The sinners of the underground, whose bloodlines had long been tainted, twisted and transformed into inhuman monsters.

Even if their brains exploded, although it would be a serious injury, it would not enough to be fatal.

But at this moment, with the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground, the aura of the figure that fell into the darkness dissipated.

One of the leaders of the sinners, one of the rulers of the dirty, underground Sin Nation was killed just like that.

A chill could be felt instantly, and the atmosphere was suddenly grave!

They would not have believed it if they had not seen it with their own eyes, but this was undoubtedly the truth.

Dry Bone King, the most terrifying existence in the underground…was dead.

And the one who did this was undoubtedly the owner of the voice just now.

It was also the one who they laughed coldly at and were so sure would die – General Jinwu Ning Qin!

“Magic Eye, what happened?” the big head of the two-headed creature spoke, trying his best to remain calm.

The small head howled furiously, “Go and investigate it immediately, we need to know the truth!”

A sheep in wolf’s clothing.

But at this moment, no one laughed at the small head, because the other leaders of the sinners were also frightened at that time.

Since General Jinwu could kill Dry Bone King in one blow, he could kill them too!

Very quickly, a huge eyeball appeared in front of the leaders of the sinners. Its surface had countless scarlet blood vessels wrapped around it, and it also had vertical pupils.

Hum –

With a tremor, the eyeball shot out light, and an image appeared in the dark underground space.

No sound could be heard, but this did not prevent the leaders from having cold sweats at this moment.

The image was very clear. This was the special ability of the Magic Eye. They could very clearly see Qin Yu’s appearance in the image.

They saw him raise his hand and clench it, killing Dry Bone King who was rushing towards him.

They also saw him laugh coldly, and after saying something, he raised his hand and pointed forward.

“I found you.”

This was probably the sound they heard just now when the air was shaking.

Then, it was needless to say how Dry Bone King ended up.

What made the other leaders more terrified was the look in General Jinwu’s eyes when he killed Dry Bone King. He had stared straight ahead…the one who he killed was Dry Bone King, but it also seemed like he was determined to kill them all.

After a moment of silence, the small head screamed, “We have no choice…unless you think General Jinwu would let us go!”


To be honest, they had already thought of this from the start.

For these leaders of the sinners, changing the ruler of the underground had little impact on them.

As long as the mine was required to operate normally and continuously produce ore, they would still be needed.

As for lowering their heads and losing face…it was not part of their considerations at all.

They were not even human anymore; why would they need face?

However, the small head’s words had shattered the fantasies they harbored in their hearts.

Dry Bone King had been killed instantly!

It was clean and neat. There was no room or time for him to even surrender.

This showed Qin Yu’s attitude.

The mountain of meat suddenly trembled. The layers started to surge and the eyes hidden in it opened up, “General Jinwu is going to kill us, of course we can’t just sit here and wait to die!”

The countless eyes flashed with icy light, “Furthermore, we were forced to retreat when someone from the King realm came to the underground. I do not think that General Jinwu is more powerful than a cultivator in the King realm.”

A bright light flashed in the big head’s eyes, “Do you mean that General Jinwu killed Dry Bone King with the help of external forces?”

“That’s right!” Meat Mountain laughed coldly, “This is the only logical explanation.”

Silence fell.

The fear and shock in their eyes started to dissipate.

If that was the case, General Jinwu was still terrifying, but not to the point that they would feel hopeless about the situation.

Having the support of external forces was undoubtedly terrifying, but its use would eventually come to an end.

“We need to test this theory,” another leader of the sinners voiced out.

The small head shrieked, “Then, what are we waiting for? Let’s begin now!”


Once again, Qin Yu was surrounded by enemies in the depths of the mine. This time, what appeared was a strange kind of bug, and they seemed to be the extreme opposite of Dry Bone King.

Dry Bone King was skin and bones, but these bugs swelled so much, like a mass of fat without bones that could be twisted at any angle. Their only way of attacking was to get close to the prey and self-destruct with a ‘bang!’

Using self-destruction as a way of attacking seemed to be extremely stupid, but the crimson liquid that was sprayed out fell into the mine. A sizzling sound was made and large white smoke was produced. People were unable to laugh when they saw the terrifying traces of corrosion.

At the very beginning, the underground criminals used this type of bug to mine the ores. The terrifying corrosive ability that these bugs possessed had greatly increased the production capacity of the mine.

Later, it was used as a weapon during a battle that happened before the leaders of the sinners had their territories clearly drawn out. It was a nightmare for countless sinners.

There were many corpses that had been completely corroded by that crimson liquid!

Qin Yu frowned. He snapped his fingers, and all the bugs that were rushing over at him exploded to death.

The crimson liquid drowned them in an instant and white smoke was produced. When the smoke dissipated, all that was left behind was a large hole in the ground.


The third time, the trouble that Qin Yu encountered was the underground sinners.

This was the first time he had seen the appearance of the sinners since entering the mine.

They looked very hideous and very terrifying.

Compared to the guards who stayed on the surface and had already shown signs of turning into barbarians, these sinners had completely lost their human appearance.

It was as if the darkness in the underground bred monsters!

Apart from the killing intent and violence that could be seen in their crimson eyes, there was nothing else.

They did not know fear, so they were not afraid of Qin Yu’s aura.

Roaring and howling, the sinners charged towards Qin Yu and tried to drown and suppress him with their own corpses.

But in the end, they still failed.

Bang –

With a muffled sound, the last sinner exploded in front of Qin Yu’s eyes.

He furrowed his brows and a gloomy look appeared in his eyes. When he looked down, he saw a wound on the back of his hand.

This was the trace left by a powerful sinner before he died.

On the wound, the blood turned black, and there were black spider web-like lines that spread outwards.

Taking a deep breath, Qin Yu stepped across the ‘mountain of corpses’ and, surrounded by the pungent scent in the air, he continued towards the depths of the mine.


Then, he encountered trouble for the fourth time.


And the fifth!

The leaders of the sinners gathered together, and their faces paled slightly. They did not think that Qin Yu would have such a terrifying object.

Thankfully, the first one who made a move was Dry Bone King. Otherwise, it would have been one of them who was killed!

Also, the good thing was that the external force Qin Yu relied on would eventually be consumed. According to the image that was transmitted by Magic Eye, they had come to a clear conclusion – Qin Yu’s power was weakening.

Or, to be more precise, he was about to run out of trump cards!

The leaders of the sinners who were fearful and pretended to be helpless suddenly showed a fierce and hideous look in their eyes.

Over the shoulders, the big head and the small head roared at the same time, “General Jinwu will run out of tricks soon. It’s time for you and I to send him to his death!”

Meat Mountain’s thousand eyes flashed with cold light.

In the darkness, killing intent surged and trembled endlessly.

As the masters of the underground Sin Nation, even though they were just dirty reptiles, they were still free and unfettered.

For a long, long time, no one had made them feel such fear and hopelessness. General Jinwu must die, and he must die in the most tragic and terrifying way.

Only with this could they ease the resentment in their heart!

“Wait.” The leader who was in the dark said, with fear in his voice. “I feel that General Jinwu is not that easy to deal with. We should wait and see before acting, to prevent ourselves from falling into a trap.”

Meat Mountain fell silent as fear and hesitation filled his eyes.

No matter how much resentment the leaders of the sinners had towards Qin Yu, they also had an equal amount of fear. There was a possibility that they might fall into a trap that was deliberately luring them to show their true bodies!

Xiu –

A Magic Eye flew over and shot out rays of light. It projected an image in front of the leaders of the sinners.

General Jinwu…was retreating!

Even though it was difficult to identify which direction he was heading towards because of the caves that sprawled densely like spider webs, as leaders who lived in this place, they could tell straight away that General Jinwu was retreating to the surface.

He was running away!

At this moment, all the hesitation and anxiety in the leaders’ hearts was instantly swept away.

“We can’t let him escape!”

“If he dared to break into the underground and commit murder, then he should not even think of making it out alive!”

“Kill him!”

As the leaders howled, they swarmed out to catch Qin Yu.

In fact, all of them were very curious to know what the trump card in Qin Yu’s hand was, since it was able to cause such terrifying damage to these underground creatures.

It made them become like clay chickens and pottery dogs, completely powerless in front of him.

If they killed General Jinwu, they could get their hands on his treasure…and from then on, the one who possessed this treasure would become the true master of the underground Sin Nation!


Qin Yu was very helpless. He found that the underground leaders of the sinners were too cautious and prudent.

After he killed Dry Bone King, his performance was perfect. Even though there was no chance for his acting skills to explode even more, he did not make any mistakes.

He had already pretended to be so miserable, so why did the leaders not make their moves yet?

Unable to bear it any longer, Qin Yu killed Dry Bone King before he started to have any second thoughts.

If he knew that the leaders were going after him now, he would have been more restrained.

Subtly shaking his head, Qin Yu’s eyes swept across his surroundings. He had already used his last move, if these leaders still did not come after him…then he could only finish what he was doing before going to suppress them.

But this was a waste of time, especially underground where the tunnels were very intricate, like countless overlapping spider webs.

If the leaders of the sinners were frightened and tried their best to hide, it would be very difficult for Qin Yu to find them again.

Just at this moment, Qin Yu, who was about to exit the mine, had a glint in his eyes, and then he looked relieved.

It was not easy, but using this trick of ‘retreating in order to advance’ had finally baited them.

Hong, long, long –

The rumbling of the mine filled Qin Yu’s ears.

He stepped forward and took the initiative to rush over. The leaders of the sinners had finally come, and he was scared that they would escape once again.

Let’s just take the initiative this time!

The leaders’, with their faces grim and full of murderous intent, were suddenly startled.

General Jinwu had already used his final trump card, and was trying so hard to escape the underground. Why was he now rushing towards them?

The small head screamed, “Do not be afraid, General Jinwu is about to exhaust all his powers. He is trying to bluff us!” He took over control of one arm and threw the ore out of his hand, “Look how I am going to smash him into meat mush!”

The two-headed, three-armed creature underwent a mutation, and its abilities became infinitely more powerful.

This was not an exaggeration, it really became shockingly powerful!

The ore whizzed through the air silently. It was not that no sound was produced, but because the ore was traveling too fast.

As the ore broke the sound barrier, the shrill sound of the air cracking could be heard. The sound could not catch up to the speed of the ore at all.

Bang –

With a terrifyingly loud boom, Qin Yu took a few steps back from the impact of the ore hitting him. He could feel the blood tumbling in his chest.

If his physical body had not been trained to be tough, at this moment, both his arms would have been broken and a huge hole would have been created in his chest.

Numbness engulfed half of his body. This feeling…ah, it’s indeed sour!

Qin Yu looked at the leaders who were opposite him. When he killed Dry Bone King, he managed to get a glance at all of them.

Good, they were still there.

However, Qin Yu’s thoughts took a huge turn.

The leaders of the sinners were really powerful. Having been hit by the big piece of ore, he had experienced their abilities first-hand.

If he just killed them like this, it would be a waste. However, if he could control them, it would probably be a better option.

In addition, if they were really killed, there would be a power vacuum in the underground which would inevitably lead to competition and turmoil.

This was not the result that Qin Yu wanted to see. It was a valuable mine, so stability was a priority for him.

The production of ores could not be reduced, otherwise it would affect his plans in rising through the ranks in the military.

Qin Yu stepped forward, and the lantern quietly emerged above his head.

The flames in the lantern were burning, and the light that was emitted from the flames was not very bright. However, it was enough to illuminate all the figures of the leaders.


Shrill howls rang out.

The flames of the lantern were like the enemies of these underground leaders. Under the light, their bodies started to corrode quickly.

Furthermore, the most terrifying part was that the leaders discovered that under this light, they lost all control over the powers of their bodies.

It was like they had become wooden stakes as they stood rooted to the ground, unable to move at all.

Suddenly, the flames in the lantern flickered slightly.

The miserable cries of the leaders of the sinners became even louder now. Their exceedingly strong bodies that were made of ironstone and large pieces of flesh started to rot and fall apart.

The black skeletons that were formed by the curse’s power were exposed, and a strong aura of destruction and death completely enveloped them.

The leaders of the sinners finally knew what General Jinwu’s trump card was.

It was just that the price of uncovering the truth was too great…so, this was really just a trap!

Mister Small Head screamed, “Ah! It hurts! It hurts to death! General Jinwu, I am willing to surrender to you; please don’t kill me!”

Mister Big Head and the leaders of the sinners wanted to tear Mister Small Head to pieces very badly now.


It was you who said that we could not let him go, and now you are the first to beg for mercy!

General Jinwu had a hard time baiting them; why would he give up the opportunity to catch them all at once?

Begging for mercy? Fat hope!


The calm voice traveled to the leaders’ ears, and the pain and injury caused by the lantern was greatly reduced.

The corners of Qin Yu’s mouth turned upwards and light flashed in his eyes, “Give up your resistance, let me imprint on your soul, and you can continue to live.”

In the face of life and death, this multiple choice question ironically did not really offer a choice.

The leaders who were stuck in this desperate situation could only tightly grab onto the straw that Qin Yu was offering!


“The rest of the sinners and I greet General Jinwu!”

The two-headed, three-armed creature and the other leaders of the sinners all knelt to the ground.

All of them showed a humble and respectful attitude.

Meat Mountain was about to cry. In its current form, no matter what it did, it was still upright.

It could only desperately try to flatten itself. “General, I do not have legs…”

Qin Yu’s mouth twitched before he waved his hand, “All of you, get up!”

He did not expect that these sinister-looking leaders would have such an exceptional talent for being funny.

“I have been instructed to guard the mine. From now on, I will leave all matters regarding ore production in your hands.”

He then continued, “Remember, I do not like trouble, so all of you have to work hard!”

The leaders took a long sigh of relief in their hearts as they replied, “Yes, General!”

Even though they lost their freedom, and even though the matter of whether they were kept alive or dead was now controlled by someone else, at least they were still alive. They even retained their rights in the underground.

As of now, the sinners’ strike has been suppressed!

For Qin Yu, who was the new Barbarian King and possessed the lantern, this was rather easy to resolve.

However, this was originally just a small part of Qin Yu’s plan.

This time, he entered the mine because his true purpose was to find the source of that fluctuation.

A gleam of light flashed in Qin Yu’s eyes. He wanted to know what the great barbarian shaman who had cast this curse had left behind for him!

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