have a stable Saint circle anymore. The power and respect given to a True Saint and the honor and strength of a Half-Saint both had to be acknowledged.

The reason for this was not just because True Saints might not be able to easily kill a fleeing Half-Saint. More importantly, Half-Saints were in the Sea of Bitterness. If they used it as a medium and joined forces to defend against an enemy, they could forcefully pull a True Saint into the Sea of Bitterness if they had numbers.

True Saints had reached shore; their Great Dao had been refined into a path that passed through the Sea of Bitterness. If they were pulled back into the Sea of Bitterness, their Great Dao would be incompatible with the sea and their internal imbalance would cause self-destruction. If they were lucky, they would escape with injuries. In the worst case, they would receive backlash from the Sea of Bitterness.

This was the key to why Half-Saints had been able to exist independently with friendly attitudes towards each other for numerous years in the Vast Brightness World. They were natural allies!

Coincidentally, there were a number of Half-Saints in the Lost Garden. If everyone worked together and fought against the two, it might be possible to take down the two True Saints. As such, they were qualified to enter the battle.

Of course, everyone wanted the entire treasure for themselves. Yet, even if this was not possible, they could split a portion of the treasure afterwards. This would be better than letting a young man from the Peach Garden take everything for himself and be the terrifying existence he was now.

Lastly, a deep thought that existed in everyone’s minds was how a mere Peach Garden disciple, Qin Yu, could suddenly gain such fame. Who was he?

The cultivators exchanged looks but looked away quickly. Although no one said much, they understood each other’s intentions. A lost but powerful alliance was formed in an instant.

It was scary to offend a True Saint. However, if there were enough benefits to come from this, there was nothing a cultivator would not dare to do. Half-Saints were no exception to this.

“Master, the eyes of the onlookers are turning greedy. You have to end this quickly or you will lure them into the battle. It would be hard to control the state of this fight then.” Stone Pagoda’s serious voice rang in Qin Yu’s mind.

Old Turtle had gained a physical body and he was free to roam the earth. It would be a lie to say that Stone Pagoda was not jealous. However, such things had to come with luck. After the Shadow of the Abyss left, the closest partner to Qin Yu was him.

It was hard to compare gains and losses but Stone Pagoda was satisfied. He was happy with his current state and even more excited by the striking strength that Qin Yu showed today.

Even if the Nether Saint’s dao quintessence had been previously used up and he was no longer at his peak potential, he was still incredibly strong. He somewhat had the qualifications now to seek revenge against those who owed him a debt for all these years.

Stone Pagoda was keen to protect Qin Yu. Anyone who dared to interrupt Qin Yu would first have to face Stone Pagoda!

Qin Yu was his greatest hope now and nothing could happen to him. As such, even if he appeared powerless in the face of battle, Stone Pagoda was alert. He immediately issued a warning the moment he sensed something amiss behind.

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