Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 1336: One Must Know Their Place

Mister Ninth of the Peach Garden, it really was him. He was famous among the Saint circle and it would not be an exaggeration to say that his name boomed like thunder among cultivators.

Firstly, Qin Yu’s achievements were too brilliant. As a cultivator of the young generation, he was a powerful individual in the Vast Brightness World, killing a few Half-Saints and even killing the Nether Saint. This was unimaginable!

Secondly, Qin Yu had risen to fame in such a short amount of time. Not many people had seen him ever since he became famous and many superpowers in the Saint circle were spreading news about him. The reason why was simple. They wanted everyone to know about him and memorize his face. If they met him in the future, they ought to run as far away as they could. No one should provoke him.

However, it was obvious that they were already in deep trouble!

The two kneeling cultivators sweat buckets and their faces turned ashen. Their hearts beat furiously thinking about Qin Yu’s current status and power. With a single word, he could sentence their entire family to death!

His eyes swept across the two people and the one who salivated on the ground. Qin Yu patted Snowside’s shoulder and said, “You have been wronged. I came here personally for you. What do you want to do with this person and his foul mouth?”

He was giving the deciding power to Snowside.

The two cultivators turned hurriedly and bowed profusely, “Miss Snowside, please help us. My master spoke out of rashness and he was not trying to offend you!”

Snowside wiped her eyes, feeling grateful. Of course she knew why Qin Yu said this. Especially the ‘I came here personally for you’.

Qin Yu did not forget her, he remembered her!

She took a deep breath in and glanced at them. In a soft voice, she said, “It isn’t too severe. Forget about it.”

Qin Yu frowned, “Forget about it?”

Snowside nodded.

Qin Yu uttered in a low voice, “You guys are lucky. Get lost!”

The two cultivators beamed with joy, having escaped death’s door. They grabbed the salivating cultivator and dashed off as fast as they could. The limp cultivator hit his head on the top of the stairs and a ‘bam’ reverberated through the tavern. They disappeared in an instant.

Nonsense, if they did not go off now, would they wait for Mister Ninth to change his mind?

Although they ran fast, they needed to give an explanation at the end. Did they really think things would settle just like this?

Hehe, that is too ignorant! Taking the initiative instead of waiting for Qin Yu would result in a better outcome for them.

“I am a little hungry from my journey. Let’s sit down and eat first before leaving.” Qin Yu pulled a chair out for Snowside and sat beside her.

There was no need for instructions and everyone turned and left on their own. In the blink of an eye, everyone left the tavern.

At the same time, the news of Qin Yu coming to the East Zhou Family spread like wildfire.

Outside the tavern, a large number of cultivators stared at the young man by the window of the tavern with admiration.

Qin Yu’s status today was massively different from back then. However, it had not been long. There were many people who saw his cultivation and quickly verified the authenticity of the news. As such, the city was shaken.

While they did not know Qin Yu’s true strength, they could guess from the rumors that he was at least as strong as a True Saint. Most of the time, people did not have a chance to see top cultivators of the Vast Brightness World. With their status, it was hard for them to have a chance to meet.

The owner of the tavern was ecstatic. With what happened today, his tavern would be bustling. His business would boom.

He sent a servant to fetch some rare wine from the cellar. After carefully preparing the wine, he personally sent it over and said, “Mister Ninth, welcome to our shop. It is our pleasure to serve you today so everything is free. You can have a taste of this wine; I will take my leave now.”

Qin Yu lifted up the wine and opened it. Taking a whiff, he smiled, “He is sucking up to me. Even with this, I will not do anything for him.”

Snowside glanced at him and said, “Your appearance here is already a very valuable gift for the shop.”

Qin Yu poured a full cup of wine for Snowside, “Long time no see, cheers.”

She grabbed the wine with her two hands and said sincerely, “Qin Yu, thank you.”

Then, she gulped down the wine.

Qin Yu smiled as he drank as well.

Footsteps could be heard from the stairs. East Zhou Duly walked in and bowed, “I did not know of your arrival, please excuse me.”

Qin Yu looked at her and said, “Miss East Zhou, we are old friends. Please do not say that, come and sit with us.”

She was calm and she laughed. She knew that after today, malicious rumors about her inheriting the seat of the family head would disappear. She was someone whom Mister Ninth invited to sit and eat with him. This was a convincing point!

“I am hungry so I will help myself.” East Zhou Duly sat down and faced Qin Yu. She could not help sighing, “If I didn’t see you personally, I would not believe it. We’re all cultivators, and when we first met, you were weaker than me. Now, I am so far away from you. Snowside, how can someone so incredible exist? Us ordinary cultivators have such a difficult life.”

Snowside blinked and answered helplessly, “Family Head, don’t say that. If you are an ordinary cultivator, I do not deserve to live.”

Qin Yu smiled and shook his head. He raised another cup, “Alright, today, us old friends meet again. We don’t need to talk about this. Cheers.”

East Zhou Duly and Snowside exchanged a look and raised their cups together with him.

The wine that the tavern staff gave was truly a treasure. The taste and aroma permeated their mouths with each cup they drank and it did not seem to end. The three did not stop drinking.

The girls did not use their cultivation to suppress the alcohol and East Zhou Duly and Snowside’s faces grew red. They became more open when they talked and they became more bold when Qin Yu did not seem to mind them.

Snowside even confessed about her desire to get pregnant. East Zhou Duly’s eyes widened and she looked at Qin Yu.

“Don’t look at me. It is her wild imagination; my mind is clear and I am not going to become crazy. Nothing is going on.”

East Zhou Duly laughed, “Even if there is nothing on, look at Snowside’s expression. Although she isn’t saying anything, she must be happy.”

Qin Yu rubbed his forehead. This drunk woman was so bold, she dared to tease him.

He looked at Snowside. Not only did she not want to explain, she even raised her eyebrows at him, daring him to try.

When alcohol got to her, she was very bold.

Qin Yu put his cup down and looked at Snowside, “Have you really decided not to follow me?”

There were a few things that did not need to be explicitly said. From the start, Snowside chose not to say much but Qin Yu already understood.

Silence momentarily filled the air. East Zhou Duly looked at Snowside; her mouth twitched but she did not say anything. A look of worry crossed her face.

After a few moments, Snowside nodded, “Mm, I am not going.”

Qin Yu did not say anything, his fingers drummed against the table and he muttered, “The Peach Garden is a good place and everyone there is nice. You can live…”

Snowside smiled and cut him off, “I really like this place. Every day is fulfilling and Family Head treats me very well…furthermore, your visit here today will mean a brighter future for me. Perhaps, I will choose a man someday and start a new life. This is good enough for me. I am satisfied.”

Qin Yu nodded, “I respect your decision.” He turned to East Zhou Duly, “East Zhou Family Head, I will leave her to you. If Snowside marries in the future, please send someone to the Peach Garden to announce the news. I will be there personally to congratulate her.”

East Zhou Duly nodded, “Mister Ninth, don’t worry. As long as I am here, Snowside will not suffer.”

She changed the way she addressed him to signify her sincerity. She made a promise today and unless something troubled the entire East Zhou Family, she would not let Snowside suffer. This would be a reason for Qin Yu to be angry.

As such, this sentence was very important.

Qin Yu nodded. Looking at Snowside, he said, “Take care of yourself. If you change your mind anyday, the Peach Garden will always welcome you.”

He stood up, “I will go now.”

He stepped out and instantly disappeared.

Snowside stared blankly ahead and her eyes immediately reddened. She hurriedly lifted her hand and wiped her eyes, “This is so embarrassing for you to see me like this.”

East Zhou Duly stretched her hands forward and hugged her, “You dummy, why did you reject Qin Yu? I can see that although he is famous now, his feelings for you did not change. He was truly sincere in inviting you over. Do you know how many people in the Vast Brightness World would wrack their heads now to think of a way to get close to him? These people will never stand a chance.”

Snowside sighed and her tone grew solemn, “I know Qin Yu has not changed. Otherwise he would not have come here…” She paused and raised her head, “However, some people are just meant to be passing folks in our lives. He is too fast and I will never be able to catch up to him. Even if I forced myself to follow him, I would not be able to withstand the fame that comes with power. I would only be someone who he would always have to protect.

“Maybe Qin Yu is fine with that, but I don’t want to be his burden. Furthermore, Miss Peachy is a very good woman. If I go to the Peach Garden, she might get angry…one must know their place and hence I am willing to stay here. After today’s meal, and with Qin Yu’s promise, no one will dare to provoke me. I can live every day happily and I don’t have to be as cautious as in the past.”

A complicated look crossed East Zhou Duly’s face. If they changed places, she did not know if she would be able to do the same as Snowside. However, Snowside was right about one thing. Some people were meant to be passing folks in their lives. Perhaps he made an unforgettable memory for her. However, she did not have the qualifications to go with him.

She could not chase after him and could only desire…

East Zhou Duly’s eyes darkened. In the past when she was still a young lady, she had the same experience.

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