Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 1395: Divine Way

The rewards in the second hall appeared exactly the same as the first hall.

That’s right. Strange markings lined the walls of the interior stone wall, making it appear mysterious and secretive.

Not only that, there was a similar requirement for the markings.

For Star Retrieval, the prerequisite was the Rule System Body. Only cultivators who mastered the Rule System Body would be able to comprehend Star Retrieval.

The second hall’s reward was called Moon Embrace.

Just from the names of these two skills, it was evident that they were related. Names were just names and connections were just connections. These were not important.

Instead, Qin Yu was glad that he could comprehend the skills. This also meant that he met the necessary requirements to master them.

Although the two Great Divine Ways seemed very similar, they were very different. Star Retrieval was a body refinement technique and it strengthened the physical body. When fully mastered, he could potentially crush the heavens and earth with pure physical strength.

On the other hand, Moon Embrace was a secret soul refinement technique. Its interpretation was similar to Star Retrieval and the general essence was that once it was properly mastered, its user would be able to use their divine sense to sense a large area of the world at will.

The ‘Moon’ word represented different worlds.

However, the explanation of the word ‘Embrace’ made Qin Yu puzzled.

If he could sweep across multiple worlds with his divine sense at will and he could understand the state of the world with a single thought, it was strange to use the word ‘Embrace’ for the name of this skill.

After all, the world could not be directly embraced. It would put up some form of resistance.

Qin Yu felt that it was highly probable that the skill was being exaggerated again…it was slightly believable when Star Retrieval was described to be a technique so strong he could destroy the world with a wave of his hand.

But it was incredulous to say that his divine sense would be able to sense the entire world.

The naming was extravagant and it felt prideful, domineering, and powerful…this was the impression Qin Yu had towards the Ruler, backed by his own personal experiences.

Why would Qin Yu intentionally try to understand this Ruler? He ran into the Ruler’s home and stole his leftover belongings. There was nothing wrong with trying to understand the Ruler from this perspective. Perhaps he might even be able to learn and obtain useful things from this.

There was no harm in doing this. Furthermore, Qin Yu always believed that chances were opportunities seized by the well-prepared person.

All in all, he would turn what he obtained into his own belongings.

Mastering the full technique was not possible, but Qin Yu had only cultivated Star Retrieval slightly and he could feel its effects immediately. This had been a wonderful surprise to him.

Yes, it was truly surprising!

Qin Yu sat down cross-legged and entered a deep state of cultivation. When his eyes flung open, he made a decision – he would take everything in these halls. Nothing would escape his eyes.

As such, Qin Yu smoothly passed through the third hall, the fourth and the fifth…after he entered each of the halls, he pointed a finger and allowed fresh blood to drip down.

The next instant, the blood would be devoured.

If anyone knew about this, they would directly spit out blood at this incredulous way of cheating!

Soul Hiding, Shield Guard, Defensive Attack…these were the rewards Qin Yu obtained from the subsequent halls.

One was a soul recovery technique, another was a defensive skill, and the last was an offensive skill. Coupled with Star Retrieval and Moon Embrace, it created a whole system.

Was there anything more satisfying than cheating to obtain great achievements one by one?

Qin Yu could personally vouch that nothing could beat this feeling!

This was especially so as he stood on the ground and looked at the four other halls.

What was he feeling now? He was so overwhelmed and emotional from the rewards that dropped magically into his hands.

How many more were there? He did not know.

How strong was the Ruler? It was very obvious.

Were all of these his? They had to be!

Qin Yu could not think of anything other than these grand halls. A treasure from the Ruler? No! This was the greatest loot!

He scanned all the various halls…tsk!

Qin Yu sucked in a cold breath of air. How much more could he get? He did not dare to think about it and be too greedy.

Right as his heart beat in anticipation of the great spoils he would receive, he received a slap to his face that shocked him awake.

One, two, three, four, five…there wasn’t a sixth! This naturally meant that there wasn’t a seventh, eighth or ninth.

This also meant that there was no more continuation of the system of Star Retrieval, Moon Embrace, Soul Hiding, Shield Guard, and Defensive Attack.

Do you know the feeling of dropping into an abyss after experiencing highs? Qin Yu now knew!


At the same moment as Qin Yu was disappointed and helpless, there were two other people who were in a much sadder plight than him.

Gentle Spread Saint and Gentle Smoke Saint looked at the stone wall. The strange markings had suddenly disappeared and their expressions hardened.

They knew the precise reason why the markings disappeared, and this made them utterly disappointed.

The siblings had collaborated to decipher the meaning of the markings. Just as it seemed as though they were going to break through to the meaning of it, someone stole it right off the bat!


Gentle Spread Saint cried in dismay. His fists struck against the floor in rage and a deafening blow sounded as the entire hall shook violently from the impact. However, no harm was done and the hall remained sturdy.

On the other hand, Gentle Spread Saint’s bones received the brunt of it. His hand throbbed and blood instantly pooled from it.

Gentle Smoke Saint sighed, “Big brother, why don’t we change to another Divine Way?”

Gentle Spread Saint nodded in agreement, “Let’s go!”

Shoosh –

The two brothers turned and left the grand hall. Without hesitation, they headed for another hall.

Pushing the door open, they stepped into the hall. The token in their hand lit up and the icy cold aura that initially rushed out slowly started to ease into the room.

Without meeting any dangers along the way, the brothers headed straight for the end of the hall. Their eyes locked onto the markings on the stone wall.

Gentle Spread Saint immediately frowned. They had not prepared for this particular Divine Way and deciphering it would be hard. However, they needed to try even if they would take a thousand or ten thousand years to decipher it. Everything would be worth it eventually!

“Let’s begin!”

The brothers sat down crossed-legged and stared intently at the stone wall as their eyes shone brilliantly.

However, the raging cries of the brothers quickly filled the hall again when the markings on the stone wall disappeared.

Someone had deciphered it again!

No way, no way!

The brothers felt like they were mad from anger. They knew the grade of these Divine Ways. Even if the other party had made preparations, he was a sole individual. The brothers worked together but could not even decipher a single Divine Way.

Who could be faster than them?

Despite their shock and disbelief, this was the truth that was presented in front of them.

No one spoke and the two brothers bounded straight for the next hall. However, they were instantly thrown into dismay upon discovering what awaited them there.


It was gone!

As they stared at the empty stone wall of the halls, the two True Saint brothers felt their souls drifting away.

The five Divine Ways were passed down from the previous Ruler. They were taken by someone…who? Who was it?

Hatred came naturally. The brothers had seen the five Divine Ways as their possession.

Breath, breath.

The brothers’ eyes bulged open and their breathings turned hard and labored. They looked at each other with hatred.

“Wind, Cloud and Rain!” Gentle Smoke bellowed.

Gentle Spread Saint added, “We underestimated them. I can’t believe these three old farts were so capable.”

Gentle Smoke gritted his teeth, “They are definitely still here!”

A hateful gaze was in Gentle Spread’s eyes as he barked, “We have to find them!’

Bam bam –

The two Saints sped away.

Their target was Wind, Cloud and Rain!

However, the two True Saints were unaware that at the same time as they went mad from anger, the three Saints, Wind, Cloud and Rain were also going insane.

The reason was the exact same!

The five Divine Ways in the halls had been deciphered by someone and they were gone. Obviously, the most likely culprit was the two brothers.

They knew each other well. There was no one else who would be able to find this place so quickly and speed through the halls in such a short time!

As such, the two parties were both seeking each other. Their objectives were the same…kill the other party and take the Divine Way!

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