Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 1472: Enter the Capital

Hundred Saint’s lips twitched, “Although I can understand your feelings, I am not willing to provoke the master of Seascape City. As such, you ought to watch your words and remain respectful.”

Qin Yu’s face was dark under the black robe and he ignored Hundred Saint’s reminder. Regardless of the cause of the incident, his son had created trouble in front of him. It was improper but Qin Yu could not scold him?

His mind spun quickly and Qin Yu sighed, “Hundred Saint, I will listen to whatever you say.”

Hundred Saint was taken aback and his eyes bulged wide open. He carefully looked at Qin Yu before giving a long sigh, “Darkness Ruler, are you set on me?” This was obviously a pretense. Hundred Saint truly wanted to say that in this tough world, Darkness Ruler was very shameless.

Qin Yu ignored him, pretending not to hear the mockery in Hundred Saint’s voice. He was someone without a backing in the West Desolate and he needed to get Hundred Saint on his side. Otherwise, was he going to take on all his enemies alone? What a joke!

This was why Qin Yu remained silent. He exchanged gazes with Hundred Saint and delivered a clear message with his eyes – you are right!

Hundred Saint felt angry. However, there was nothing he could do to Qin Yu.

It would be easy for him to leave and let go of everything. But if something happened to Qin Yu…did he really think that the elder who moved out of the Imperial Palace was too old and weak?

The sixth prince received numerous chances because of the backing of the previous Desolate King! Within the Imperial Palace, filial piety was lacking. This was especially so for the individual seated on the royal chair.

This also meant that the old man had significant influence with regards to internal affairs of the West Desolate. The current Desolate King still needed to give way to and tolerate him.

If Qin Yu died, the sixth prince would have no way out. How would Hundred Saint survive then? Once the old man gave his orders, people would die.

As such, Hundred Saint felt helpless and disappointed. His words were true – Qin Yu was set on him!

At that point, Qin Yu sighed in relief as he saw the mixture of emotions that ran through Hundred Saint’s face. Although he had made his own judgement beforehand, he could confirm that everything was as he expected.

As long as he had Hundred Saint with him, he would temporarily be safe. As for the future…survive till then to see!

It was truly a sad and deplorable scenario, but this was the reality where no one could see hope.

Sighing deeply, Hundred Saint showed a dejected expression before slowly saying, “I have to admit that I cannot let anything happen to you. However, there are too many things involved in this. I have to protect you and I cannot let things get out of hand or there will be too much trouble! I cannot voluntarily protect you but I will assist you to achieve your goal.”

Qin Yu demanded, “Get to the point.”

Although he knew that he could get Hundred Saint on his side, he felt dejected knowing his dark future.

With this playing on the back of his mind, Qin Yu was not in the mood for Hundred Saint to drone on and on.

Hundred Saint felt suffocated and he almost rolled his eyes. Gritting his teeth, he said, “We can stay in Seascape City for one more day. The following day, an elder from my family will be heading to the capital. I will ask him to take a detour and bring us along with him.”

This was the best option Hundred Saint could think of. Even if his thoughts could be seen through, no one said anything else. In the end, he could only try to protect himself.

Under the cover of the black robe, Qin Yu frowned, “Stay for one more day?”

So many things had happened despite being here for only half a day. That old man, the City Governer’s smile was still etched in his mind. Who knew what will happen if he stayed here another day.

“Don’t worry! Since Chen Yuanshen feels threatened, he will think twice before doing anything. It will not happen a second time! Otherwise, people will start to question his control over Seascape City…under such circumstances, he will not give anyone a chance to attack him.”

Although Qin Yu did not fully understand what Hundred Saint was saying, he could sense the other party’s confidence. As such, he did not press further.

Reality showed that Hundred Saint was right. Seascape City was peaceful for the next day and no accidents happened. Moon Brothel returned to its former glorious state after a round of tidying up. Even the dried up lake that had been shattered was now filled up.

One would assume that the peace would continue. However, that old man who Hundred Saint talked about came knocking.

The knocking sound lasted a while outside the courtyard before it fell silent again.

Before Qin Yu could finish his cup of tea, the knocking started again. This time, it was more anxious and impatient.

A look of helplessness crossed Qin Yu’s face and he placed his cup down. He instructed, “Let her in.”

The gate of the courtyard opened and the sound of footsteps grew closer. Lady Yun rushed over with an anxious look on her face. After just one day, she looked like a wilted spring flower. Her face was pale and her lips were dry, giving off a very tired look.

Once she saw Qin Yu and his indifferent gaze, she gasped for air before kneeling down, “Lord, you were very generous and magnanimous in not holding me accountable. I should not ask for more but I really do not have any other choice.”

Her tears streamed down her face and dropped to the ground. She bowed down and pleaded, “Please save Yun Die, she is going to die!”

Before she knocked on the gate of the courtyard, she had already tried many other methods. However, those people who used to flatter her and were close to her now avoided her like she was a parasite.

In fact, Moon Brothel was in a worse state than her. After that high-profile lord from the City Governor was slapped in front of the crowd, it received backlash even though there was no reason for it to and Yun Qing was not involved.

What future did Yun Qing have if Chen Sanglue held a grudge? Those people who had relationships with Yun Qing wanted to wipe their hands clean of everything related to her. No one would be willing to help her save someone.

Yun Die was better off dead. If Yun Qing died too, it would be better; she would no longer be that jinx who created trouble.

Qin Yu frowned as he pondered. Yun Die must be the girl who was kicked by Chen Sanglue. He looked at Yun Qing, wondering how this woman dared to come and beg him for help.

Lady Yun did not lift her head as though she felt the confused and puzzled gaze from Qin Yu on her.

In fact, she did not know how she dared to come here herself. Strictly speaking, she only became an acquaintance with Qin Yu over a meal. They were just slightly better than strangers.

The room was silent. Kneeling on the ground, Lady Yun’s face grew more and more pale. Although she was from a brothel, she was someone who was surrounded by admiration and praise daily. She never thought that she would be reduced to such a state one day.

There was desperation in her eyes and Lady Yun wiped her tears dry before she struggled to stand up. She bowed towards Qin Yu and turned to leave.

At that moment, Qin Yu sensed a suicidial will from her. This lady from Moon Brothel was relatively shortsighted.

Her face was identical to Feature’s. Her suicidal thoughts, sadness, and despair made Qin Yu’s heart shift.

Right before she left, Qin Yu shook his head and sighed, “Where is she?”

Lady Yun was stunned for a moment before she regained her composure. When she turned back towards him, her eyes were glimmering and she stared wide-eyed at Qin Yu with tears falling down her face.

Yun Die was badly injured and because she had not received immediate treatment, she was approaching death. However, this was nothing too major for Qin Yu. He waved his hand and called on some darkness that covered Yun Die within.

A few moments later, Qin Yu turned to leave. The darkness pulled away, revealing Yun Die. Her face was still ghastly pale but her breathing was much more consistent. Her eyelashes flickered and she slowly opened her eyes, “Young…young lady…”

Lady Yun hugged Yun Die to her chest and she looked at Qin Yu’s back and said, “Thank you lord, thank you lord!”

A few servants beside them had panicked looks. At that point, their emotions boiled over and tears overflowed from their eyes.

As Qin Yu walked out of the yard, a wave of cries could be heard. He shook his head and a helpless look crossed his face. He was a seemingly ruthless person.

So what if he saved that lady today? They offended the City Governor and would not have a smooth sailing life.

It might not be a good thing that she survived.

Qin Yu shook his head and suppressed all these thoughts. He was in a precarious situation himself and he did not know what awaited him in the future. He had no right to bother with others.

Ignoring the crying behind him, Qin Yu left, returning to the courtyard to wait for news from Hundred Saint…it should be about time.

In fact, at that exact moment, Hundred Saint was talking to an elder with a respectful tone. Although this person seemed old, his eyes were very lively and he had a spectacular aura that only gathered respect from onlookers!

“Hundred Saint. The situation is chaotic now and it might not be a good idea to be involved in it.” The white-haired elder glanced at him, “Why don’t you choose the second option? I can invite his lordship out. That old man will give him some face.”

Hundred Saint laughed bitterly, “You are right, Uncle Jiang. But in this world, what is certain? After all, you know that old man’s work style. If I was the one who caused the sixth prince to sink, the situation would not be that simple!”

Jiang Chengzi frowned slightly. He nodded, “You are right too…but from your expression, there seems to be another reason as well?”

Hundred Saint rose and bowed, “I do not dare to hide from you, Uncle Jiang. I invited you here to escort me and the Darkness Ruler to the capital because I have another reason. I look highly upon this person!”

Jiang Chengzi drummed his fingers against the table. After a few moments, he said, “I once praised you for your foresight. I hope that you are right this time too.”

A guilty look crossed Hundred Saint’s face, “I will have to trouble you, Uncle Jiang.”

Jiang Chengzi laughed, “It is alright. This old face of mine can still scare some people off.” He waved his hand. “Let’s go. We will head off after some preparations.”

Hundred Saint bowed before he left. Once he was out, a cultivator walked briskly towards him and mumbled a few words.

After he heard this person’s words, Hundred Saint’s lips quivered and a strange look crossed his face…Darkness Ruler, you are really bold! Under such circumstances, you can still pity others? Have you given your heart to a woman?

From Hundred Saint’s perspective, if not for this reason, he really could not understand why Qin Yu would do what he did.

What a sentimental man!

His eyes flashed and Hundred Saint lowered his voice to give the cultivator a few instructions. Once the cultivator left, Hundred Saint sighed to himself.

He had just attested for the Darkness Ruler and he truly thought highly of him.

Although their interactions were not much and he didn’t know why, he felt close to this person…furthermore, he even wanted to prolong their interactions.

If it wasn’t for this, with Hundred Saint’s status and background, there was no reason for him to be kind to Qin Yu.

Since he wanted to get along with the Darkness Ruler, it was only natural to do him a favor. He would be very satisfied with this arrangement.

Oh, then let’s not tell him about the exciting news first. When the pieces fall into the right places, it would be the perfect opportunity to tell him then.

He knocked on the gate of Qin Yu’s courtyard. Hundred Saint announced, “The elder from my clan is here.”

Qin Yu replied, “Let’s go!”

The two of them walked out of Moon Brothel. The troop was already prepared. More than a hundred knights mounted on war horses gathered outside the yard. The silence felt deadly.

With just a glance, Qin Yu could feel the thick scent of blood and killing intent from these knights and his heart clenched. Looking at the black carriage right at the front of the knights, Qin Yu’s expression hardened.

Hundred Saint explained softly, “The elder from my clan belongs to the military.”

His eyes flashed with pride and he did not say anything else.

Seeing how he did not elaborate further, Qin Yu pondered for a while before he cupped his hands towards the horse carriage and expressed his thanks.

He was a mysterious fellow with many powerful opponents. It was a moment where he lacked allies.

The powerful backing behind Hundred Saint was Qin Yu’s best option for now.

As such, he did not hesitate to express his appreciation voluntarily.

However, it was a pity that the master of the carriage was not bothered with this. He casually instructed, “Let’s go.”

The black horse carriage rolled forward as its wheels grinded through the ground. The more than a hundred knights took off after him. Following them were a few dozen other horse carriages and the entire troop formed an organized line.

Hundred Saint patted Qin Yu’s shoulder and gave him a look. With that, the two of them flew into a carriage.

Once they were comfortably seated, Hundred Saint sighed deeply, “Alright, our safety should not b a concern anymore.”

Qin Yu’s eyes flashed. The master of the carriage must be an extraordinary person!

This was naturally good news for him. However, upon thinking about how Hundred Saint had such connections to a man who could escort them to the capital…Qin Yu felt like a sheep entering a lion’s den, he was digging his own grave…


Pfft…pay attention!

I will not die, no way.

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