Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 1331: One Cannot be too Flamboyant

Amongst the interlaced Sun Moon light rays, the mouth of the woman curled as she sneered. Her eyes were still filled with annoyance. The expression on her face…more or less said, isn’t my appearance enough? Very good, excellent!

The blood red flame continued to burn but did not emit any heat. It was like a ball of color that fell into the sea water.

Buzz –

A vibration emitted from within the iron lump. The restrictive force in the sea water disappeared. It was like a huge mouth as it swallowed the flame.

Very soon, it was like it could not bear the power contained in the flame. Its black color disappeared like ice melting under a scorching sun. No, more accurately, it was in the midst of disappearing. Not a single impurity was left behind as it vanished completely.

A uniformly circular crystal cylinder about as thick as an arm appeared in front of Qin Yu. Compared to the coarse and black iron lump, it was like heaven and earth.

He suddenly staggered as if he had been pushed roughly. Qin Yu rushed forwards to grab this crystal cylinder.

Then…the crystal melted.

The moment it touched Qin Yu, it became liquid and numerous illusions immediately appeared in Qin Yu’s mind.

Sword, spear, halberd, arm shield, armor…and more. Images of these rapidly flashed through his mind and Qin Yu had a realization – this crystal would turn into whatever shape he wanted.

A sword!

The liquified crystal flowed and continuously grew longer. A long sword, exactly like what he had pictured in his mind, appeared.

The sword was slightly wide and smooth with nothing fancy. The surface looked slightly grey as if dust had settled after not being touched for a long time.

From the outside, it did not look at all impressive. And the word ‘ordinary’ would describe it perfectly.

When his gaze fell, the sound of a sword immediately rang in Qin Yu’s mind. It was clear and melodious as if it surpassed all beings. A horrifying tearing suddenly occurred in his mind.

Even though he was the owner of the sword, he could still sense the murderous intent from it.

The word ‘horrifying’ was not enough to describe the feeling it gave Qin Yu. He could not help but swallow. At this moment, the thought in his mind was – it might kill him before he could kill anyone else.


What kind of situation was this? It was nothing like what he imagined. Qin Yu felt as if his entire body had gone stiff.

“Hmph! At least you are somewhat smart.” The woman in the Sun Moon illusion snorted at him, her eyes still filled with dissatisfaction. “I am warning you. Before you complete your Great Dao, you had better not use it. If you don’t listen and you die, don’t blame anyone for it.”

She paused before continuing, “Anyway, let me also warn you. Don’t call for me or I will really whack you!”

She turned and took a big step, her illusion disappearing with a ‘poof’.

Sealing of memory…it was not that she did not want to but she could no longer do it. Just the fact that Qin Yu had a semi-finished True Saint Great Dao was enough to reject the seal on his memory.

Keke…this smelly brat was improving at a much faster rate than she expected. She had yet to think of how to use him.

This time, when she got back, she would not sleep first. She had to think about this. She had spent so much effort on him. She could not just leave him be and not order him around.

The long sword slanted its pointed end as if to assess Qin Yu. It then realized that this owner of its was in a ‘dried out and powerless’ state.

With his semi-finished Great Dao, it was not enough for it to even take a sip. If not for…hehe, how could you have met our expectations? Forget it. At a place like this, it would just tolerate.

Whoosh –

The sword did not hesitate as it turned its sword tip to Qin Yu’s head and flew towards him. The hairs on his back stood up. His first thought was that this thing was rebelling.

The second thought was, I am doomed!

It was as fast as lightning and did not give Qin Yu any chance to dodge. The sword pierced into his chest.

Thankfully, his chest did not burst open and spout blood. It was just like an illusion as it disappeared immediately…this sword had merged into Qin Yu’s body!

He quickly closed his eyes and sensed his body.

Hooo –

After a few moments, Qin Yu let out a long breath. He was panting as he lifted his hand to wipe his sweat. He could not help but laugh bitterly.

What was this? He had spent so much effort yet he was not even qualified to use it.

Not only that, he had suffered a rude and horrifying shock.

That’s right. The sword merely scared him. If Qin Yu could not even sense this, he would not be qualified to do anything.

This was embarrassing. Very embarrassing!

Think about it, he was being looked down upon by his own item. This was a feeling…lifting his hand to rub his face, he looked around. Not noticing anything different, he then turned and walked out.

The sea water was the same as before yet it was completely different. Because the power that it had contained had disappeared completely.


The Spring Master smiled.

With a ‘plop’, the Dragon Saint fell onto the floor. His entire expression was pale as he curled up pathetically.

His eyes were empty as he looked at the gap in the mountain range that Qin Yu was walking out from. Qin Yu's silhouette was reflected clearly in his eyes yet it looked slightly blurry…as if in a dream.

Ah ah ah ah!

How the Dragon Saint wished that this was really a dream. Qin Yu had actually succeeded in retrieving the thing in the mountain.

The Dragon Saint was utterly heartbroken. Not only because he had lost something precious but because his entire confidence had been trampled on.

How many years had it been since he found the thing in the mountain? He had served it carefully and even tried all sorts of ways to curry favor with it. After so much effort, he finally managed to take a few steps.

Although success was still far for him, the Dragon Saint had confidence. As a True Saint, as long as he was not killed, he could keep trying until he eventually succeeded.

He had thought this way and had done so.

When he first met Qin Yu he was just a slightly more outstanding junior who moved the Dragon Saint.

Yet in just a short time, he had become Mister Ninth of Peach Garden and possessed a position that the Dragon Saint had to treat with respect.

He entered the mountain and when he came out, he was holding the thing from the mountain…why?


I am the Dragon Saint and I put in so much effort for so many years, yet I cannot compare to a junior. With just a bit of effort, he had done it.

The Dragon Saint’s pride was utterly crushed! If his emotional control was not strong, he would have gone crazy.

Qin Yu waved, “Master, I was lucky.” Turning, he nodded at the Dragon Saint. “Thank you Dragon Saint.”

He was not mocking him at all.

Although Qin Yu had definitely been embarrassed by the long sword, he was still able to clearly consider other things. This showed that he was in such a good mood he could not be bothered by this trivial matter.

Of course, he was feeling good. He was feeling so happy he could fly!

He needed a completed True Saint Great Dao in order to attempt to wield this sword. Just this fact alone showed how scary it could be.

However, he could not be too flamboyant…moreover, the Dragon Saint was looking extremely devastated. Qin Yu felt that he was doing well by hiding the joy he was feeling.

Hehe, one cannot be too flamboyant.

He had already reaped the benefits. He did not have to do something stupid like letting everyone know what he successfully got and making people jealous of him. Was there any benefit to that?

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