Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 1304: Overblown Turtle

A light flashed across the sky, cutting through the clouds and forming what seemed like a cut. On the ground, a few young cultivators looked up in admiration. In the world they lived in, not only was there a huge sea, there was also a very powerful demon beast. Only powerful cultivators dared to fly through the sky.

They wondered how much longer it would take before they could fly freely.

What they did not know was that the sword cultivators they admired were not looking good right now. One junior cultivator was extremely pale and he could not hide the fear in his eyes.

Especially now – the special blue that belonged to the sea had appeared.

The one right in front was an old cultivator wearing a black sword robe. It seemed as if he detected something as he frowned, “Sun Yang, we have to take responsibility for our wrongdoing. In the Transcendent Sword Sect, there is nothing that we dare to do but do not dare to admit.”

Sun Yang argued back, “It was her pet that came out and hurt others. I did not know and after I found out I let it go…”

“Shut up!” The old man in the black sword robe growled. He frowned and looked at the people around him. “I know that you all may not be pleased with this. Yes. Strictly speaking, Sun Yang did not do anything wrong. But these are the rules of the Vast Brightness. Although our Transcendent Sword Sect is strong, we cannot compare to the True Saint across the shore. Moreover, this is his favorite daughter. We cannot afford to irritate him.

“Since we are not as powerful, we have to be submissive. Although it is slightly against our Transcendent Sword Sect’s teachings, rules are rules. Only by abiding by them and surviving can we have a future. If not, if we remained stubborn, our sect would have already been wiped out numerous times!”

Taking a deep breath, the man in the black sword robe lowered his voice, expressing all the suppressed feelings he had, “You may all be indignant and angry. Remember these feelings. Use them to work harder to improve your cultivation. One day, when our Transcendent Sword Sect has a True Saint, we will no longer have to bow down to others and will be able to reason it out with them with our heads up high!”

Pa –

Pa –

A clapping sound could be heard. The surface of the sea suddenly split open and a Giant Turtle appeared. A group of prawn soldiers and crab generals surrounded it. Dragini did not look friendly as she clapped, “The cultivators from Transcendent Sword Sect only have this method. Something like this can even be used to teach your disciples. But why does it sound as if you are accepting a compromise only to get revenge later on?”

The old man’s expression changed slightly. He had not expected to meet the master here and have her hear everything he said. However, he was still considered experienced and after a short moment of fluster, he stabilized his emotions and greeted respectfully, “Greetings Your Highness, Dragini, I am Black Sword Fang Zhou from the Transcendent Sword Sect. The words that I used when disciplining my disciples were not good. Please pardon me Your Highness.”

Dragini glanced at him, “Black Sword? That means you were personally sent by the Sword Saint to warn me?”

The old man in the black sword robe waved his hands, “I did not mean that. I only told you my position to express my respect towards you. Today, I am here because my disciple, Sun Yang, accidentally hurt your favorite pet, and we are here especially to ask for your forgiveness.” He then turned and growled, “Bastard, her highness Dragini is in front of you now. Aren’t you going to ask for forgiveness? You should be begging her highness to be magnanimous and forgive you!”

On one hand, he displayed a sincere attitude of asking for forgiveness. However, he also interspersed his words to expose everything. This cold-looking man in the black sword robe was actually very smart.

Perhaps Dragini would forgive them because of the Sword Saint’s reputation and the fact that the man in the black sword robe had personally brought the wrongdoer to apologize. Unfortunately, Dragini had been feeling moody recently. She stared at Sun Yang who was bowing in apology and smirked, “Is this the sincere apology from the Transcendent Sword Sect? It sounds good but does not look sincere.”

Black Sword immediately ordered, “Kneel down!”

Yang Sun gritted his teeth as his face flushed. But under his teacher’s strict gaze, he slowly lowered his head.

“It is such a small matter. Just let it go and don’t bully others.” Black Sword’s face changed slightly as this voice came from behind him. Was the person saying this one of his disciples? If it was, this was going to be bad!

He turned and was stunned. The person who spoke was indeed behind him and did not intend to hide. However, he was not a cultivator from the Transcendent Sword Sect.

He breathed a sigh of relief but tensed up in the next moment. Tiny beads of sweat immediately appeared on his forehead as fear and respect filled his eyes.

If this person had not spoken, he would not have realized his presence. His ability to conceal himself made those around him develop a cold sweat.

Luckily, this young cultivator did not seem to have any ill intentions towards the Transcendent Sword Sect. If not, they would not even have known how they died.

The more he thought about it, the greater his fear. Black Sword instinctively greeted respectfully, “Greetings, I am Fang Zhou from the Transcendent Sword Sect.”

The reason why he had described this person as young was because in the Vast Brightness World, there were a lot of old seniors who liked to pretend to look ‘young’. If they only judged a person based on their outward appearance, the result would be quite emotional.

And today, in Fang Zhou’s perspective, this ‘young’ person was most likely one that was pretending to be young. If not, that person would not have spoken to Dragini in such a casual tone.

Black Sword was someone who was reputable in the Transcendent Sword Sect. But compared to Dragini, he was nothing. He did not recognize this person in front of him but with Dragini’s status, she most likely knew.

Delight filled his heart and he was grateful. After all, if someone powerful like this person was here, today’s situation would most likely be cleared. Besides, it was not like there was an unresolvable vengeance between them.

Dragini frowned, “Who are you?”

Black Sword was stunned.


This was not what he had expected. Dragini did not recognize this person. His hand trembled and beads of sweat appeared on his forehead once more.

“Dragini, don’t you recognize me?” Across from her, the young cultivator smiled.

This face was unfamiliar, but that smile…Dragini’s body jolted as a face appeared in her mind, one that had been in her mind numerous times.

Him, it was him!

She sensed his gaze and that expression as if he was smiling. Dragini was sure. Her first thought was, damn it. He was here for revenge.

Very soon, she stabilized her emotions and tried to make her mind work once more. If he was here for revenge, there was no need for all these troubles. Moreover, he had changed his face.

As long as he was not here for revenge!

Dragini relaxed and forced out a smile as she greeted respectfully, “Greetings…Mister. I did not recognize you earlier; please do not be offended.”

The Nether Saint had been killed by this person in front of her and the Spring Master. It was said that in that battle, he had faced two True Saints alone and was not disadvantaged at all; he even had an advantage.

If she had not asked around to reconfirm the news from various sources, Dragini would never have believed such a horrifying thing!

Respectful, she had to be respectful! I cannot let him find any faults. If not, Dragini was afraid that even if her father came, he would not be able to protect her.

Qin Yu smiled as he had already witnessed this behavior of hers before, being flexible and taking advantage of the situation. But today it seemed as if she had mastered it almost to perfection.

He turned to wave at those from the Transcendent Sword Sect, “I have something to say to Dragini; you all can go.”

Black Sword’s heart jolted as his voice became more respectful and he bowed, “May I ask for your name for me to know who helped us today?”

Qin Yu raised his brows, “There is no need. I am somewhat acquainted with Soaring Sky from your sect. You all can leave.”

“Okay, we will take our leave.” Black Sword turned and led everyone away. A sword glare flashed across the sky and they disappeared.

Sun Yang looked back, his face full of emotions, “Black Sword, that person…” He got cut off before he could finish. Black Sword glared at him, “Hush!”

He instinctively looked around. When he found nothing amiss, he breathed a sigh of relief and said quietly, “He did not want us to know who he is. When we get back, don’t say another word about it. Understand?”

“Yes Black Sword!!” His disciples answered in synchrony.

Yang Sun pursed his lips, “Black Sword, don’t worry. We know how serious this matter is. It is just that that person’s cultivation…”

Their eyes lit up.

Black Sword looked at them before pointing up into the sky, “The only type of people that can make Dragini behave carefully must be at least on the same level as the Dragon Saint.”

A…True Saint from the shore!

On this side, after making those from the Transcendent Sword Sect leave, Qin Yu’s gaze landed on Dragini, “Where are you going?”

Dragini wanted to make up a story. However, when Qin Yu looked at her, she felt herself lost for words. She could only chuckle bitterly, “I am going to greet my father in the East Sea.” She carefully made adjustments. After all, she could not say she was going to the East Sea to hide.

Qin Yu pointed a finger, “Very good, I was also about to visit the Dragon Saint myself. Let’s go together.” He glanced over and the army of prawns and crabs froze on the spot. Under his gaze, they felt as if they had turned to wood. “Come along.”

Alas, Qin Yu had another reason for coming. He did not want others to know where he had been. It seemed like he really was not here for revenge.

Dragini truly breathed a sigh of relief as she rushed to say, “It is my honor to travel with you. I believe my father will welcome you.”

As for what Qin Yu wanted to do, she could not bother with considering whether the Dragon Saint would really welcome him.

Qin Yu moved and landed on the Giant Turtle. In a second, his entire aura disappeared.

Dragini’s face froze. She realized that if she did not turn to look at him, she could not sense him at all. With his power as well as this concealment ability, it would be extremely easy for him to kill whoever he wanted.

She could not offend him!

The Giant Turtle had a sharp sense and was shocked at how Qin Yu was already on his back. He only refocused after Dragini kicked him. He stumbled as he flew towards the East Sea.

On this day at the East Sea Palace, something funny happened. It was rumored that the Giant Turtle that Dragini often rode had used to be energetic. However, after carrying Dragini into the East Sea Palace, its legs grew weak and it fell flat onto the floor. It then started to have foam coming from its mouth as its four limbs cramped. It had to be sent to be treated immediately as if it caught an ‘Overblown Turtle’ disease.

It was a pity. The hardworking Giant Turtle had been scared shitless by Qin Yu on the journey to the East Sea Palace, but it had persisted to maintain its will and not give up. Unfortunately, it got the name ‘Overblown Turtle’ because of this and it was lamentable.

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