Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 1320: This is Easy

Right at that moment, a voice came into his head, “Thank you Dragon Saint for your help. I am very grateful for it!”

Qin Yu! It was Qin Yu!

Cough cough cough…

Who is going to tell me what is going on? Is my hearing bad or has this world gone mad?

It was definitely that Darkness True Saint in front of him!

As though he sensed the disbelief in the Dragon Saint, the voice continued, “Dragon Saint, you did not hear wrongly. It is really me, the ninth disciple of Peach Garden, Qin Yu. Thank you for your help. I will need you to help me put on an act later. We will watch as the two others fight against each other for their lives!”

The Dragon Saint’s eyes widened and he looked as though he lost his entire soul. At that instant, he suddenly understood everything.

Two Darkness True Saints had not descended. From the start, Qin Yu had been putting on an act. Somehow, he managed to play out everything.

He had not taken a closer look and he hurriedly scanned the scene. The two Darkness True Saints were fighting each other. Looking at that vigor, they were definitely battling for their lives.

Aside from that, there was also a large ball of black flames that seemed to be circling something…Fire of Eternal Night. Gosh, it is actually the killing machine of the World of Darkness. Why was it here?

All of a sudden, the next heavens’ catastrophe struck. Lightning burst and covered the thing inside a ball of black flames. It was Black Turtle, it was actually Black Turtle! He might not have noticed everything but he surely recognized the turtle shell that cost him a tooth.

The target of the heavens’ catastrophe was Black Turtle!

How could this be? The World of Darkness was trying to transform him and they must have made the preparations…wait, the two Darkness True Saints were fighting to their deaths in front of this. What else was not possible?

Qin Yu, it must be him. The Dragon Saint swore that everything was related to him.

What did this man do?

Not only did he pretend to be a Darkness True Saint, he even incited Thousand Saint and Hundred Saint to fight each other, throw Black Turtle into hell…he was a devil!

The Dragon Saint’s expression changed and his eyes sparkled. Right, Qin Yu was right. Dragon Saint was here because of the close relationship between the East Sea and the Peach Garden. Additionally, the ninth disciple of the Peach Garden looked highly upon him and he came to help despite the risk.

It was like this!

Acting. I was good at this. Aren’t we going to pretend to fight? Back then, Spring Master pretended to fight with me too but he made a sneak attack incredulously. Otherwise, I would not have been put to shame.

These crazy thoughts flooded his head and the Dragon Saint tried to suppress them. He forced a smile, “Cough cough, it seems like I made unnecessary actions. Even if I did not help, you would have easily completed everything.”

Honestly, Qin Yu knew the Dragon Saint’s exact objective when he came rushing to the Red Peak Straits.

However, old people were like that, they maintained good relationships as much as they could. Otherwise, there was no way to survive in this cruel world.

There was no need for him to feel guilty and he would do whatever he wanted next. He did not need to feel ashamed.

“Dragon Saint, what are you saying? With your help, I can take a breather.” He hesitated and then continued, “However, East Sea is a large family and you are not alone like me. If World of Darkness wants to blame someone, Spring Master could have pushed the entire blame to me. However, Dragon Saint, it will be hard on you.”

Upon hearing this, the Dragon Saint almost cried. If he knew this, he would not have barged in. However, he was now involved in everything. Lies would also become truths and any explanation he gave to the World of Darkness was useless.

Why did I believe you!

He laughed bitterly, “Please let me know what to do to avoid becoming enemies with the World of Darkness.”

Qin Yu threw a punch out and dark aura flowed out. From the outside, it looked extremely convincing as forces gushed out. “Stop talking. We need to be professional in our act, Lord Dragon Saint. Otherwise, it will not look like one and we will be dragged in.”

The Dragon Saint lightly coughed, “This is hard. You are already here. Whether or not I interfere, I can’t wipe myself clean from Black Turtle’s death.”

He almost cursed but controlled himself at the last minute. Isn’t this your good plan? You are the one who got yourself in trouble, why am I punished alongside? Yet, on second thought, Qin Yu did not call him along and he had barged in voluntarily.

The Dragon Saint’s expression grew uglier and he wanted to get himself a slap. What an idiot!

“Mister Ninth you are right…so what do you think we should do next?” Hold it in. When everything is over, stay away from Qin Yu.

This brat was an unlucky star. Everywhere he went, something would go wrong. This is so hard!

Qin Yu waved his sleeve and another monstrous blow was formed. He smirked, “Actually it is very simple. Thousand Saint wants to take action against me and he called two Darkness True Saints. Of course you took notice of this. His summoning process had an issue.”

“Either way, I am confident that neither Thousand Saint nor Hundred Saint would tell this to anyone. This also means that if we keep our hands clean and clear up the mess, no one will know about things here.”

The Dragon Saint was stunned!

He glanced at Qin Yu and looked at him a second time. After confirming that Qin Yu was not joking, he sucked in a cold breath of air.

Qin Yu had spoken so casually but the meaning behind his words was frightening!

Simply put, Qin Yu wanted to kill people. He would kill Hundred Saint and Thousand Saint, killing off all involved in the situation.

What did he think about True Saints? Were they just vegetables off the sides of the road? Could he casually cut them and eat them?

If True Saints could be killed so easily, they would not be titled lords. They would have been killed off…Qin Yu just killed a True Saint not too long ago. The Nether Saint’s corpse had not yet turned cold. Was Qin Yu conducting an operation to kill True Saints?

Absurd! Absolutely absurd!

Even if he was willing to ally together and even if he did not know why the two Darkness True Saints were fighting each other, the probability of success was not greater than half. If he showed any signs, people would turn their heads and there was no way to stop them!

His heart jerked but he had to control his emotions and maintain a calm expression, “Um…Mister Ninth…I think this is a bit…”

He was interrupted midway. Qin Yu calmly asked, “Do you think it is not possible? I acknowledge that it is hard. Unless, Lord Dragon Saint, do you have a better idea?”

If I knew what to do, would I be talking nonsense here with you?

The Dragon Saint’s voice shook, “Is there no other way?”

Qin Yu shook his head, “There is nothing in this world that comes for free. If Dragon Saint does not want to become enemies with the World of Darkness, this is the only choice. Kill Thousand Saint and Hundred Saint and cover up everything in the Red Peak Straits. Even if we are under suspicion, if we deny it, World of Darkness will not be able to obtain any evidence. Will they dare to declare war on the East Sea? Rulers will not let them be so brazen! Of course, you can leave now. After all, you did not do anything and you aren’t like me. Maybe you can explain your way out.”

The Dragon Saint gritted his teeth so tightly, his mouth ached. He now saw it clearly. From the start, Qin Yu wanted to get rid of everything. The Dragon Saint was stupid and he ignorantly came here on his own accord and he was now trapped in Qin Yu’s play.

How could he leave now? How was he different from Qin Yu? This was an obvious threat to his face! The meaning behind his words was clear. If they could not kill Thousand Saint and Hundred Saint today, the Dragon Saint would be targeted by the World of Darkness. There was no way he would be able to live peacefully while constantly being chased.

Qin Yu you are so brazen and vicious!

He sighed deeply and finally uttered, “Fine, I will ally with you!” the Dragon Saint gave in, “Tell me what to do.”

Qin Yu nodded before he explained the plan. Dragon Saint sighed and he suddenly shouted, “Thousand Saint, since everything has been exposed, let’s kill them quickly. We can’t leave any traces!”

The act was carried out smoothly. His tone was one of defeat and helplessness. Then, a sharp killing intent filled him, making the whole act very believable.

Thousand Saint was stunned and he truly wondered if he actually allied with the Dragon Saint. Did he forget something? No no no, it wasn’t like this. There was no such thing!


Thousand Saint shouted and anger filled his heart as rage boiled up his chest. He felt like he was going to explode from anger.

Who could explain what was going on? Once again, he asked himself, how did things become like this?

Hundred Saint scoffed, “There is no use in shouting. Your scheme has been thoroughly exposed. Today, I will represent World of Darkness to get rid of you, the traitor!”

“It isn’t me! I did not do anything! Qin Yu… It must be him who called Dragon Saint!”

“No matter what you say, I only believe what I have seen. Stop trying to deny it, no one can save you!”

Thousand Saint spat out blood again. He was helplessly wronged and he felt awful. His breathing grew ragged and his eyes turned bloodshot.

What was happening before him was no longer important. Black Turtle was finished and he would definitely be punished. Hundred Saint and Ten Thousand Saint would point the blame at him and what awaited him was a terrifying punishment.

Because he was a True Saint, he might not be killed. However, he would be suppressed by the World of Darkness and he may not see daylight for a very long time. Furthermore, he would have to undergo an interrogation constantly for a period of time and this thought made his heart shiver.

He could not run as every cultivator from the World of Darkness was tracked. Unless he died, he would never be able to leave the World of Darkness.

The redness in his eyes grew darker and he screamed, “You guys forced me. You guys forced me to do this.” His arm pressed forward, “Fire of Eternal Night, refine him!”

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