Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 1442: Lingering Around

“Qin Yu, what’s wrong?” A gentle and warm voice leaking concern could be heard. It made those that heard it soften.

But at this time, Qin Yu could not soften. Instead he felt his head hurt more as he was apprehensive.

Coughing lightly, he said, “I find it strange how I got your attention. This does not match your status.”

It blinked, “Oh, the reason is simple. People who smell nicer and seem to have more meaning will attract my attention. It is to prevent them from getting bullied or getting into an accident. I will feel hurt.”

Qin Yu sneered internally. Like I will believe you. But suddenly, he thought of something. Why did it mention smelling nice? This made him think about a kitchen and some delicious food being cooked.

Sss –

It was truly frightening!

Just when Qin Yu pushed down his thoughts, deciding not to think too much, the pair of pretty eyes blinked at him. It smiled, “If, I am saying, if you are willing to give some bad, very bad pagoda to me, we can settle our agreement.”

“No way!”

“Shut up.”

The two voices seemed to sound out at the same time. The one opposing was of course, Stone Pagoda, who was looking anxious and fearful.

The one that scolded him was the pair of eyes that were narrowed at Qin Yu. Pretty things were always well-liked. Even if that pair of eyes were narrowing ‘sinisterly’ at Qin Yu, they still looked good.

But Qin Yu was in no mood to appreciate them; beads of sweat appeared on his back and he felt his body stiffen.

He never thought that this being would be able to sense Stone Pagoda’s existence.

The pretty eyes seemed to be begging him, “Fine, fine, if you give it to me, I can help you one more time. I defeated the Eyes of Darkness so easily previously. This is a very sincere deal.”

Qin Yu took a deep breath as he steeled himself and said lowly, “I reject your offer.”

The pretty eyes turned cloudy, looking as if they were about to burst into tears, “Must you be so cruel? I can continue to raise the price…”

She was cut off by Qin Yu, “There is no need to discuss further. I will give the soul to you within the stipulated time.”

“...Fine.” The big eyes looked irritated, staring at Qin Yu pettily, “I am not as cruel as you. I won’t change what I said earlier. You don’t have to rush to give me the soul. You can do what you need to first.”

This time, Qin Yu did not sneer as he caught onto a very important hint – although this being from space time could detect Stone Pagoda’s aura, it was not able to know what they interacted about.

If not, it would have known that Qin Yu saw through its schemes. He remained solemn but breathed a sigh of relief internally. If it was able to sense even their internal interactions, it would be too scary.

“Since the agreement is set, please hurry. I am in a rush.” Qin Yu gestured.


Seeming to sense what Qin Yu meant, the pretty eyes agreed and rushed towards the darkness puppets.

It did not seem to do much. It was just a pair of eyes that seemed to grow brighter. Then, as its gaze fell, the darkness puppets seemed to spread and melt like sand. In a blink of an eye, they were defeated.

Dark energy was released but could not seem to find any more puppets to get absorbed into. Because all these darkness puppets were extinguished at the same time.

Qin Yu’s eyes bulged slightly. He felt a fear towards this mysterious being.

The dark energy rushed around the air, seeming to realize there was danger. It rushed towards the ring-like mountain and into the palace.

But at this moment, there was a sucking sound and the dark energy froze. Then it flew back towards them at an incredible speed.

Qin Yu looked down and saw a small red mouth appear just below the pretty eyes. It was now slightly open and exposed a clean set of white teeth. It had a small incisor and looked extremely cute.

But the cute mouth turned and swallowed the dark energy instantly and Qin Yu could not think about anything else.

He only felt…that this mouth was frightening!

Burp ~

Burping softly, the pretty eyes seemed slightly embarrassed as it quickly shut its mouth and the mouth disappeared.

“I have not eaten for a long time and ate so much all at once. I am sorry you had to see that.” It then explained seriously, “The essence of these puppets was what I got after killin them; it is not considered in our agreement. You have to be clear on this.”

Qin Yu pretended to be composed as he nodded, “Sure.”


Too frightening!

The more he interacted with it, the more he realized that Stone Pagoda and Eye of Eternal Night were right. These mysterious and strange beings hidden in space time were not easy to deal with.

And now, he had the attention of this one.

As he thought about this, he felt downcast. He felt like under these pretty eyes, there was a hidden greed to swallow – if things went well, this being most likely wanted to swallow him up as well. After all, it admitted that Qin Yu ‘smelled nice’.

He felt his scalp tingle as he looked at these ‘tender-hearted’ eyes.

Qin Yu coughed lightly and put his hands together, “Thank you for your help. I will offer the soul as soon as possible!” He had to do it quickly even if he had to ‘kill innocents’. He could not let this being put him in any danger.

But other than that, there was another meaning – the deal is done, please go do whatever you need to do. Go away!

Although there was nothing now, having this pair of eyes on him made his spine tingle and his body feel uncomfortable.

“I said you don’t have to rush. You are too suspicious. Aren’t you tired of living like this?!” The pretty eyes filled with annoyance as they seemed to sense what Qin Yu meant.

Who cares about whether he was tired. What was most important was that he was still alive. What do you mean too suspicious? If I was not, I would have been swallowed by you a long time ago.

Qin Yu did not reply and pretended to be confused.

“Hmph, I will go. But listen carefully. As someone I really like, I won’t allow anyone to hurt you. So if you need, remember to call for me. I am very capable and can definitely help you.”

It was really arrogant. Qin Yu nodded but did not pay much attention. He treated it as if it was boasting.

Nothing it could not do…hehe, even Rulers would not dare to say this!

He waited for a while and sensed nothing. Qin Yu finally breathed a sigh of relief as the pretty eyes that were staring at him had disappeared.

“Is it gone?”

Stone Pagoda was holding back, “It is gone right?”

These questions were useless.

Qin Yu massaged his eyebrows. He felt his head expanding and he was so angry he wanted to vomit blood.

What was this Stone Pagoda for?

“I am useful. I am very useful! Master, please do not be rash!” Stone Pagoda replied quickly, worried that Qin Yu would agree to the deal earlier.

Qin Yu gritted his teeth, “Shut up!”

He took a deep breath as he looked at the ring-like mountain in front of him and the palace. He stepped forwards.

The Darkness Ruler was here and so was Eye of Eternal Night. Although he did not know why he felt so strange and silent, he could not but feel an urgency after recalling what that being said earlier.

Very soon, Qin Yu reached the ring-like mountain. The mountain stretched in a circle, surrounding the palace. There was no entrance.

So in order to go in, he would have to scale the mountain or dig a tunnel.

Of course, scaling the mountain would be easier. But as Qin Yu looked up to see the pitch black sky above him, as well as the sand that fell continuously, he immediately gave up on flying over.

He could not scale the mountain. Hence, he could only dig a tunnel. But this was not going to be easy.

Qin Yu looked at this sand mountain in front of him and frowned, his eyes solemn.

Perhaps it is to make up for earlier as well as to increase his importance, Stone Pagoda rushed to say, “Master, there is no need to worry. I don’t think it is that troublesome to get past this mountain.”

Qin Yu’s eyes flashed, “Just get to the point!”

He was in a bad mood but Stone Pagoda breathed a sigh of relief. As long as he was talking. If he did not say anything, that would be the real danger.

“Master, please wait. Let me confirm. I will be very fast, in just a few breaths.”

This time, he was right. He only took the time equivalent to a few breaths and said, “Master, please look. This ring-like mountain is a restriction. It is meant to restrict something from within.”

“If I am not wrong, it is most likely the Darkness Ruler inside. After all, West Desolate would want to control him, who is as strong as a True Saint.”

This made sense. Qin Yu’s eyes flashed, “So you are saying that I just need to transform into the Darkness Ruler’s aura and I will automatically…be let in?”

Stone Pagoda flattered him as much as possible, “Master, you are smart. That is what I meant.”

Qin Yu frowned and thought about it before letting out a breath. There was no harm trying…as for how to come out later on, would be a difficult problem. But that was for the future. Now, it was more important to hammer the Darkness Ruler and not let him recover.

He activated the innate spirit’s power within him. His appearance did not change but his aura darkened as if turning into an abyss. It was a frightening feeling!


The ring-like mountain in front of him vibrated and numerous paths appeared on the surface. Each of these had a large and scary entrance. They all resemble taut bow strings that were ready to be released at any moment.

The dense violent machines seemed to be locked onto Qin Yu. But as they were directed at him, they seemed to be hesitant as the ring-like mountain seemed to be ‘confused’.

The Darkness Ruler was in the palace. Why was there another Darkness Ruler out here……

As it did not know what to do, Qin Yu made the decision for it as he took a big step towards the mountain.

He looked calm but his heart was tense. He was mentally prepared to explode at any time. After all, he was not very confident as to what was going to happen next.

Thankfully, nothing happened. Feeling Qin Yu get closer, the mountain hesitated before it started to shake. The stiff mountain suddenly seems to become fluid, allowing Qin Yu to step through and cross the mountain.


Taking a step out, Qin Yu let out a breath as he moved away from the sand ring-like mountain. He felt as if he had a tour in hell.

Qin Yu had long ago realized that the sand that made up the ring-like mountain was not simple. They contained a frightening power.

As he crossed the mountain, the mountain turned fluid like water and did not seem threatening at all. But if it were to harden all of a sudden and trap Qin Yu inside, Qin Yu would die a miserable death.

Thankfully, that did not happen.

Just as Qin Yu relaxed and looked at the palace, a grumbling voice could be heard, “How can you be so nonchalant? What if something happened just now?”

This voice……


Qin Yu turned abruptly and caught sight of the pair of pretty eyes.

Did this being really leave or has it been hiding….Stone Pagoda is really useless! How can he not even differentiate this!

The pretty eyes blinked, “If you think he is useless, then give him to me. I promise you, I will help you deal with all the trouble today.”

She offered once more!

Stone Pagoda cried out, “Master, no!”

The eyes smiled, “Pretty intelligent and disobedient. I like this kind of rebel personality so I liked you more.”

It paused, “Qin Yu, the conditions earlier are still the same. If you give him to me, I can help you twice. Listen carefully, I said twice. Just nod and the Darkness Ruler will be a dead man.”

He could complete the agreement earlier and not have any more troubles. Moreover, she would help him two more times.

With this mysterious being’s power, it was as if Qin Yu had another two more lives.

Attractive, very attractive!

Qin Yu subconsciously licked his lips and Stone Pagoda paled. He felt his whole body tremble as if imagining his bitter fate.

But what Qin Yu said next almost made Stone Pagoda cry. Qin Yu was cold, “I said that there is no use discussing this anymore. Stone Pagoda is not for trade. Even if you offer ten times more, I will still reject you.”

He said it with finality, leaving no room for discussion. But truthfully, if this mysterious being really offered ten times more…cough cough, he would have to think twice.

Words always sounded better than actions!

Stone Pagoda was extremely touched. Master, Master, I knew you were not heartless. Don’t worry, I will be extremely loyal and work very hard in the future. You will not regret your decision.

Of course, if he knew Qin Yu’s real thoughts, he would have gritted his teeth and cursed Qin Yu to no end!

Luckily, pretty eyes did not give Qin Yu a chance to ruin his own image. It seemed to sigh dejectedly, “Fine, forget it. Although this Stone Pagoda is fun, he is not worth that price.”

Through its tone, it seems like it sensed Qin Yu’s true feelings. But before he got a chance to react to it, it changed the topic, “But the power in your body that just appeared, is pretty interesting. If you are willing…”

Qin Yu cut it off coldly once more, “Sorry, it is also not for trade!” He paused before saying coldly, “And this time, I still did not call you. You are the one that appeared by yourself.”

The pretty eyes blinked, “Yes, yes. You are so cautious and extremely petty!” It answered nonchalantly but Qin Yu had caught on to a signal and was more guarded.

Alas, it did not leave and had always been hiding in the dark.

Because Qin Yu had said ‘appear’ and not ‘descend’. It was just a slight difference but meant different things.

Why was it lingering around? Or rather, what was its goal? Qin Yu suddenly realized that things were going to get complicated because of this mysterious being.

Could it be that it knows that Qin Yu will definitely make a deal in the future? He felt uneasy as he thought about this.

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