Chapter 1406: A Successful Businessman

They all had Crystal Tokens. Now that they had nothing to worry about, shouldn’t they do something? For example, getting rid of this annoying person in front of them!

“Cough!” Qin Yu looked at all of them, “I know all of you must feel like killing me now.”

Close Saint’s eyes widened as he greeted with a smile, “Virtuous Saint, you are really intelligent!”

A single sentence was sufficient to express his thoughts. An encompassing statement!

The others did not say anything. However, other than Soft Peach, their eyes were all filled with menace.

As she looked at Qin Yu, Soft Peach was not worried. She was extremely confident that Qin Yu was not so stupid to dig his own grave.

Since he dared to so bravely present the Crystal Tokens in this manner, he must have something up his sleeve.

Truth proved that a woman’s instinct is right. It was so accurate that Soft Peach almost laughed when she heard what Qin Yu said next.

Alas, things were not so simple!

Qin Yu pointed at Close Saint, “Thank you for your praise. I like it! Close Saint, if you need any service to help activate the Crystal Token, it will be double the cost for you.”

Disregarding the mockery, the important point was – activation service!

Everyone was slightly startled. These ancient Saints who were filled with ill intentions looked down at the Crystal Token.

Qin Yu snapped his fingers, “You are all smart people. Then I will go straight to the main point.”

The corners of his mouth pulled up and he gave what he would consider a brilliant smile. But to others, it was a scheming smile, “The Crystal Token is indeed the key that can open the deeper layer to find the Ruler’s inheritance…however, getting the key does not mean you will be able to successfully enter. This is because the Crystal Token needs to be activated. As someone who has gone through it, let me tell you that it is not easy.

“Of course, you may not believe me just through what I am saying. You all can try and see if you are able to activate the key in your hands. If you can, then forget what I said. If not, you had better start registering for my activation service.”

He was really addicted to taking advantage of people and Qin Yu admitted to this…once these people went in, they most likely would not make it out.

Rather than wasting their treasures, why don’t they leave them to him to make a beautiful contribution to the Vast Brightness World!

Close Saint looked solemn. He could no longer maintain his calm, slight smile. Taking a deep breath, he concentrated on the Crystal Token…it was a mess!

All he could sense were numerous strands without any head or tail. In a complicated and hopeless way, they tangled with each other with no structure. Only after cleaning out these strands could he successfully activate the Crystal Token.

This did not sound that difficult from a normal person’s perspective. However, to cultivators, their difficulty level matched their cultivation level.

They would eventually be able to activate it but they would require time. A lot of time! As he glanced over, he saw that everyone had similar expressions. This made Close Saint’s heart sink and he had a bad feeling.

Qin Yu suddenly looked over and smiled brightly, “I will definitely be accountable for my words. So Close Saint, if you require help, you will have to pay extra.”

Clapping his hands, he raised his voice, “Fine, now I will officially begin my activation service. I welcome all of you to register. My capabilities are limited and I can only help at most three at one time…”

Pausing, Qin Yu rubbed his nose, “This time I am telling the truth, don’t look at me like that…I promise! So the Saint that wants to enter first can offer your bid. If you are not anxious, you can wait for the next batch. Only three each time. To offer my apologies for before, the last Saint can go for free!”

Free things could always make people excited.

However, today, none of the Saints were interested in the free slot. They were frowning as they hoped that it would not be them.

The difference between first and last…if it were other areas there would already be a difference. But now, they were at the Ruler’s residence. It was an extremely rare chance.

If they lagged behind, they may lose the opportunities to others and eventually lose the chance to even fight for them.

Fine, although they might also meet with trouble by entering first, all of them would rather take the risk if they had a choice.

After all, if they did not even have this little bit of courage, how would they have reached the cultivation level they were at now!

Close Saint spoke lowly, “Virtuous Nine, I want a spot!” The way he said this was similar to before, albeit slightly less hypocritically and much more domineering.

Qin Yu shook his head, “When it comes to reputation, disregarding once is enough. If it keeps getting disregarded, eventually there will be no reputation left.”

He looked at Close Saint and his eyes narrowed, “Close Saint, do you think you will agree if I help all the other Saints activate their Crystal Tokens for free in return for some promise or help from them?”

Close Saint frowned, “What are you trying to say?”

Qin Yu spoke slowly, “For example, killing someone.”

Chilliness filled him and Close Saint did not believe that Virtuous Nine would do this given how greedy he was.

But looking at the emotionless eyes in front of him, he could not help but feel his heart clench.

He was being threatened!

Moreover, in such an outright manner.

In his current state, Close Saint was a combination of three beings and his irritability was three times higher than normal. Fury surged through him.

But having lived for so long, one of his advantages was being able to endure more than others and understanding the situation he was in.

Taking a deep breath, Close Saint was expressionless, “What do you want?”

A higher price…in reality, there was no guide and it was hard to estimate the value of things. So when Qin Yu said this, it meant that he already had a target.


Qin Yu immediately smiled and took out his Blood Coffin, “Eh, thanks to you gifting this Blood Jade Coffin to me, I am suddenly interested in the Ghost Path cultivation. Why don’t you give the next item to me? After all, there are very few Ghost Path cultivators in this world. In case you are not careful, cough, just in case, who can guarantee that the cultivation will be passed on?”

Close Saint frowned harder, “You want my Ghost Path cultivation skill?”

Qin Yu showed the Blood Jade Coffin in his hands, “That’s right.”

Falling silent for a while, Close Saint chuckled coldly, “Fine, I promise you!”

Lifting his hand, a light flashed in his palm and a Blood Jade quickly formed.

“You can’t create a fake Soul Congealing item. I will be able to determine.”

Tsk, determine what. Thankfully, he had Stone Pagoda. As soon as he got the Blood Jade, he received a reply very quickly.

“It really is the Ghost Path cultivation skill. Wooo…and it is quite powerful. But there is something strange inside and for the time being, I am unable to decipher it.”

Anyway, he was just trying to gain something extra while doing what he needed to do…hmmm this sentence may not be that appropriate.

After all, the amount of ‘extra benefits’ that he got seems to be huge. It seemed like this was his main point.

Forget it. Was he going to give it back to them? Smiling, Qin Yu put the Blood Jade away and dusted his hands, “Close Saint, you are very quick. You shall be the first on the list to get your crystal activated!”

He looked at everyone else and paused for a moment on Gentle Spread Saint, “Everyone, I am not lying. I can only accept three for the first batch. There are only two spaces left. If you don’t fight for it, you won’t have a slot.”

Soft Peach raised her hand, prepared to speak, but Qin Yu glared at her, “I already gave you the Crystal Token for free; you better not ask for too much!”

This woman was causing trouble for no reason. Only these three positions were of value. She could not ruin it.

Perhaps she recalled how she got the Crystal Token from Qin Yu for free and Soft Peach looked slightly awkward and resentful as she looked back at Qin Yu before backing off.

Gentle Spread Saint took a deep breath and spoke, “Activation service…I want a spot!”

How to be a successful businessman.

First, sell the item.

Second, sell what is required to use the item.

There may be more steps after but Qin Yu had no energy or time to continue. Moreover, if he could successfully do these two steps, he would be considered successful!

As someone who had fallen for the businessman’s plot and splurged, it was understandable that Gentle Spread Saint did not feel good about it. So it was normal for him to be slightly cold!

Qin Yu smiled back at him, “Of course, with Gentle Spread Saint’s abilities, you are qualified to fight to be first. But your price must be suitable. If not, I believe that the three Saints are willing to take up the next two spots.”

As he saw Qin Yu smile and the three Saints return the smile, he cursed internally. Even if Qin Yu was speaking the truth, it was extremely despicable to say such things now! Gentle Spread Saint took a deep breath as he frowned and thought for a while. Soon, he took out a tile.

Hmm, it was that kind of green tile that looked like it had started decomposing and was covered with scars. It looked as if it had fallen from the roof.

“This is the most precious thing I have on hand. It can be a substitute and die for your soul once!”

Dummy pendants were not extremely rare. After all, the Vast Brightness World was big and there were bound to be some. But there were few that were useful to True Saints. Even if it could only be a substitute for one’s soul dying, it was sufficiently valuable.

After all, to Saints, their soul was their foundation. Even if their physical bodies were ruined, they would be able to be reborn.

Although they would lose out quite a bit of power when they lost the strength from their physical bodies, compared to losing their souls, the difference was huge.

Taking the tile…or more accurately, a portion of a decomposing tile, Qin Yu’s soul could not help but shiver in delight.

Even before Stone Pagoda said anything, Qin Yu knew this was real.

Tsk tsk, it was just extremely difficult to imagine. It was just a decomposing tile, how could it have such incredible abilities that went against natural will?

Where did Gentle Spread Saint get this from? Was this house still around? If just a broken tile from this house could have such great power, who built this house and who was living in it?

As his cultivation level increased and he learned more things, he would also have accidental discoveries. As he imagined how boundless this world was, he could not help but develop some fear.

Eventually, Stone Pagoda confirmed that it was a dummy pendant and it should be stored properly. After all, this thing could save a life at crucial moments; it had to be stored carefully!

Qin Yu lifted another finger, “The second spot will be Gentle Spread Saint’s.”

Wind Saint got the third spot.

Actually, once he settled Soft Peach, the way to distribute was very simple and all these ancient Saints knew it.

Qin Yu got a fruit from him and it must have come together with the leaf earlier on. Because what this fruit did was to increase the power of Great Dao while the Great Dao was accumulating.

Of course, its effectiveness was a lot stronger than a leaf’s.

Strictly speaking, this was probably the most useful thing Qin Yu got in this entire process.

After all, if things went smoothly, the furnace would soon be able to absorb the Inextinguishable Flame and that was when Qin Yu could form his Great Dao.

He had to keep to his promise.

So after the exchange was done, Qin Yu immediately started preparing. Because Fire Spirit had already gone through it once, she was a lot faster this time.

Moreover, activating three at one time was really Fire Spirit’s limit. If not, Qin Yu would not have minded doing the same thing with the rest of the slots and selling them.

Under everyone’s gazes, Fire Spirit was very busy moving around. Soft Peach suddenly walked over and spoke softly, “So you like this kind!”

Qin Yu frowned as he looked at her. What do you mean?

Soft Peach reached out and gestured, drawing two circles in the air.

Oh, he understood!

This woman. What was she always thinking about? Where was her domineering attitude from earlier? In just a few moments, she had changed completely.

Although they say that women had many personalities, isn’t this a little too different!

Seeing how Qin Yu did not speak, Soft Peach spoke softly, “This is not fair! I look like this too, why don’t you like me?”

She blinked her eyes at him, “Is it because I am wearing too many clothes and you can’t see properly? Why don’t you touch me. I can turn around. As long as they don’t see.”

Qin Yu: …

Were you sent down from the heavens to torture me? I can’t let her continue acting crazily. Qin Yu gritted his teeth, “Shut up and step aside!”

Soft Peach snorted, “You have thieving intentions but don’t have the guts. Coward!” Why do I have thieving intentions? Am I a coward for not touching you? What kind of twisted logic is this!

The ancient Saints saw their intimate interaction and Qin Yu took the chance to make them believe that he had reached his goal…regardless, he was using Soft Peach so he would let her say whatever she wanted.

I can’t anger her, I shall avoid her!

Qin Yu took a few steps away and cleared his throat, “A bit more time is needed to activate the Crystal Tokens. Let’s begin the auction for the second batch…I will say the same. If you are not anxious and don’t mind being last, I will give it to you for free!”

He was really addicted to taking advantage…

Although his rewards from the second batch would not be as big as the first, no matter how small the insect was, it was still meat!

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