Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 1387: Some Things Were Better Left Unsaid

Boom –

Boom –

Low hitting sounds could be heard. The surface of the blood ‘egg’ rose and fell repeatedly as it looked to be suffering strong hits. But there was no point.

Li Quanji sneered. Continue to waste your energy. The weaker your willpower, the easier it will be to break you and the faster you will die.

This was going a lot better than he had imagined. All he needed to do was wait. Once he killed Qin Yu, he would help Close Saint deal with Soft Peach.

As for whether Close Saint would form an obstacle, Li Quanji was not worried. He was prepared.

At this moment, if Li Quanji could see through the blood ‘egg’ and take a look at what was happening inside, he would realise that things were not as he imagined.

Qin Yu was indeed hitting repeatedly, but he was extremely calm and his eyes were filled with energy.

He was neither angry nor scared. He was also not anxious or panicking…there was only one explanation. Qin Yu was not frantic at all. He was hitting the blood ‘egg’ as a show.

It was a show for Quanji as well as Close Saint and Soft Peach.

Okay, the most important one was Soft Peach. He wanted to find out how powerful she was through this, along with what tricks and methods she had.

Although this may seem despicable and could even put Peachy and Ning Ling at risk, Qin Yu had to be cautious. He could not let anything go wrong.

Moreover, up till now, he and Soft Peach were still strangers. Qin Yu had no reason to feel guilty.

So when the blood ‘egg’ started to form, Qin Yu had this idea and decided to do it.

Soul Shattering was a scary technique but Qin Yu had gone through a heart calamity and this was nothing. His will was incomparably strong and was not affected by external forces. Moreover, there was Stone Pagoda…

Qin Yu was really curious about what this thing had eaten to grow, or what he had experienced. It seemed as if there was nothing he could not do.

For example, the negativity that accompanied the shrieks – it was like snacks to Stone Pagoda. He casually ate whatever came. Qin Yu suspected that he could eat for several days and nights without a problem.

“Master, are you not worried that Soft Peach will be in trouble?” Stone Pagoda spoke, “Although I cannot determine the exact relationship she has with Peachy, for a Soul Seed Avatar to be so strong, it most likely will affect the real body.”

Qin Yu replied, “I understand what you mean. If something happens to Soft Peach, Peachy will be implicated. Hence, it is why I have been resisting.

“Since I cannot directly attack her, I have to think of other ways to find out what she is hiding as well as her true abilities. Now is the best chance.”

There was one more thing that Qin Yu did not say. He did not believe that Close Saint could really hurt Soft Peach.

Although this woman acted slightly crazy in front of him, like a dumb girl in love, how could she be weak if she was able to force the Half-King to back off? She was very powerful, more powerful that she seemed!

This was why Qin Yu urgently wanted to see Soft Peach’s true abilities. As the saying goes, to know yourself and know your enemy. It was so that he could be prepared…subconsciously he knew that if Soft Peach were to want to do anything to Peachy, there would be a huge fight.

Boom –

Boom –

Qin Yu was still attacking the blood ‘egg’ and the frequency and strength of his hits was falling compared to earlier on.

Since he had decided to put on a show, he would do the full effects.

Soft Peach was taking all this in. When she removed the ‘black seed’ she frowned slightly. It was not because of the pain she was feeling right now; this pain was nothing compared to the pain from the Ghost Devouring Soul back then. The pain she felt then was over a hundred times more than this.

Qin Yu should not be so weak.

At least, from what Soft Peach felt, he was not easy to deal with. Li Quanji might have become stronger after merging with the Blood Sacrifice Vengeful Spirit, but not to the point that Qin Yu would be in trouble after a single hit.

But this was what was happening now…she could not take the risk.

Soft Peach was sure that Qin Yu had some form of power within him that could help her take the next step. After she took this step, the positions between the actual body and the avatar may be able to be switched.

This was the sole goal that Soft Peach had been fighting for until now. She would not allow anything to happen to Qin Yu. Even if it was only a possibility.

“Get out!” With a soft shout, Soft Peach pulled and the ‘black seed’ was finally removed.

Close Saint groaned. When the ‘black seed’ was torn out, he felt a backlash. However, his eyes glowed, “You are anxious.”

Removing the ‘black seed’ was not just a matter of simply pulling it out of her body. Through this long drawn out process, Soft Peach had been suppressing and destroying the ‘black seed’s’ current state.

Initially, she only needed to continue suppressing and destroying the ‘black seed’ steadily to completely suppress it and retaliate against Close Saint.

However, she was anxious and rushed the last few steps. Although the ‘black seed’ was out of her body, it was still ‘alive’.

Pak –

Close Saint pointed sharply and the ‘black seed’ vibrated. ‘Crack’ it shattered.

While the ‘black seed’ was destroyed, Soft Peach was the one that got hurt. She sighed and her face paled. There were numerous cuts on the surface of her body. The cuts were a vibrant red colour and looked like little opened mouths.

But comparatively, this was minor. If Soft Peach did not remove the ‘black seed’ and allowed it to enter her whole body, when Close Saint pointed his finger, her whole body would have shattered.

Close Saint lifted his hand and grabbed. Fresh blood surged from these cuts and gathered in front of him. He sucked it up and looked drunk. He smiled, “The taste of fresh blood is great. I believe your body is very suitable to become a Ghost Path puppet.”

Soft Peach lifted a hand and touched between her brows. A red dot appeared and the injuries on her body healed completely. She glanced at Close Saint before turning to dash towards Li Quanji. She reached out and tapped.

“Soft Peach, you are actually disregarding yourself for this man!” Li Quanji laughed as his eyes turned sinister, “Tsk, tsk. Alas, women are not rational and believe in imaginary things like love.

“The more you care, the more he becomes your mistake. How can I let you rescue him so easily?”

Li Quanji waved his sleeve. Endless blood red colour burst forth like a blood mist, surrounding her. As Li Quanji clenched his fist, the blood mist pulsed and contracted intensely, a huge force pressing inwards.

Boom –

The blood mist dissipated and Soft Peach flew out. She touched the blood ‘egg’. At this moment, her face changed and she looked at Li Quanji sinisterly.

“Hahaha! Soft Peach, you fell for it!”

Numerous thin blood webs suddenly appeared on Soft Peach. They started off faint but in a blink of an eye, they were concentrated.

If one looked carefully, they would realise that these blood webs on Soft Peach were the same ones on Li Quanji.

It was as if the moment Soft Peach touched the blood ‘egg’, it spread to her body.

Li Four Season’s eyes were heated, excited, cold and cruel. His breathing became heavy, “Now, you have nowhere to run!”

Opening his mouth, he sucked intensely.

Soft Peach trembled, and the numerous injuries that had healed once again reappeared on her body. However, this time, fresh blood did not flow from the wounds but faint white mist appeared.

This was the power of souls. Or more accurately, this was Soft Peach’s soul power!

What Li Quanji wanted to get was her soul, which had survived through the Ghost Devouring Soul and even finished absorbing it.

Once he obtained it, Li Quanji was sure that he could completely escape the restriction from the ship and start a new life.

Soft Peach lifted her hand and once again touched the red dot between her eyebrows. It glowed…making it look as if it was filled with fresh blood and only a very thin layer of skin was keeping it in, and it could tear at any time.

Although this time her wounds did not close, they seemed to have an invisible seal that stopped the soul energy from pouring out.

Li Quanji gritted his teeth and sucked deeply once more. Soft Peach’s body trembled even more but she still managed to prevent the soul energy from leaking out.

“Close Saint, what are you waiting for!”

Close Saint looked at Soft Peach and the blood ‘egg’ as he hesitated. The whole process had seemed too easy. It was so smooth that he had yet to show any of the things he had prepared.

This was too different from what he had expected. Both Virtuous Nine and Soft Peach were not easy to deal with and Close Saint knew this well.

Could this really be a mistake because Soft Peach was emotional? Truthfully speaking, there was a possibility. In his long life, Close Saint had seen people lose their lives over small mistakes made when they were negligent or arrogant.

Taking a deep breath, Close Saint said, “Okay, I will help you!” Whether there was really a problem or not, he would find out once he tried.

As soon as he touched the ground, Close Saint punched out. A chilly wind whistled through the air and a fierce ghost face appeared.

If there really was a problem, he would force it out. If there were no issues…hehe, he could kill Soft Peach!As someone from the Ghost Path who was skilled in killing, it was true that he entered the Mountain of Flames to find the Ruler’s lost inheritance. But if he did not get it, he could take the chance to get rid of other competitors and he would benefit greatly too.

With every person he killed, he would become more powerful…if he could kill all the other cultivators in the Mountain of Flames and get the Ruler’s lost inheritance, Close Saint was confident of his abilities to try for the Ruler realm!

So if there was any possibility for him to kill someone, Close Saint would do anything he could.

You are right. Li Quanji was also on Close Saint’s hit list.

The third prince of the West Desolate and Blood Sacrifice Vengeful Spirit. It was strange yet powerful. It was a great choice.

As for working together…hehe, threats and mutually using each other was nothing to restrict him. Of course, he was sure that if Li Quanji had a chance to kill him, Li Quanji would not hesitate either.

In the blood ‘egg’ Qin Yu was sensing everything that was going on. He ‘saw’ how Soft Peach had gotten injured by the ‘black seed’ in her anxiousness to help him and fell into Li Four Season’s trap.

He would be lying if he said that he was not at all moved. However, he remained calm and clear as he reminded himself that Soft Peach was fated to become his enemy.

Soft Peach had now fallen into Li Four Season’s trap and was struggling to hold on. Qin Yu knew that he could not just keep watching any longer.

He could not let Soft Peach truly get into trouble!

Moreover…logic told him that he should not, but Qin Yu felt guilty.

Maybe this was his personality.

Boom –

With a loud sound, the blood ‘egg’ shattered and Qin Yu stepped out as he threw a fist towards Li Quanji.

He knew very well that Soft Peach was in trouble now because of him. If he forced Li Quanji to back off, Soft Peach would be free and Close Saint would not be able to hurt her.

Pew –

Li Quanji looked sinister as he spat out a mouthful of blood, “How can it be? How can you escape?” With his blood ‘egg’ broken, he would suffer some backlash as well.

This question was slightly awkward, especially when Soft Peach looked over.

In this world, there were some things better left unsaid even if you knew. This guy did not have any sense and needed to be taught a lesson.

Qin Yu moved very fast and his punch was very strong. Li Four Season’s face was extremely indignant but he could only release his prey and use his hand to defend himself.

Bam –

He was thrown backwards and spat out another mouthful of blood.

He felt slightly guilty, awkward, and angry. Under this situation, Qin Yu could not stop.

As Li Quanji was forced to retreat, the blood webs faded from Soft Peach and her injuries healed.

She shifted and avoided the ghost face that was trying to devour her. As her eyes fell onto Qin Yu, she paled.

Second Personality!

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