Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 1353: Scaredy Bird

No rush, he had to carefully analyze the current situation.

The reason why he was being chased was because he had the Inextinguishable Flame from Li Zhouyi. It was evident that both the Mysterious Clan and the Darkness Faction wanted the Inextinguishable Flame.

It was precisely because of it that the clashing factions were able to locate Qin Yu through some mysterious measures.

In order to hide from his pursuers, Qin Yu had to find a way to hide the aura of the Inextinguishable Flame. The furnace was useless in this aspect.

Thankfully, aside from the furnace, Qin Yu had obtained a Fire Spirit. With the Array Spirit’s consciousness in it, it was currently asleep.

Based on what Stone Pagoda said, he had to wait for the Fire Spirit to be awakened. With its ability to control fire, it should be a piece of cake for it to cover the aura of the Inextinguishable Flame.

As long as Qin Yu could last until the Fire Spirit awoke, he would be able to rid himself of his greatest danger and go invisible.

Being invisible did not mean that Qin Yu would stay away from the warring factions. In fact, with Qin Yu’s current strength, it was highly unlikely for him to be able to find the Inextinguishable Flame by himself.

His best option to solve this issue was to rely on the World of Darkness Faction. Since they could obtain fragments of the Inextinguishable Flame, they would definitely be able to locate the main body.

Qin Yu breathed in and suppressed his thoughts. It was useless to think too much; he first had to last till the Fire Spirit awakened.

It wasn’t that he was not confident. However, after listening to Stone Pagoda’s briefing about the factions, Qin Yu felt that they were much stronger than he initially thought.

Qin Yu was not affected much by True Saints in Bounded Zero Place. Even with three to five of them allying together, he was confident of escaping.

However, what if someone stronger than a True Saint appeared? This was a possibility. Qin Yu only had one life and he could not take such a risk.

What should he do?

Continuously moving was his best option. With the space waves in Bounded Zero Place, he could constantly shift his location.

But relying on this alone was not enough. Who knew what kind of techniques the World of Darkness and the Mysterious Clan had?

Stone Pagoda said, “Master, you can create an avatar with a portion of the aura from the Inextinguishable Flame to attract the attention of the other parties. You can protect yourself in this way.”

A wave of consciousness entered Qin Yu’s mind and it quickly gave him more information, “This is a very simple way to create a puppet. Master, you can try it.”

He looked over it and asked Stone Pagoda some questions. After confirming that nothing was amiss, Qin Yu decided that the puppet-making technique was not too difficult. After two tries, he created a fire ball in his palm. Contained in it was a small amount of Inextinguishable Flame.

Although the construction of the puppet would use the Inextinguishable Flame in his hand, he ignored this for now.

Firstly, it was only a small amount. Qin Yu was using a technique to increase the aura of it to lead people wrongly.

Secondly, such a small amount was of no use to him anyway. Once the Fire Spirit awakened, Qin Yu would be one step closer to finding the real Inextinguishable Flame.

Third and most importantly, this was for his own safety. If he was alive, what belonged to him belonged to him. But if he was dead…sorry, everything he had would go.

For him to give his life up for a valuable treasure was a stupid thing that Qin Yu would not do.

The puppet constructed out of the aura of Inextinguishable Flame had to find a medium. Qin Yu was prepared for this.

There were many living creatures in Bounded Zero Place. Because of the broken rules and the chaotic space, many creatures had weird forms. There was one type of creature that Qin Yu encountered a few times and he had a deep impression of it.

Hmm. As mentioned before, the creatures in Bounded Zero Place had unique appearances, and Qin Yu called this creature the Scaredy Bird.

The reason for the naming was simple. This creature, like other creatures, had a violent personality and they would scream at strangers and fight them without a second thought.

If the bird killed its opponent smoothly, the prey naturally became its meal.

However, if it made a mistake and its opponent was stronger than it thought, it would flee immediately. The demon energy that it used to scare its opponent would be absorbed back.

Furthermore, it would never stop as it fled and it would get itself as far away from danger as it could.

Qin Yu had a deep impression of this creature, but not because of its lightning speed as it fled. There was one occasion where he coincidentally bumped into the same Scaredy Bird that fled from him. It had been running for over a day after meeting him.

It flapped its wings violently and a screeching wail came from its throat. As though it was being chased by a mad creature, it would fly into the sky and rush into a small world fragment that disappeared into the turbulent space waves…it looked exactly like it did when it first fled.

Qin Yu had been speechless when he saw that scene and he marveled at how much the bird valued its life.

As such, the Scaredy Bird name was very appropriate. Calling it ‘Afraid To Die’ Bird was also appropriate.

That’s right, Qin Yu chose this bird as the medium for the Inextinguishable Flame puppet.

A bird that would not stop running after being frightened was the best choice for him.

If the Darkness Faction and the Mysterious Clan fell for his trick and chased the bird…hehe, they were going to be busy!

He was going to do it.

Qin Yu turned to find this species. Perhaps this bird did not like cleanliness; it did not bathe for many years. As such, their feathers gave off a light but distinctive stench.

With the Rule System Body, Qin Yu was very sensitive to smell. Additionally, this bird was keen on exploring the landscape and it was common to see it in Bounded Zero Place.

After exploring two small world fragments, Qin Yu successfully found it. His luck was good and he met two birds at once.

These two birds seemed to have been together for a short while. If Qin Yu had not disturbed them, the two birds would have mated and had children of their own.

As such, Qin Yu spoilt their day and the two birds were outraged. Allying together, they attacked him, determined to teach him a lesson.

Evidently they overestimated their strength. Qin Yu was no weakling that they could bully.

The so-called partner birds separated instantly when they met danger. Besides, they weren’t mates in the first place. Who would be in the mood to mate anymore? Hurry and fly away!

Qin Yu could not distinguish the sex of the birds and he could not be bothered about it. He casually flung the Inextinguishable Flame puppet forward. This entered the body of one of the birds.

Although he did not understand the bird’s emotions, he saw its eyes widen and its feathers stand. Its body shrunk and stiffened and it was completely fearful of the Inextinguishable Flame aura.

In the blink of an eye, the scared bird took off. It flew a few times faster than Qin Yu thought it could. Wow, its potential was frightening!

This outcome exceeded his expectations and Qin Yu was very pleased with his choice. However, he did not have the time to praise himself. There was another bird fleeing.

Since he wanted to divert attention and hide himself, it was necessary for a few to have measures. Of course, the main reason was that creating a new diversion was easy.

Qin Yu had not put much effort into chasing the birds before. If he did, they would not be able to run away.

The bird before him pulled its wings back but it could not avoid Qin Yu’s hand. Instantly, his hand reached out and formed a vice-like grip around the bird’s neck; he almost snapped it.

Qin Yu laughed, “Don’t struggle or your neck will really break. Don’t blame me then, I will not take on this responsibility.”

The moment he said this, the bird’s eyes stared pitifully at Qin Yu, begging him for mercy.

These pitiful eyes tugged at his heartstrings.

What a play!

“Stay calm and don’t move.” With these words, Qin Yu quickly motioned actions of an array.

The moment he released his hands, the bird’s wings twitched. Then, it stiffened and abandoned all thoughts of escaping.

A ball of fire appeared in Qin Yu’s palm. Looking at the shivering bird, Qin Yu smirked, “You are smart. All I can do is wish you good luck.”

The puppet only contained a small amount of Inextinguishable Flame. If its aura was deliberately released, it would be used up very quickly. And if the bird was not found then, it would be able to keep its life.

As such, Qin Yu felt that he was already being kind for leaving a way out for the bird. He waved his hand and the bird immediately flapped its wings. ‘Shoosh’ the bird flew away in a flash.

His two ‘avatars’ were complete!

Qin Yu turned and left. This was not enough, he had to double his efforts at minimum.

After all, the more ‘avatars’ there were, the safer he would be.

Half a day later, Qin Yu waved his hand and released the Scaredy Bird. He sighed deeply.

The twenty-first one!

More than half of the Inextinguishable Flame in the furnace had been used up. No matter how much more Qin Yu urged, it was not willing to spit out more.

Thinking about it, twenty-one avatars was a bit much. If he was still found even after all this, he had rotten luck. Even if he created a few dozen more avatars, he would still be discovered.

What he needed to do next was to follow his ‘avatars’ and urge the Fire Spirit to awaken. From the furnace’s senses, he did not need to wait too long.


Qin Yu’s body flashed and he headed for the boundary of the small world fragment!

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