Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 1383: Second Personality

The giant ship was destroyed, and even though the group put in their best efforts, their only fate had been to be to go down with it...but this horribly tragic ending hadn't occurred in the end.

Qin Yu sighed in relief, but his expression didn't relax. This was because the pervasive blood red coldness before him was constantly trying to invade his body.

A bad feeling…

Vengeful spirits were considered weak enemies for a high rank cultivator as they could destroy them easily. However, there was nothing absolute in this world and there would always be exceptions. This was the case for the ship that had experienced numerous Blood Sacrifices and killed many living beings.

Over time, under the influence of the Sacrificial Array, who knew what powerful being could survive for so long?

Despite that, Soft Peach did not need to appear so helpless with her strength? Her reaction seemed real. Tsk tsk, no, women are natural-born actresses, even more so for pretty ones.

With such a thought, Qin Yu turned to look at Soft Peach. Ever since they entered the ship’s cabin, she had quietened down considerably.

At that moment, her eyes were closed and she leaned against a corner of the cabin. Her body had curled up and she looked like a helpless creature.

She was actually asleep…Qin Yu’s eyes narrowed and he suddenly frowned. No!


His body flashed and he appeared beside Soft Peach. Surprise filled his eyes and his expression was stiff. He could feel that this woman had fallen prey to an illusion.

Qin Yu tried to wake her with his voice. When she did not wake up, he hesitantly reached out and placed his finger between her eyebrows.

The moment his finger touched her forehead, a large force surged out and instantly pulled Qin Yu into an illusion.

Blood, a lot of blood. It covered the entire world and the smell of blood was so thick it made it hard to breathe.

Suddenly, a hand appeared and wiped the scene in front of him. The world before him became clear and it shook slightly.

So it was not that the blood covered the entire world. Instead, her face was covered in blood. However, this did not seem to matter. Perhaps because it was an illusion and Qin Yu was taking her place, he could feel the fear and desperation as she tried to escape.

Escape, she was escaping with all her might, and although she did not know where she was heading…she did not dare to stop!

Dead, they were all dead.

A massive sense of fear seemed to trigger her mind. Most of the fleeting images that flashed by Qin Yu’s eyes were distorted and fragmented but he was still able to deduce what was going on.

Who did this? Why was she being chased? How was this related to the Peach Garden? There were these three points that he could not answer.

If this was really the Peach Garden, that meant Soft Peach had already been exposed. The Spring Master would not have let her off.

Additionally, Qin Yu was sure that he was not in an illusion now but that it was similar to a memory extraction.

The main character was Soft Peach!

Suddenly, the scene in front of him changed and a deep, pitch black hole appeared. Ice cold aura continued to seep from the hole. Soft Peach looked behind her and a black figure hurried towards her.

She jumped down.

The hole was very dark and the coldness was bone-chilling.

Furthermore, it was very deep. After jumping in, Qin Yu felt like he was falling for eternity. There was no end.

There were ghosts in the hole!

Actually, from Qin Yu’s perspective, this was a place where darkness gathered. It was a naturally occurring array that attracted souls. Once the souls were sucked into the hole, it became their death ground and hence, the hole was a graveyard for the ghosts.

When Soft Peach fell into the hole, she became their meal. Numerous souls rushed over from all directions. The cold air that accompanied them howled and it entered Soft Peach’s body. These souls were trying to devour her soul and possess her body.

The ghosts were fighting among themselves for her body. A decisive battle that involved the ghosts devouring and tearing each other apart started in order to determine the victor.

Soft Peach was still alive for now because of the internal fighting amongst the ghosts, but she would be dragged in occasionally. Every ghost was trying to devour her and when they killed each other they would also attempt to make a move at her as a desperate attempt.

As such, the Ghost Devouring Soul phase started.

The world was mostly in a peaceful state and large scale battles rarely occurred. The once-popular Ghost Path gradually disappeared and there were few among the new generation who knew of the Ghost Path.

However, for some ancient creatures, the Ghost Devouring Soul was something that would shake their hearts.

Stone Pagoda was one of them.

His sigh revealed his shock and exasperation. He took in a deep breath and slowly explained, “No wonder this avatar is so strong. This woman…incredible!”

The scene in front changed again. Now fallen to the ground, Soft Peach’s eyes suddenly flung open. The black in her eyes was gone and her pupils were grayish white.

The ghost robbery began!

Numerous souls had been torn apart. Eventually, those who tried to devour Soft Peach met a shocking and terrifying event.

They howled as they tried to run. Soft Peach faced the sky and cried loudly. Her voice carried a strong killing force towards the ghosts. Suddenly, the frightened ghosts that were trying to escape suddenly burst into pieces and they turned into balls of black red mist.

When her crying stopped, Soft Peach sighed deeply. The black red balls from the ghosts were rapidly sucked into her body. This was a painful process for Soft Peach.

As the mist entered her, Soft Peach suffered and contorted. Her flesh cracked apart and formed a twisted face that tried to tear through her skin and escape from her body.

Qin Yu was only an observer and he could not feel her pain. Yet, he could sense her pain and despair clearly.

This was her memory of what happened to her. Qin Yu suddenly realized why she was fearful of the vengeful spirits on the ship. It triggered this memory.

However, it was a bad decision for these vengeful spirits to choose Soft Peach as their target.

Buzz –

A powerful resistive force pushed Qin Yu away. His heart tightened sharply and it felt like a hand was squeezing it.

Qin Yu landed on his feet and retreated backward. In the next moment, Soft Peach’s eyes suddenly opened. Her eyes were grayish white.

A cold smirk spread across her face. Her expression was pale and her entire demeanor had changed. It was cold and mysterious and it seemed like a creature that emerged from the darkness. This creature could easily kill without hesitation.

She glanced at Qin Yu. A flash of curiosity was in her grayish white eyes. Then, her mouth opened and she screamed. No, it was not a scream that came from her but a powerful tremor.


Qin Yu’s mind entered a state of blankness.

“I found you.” Soft Peach suddenly uttered as she licked her lips. She whipped around and grabbed. Her hand that seemed to reach through empty air grasped something.

A figure slowly appeared. It had countless tentacles and each of them was covered with eyes. At this moment a large number of tentacles wrapped around Soft Peach’s arm, but they could do nothing to her.

It seemed as though every ghost was insignificant in front of her.

“Little brat, you are quite bold. Did you come to me voluntarily since you knew I was hungry from sleeping for so long?

“I won’t be kind.”

Soft Peach smiled as she lowered her hand and pulled the figure closer. She opened her mouth and breathed in sharply. With a sudden ‘bang’, the figure burst into pieces that entered Soft Peach through her nose.


Soft Peach rubbed her stomach in satisfaction, “Not bad, not bad. Very tasty. I wish I could have more.”

Suddenly, she frowned. Something seemed to bother her.

Her hand reached out and there was a low vibration. There was suddenly the sound of a taut guitar string snapping.

Her grayish white eyes stared in one direction and she smirked, “Hah, I was wondering why a little brat would dare to attack me. It seems like the creature behind it is a coward. Why run so fast if you are scared?”

Soft Peach licked her lips. She muttered to herself, but it was like a public announcement, “Just wait. I will eat you.”

Suddenly, she frowned and a look of dissatisfaction crossed her eyes.

However, this expression quickly disappeared. An agreement seemed to have been made. Soft Peach glanced at Qin Yu and smiled as her eyes shut. When her eyes opened again, they were their original color. The mysterious and dark creature-like personality had suddenly disappeared.

Soft Peach forced a smile and her pale face made her seem very vulnerable. She asked, “She didn’t scare you right?”

Qin Yu shook his head. He held a serious expression and asked, “Who was that?”

“My second personality.” Her lips twitched, “You should have guessed already that she appeared back then. I hate this feeling of losing control over my own body, but I have to admit that if she did not appear at that time, I would probably have died.”

She looked at Qin Yu, “If you want to kill Peachy, this is the best chance to kill me. Otherwise…please help me. I am actually really scared now.”

She closed her eyes. This time, she really fainted. Evidently the appearance of her second personality took a huge toll on her body.

Qin Yu frowned as he thought about her words.

There was no way that Soft Peach would be willing to continue as an avatar. For her to continue living, Peachy had to die. More accurately, she would need to absorb and merge with Peachy. This was not important to him. But as another avatar, Ning Ling would also be affected.

This was something that Qin Yu would not allow to happen.

However, if he wanted to kill her…he did not know whether her second personality would jump out now. His intuition was also telling him that killing her suddenly was not a good idea. This was also the reason why Qin Yu had not attempted to kill her despite being with her for so long. Perhaps there would be value in sparing her. He might be able to use a secret technique that could be useful in the future.

Of course, he needed to consult with Stone Pagoda for this. As someone who seemed omnipotent, he had been forced to pretend before. This was his moment.

Stone Pagoda turned him down.

“Master, you should abandon this thought. As a Ghost Devouring Soul individual and someone who had counter-devoured numerous other souls, her soul has already undergone a drastic change. If not for her lack of innate strength and the fact that she is just a soul seed, she might already be the one filling the empty seat of the Ruler.”

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