Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 1379: Seal Pact

Qin Yu was not hesitant to kill people, especially if they were from the Mysterious Clan. As such, he did not feel affected by Number 327’s hateful glare and his heavy killing intent.

He believed that the hatred between the two of them could only be resolved if one of them died.

Despite the accident, it was still a success since he obtained the two keys. The only bad thing was that he originally wanted to wait it out. There were still hidden cards that had not been played by the two clans. There would be many more hidden dangers to face in getting the ship to sail smoothly.

Simply put, the two camps had both lost their keys and they were both going to target the ship with a heavy stench of blood because of the Blood Sacrifice.

As such, taking the keys and making use of the fragmented area’s ancient True Saints was the simple part of the plan. If he considered the next step of boarding the ship…everything in the world was like that; gains and losses were needed to strike a balance.

By this point, Qin Yu was in no mood to think about this. Even if he had the time, he would not bother pondering over it.

However, the truth was always different from ideal. He had to face the great problem of operating the ship successfully.

Soon, Qin Yu realized that he did not need to solve this problem by himself. The fragmented area’s ancient True Saints came to find him.

Obviously, one had to have some abilities of their own to negotiate with people. One had no right to give people conditions if someone could easily crush them with a finger.

“You are really clever to play the two camps in your palm. I admire you.” A warm and gentle voice suddenly rang in the silence. Qin Yu maintained a calm expression and said, “Your hidden strength is also incredible and you hid everything from me…also, I am quite curious. How did you manage to find my aura?”

The space in front of him floated like water and a middle-aged man in a black robe walked out. His skin was clear and he had defined features. His dark eyes gave him a wise look.

He cupped his hands together and smiled, “I have some small tricks up my sleeve that help me recognize auras.”

Ever since Qin Yu refined the Rule System Body and used the innate spirit energy to transform, this was the first time he had been exposed by someone. It was definitely bullshit for the man to say that he had specific skills.

However, the man had said it as a passing remark and he wanted to test Qin Yu. Qin Yu looked at him and went straight to the point, “Close Saint, did you seek me out to stop me and steal my keys?”

Close Saint shook his head, “I did consider that, but after meeting you, I gave up on this thought.”

He straightened himself, “Also, I would like to apologize to you first. I hesitated to act previously and that was rude of me.”

Qin Yu remained expressionless, “It is alright. Instead, I need to thank you for your help. Otherwise I would not have been able to obtain the keys.”

This was the truth but it would be awkward to say it directly.

However, this was exactly Qin Yu’s attitude. He was strong and overbearing.

Did they do their research to see how many True Saints he had killed before? You dare to take advantage of me? You are lucky you are still alive!

Close Saint was not angry. The world operated in this manner. If you have strength, you could act freely.

He smiled and said, “Virtuous Nine, I am here today in hopes of collaborating with you to board the ship.”

Qin Yu’s eyebrows were raised, “What makes you think I will work with you?”

Close Saint replied, “If we do not reach an agreement, you will not be able to operate the ship even with the keys. I am sure you know of this. My words are not an exaggeration: if I say it, I will definitely do it.”

Qin Yu fell silent.

In actual fact, he was silent for the sake of it. He had already guessed Close Saint’s intentions before he even spoke.

The basis of their collaboration was a threat.

Since he could not lure Qin Yu, he could only give him a threat. Under such circumstances, would the fragmented area ancient True Saints need to think twice on what to do?

Qin Yu had to be silent to appear as though he was put in a spot and he had to take a step back. For Qin Yu, who was such a great actor, putting on an act was very easy.

He frowned slightly and his expression darkened. This showed that he was conflicted and unhappy.

Close Saint was not in a hurry and he smiled as he waited. If Qin Yu was not stupid, he would make the right decision.

As someone who watched everything, Close Saint naturally knew that Virtuous Nine was not dumb.

As he expected, after a few moments Qin Yu sighed deeply and said, “Alright, I will agree to let you guys board the ship, but the keys are mine. You guys will settle the boarding of the ship.”

This was his decision.

Firstly, there was no way for Qin Yu to avoid them and board the ship alone. Secondly, because of the war, the wise decision was to ally with these True Saints and use their strength against the two camps.

Close Saint’s eyes narrowed and his smile grew faint, “Virtuous Nine, you should know that this is not a simple matter.”

Qin Yu said, “I did so much more to get the keys and this is my only condition. If you don’t agree to this, why don’t you try taking the keys away from me?”

He was so cold!

Granted, he did this because he was absolutely confident in his strength.

So what about the ancient True Saints who closed themselves away in cultivation?

In Bounded Zero Place, no matter how strong they were, they would be under constraints. With Qin Yu’s current strength there was no need for him to be fearful.

He might not be able to go against a whole group of ancient True Saints, but he was confident in escaping.

Close Saint fell silent; he could sense Qin Yu’s resolution. Then, he slowly nodded, “Alright, I can agree to these terms.”

He lifted his hand and a bright light flowed out from his palm. Slowly, the energy interlinked and formed a weird ancient Seal Pact.

Looking at Qin Yu, Close Saint’s eyes flashed and he said, “To ensure that we both stay true to our words and to prevent mishaps, please sign this, Virtuous Nine.”

Stone Pagoda’s voice echoed in Qin Yu’s head, “Seal Pact…I can’t believe someone still knows of this. Close Saint must be very very old.

“He is testing you and he altered the Seal Pact during its construction. Thankfully, I did my research on this before.”

These words flowed through his mind. A few moments later, Qin Yu smirked, “Close Saint, are you trying to take advantage of me for my lack of experience? There is something wrong with your Seal Pact; if you don’t fix it, I will not sign on it.”

Close Saint laughed out loud and bowed, “It is a small test. After all, we are still unfamiliar with each other.”

He laughed joyfully and he did not appear awkward at all after being seen through. His skin was so thick, it was definitely built up through the years.

He lightly pressed on the Seal Pact and it shook slightly. Inner markings within the Seal Pact changed.

Stone Pagoda said, “He he, Close Saint isn’t very truthful. He added more markings when changing it. Never mind, since he wants to play tricks, we will go along with it. When you sign on it, use a Blood Pact. I will channel some of my powers in. Once he discovers it, he will be in for a rude shock.”

Qin Yu did not doubt Stone Pagoda’s words. A short while later, he pointed his finger and a drop of blood shot forward. It was absorbed into the Seal Pact.

“Blood Pact…” Close Saint frowned, “Virtuous Nine, you are very sincere. I will not let you down.”

He also allowed a drop of blood to be absorbed into the Seal Pact. There was buzzing sound and the blood ignited and vanished. An invisible force flowed from the Seal Pact and tied the two drops of blood together.

In general, their agreement was to collaborate with each other and work together.

Close Saint cupped his hands together, “Virtuous Nine, please wait while we make the preparations…” He paused and then broke into a smile, “If there is anyone you are concerned about here, please notify them to leave. Otherwise, we might accidentally harm them too.”

Qin Yu’s eyebrows raised and he uttered, “Okay.”

Close Saint smiled and he turned and left. As his body flashed, he entered the space and disappeared.

Once he was gone, Qin Yu flipped his palm out and took out a jade slip. He allowed his divine sense to flow into it and he marked it. A few moments later, the jade slip vibrated slightly from feedback.


He squeezed his fingers tight and the jade slip shattered. Qin Yu stepped forward and flew off.

A few moments later, he left the scene and met up with the rest of his group.

“Greetings to Mister Ninth!” The group of four bowed. There was worry in their eyes.

Qin Yu could guess what they were thinking and he updated them, “Everything has gone smoothly. I obtained what I wanted.” Soaring Sky, Rice Paper, Zhou Lei, and Ruan Jing smiled instantly and they felt relieved. Mister Ninth was so capable.

The ancient True Saints had interfered and they instantly disrupted the situation. Yet, his plans were not affected.

Looking at the four smiling faces, Qin Yu took out a fragment of the Great Dao from the Nether Saint. He split it in four and said, “We have done well. As per the agreement, this is for each of you.”

Although this was what he promised, the group of four felt uncomfortable when Qin Yu took out the Great Dao fragment.

They felt like they did not do anything. Qin Yu made the plans while they were just side actors. This reward was too much and they felt embarrassed to take it. Yet, it was not possible for them to turn it down.

Their hearts pumped fiercely out of excitement!

A Great Dao fragment from a True Saint was valuable loot. It would be such a pity if they missed out on it.

The four people’s eyes sparkled and they bowed, “Thank you, Mister Ninth!”

Once they took the Great Dao fragment, they felt its aura. Even Soaring Sky, who came from the refined Transcendent Sword Sect, felt excited.

There was no way for any one of them to calm down. All of them were eager to close themselves in cultivation immediately.

Qin Yu told them, “What happens next should not involve you guys as it could be very dangerous. Store this item well and I will suggest that you guys leave immediately. Of course, I will not stop you if you choose to stay.”

The four people did not doubt Qin Yu’s judgment at all. Since he said that it was dangerous, it would be very risky for them to continue.

Was this Qin Yu’s attempt to lie and scare them away to keep the loot for himself? Hehe, was there a need for that?

Soaring Sky was the first to bow, “Thank you for the reminder Mister Ninth. I have been in Bounded Zero Place for a long time already and I ought to leave now.”

Rice Paper, Zhou Lei, and Ruan Jing all nodded, “Yes, we have decided to leave too.”

They knew very well that the real battle in Bounded Zero Place had yet to begin. The World of Darkness, the Mysterious Clan, Qin Yu, and the ancient True Saints were all participants. It would be foolish of them to interfere.

They would be wise to know their place!

However, Soft Peach did not think the same way. She stared at Qin Yu, “I am not going to leave.”

There was determination and resolution in her tone.

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