Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 1529: Urgent Military Report

There was dead silence underground. The leaders of the sinners were in agony and their faces were filled with dread and fear. They did not know what their punishment was going to be. Evidently, General Jinwu was going to kill…all of them were going to die!

“This is the first time and also the last.” Right as the sinners were unable to stand it any longer and thought that their souls were about to crumble apart, Qin Yu suddenly spoke.

Their eyes bulged wide open and they were filled with disbelief. Next, an indescribable feeling of happiness washed over their hearts as the leaders of the sinners thought that they escaped death.

“Thank you General, we know our wrongs and we will not disobey you angina!”

“General, your generosity is as vast as the sea. We can never compare to you!”

“I swear that I will stay loyal to you forever. I am willing to fight with you through a sea of flames!”

The sinners kowtowed continuously, their voices rang out loudly, and they were fully sincere with their words.

Qin Yu smirked coldly as he took in all the words. As long as he was strong enough, these sinners would not dare to rebel against him.

The opposite was true too.

“I will cultivate in seclusion for a period of time underground. Pass on the message and ask Hundred Saint to take care of the mine for now.”

Qin Yu did not elaborate much on the production and work in the mine. He trusted that the leaders of the sinners did not want to die, and hence they would know what to do.

“Yes, General!”

The leaders of the sinners bowed.

The sound of footsteps gradually moved further away. After a long while, the leaders of the sinners finally wiped the cold sweat off their faces and they stood up gingerly.

Phew –

They heaved a long sigh of relief and they could only put a bitter smile on their faces as they exchanged looks.

Their emotions had taken a rollercoaster ride, going up and down in the blink of an eye…this was the perfect description of what they had experienced today.

General Jinwu had survived!

Not only that, he felt more scary than before.

Although they could not put a finger to their fear, the sinners felt like he had become more mysterious.

All of a sudden, one of the leaders sucked in a cold breath, “Oh no!”

Everyone jumped in fright and they whipped their heads around to look at him.

The person wiped his sweat nervously and uttered, “Everyone, I think we forgot something.”

He raised a finger and pointed upwards.

The rest of the sinners quickly reacted. They sank inwardly and started to panic.

Not long ago, they thought that General Jinwu was dead and they sent his ‘death report’ up.

This must have set off a wave of shock on the surface.

The underground sinners and the guards stationed aboveground knew each other well after so many years of interactions.

General Jinwu killed Black Scales and gained surface control of the mine.

After his death, the half human barbarians stationed here would definitely have rebelled and taken revenge…if General Jinwu’s family members and close friends had been dragged into this and killed…

Pst –

The sinners simultaneously sucked in a cold breath of air!

They already used their free pass to avoid death, so if something else happened…they knew without a doubt that General Jinwu would wash them all away.

“Hurry! Inform the surface!” Big Head’s lips were trembling and he prayed that the stupid idiots on the surface did not do anything irreversible…

Qin Yu only left behind one instruction before he closed himself in seclusion. No one knew where he went and the sinners naturally could not inform him about this.


Outside the mine.

The border army had tried many times to do something about the Barbarian Curse. Although they could not get rid of it completely, they could pay a small price and temporarily relieve themselves of it.

Jiang Chengzi led a hundred of his troops and entered the mine with a solemn expression. This seasoned general had vast experience with battles but he could not help the ominous feeling in his heart that gave rise to an evil aura that surrounded him. The self-elected half human barbarians who were stationed at the mine were anxious.

Without hesitating, he barged into the army camp of the mine, the place that had the highest authority here.

Snake Lady had just gotten control of the mine and she was indulging in the luxury of power. She did not want to abandon it at all. At this moment, she was in the camp lecturing the half human barbarians who recently submitted to her.

After hearing news that men from the border army camp had arrived, Snake Lady jumped in shock and quickly ordered men to usher them in.

The two parties met right outside the doors of the guard division.

Looking at Jiang Chengzi, Snake Lady put on a serious expression and she did not dare to act flirtatious. Bowing quickly, she said, “Greetings to Old General!”

The great general who was ranked fourth in the West Border Army had personally taken the risk to come here.

Something was wrong!

Something was definitely wrong!

Snake Lady immediately thought about the dead General Jinwu underground and she started to break out in cold sweat.

However, she did not understand. All the information she received hinted that the border army was excluding General Jinwu and they did not favor him.

Otherwise, with such an honorable status, why would he be sent to guard the mine?

The group of half human barbarians also wore startled expressions as they knelt down.

Although the mine was near the edge of the border and it was virtually isolated from the border army camp, if the higher ups in the army were willing, they could always send someone powerful enough to do a clean sweep of the mine.

Jiang Chengzi was definitely someone who could do it.

“Are the people who came with General Jinwu to the mine doing well?” Jiang Chengzi demanded to know in a deep voice.

Snake Lady’s heart relaxed slightly and she nodded, “Old General, Hundred Saint and Miss Rourou are doing fine. They are currently resting in a room.”

She heaved a sigh of relief. Thank goodness they revealed their identities. Otherwise, she would be in deep trouble!

Jiang Chengzi was more at ease. The good news among the bad was that Hundred Saint was still alive. However, he could not stay here for long or he would be subjected to the power of the curse.

Nonetheless, being alive was better than being dead.

Jiang Chengzi’s hard gaze fell onto Snake Lady. This old general had an aged look but his eyes were as sharp as arrows and they could pierce through a person’s exterior.

“You are Snake Charm? Are you the one who reported General Jinwu’s death to the camp?”

A feeling of uenase started to form in her heart. She hesitated before saying, “Old General, I am Snake Charm. I could not stop General Jinwu in time…”

As she said this, she observed his expression. Her mind spun quickly but she could not find the reason for her unease.

Jiang Chengzi scoffed and cut her off directly, “Servants, take her!”

A number of troops behind him jumped to their feet.

“Old General!”

Snake Charm yelled as her wide eyes filled with disbelief.

Why would they capture her?

General Jinwu voluntarily went underground. Even if he died there, he brought it upon himself.

She noticed the icy cold gazes in the troops who were about to capture her.

Fear overwhelmed her…they are going to kill me!


She screamed hysterically and turned to run.

A flash of coldness crossed Jiang Chengzi’s eyes and he threw a punch.

This old general gave a very old and seasoned feeling.

He rarely took action in front of people and not many knew his strength.

As he punched, it felt like a mountain had collapsed and there was a crushing feeling that came instantaneously.

He was not a Ruler, but this punch contained boundless killing intent and murderous aura that he had accumulated while in the army. Its strength was frightening.

Boom –

The shrieks of Snake Lady who had managed to run a distance were stopped abruptly. Her body was torn apart and her head rolled on the ground.

Her eyes bulged wide open and filled with terror and confusion…even at the point of her death, she did not know why she was killed.

Jiang Chengzi lowered his arm and swept his eyes across the trembling half human barbarians, “The general of the mine, Snake Charm, schemed against General Jinwu, ultimately killing him. She tried to run from her punishment and I killed her directly! Did any of you participate in this too?”

General Jinwu’s death was a scheme by Snake Charm? Did the flirtatious bitch really have such means?

Although the half human barbarians thought that this was strange, Jiang Chengzi did not seem to be targeting them and they dit not hesitate.

“Old General, this was done by Snake Charm alone!”

“We were forced into submission by her and we do not know anything!”

“Old General, please investigate this thoroughly!”

Jiang Chengzi waved his hand. A soldier stepped forward and wrapped up Snake Charm’s head.

The man bowed and bounded straight for the camp.

The marshal tent was waiting for this head. Marshal Wu would lead troops to the capital.

General Jinwu died in the underground. As the Grand Marshal of the border army, Wu Tongtian had to give an explanation to the capital.

This was the only way that the matter would come to a close.

Even if the Desolate King was not happy, the capital was not in a stable state now.

Also, the military had always been independent and it did not fear being suppressed by the Imperial Clan.

The most likely outcome was that the Desolate King would acknowledge this.

Jiang Chengzi sighed and suppressed his thoughts before he called, “Call Hundred Saint over!”

He had to take the nephew of Lord Chengtian away as soon as possible.

He was also having a headache regarding how he would mend his relationship with Lord Chengtian.

“Yes, Old General!”

Very soon, Hundred Saint hurried along. When he saw Jiang Chengzi, his eyes brightened and he bowed, “Greetings to Uncle Jiang!”

There were no outsiders here and he naturally chose to greet Jiang Chengzi in a familial manner.

As he thought about the cold oppression he felt in the border army and then the fright he got from the mine, Hundred Saint felt a gush of emotions and his eyes turned red.

Jiang Chengzi assumed that Hundred Saint was reminiscing about his painful experience and he felt guilty, “Hundred Saint, it is truly my fault for not taking care of this properly. You have suffered.”

He sighed slowly, “Don’t worry, I am here to take you today. The Barbarian Curse is terrifying, but there is still a way to get rid of it.”

Hundred Saint rubbed the corner of his eyes and he bowed, “Thank you Uncle Jiang but I am fine. I am here to wait for General Jinwu to come out.”

“Mm, no one could have imagined that General Jinwu would die underground…” Jiang Chengzi said. Suddenly, he frowned and doubled back. His eyebrows lifted slightly.

Looking at his expression, Hundred Saint jumped to his senses. He smiled and gave a confirmatory nod, “That’s right. The general is still alive. The half human barbarians made fools of themselves!”

He smirked coldly.

These bastards. Once General Jinwu is out, they will be ruined. At this time, he still did not know that Snake Charm had been killed.

Jiang Chengzi was at a loss for words.

General Jinwu, Ning Qin, was not dead!

If that was the case, what about these men in the cave? The border army were the real ones who had been fooled.

“Hundred Saint, are you telling the truth? Do you have a way to confirm that General Jinwu is not dead yet?”

Hundred Saint shook his head. Then, he thought about the lady living in the manor who appeared weak on the surface.

Pst –

A cold shiver passed through him and he suddenly felt like there was some sinister smile looking down at him.

He shivered, his face turned pale and he forced out a smile, “Uncle Jiang, don’t ask me any more, but I can guarantee that General Jinwu is still alive.”

Hundred Saint did not doubt what Rourou said.

Nonsense, if you personally interacted with her, you will also understand.

That feeling was really terrifying!

General Jinwu opposed the Demon Sect and demanded to take her with him. Hundred Saint did not know the extent of the nightmare that Qin Yu brought back with him.

Jiang Chengzi observed Hundred Saint and could feel his uneasiness and fear. He frowned and did not press Hundred Saint further.

In fact, Jiang Chengzi did not know that he just avoided some trouble.

That lady in the manor was quietly observing everything that happened here. If Jiang Chengzi had continued asking, he would not have been leaving this place so easily.

Jiang Chengzi was silent as he sat on his seat.

The initial news startled him, but he had regained his composure and he could begin seriously investigating this.

He thought about it; Snake Charm’s head should not have arrived at the camp yet.

This also meant that the army of the marshal tent should not have left for the capital yet.

If Jiang Chengzi was willing, he could stop all of these from cascading.

However, why should he stop it? If he pressed on things and took a side seat to watch it all unfold, wasn’t this the better choice?

As this thought crossed his mind, Jiang Chengzi looked at Hundred Saint, “Hundred Saint, pretend that you did not have this conversation with me today…General Jinwu truly died in the underground.”

Hundred Saint’s eyes flashed and he quickly understood that Jiang Chengzi was planning something.

Although he did now know the details, he thought about the border camp’s consistent schemes and attitude. His lips curled into a smirk.

Hundred Saint bowed, “Uncle Jiang is right. I did not say anything and I don’t know anything.”


In the capital of the West Desolate.

The whole empire was watching the conflict between the West Border Army and the West Barbarians closely.

An urgent report from the marshal tent of the Border Camp would not be delayed by anyone. After signatures and stamps were given to indicate approval, the report was sent to the Imperial Palace as fast as possible.

The messenger held a wooden box and his forehead was drenched in sweat.

After many years working for the military, this man had experienced similar things in the past – there was a human head in this box!

The Grand Marshal of the frontline military executed the person first before informing the palace. Something must have gone very wrong.

He recalled the gossip he heard and his face turned pale.

General Jinwu had joined the West Border Army under the Desolate King’s directions. It was obvious what the Desolate King’s intentions were.

If the military report was related to this…the Imperial Clan and the military would have a conflict.

This conflict would not blow up, but if he was dragged into it, he might be killed!

He entered the Imperial Palace and headed to the study room. The eunuch who came to greet him took the military report and the wooden box from him.

By that point, the messenger’s knees grew weak and he stumbled, almost falling to the ground. The eunuch glanced at his disheveled appearance and then he looked at the wooden box. His expression turned serious.

He quickly entered the hall and knelt down while holding the wooden box above his head, “Your Majesty, there is an urgent report from the West Border Army camp!”

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