Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 1391: The Statue is Alive

There were palace halls in the Mountain of Flames and there were quite a number of them. From where Qin Yu was standing, he could not see the end.

The mountainscape was uneven and these palace halls that were built on the mountain were distributed messily.

Looking at them carefully, it did not seem as if they were shifted. It seemed like it used to be combined in one area but hills that randomly appeared forced it to become the strange sight that it was now.

Flames were still burning strongly here and the air temperature was scorching. These palaces had been burning for a long time yet they looked completely fine.

Woo…they were not perfect and had several scars. But most were because of external attacks and had nothing to do with the flames.

This group of palace halls was definitely not ordinary and Qin Yu could already feel a strange aura from within – it was an extremely powerful aura. It was like a blazing hot sun and one could not look directly at it.

Stone Pagoda sighed lightly, “Ruler!”

The strongest other than the heavens. The aura was concentrated and it influenced the palace halls around it, causing them to have attributes of immortality.

There was only one possibility for it to be able to contain so much of a Ruler’s aura – it was where the Ruler stayed!

Qin Yu’s eyes lit up. His emotions were surging.

This was the Ruler’s area. The thing that the West Desolate and that other clan had been searching for must be here.

From another perspective, how could the thing that caused both clans to spend so many years and effort to find be anything ordinary?

Perhaps, the key to break through into the Ruler realm was hidden amongst these halls!

Thump –

Thump –

Thump –

At this moment, Qin Yu’s heart was pounding hard.

He had to be excited. With his current cultivation, for him to obtain something to be able to peep into the Ruler realm…he could be instantly successful!

The delicate figure made from flames appeared and Fire Spirit spoke, “Master, I have confirmed the position of the Inextinguishable Flame. It is here.”

It pointed in a direction.

Qin Yu took a deep breath, “Let’s go!”

Woosh –

He moved and flew in the direction the Fire Spirit pointed in. As he moved past the halls, he could clearly sense the strong will hidden within.

This was the first time Qin Yu felt the Ruler’s power directly and its incredible might. It made it hard for him to imagine what kind of horrible battle had erupted back then to cause this existence to die.

But there was one thing he was sure of. The fall of the Ruler was related to the West Desolate and that group.

As he thought about it, his eyes flashed and Qin Yu found himself back at his original position.

Because of how emotional he felt, he was observing everything carefully earlier, including the angle of the hall in front of him. Hence, Qin Yu was sure that he was standing here a moment ago.

An illusion? No, with how strong the Ruler’s will was, it was not something a mere illusion could imitate. There must be another problem.

Qin Yu frowned as he flew in the same direction again. This time, he was prepared and was constantly observing his surroundings. But just as he crossed the huge hall in front of him, he was teleported without any warning once more.

Woosh –

He frowned even harder as his face fell solemn. It was not only because he had been transported back once more. More importantly, he did not sense anything unusual even though all his senses were fully activated.

It meant that even now, Qin Yu had no idea what caused him to be teleported back twice.

If it was about toughness and perseverance, Qin Yu would definitely pass. Taking a deep breath, he suppressed the annoyance he felt and flew back in the same direction.

The huge hall was in front of him and there were roads on his left and right. If this way could not work, then he would just try another way. It was a pity that before any delightful surprise happened, Qin Yu was transported back to his original position once he reached a similar distance away.

He could not pass!

It was as if there was some kind of lock in the air. As soon as he neared it, it would activate and send him back to his original position.

Woosh –

He continued to fly. This time, he went backwards. Since he could not go forwards, how about backwards? Apparently, the ‘airlock’ existed in all directions.

Woosh –

Qin Yu was back to where he started.

Stone Pagoda said, “Master, this must be one of the abilities of the illusion, reality Divine Way that I mentioned earlier. We must now be within the power of the Ruler’s inheritance. The likelihood of death is not high. After all, with the Ruler’s power, if he just wanted to kill, he would not have needed to go through all this trouble. So I guess that to leave here, we have to follow the Ruler’s will and move in the way he allows.”

The way the Ruler allows…

Qin Yu’s eyes flashed as he looked at the huge hall in front of him. Because of the terrain, he was not able to see the entire group of palace halls. But from here, he could at least see the boundary and that the palaces were linked together.

And this was an obvious path.

Previously, Qin Yu did not choose to enter the halls because he was worried about the dangers within. After all, this was where the Ruler stayed; who knew if it contained more of the Ruler’s will and would kill anyone who trespassed.

But now it seems like Stone Pagoda’s deduction was very likely…could this be some kind of trial? Could it be some kind of story that he had to show his power, resources and gain the Ruler’s recognition to obtain the inheritance?!

This couldn’t be. How old fashioned. With the Ruler’s position and status, if he did this, it felt like the value dropped.

More importantly, it was obvious that the Ruler died after a huge battle…in that kind of situation, who would have the mood to plan for things like this? This did not seem right!

Stone Pagoda seemed to sense the disgust in Qin Yu and coughed lightly, “Master, we have no choice now but to try.”

‘Try’ was a good word to use.

The huge palace was here and entering should be easy. However, Qin Yu did not think that pushing the door open and stepping in was a good choice.

What if their deduction was wrong?

If he angered the Ruler’s will, Qin Yu’s current abilities would be equivalent to an unripe persimmon resisting against the heavens.

But a persimmon was still a persimmon and there was no doubt it would be squashed.

Unlike the West Desolate and the other clan, he did not have the ability to not die and treasured his life greatly.

Hmm…as he thought of this, he needed to brainstorm. The West Desolate and that group created the big ship and did more than one Blood Sacrifice. It was obvious they had entered the Mountain of Flames multiple times; could it be that they did not find this group of palaces?

He thought of the Inextinguishable Flame he got from Li Zhouyi. It was obvious they had most likely come in here. Woo…but perhaps not as well. The fire creatures also contained Inextinguishable Flame. They could accumulate more by killing a few.

Forget it, who cared if they came here before. I am here now.

But how should he ‘try’?

Stone Pagoda suddenly fell silent and even hid his aura. Although he did not say anything, his intentions were clear.

I am not going. You better not think about it!

Truthfully, Qin Yu had no intentions of using Stone Pagoda to test. After all, he was still very useful now. He then thought and pointed, “Fire Spirit, enter the hall and see how it is.”

See how it is. It was obvious. Who did not know how things were!

Brutally speaking, he meant for her to test it out. It would be good if things were fine, but if not, then count yourself unlucky.

Stone Pagoda could clearly sense the begrudging feelings from Fire Spirit. You put in so much effort but it seems like there was no use.

In the past, Qin Yu has always been extremely gentle with other women, especially the pretty ones. Why is he different with you?

Keke, there was no point thinking if he could not find an answer. Alas, men changed their minds easily too…time to take note. It feels like I learnt something new!

The delicate flame figure stiffened for a while before replying, “Yes, Master.” There was a coldness in her gentle voice, filled with complaints.

Qin Yu nodded, “Hurry.”

Damn. Heartless!

If Fire Spirit had tears, she would have cried a river. Turning her head, she flew towards the huge hall and pushed open the door.

Everything went smoothly other than the angry ‘bang’ sound. A few moments later, Fire Spirit flew out, “Master, there is no danger.”

Her voice was very hard!

Qin Yu pretended not to hear. You are just a Spirit Array but you chose to be a woman and the kind with a voluptuous figure. What do you mean by that?

It is as if you are saying that I am a pervert and you even determined my taste! Hehe, who made you so bold?

You dare to do this and think that I would treat you nicely? What are you thinking!

Woosh –

He flew towards the entrance. Fire Spirit said there was no danger and Qin Yu was still able to believe her.

She would not dare to create trouble. Otherwise, Qin Yu guaranteed that she would perish before he did.

This was also why Qin Yu was cold and did not give her face…hehe, your life is in my hands and you try to be funny? He did not feel any guilt. After all, if not for Qin Yu, she would have been extinguished!

The palace door had been pushed open and he could see everything. The palace looked extravagant and clean, as if it was completely new without a hint of dust.

A few dozen statues neatly lined the sides of the hall and each of them held weapons. They ranged from swords, spears, and knives, and they all appeared very lifelike.

Qin Yu had his guard up and he breathed in deeply as he focused on these statues. Once he felt like nothing was wrong, he let out a sigh of relief and walked in.

Buzz –

Right when Qin Yu walked in, a soft buzzing sound rang through the halls as a cold aura swept through his body.

His first thought was, Fire Spirit, you dared to harm me? Did her attitude become this bad after she became a woman?

Before Qin Yu could think about it further, the statues in front of him came alive!

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