Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 1476: Someone from the Capital

The blood void was a self-constructed space with a blood sea tumbling within. Qin Yu was now in this blood sea. Once he entered it, he knew that he would not be able to destroy it with his own capabilities.

Since he could not destroy it, he could only merge with it. He would let his dark energy go forth to consume the blood sea and then take control of it.

This was not an easy thing to do. Otherwise, the blood sea could be stolen by anybody and Blood Flag would not have gotten the name that he did, a predator who trapped his prey.

On the surface, Qin Yu was at a disadvantage after being absorbed into the blood sea. However, from another perspective, this was where he would craft his own advantage.

Because he was in the blood sea, he could release dark energy to pollute the sea around him. Once it was black color, Qin Yu would have control of it.

Very soon however, Blood Flag showed him the controlling strength that came with a strong cultivation realm. Once dark energy covered the entire sea, Qin Yu suffered a horrible backlash.

The blood sea was roaring in rage and destructive forces rolled out in waves in all directions. Like an angry fist, it was about to shatter all the darkness that polluted its territory. Qin Yu had to do his best to stand his ground.

However, he knew that this was not all that Blood Flag had. Qin Yu was waiting for him to display his true force.

When he was at a disadvantage, it would obviously be stupid of him to reveal his hidden card first. Keeping it hidden for now was how he would be able to use it in the most effective manner.

All of a sudden, the blood sea seemed to relax its suppression on the dark energy. A loophole appeared in the rigid seal.

Qin Yu’s eyes flashed. He did not know what happened but he could sense an opportunity coming. Although there were some strange pointers, he could not be bothered to think about all that for now.

He grunted to himself and the Darkness Crown appeared above his head. In the center of it, Eye of Eternal Night released a soft glow of light.

Dark energy exploded like a mountain and struck the sea relentlessly, breaking through the seal that was put in place. He obtained a greater area of control over the blood sea.

Qin Yu sighed softly and the Darkness Crown started to hum slightly as dark energy gushed out. This was to combat the backlash that was about to come from the blood sea…surprisingly, the backlash did not come and it instead gave up on fighting for its territory, allowing the dark energy to run wild along the sea like a horse.

Wherever the dark energy went, it turned the area black. In a short period of time, the entire blood sea was pitch black like the night sky.

Qin Yu frowned slightly and a dark look crossed his eyes. He did not think that he would defeat Blood Flag because of a mistake the latter made. He did not know this person, but judging from Hundred Saint’s reaction, Qin Yu could tell how nasty Blood Flag was.

There was only one explanation…a trap!

The blood sea was made to capture him. However, if things did not go smoothly it could also turn into a place where he would be buried.

Blood Flag voluntarily gave up control over the blood sea, allowing it to be polluted by dark energy. This meant that Blood Flag intended for Qin Yu to be buried along with the blood sea.

If he switched positions, what would Blood Flag do now? Qin Yu jumped and his heart tightened as a deep feeling of unease crossed him.

In the next moment, the ‘polluted’ blood sea started to crack and shatter apart with loud booms!


Blood Flag’s expression was pale. He frowned as pain washed through his body. However, he sneered coldly.

“My blood sea is not something that can be so easily controlled. I will let you have it first and then I will explode it. Let’s see how you will survive that.”

Strictly speaking, for dark energy to ‘contaminate’ the entire blood sea, it must have been done using the Great Dao. As such, Blood Flag saw it as Qin Yu using his Great Dao to forcefully assert his control over the blood sea.

As someone who had walked out of a mountain of corpses before, Blood Flag had a lot of battle experience and he had escaped death several times too. Many years ago, he already realized a big flaw in his blood sea. If a True Saint or a cultivator more powerful was devoured, the blood sea could be taken over by the Great Dao of the True Saint and Blood Flag would lose control of it.

If another cultivator knew of this flaw, the first thought would be to immediately abandon the use of the blood sea. After all, as a powerful True Saint who had many hidden cards, he had many strong measures at his disposal. It would not be a huge pity if he abandoned any one of them.

However, Blood Flag was not ordinary. He had spent a lot of effort to construct a high grade blood sea.

Even after the blood sea was upgraded, the flaw was still there. Yet, from another perspective, it became a very powerful killing weapon.

Any enemy who entered the blood sea would use his Great Dao to steal the blood sea from him. Once that happened, the enemy would have both feet in the grave.

If a Great Dao crumbled, a Saint would die!

This was an unbreakable rule in the Desolate Area. Aside from those with very special bloodlines or an exceptional divine tool, no one could avoid the consequences of shattering their Great Dao.

As such, Blood Flag only needed a thought to cause his ‘stolen’ blood sea to be thrown into the abyss forever.

Blood Flag had done similar things in the past. However, the secret flaw of the blood sea had never been exposed because none of the cultivators who were devoured by it had managed to survive.

Today was not going to be an exception either.

The blood sea was already beginning to crumble apart and this was also the case for the Darkness Ruler’s Great Dao. Unless he was a Ruler, he would not be able to survive.

The Darkness Ruler was not a Ruler and Blood Flag had confirmed this earlier on.

The blood void was still rapidly churning. All of a sudden, tiny black slits appeared in the sea of red.

There were many of these tiny black streaks that weaved together and appeared to be like a spider web. Slowly, it started to segregate the void into numerous fragments.

In the next moment, there was a suddenly ‘bam’ and the void cracked into pieces like a mirror.

Blood Flag’s grin grew even wider and he sighed to himself in satisfaction. He was prepared to gather his prey and get the rewards he worked hard for.

However, nothing appeared!

His smile stiffened and he started to frown. There was a hint of concern in his deep cold eyes.

He could not understand why the Darkness Ruler was still alive even though he should have died.

If a Great Dao and the blood sea met, the destruction of the sea would cause the Great Dao to be destroyed too…but none of this was important anymore. The Darkness Ruler was still alive and this meant that Blood Flag’s trap was a failure.

The capital was finally reacting.

Shoosh shoosh!

Two figures shot through the air. Even though these men were still far away, they carried a terrifying and suppressive aura that swept forward like a tsunami.


And two of them too.

What a coincidence that two Rulers were present in the Guard Division of the capital…there weren’t a lot of coincidences in this world.

Essentially, this meant that someone had chosen another path. They were watching and they chose the appropriate moment to act. In other words, Qin Yu, who was suppressed under the blood sea awaiting his death, had managed to obtain an opportunity to survive.

Blood Flag frowned. Then, he slowly relaxed and sighed as he retracted his murderous intent. A look of helplessness crossed his face.

“Blood Flag, stop what you are doing immediately. You will return to the Guard Division for an interrogation.”

The command was shouted from afar. There was undeniable annoyance in the voice.

Shoosh shoosh!

The pair from the Guard Division of the capital landed at the same time.

The two people both had the same surname of Ye, and this implied a critical fact.

There were two sturdy trees in the army of the West Desolate with the surname of Ye, but they were not from the same family. More accurately, they were opponents who were there to supervise and balance the power.

These two men supported more than seventy percent of the empire for many years, and their schemes against each other had spread as stories among the people for many generations.

Both sides had suffered deaths and injuries before. Although there were never any conflicts on the surface, every child in the capital knew that the two Ye families were like fire and water. As such, the two main generals of the capital’s Guard Division were both named Ye too.

Because the two families came into prominence at different times, the West Desolate got used to calling them the Old Ye Family and the Later Ye Family. The person who spoke was from the Old Ye Family and he was a significant individual who was a Ruler. He was one of the more high ranking generals in the army.

His words had some weight to them and not even the crazy Blood Flag would look down on him.


He bowed at the command. His face was calm and he did not resist, yet, he showed no fear either.

The man from the Later Ye Family scowled. As he stared at Blood Flag, there was a cold and evil gaze in his eyes.

The clashing sound of the battle in the distance disappeared and the Blood Flag who was fighting with Jiang Chengzi vanished like a shadow.

The version of Blood Flag who was calmly waiting for the command did not change his aura at all…these skills, the three generals of the army had a flicker of fear in their eyes.

It was truly terrifying for anyone to be able to completely cover their aura when they wanted to!

Blood Flag had managed to achieve this without any question.

The rhythmic sound of breathing came as Jiang Chengzi lowered himself; his white hair was slightly damp. Cupping his hands together, he greeted, “I am Jiang Chengzi from the West Border Army. Greetings to you two.”

The size of the Guard Division in the capital was a far cry from the West Border army. However, it was the heart of the West Desolate and it provided critical security and protection as the ‘Imperial Capital Army’. It held a high regard in the army and the main generals there were of a higher status than the border commanders.

Of course, the fact that the two main generals were Rulers already proved that they had a higher status than the border commander.

“Jiang Chengzi, long time no see. I have been occupied with my own commitments and could not pay you a visit. It is rare for you to be in the capital, let’s find a day to have tea together.” the Old Ye general smiled. He appeared warm and unlike what a general of the ‘Imperial Capital Army’ would seem to be. He was like a long lost friend.

Jiang Chengzi was respectful and he did not appear to relax because of the kind intentions shown by the Old Ye general. He said, “Thank you for the invitation, General Ye Qin, but I have a tight schedule for my visit to the capital this time. The situation at the west border is unstable and I will be returning immediately after things are settled here. I am afraid that I will have to turn down the invitation.”

The Later Ye main general frowned. He was silent and wore an expressionless face that looked like a stone. His eyebrows were etched together slightly and he had a suppressive aura, “What is wrong with the west border?”

Jiang Chengzi nodded solemnly, “In recent months, there have been many big and small conflicts. Although the barbarians in the west suffered numerous defeats, they have not retreated…the commander is afraid that the west barbarians have taken the few hundred years of peace to regain their strength. As such, they are taking action now.”

The Later Ye Family main general was called Ye Ziling. He said, “Military matters come first. Since the west barbarians are unrelenting, you should return to the west border as soon as possible and assist the commander to crush the barbarians.”

Jiang Chengzi cupped his hands together and acknowledged the order.

There was a look of helplessness on main general Ye Qin’s face. The capital was naturally aware of the situation at the border. We are both military men and this scene has played out many times before. Why do you need to put up an act again?

Glancing at the white hair that peaked out from Jiang Chengzi’s helmet, main general Ye Qin sighed. Getting into the affairs of the West Border Army still required going a long way!

He naturally maintained a calm face as he thought about this and his expression did not reveal his thoughts. He nodded his head in a serious manner and put on a look of pity, “Since there isn’t a chance this time, we can always wait for the next chance. I can wait.” His words did not carry any concrete meaning. However, it covered some dirt in each of their hearts.

Once or twice was fine, but what would the future hold if things piled up? After all, this was what Ye Qin truly wanted.

The West Border Army was exceptionally important as it contained roughly twenty percent of the entire military strength. The Old Ye Family had tried multiple times to get involved in the military affairs there, but it all resulted in failure.

This was something he could not tolerate…Jiang Chengzi was an important chess piece in the eyes of the Old Ye Family.

Although he was not the commander of the West Border Army and he was only ranked fourth in seniority, this old general had deep roots in the West Border Army. He took baby steps to rise up the ranks and become the fourth in command. In all of the West Border Army, he commanded deep respect and commanding strength.

If he could establish a good relationship with Jiang Chengzi, the Old Ye Family would be halfway successful in interfering with the West Border Army.

Having twenty percent of the military strength in the empire was not something that could be achieved easily. As such, the Old Ye Family was long prepared for resistance from Jiang Chengzi.

Jiang Chengzi wore a look of helplessness and he smiled bitterly. Cupping his hands together as a gesture, he gave his answer.

Ye Ziling was still expressionless and his face that was as stiff as a stone hid his emotions. However, he was obviously enraged at Ye Qin for trying to curry favor with Jiang Chengzi!

Drawing in, pushing away and observing…the matter came to an end for the time being. The three generals remained respectful to each other.

Ye Qin said in a low voice, “Blood Flag, come with us!”

Blood Flag had his head lowered to express obedience. He suddenly raised his head and smirked, “I rarely make mistakes, but I am going to leave empty-handed today. Why don’t you let me see this extraordinary Darkness Ruler before I leave with you two?”

“Blood Flag, stop trying to stir things up. There is a limit to how much the military will tolerate you!” Ye Ziling warned. His cold eyes revealed his relentless animosity.

The smirk grew even more exaggerated and Blood Flag licked his lips. His tongue was so red to the point it looked evil, “Are you threatening me?”

There was silence in the air.

Ye Qin frowned and he stepped forward and raised his hand, “As the main general of the Guard Division in the capital, I will give you a final warning. Stop any resistance and leave with us or you will face the consequences!”

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