Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 1453: Battle Between Rulers

When ten True Saints attacked at once, things were not so easy anymore. Their attacks intertwined with each other and started to change…simply put, Qin Yu was unable to block them.

Since he was unable to block them, he could only use one of his other cards, causing him to sigh. Originally, he wanted to use this sword for the Ruler that was backing the Dusk Order. It looked like he had overestimated himself.

Facing these ten True Saints, he had to use the sword if he wanted to stay alive.

Oh well, he could use this chance to strengthen his sword.

Qin Yu stretched his arm forward and clenched his fist.

Weng –

The sword hummed to life and its illusion appeared first, before condensing into its real form.

Without any hesitation, Qin Yu slashed forward!

The East Sea Sword let out an angry roar that shook the heavens and its killing intent swept throughout the entire place, tearing apart everything in its way.

As the berserk sword energy surged towards the ten True Saints, their expressions became fearful and shocked. They did not think that Qin Yu would have such a frightening sword.

It did not have the power of a Ruler, but its pure killing abilities were comparable to one!

This sword was way too fast; even though they were True Saints, they did not have enough time to react.

The sword glowed brightly and descended…ten True Saints were drowned in the endless sword energy!

Fresh blood splashed in all directions and their souls were pulled apart. Being drowned in the sword energy, no one could see what was going on within.

Such a phenomenon had probably happened before in history, but in the Vast Brightness World, there was never a record of something like this happening.

Ten True Saints…perishing all at once!

Such a tragic outcome was possible only because Qin Yu was strong enough. He had become a peak-level True Saint a long time ago. Also, he had shattered his Great Dao and diverted it into this sword. Above all, it was because this East Sea Sword was a heaven-defying weapon to begin with.

Killing all ten True Saints at once…Qin Yu’s might was equivalent to that of a Ruler’s!

Yet, after doing something that was able to shock the entire world, Qin Yu did not boast and neither was he arrogant. Instead, he felt slightly anxious.

“You have to help me!”

It was not a request nor an inquiry. It was a demand that left no room for argument.

That pair of pretty eyes that were still floating in the air blinked, looking slightly confused.

Qin Yu replied quickly, “I did not think that a Ruler would use such methods, using their members as cannon fodder……even though the fodder are all quite powerful. But I’ve already used my most powerful counterattack; there’s no more time to waste! If you don’t help me, I am going to die!”

“Why would I help you?” The mysterious being asked. Qin Yu simply replied, “Because I’ve let you take advantage of me. You can take all these True Saints as well.”

The pair of pretty eyes looked like it was considering Qin Yu’s proposition.

Qin Yu clenched his teeth, “There’s no more time, are you going to help me or not?”

The mysterious being laughed lightly, “I can help you, and I can also resolve the problems you have with your body. However, whatever you have given to me so far is not on the same level as what I can do for you.”

As expected, this mysterious being had seen through all of Qin Yu’s ploys a long time ago. Even back then when it gave Qin Yu a reminder, it had already anticipated that something like this would happen.

Qin Yu looked at the sky. Everything looked the same. White clouds floated in the blue sky, and not a single gust of wind could be heard. It was like a scene straight out of a painting.

However, at this moment, he could suddenly feel an invisible force pressing down on him strongly, as if a huge stone was placed on his chest. It was difficult to even breathe.

It did not look as if anything was happening, but Qin Yu was well aware that a problem had already arisen, and this problem could worsen quickly any time soon…yet, he had not managed to strike a deal with the mysterious being yet.

This made Qin Yu incredibly frustrated, and he started to question whether his decision had been right or not. However, what was done was already done. It was useless to question himself at this juncture.

“I can agree to your requests, as long as they do not cross the line. Or else, you should know that I do have other options.”

The female Ruler was Qin Yu’s backup plan. As of now he already owed her quite a number of favors, so when she gave him an assignment to enter the Desolate Area, he had no choice but to agree to it.

It was best if he could avoid asking her for any more help. Otherwise, he might not be able to reject her if she ever wanted to send him on a life-threatening quest.

The mysterious being laughed, “Sure. I’ll take it as you owing me a favor for now. I’ll tell you what I want when I’ve thought about it.”

That being agreed so easily? Honestly, Qin Yu was prepared to be on the losing end of the deal here. As long as it was not overboard, he was ready to grit his teeth and agree to whatever the mysterious being asked.

He looked at the pair of pretty eyes and said, “I can agree with that, as long as whatever you want does not harm me or go against my morals.”

The mysterious being looked over at Qin Yu and sighed, “Oh, Qin Yu, where do you get such confidence from? I really don’t know! If other people are seeing this, they would be thinking that I am begging to help you.”

Hearing this, Qin Yu’s face reddened with embarrassment.

“I’ve made countless deals, but this is the first time I’ve completed a deal like this.” The mysterious being continued, “Well, I’ll only let it happen this one time.”

Even though that being’s voice was quiet and gentle, Qin Yu could tell that it was slightly unhappy and seemed to be issuing a threat.

Evidently, although this mysterious being from space time was helping Qin Yu this time for unknown reasons, it still had a bottom line. It would not let itself be used by Qin Yu again.

Qin Yu nodded his head, “Okay!”

Suddenly, the sky turned black. The sun could no longer be seen as darkness fell.

This scene was similar to the one when the Darkness Ruler descended upon the Transcendent Sword Sect. However, there was one very big difference. Back then, only the area occupied by the Transcendent Sword Sect turned dark. Today, this darkness engulfed the entire small world. It was a whole world of difference!

Wrapped in darkness, Qin Yu’s body tensed. He could not help as fear gripped onto his heart. He could hear his heartbeat clearly, and how it gradually slowed down until it totally froze over.

Was this the true power of a Ruler? He had not even made his move yet; all he did was spread his aura around, and Qin Yu was already extremely afraid.

Suddenly, in the pitch black space above him, a few faint lights appeared. They were dim at first, but then became brighter and brighter.

To his astonishment, they were bright and radiant stars that were falling slowly. As if the night sky was not perfect enough being littered with countless stars, a full moon appeared as well.

Though its appearance was sudden, it did not give anyone a surprise. On the contrary, it felt natural and peaceful.

It was as if the moon was already supposed to be there…or, because the moon had been hanging in the night sky for countless years in history, it blended in well with the surroundings.

Qin Yu suddenly felt the air around him becoming colder, to the point where it would freeze and become a shapeless cage that trapped him within. His senses were dulled and his vision was blurred, causing him to feel separated from the world.

The only good thing was that this sudden cold energy was unable to do any damage to him. Otherwise, Qin Yu would have already become an ice sculpture by now. Obviously, it was all the mysterious being’s doing. Was it because that being wanted to protect Qin Yu? Perhaps, but even then, there must be some other reason as well.

For example…not wanting Qin Yu to know what was going to happen next.

Qin Yu was too lazy to think about all the possible outcomes. For now, his chest felt tight, and his face paled even more underneath the shapeless ice seal. He did not even realize that his lips were curled up in a mischievous way.

He poured all his energy into sensing what was going on in the outside world. Even though the shapeless ice seal blocked his divine sense, he was still able to roughly understand what was going on whenever there was an impact on the cage.

The battle had already begun!

Undeniably, this battle between Rulers was the biggest fight that Qin Yu had ever experienced in his life. It was a pity that although he was physically here, he could not actually see what was going on.

Explosive energy flowed out like a ferocious wave under the faint glow of the stars and the moon, wreaking havoc upon the lands.

That power was simply terrifying, and it seemed to be able to reach the heavens. Naturally, it was able to touch those stars in the night sky.

Bang! Bang!

Deafening sounds filled the air, and the stars were shattered one after another, turning into tiny meteorites that were set ablaze like shooting stars as they fell towards the ground.

The fire surrounding the meteorites burned more intensely as it fell, causing the flames to become brighter and brighter. As these flames illuminated this small world, two humongous illusions could be made out.

They interwove with each other at a speed that was quicker than the eye could discern, such that only bright flashes of light could be seen.

One could shake this entire world, while the other could shatter the stars in the sky. This was the terrifying power of these two illusions.

Those meteorites never managed to touch the ground; they were burned to ashes whilst they fell.

The ground shook violently!

The sky quivered!

Stars perished!

This was a battle between Rulers that could engulf the lands. It was true destruction and devastation.

There were millions of innocent living beings in this small world that contained Dragon Abyss Town, but this world was cruel. Living or dying did not depend on whether one had committed sins or not.

In the black sky, the number of stars gradually decreased. Yet, the round moon was still there and started to shine even brighter now. Not only so, it had also expanded in size. Looking at the moon from the ground, it felt like one was gazing at the blue dome of heaven!

Suddenly, this moon that covered a big part of the sky trembled.

This moon that was shockingly large started to tremble, like the hand of a huge giant was pressing downwards from above.

Hong –

Tremendously loud sounds filled the air; the sound waves caused everything to quake!

Yet, this was only the beginning. The moon trembled a second time, a third time, a fourth…

Perhaps this was what the idiom ‘the sky and earth were turning upside down’ meant. Such a big small world had been completely torn apart.

Finally, having seemed to have been freed, the round moon started to descend towards the ground.

Just a few trembles were enough to shake the entire world, so what would happen if it fell to the ground? The moon looked bigger and bigger as it descended, and eventually, it was all that could be seen even beyond the horizon.

Then, a thunderous boom could be heard as the moon collided with the ground. The impact created waves that blew Qin Yu away.

‘Ka-cha’ sounds could be heard and a shred of terrifying aura could be felt.

Just a shred, because the shapeless ice seal that trapped Qin Yu was very strong. Even if it was cracked, it still contained a strong protective power.

However, just this shred of terrifying aura was enough to injure him significantly. Fresh blood instantly poured out of his mouth and his nose, and as if there was a fountain in his stomach, blood flowed continuously.

At the same time, tearing sounds rang out as well, and multiple wounds appeared on Qin Yu’s body. Blood continued to trickle non-stop from his wounds.

After just a few seconds, his whole body seemed to be drenched in blood. Yet, his skin was as pale as paper and there was no more light in his eyes…at this moment, Qin Yu suddenly looked very skinny, like a dried corpse. His strong life energy had become so weak, like a candle placed in the cold wind that could be extinguished at any time.

Was this the power of a Ruler?

This was the only thought that Qin Yu could conjure before the shock and terror started to hit him. Firstly, he was now extremely fearful about Rulers’ strength. Secondly…he was going to die!

Since he was going to die, it meant that he had not died yet. However, if he continued to be impacted by the energy of the outside world, he was going to become a shriveled corpse that drowned in his own blood.

Thankfully, this scenario had not happened yet. The outside world suddenly quietened down, and the energy that had seeped into the shapeless ice seal disappeared.

He had survived!

Qin Yu rejoiced in his heart. However, just when he was breathing a sigh of relief, the smile on his face suddenly vanished.

Gu-dong –

Gu-dong –

Suddenly, every wound on his body seemed to have grown a big mouth that munched greedily at the dried-up skin and flesh.

Originally, this would have been a good thing for Qin Yu. He was about to die because of his body drying up.

Now, Qin Yu was unable to feel happy anymore. His eyes widened and he looked surprised and angry at the same time.

Because they had fed on Qin Yu’s blood, it caused him to become swollen, and very quickly he became like a balloon!

On his skin, tiny green blood vessels appeared and they started to squirm. They were worms!

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