Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 1463: Terrifying Half-King

I am known as ‘chicken overlord’, and I am sure every one of you recognizes me and knows me quite well, so there is no need for any more introductions.

I’m not any different from my juniors, because I’m super anxious right now!

No, to be more accurate, I am more anxious than they were.

That jinx turned out to be the ‘Darkness Ruler’. Oh my god, this world is too scary.

I have not fully accepted and digested this yet, but more terrifying things keep happening.

First, a woman came. Don’t ask me why I know this. Just look at her hands and even an idiot would figure it out.

Furthermore, her frightening aura made me feel like I was on the edge of death. That feeling burned in my brain like a hot iron; I cannot forget it.

I don’t know who she is, but this woman is definitely the most terrifying living being I have ever encountered in my life! There is no one else as scary as her.

Cough, cough. I have been cultivating and broadening my worldview, which has helped me to appreciate the better things in this world even more. However, this woman…I can’t even think of one good thing about her!

At first, I thought that she was the most terrifying thing that I would meet during this period.

However, I guess I am still too young. Following that jinx Qin Yu, every strange and seemingly impossible thing happens!

Then, I saw that door.

Even though that Divine Nation had already been snatched away, I did still possess it for a period of time.

This concerned the transformation of life. I’m not too sure about the specifics because I did not study it too much. However, it gave me even sharper senses, so I could immediately discern the nature of that door.

If that woman I was talking about just now gave a feeling of mountains and rivers being overturned, then this door’s aura was like the sun and moon were being shattered.

Whatever it was, if I was not standing on Qin Yu’s shoulders back then and was afraid that he would take revenge on me, I would definitely have peed myself. What exactly was that jinx trying to do? I can’t believe I’ve been encountering one terrifying thing after another!

However, this was not the end, because that jinx actually walked into that door.

Was he crazy?!

I wanted to run away, but my legs were already mush. My wings that had once let me soar high above in the skies had lost every ounce of energy. I could only hold onto his shoulder for dear life. When we walked into the door, we were wrapped by an aura that transported us to an unknown destination.

I mentioned that I had sharper senses just now, so when I felt the aura that was wrapping around us, I almost fainted from shock.

I admit that I must be looking quite battered right now. However, the way I see it, fainting now would be an incredibly lucky thing to happen.

At least I would not have to bear with these terrifying encounters. As for how the future would be…who knew? Anyway, I am unable to change how the future goes.


Hundred Saint glanced at chicken overlord who had fainted on Qin Yu’s shoulder. Though he was unconscious, he still held tightly onto Qin Yu’s shoulder, afraid that he would be left behind. Hundred Saint’s lips twitched and he said, “The Darkness Ruler’s pet is indeed interesting.”

Qin Yu looked calm and replied blandly, “For some reason, this brat’s senses are sharper than ever. He must’ve fainted from shock.”

Of course chicken overlord was scared. Even though Qin Yu looked calm on the outside, he was scared on the inside too.

The aura was too strong…and it wrapped around them, bringing them towards the Desolate Area.

Qin Yu was unaware of how that clan’s leader had personally made a move against the West Desolate’s Imperial Palace, causing the Connecting Passage to be temporarily sealed.

However, he knew that there was something wrong with the Connecting Passage. Otherwise, Qin Yu would not have been able to destroy the West Desolate’s years of hard work so easily back then, without any strong cultivators to stop him.

It was not hard to guess.

It was expected of the West Desolate to escort them to the Desolate Area in order to prevent any accidents from happening…however, this person who wrapped them in their aura was way too powerful!

Half-King! It was definitely a Half-King!

Qin Yu knew a long time ago that the West Desolate had such strong cultivators, but he never expected that he would come into contact with one this quickly.

However, after thinking about it carefully, it was normal that there was a Half-King at the end of the Connecting Passage to guard it. There was absolutely no need to be this nervous.

Yet, he could not control his emotions even if he had rationalized the situation. He could not suppress his anxiety, but he was a good actor, so he did not show it on his face.

Under the black robes, Qin Yu’s eyes shone. He said, “May I know who is escorting me into the West Desolate today?”

Hundred Saint glanced over at him before replying respectfully, “It’s Di Shitian!” Even from his name, Qin Yu could tell that this person was a Half-King.

What Qin Yu wanted was more information regarding this Half-King Di Shitian, such as how strong his cultivation level was and what kind of personality he had.

This was Qin Yu’s instinct kicking in. The moment he sensed that something was dangerous, he would try to find clues about the situation so that he could find an advantageous position to be in.

“Lord Di Shitian?” Qin Yu could not conceal the curiosity in his voice as his eyes widened.

For the Royal Palace to suddenly invite the Darkness Ruler to enter the Desolate Area, there definitely was a reason behind it. Additionally, from some other information channels that he had, he could roughly guess why the Darkness Ruler had been summoned.

It seemed that after a long period of preparation, the West Desolate was finally going to try and take possession of that treasure. If that really was the case, then the Darkness Ruler was going to play a very big role in this.

Thinking of his own abilities now, and then thinking of that message, Hundred Saint made his decision.

His face was full of admiration as he opened his mouth to speak, “Di Shitian is not from the Royal Palace. He is actually from the wilderness, and he achieved this level of cultivation in less than ten thousand years, which makes him the youngest Half-King out of the seven Half-Kings in the West Desolate. Despite this, he is still one of the strongest Half-Kings…”

Hundred Saint chose to try and create a connection with Qin Yu. After all, this piece of information about Di Shitian was public knowledge. With the Darkness Ruler’s abilities, it would be easy to hear about it anyway.

Hundred Saint was in the right time and place to be able to get the Darkness Ruler’s favor. He did not really see the importance of the Darkness Ruler yet, but this had nothing to do with the Ruler’s cultivation level, just that in the West Desolate, being a Ruler was not that big of an achievement.

However, the future was uncertain; no one knew how things would end up. Perhaps it would be beneficial to forge some friendly relationships with people whenever a chance arose.

To survive in this world, even if it meant just being a spectator, it also required a certain amount of luck and power to be able to not be dragged into the dirt by someone at any point in time. And forming good relationships was obviously the best choice in order to stand firm in a neutral stance.

Qin Yu could roughly guess Hundred Saint’s intentions from the serious tone of his voice and detailed explanations. He could not help but feel weird inside. Hundred Saint’s efforts were all going to go down the drain. What a poor thing, to be met with misfortune the moment he met Qin Yu…tsk, he felt slightly bad about it!

Yet, Qin Yu could not just tell Hundred Saint to stop wasting his efforts here. The information that Hundred Saint gave him was of great importance.

Even though knowing some information about a Half-King could not change what he was about to face, at least it would be better than having no information at all…now, he could get some reassurance in his heart.

The Connecting Passage felt endless. They had been in it for a very long time, wrapped in a Half-King’s aura, but they still could not see the end. This made Qin Yu feel extremely anxious for the things that were going to happen in the future.

It was such a long journey. Even if they had stealthily entered the West Desolate, it would not be easy to successfully return to the Vast Brightness World.

But that was something to think about next time. He did not know how tomorrow was going to go; there was even less of a need to think about the long future ahead.

Furthermore, no matter how long the Connecting Passage was, it would still end eventually.

When they finally neared the end of the passage, Hundred Saint nodded his head in silence.

Whoosh –

The next moment, bright light shone, enveloping Qin Yu within. He could not help but squint his eyes as he looked up. He could not conceal how taken aback he was.

Because in the sky, there it was…nine suns!

This unimaginable scene was too much for Qin Yu, who despite having a firm heart, could not help falling in a deep shock.

Nine suns. In the Desolate Area, being able to see nine suns…surprisingly, it felt extremely warm and comfortable, not at all the terrifying scene of scorching the earth that he was expecting.

Could it be that because the Desolate Area was vast enough to withstand the light that was being released from all nine suns at once?

Qin Yu took a deep breath to regain his composure, but at this time, the expression on his face changed and he was rooted to the ground.

Suddenly, in Qin Yu’s world, the nine suns in the sky became dimmer and dimmer, until they were extinguished such that his surroundings became pitch-black.

A pair of eyes appeared in the darkness. It seemed as if the nine suns had been extinguished because of its appearance.

Qin Yu’s scalp went numb in an instant, his hairs stood on end, and he felt like he was going to explode on the spot.

Of course this was a false feeling; he would not be killed just because the pair of eyes had locked their gaze on him…it was just that all his concealment was seen through in an instant, and he felt like his heart had been cut open for the whole world to see.

This was not going according to Qin Yu’s plan. However, his consciousness had been snatched away from him, isolated from his control. He could feel and see everything that was going on, but he did not have the power to change anything.

It seemed like just a breath had passed, but it also seemed like countless years had passed. In here, he lost all sense of time and space.

When he regained control of his body, it felt like he had just been rescued after almost drowning. His face was pale and he was gasping for breath, his eyes full of fear.

“Let me escort you, Lord Di Shitian!” Hundred Saint shouted earnestly and took a deep bow.

At that moment, Qin Yu knew that that pair of eyes belonged to…a Half-King cultivator. So this was the power of a Half-King!

Qin Yu had made countless assumptions about the power of a Half-King, but after experiencing it himself, he realized just how lacking his imagination was.

There was a tremor in his heart that was telling him coldly and sternly, that the only reason why he did not die when the pair of eyes looked at him just now was because the other party had not sensed anything wrong from his aura.

In other words, if Qin Yu had shown his real identity, he would have died instantly when Di Shitian’s eyes locked onto him.

Just one look to kill a True Saint…

Qin Yu suppressed the anxiety and fear that he felt and gave a respectful bow to Di Shitian, albeit slightly late.

He was very clear on the fact that if he could not get the Darkness Crown, he would not be able to fight against Di Shitian at all.

He could not help but think about the enemies that he would have to face in the future. They would not just be Half-Kings, they would be even stronger and even more powerful. Even if Qin Yu was prepared to go against the West Desolate and that clan, he still felt extremely hesitant at this moment.

Was he really able to contend against such strong enemies?

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