Chapter 1544: Eat And Drink

“Isn’t it nice?” Rourou glanced at him from the corner of her eyes. She scanned Qin Yu and a strange expression slowly started to form on her face.

Qin Yu did not speak but he raise a thumb in praise. If the food was otherworldly, this wine ought to receive the same honor.

Furthermore, it felt like it would only get better from here.

The wine smoothly went down his throat and into his body. In that instant, it felt like he had ascended to become an angel. Qin Yu felt like he was soaking in warm, soothing hot springs where he bobbed up and down in the waters comfortably.

Time seemed to stop then. When his vision blurred and he started to enter a deep sleep, his last thought was – wow this wine is strong!

Rourou snapped her fingers and tree branches came in from the sides and intertwined to form a screen that blocked all light.

She straightened herself and looked at Qin Yu as her eyes twinkled.



It felt like he was thrown into a scorching pot of oil. His blood felt like it was red magma.

His breathing was rough and labored. Every breath felt as heavy as heaving two bellows.

A crazy thought rushed up from the bottom of his heart to his mind and it drove him mad!

Qin Yu felt like there was a slender figure in front of him but no matter what he did and how he tried, he could not grab ahold of the figure.

The heat grew more and more intense and just as Qin Yu felt like he was about to be ignited, the figure in front of him suddenly drew closer.

His arms urgently reached out and grabbed her closer. The soft touch of ten fingers gently caressed his mind, and suddenly, a finger tapped his forehead.

Cold aura immediately spread out like the dispersion of a droplet of water.

Buzz –

His mind turned blank and then he felt like a drowning man being rescued from the water.

His eyes flung open and he gasped for air frantically. Slowly, he realized that he was lying on a large wooden bed made from the tree branches.

The robe he wore was plastered to his body and drenched in his sweat. He felt weak and powerless, but at the same time his body felt empowered by a new strength that he had never felt before.

Rourou stood beside the bed and wore a mocking look, “Qin Yu, it seems that you were having a sweet dream!”

As she said this, her eyes swept across his body.

Qin Yu looked down and suddenly jumped up. His knees grew weak and he almost fell to the ground.

With that, he dashed out without looking back.


There was a strange atmosphere in the camp.

The smugglers did not dare to talk about it but their eyes were filled with an inquisitive look.

“Did you see it?”

“Of course!”


“Hehe, it truly was amazing!”

General Jinwu went to eat and drink with Lady Rourou of the Demon Sect. Then, the thick leaves of the tree covered them and nothing could be seen.

Two hours passed and no one knew what happened in the room.

Later, General Jinwu ran out with a pale face. He looked extremely tired and weary as he dashed away.

Everyone remembered his sweaty look and frantic expression.

Anyone who wasn’t a dimwit knew what happened.

Lady Rourou did not seem wild and no one expected her to be so vicious!

Even General Jinwu could not stand her onslaught and eventually fled.

Oh…perhaps, General Jinwu had a secret that he could not tell others?

As this thought jumped into their minds, everyone started to look at that particular tent with a weird expression.


Qin Yu could feel the sympathy and ridicule in the eyes of the bastards who looked at him. However, he ignored them.

Of course, he did not feel worried nor angry because of this annoyance.

He was very healthy…Rourou could prove this!

Cough cough, his thoughts went astray.

Qin Yu could feel the changes in his body. Something had changed after he drank with Rourou and experienced that passionate dream.

Firstly, his physical body strength had increased.

After becoming the new Barbarian King, the royal bloodline of the Barbarian Clan had been silently strengthening his body.

The Barbarian Clan was originally known for their superior physical strength.

Under normal circumstances, this was a long process. Yet Qin Yu felt that his physical strength had increased significantly after the meal.

He could almost be sure that the meal had doubled his physical strength.

With his original physical strength, such an increase would be shocking. However, this was an insignificant change compared to the rest of his body.

The most shocking thing that changed was his soul!

It felt like a piece of iron that had been placed in high heat and smelted. After getting rid of all the impurities, his soul felt pure and full.

As expected of the mysterious being from time and space. Food and drinks from it were so effective.

It could realize gains without doing anything.

Qin Yu did not want to be a fool, and hence, he took whatever he could.

He stayed in his tent and did not meet anyone for the next few days, not even the Barbarian Clan leaders for the deals. He let Zhou Dafu handle everything because he wanted to focus and absorb all the gains he had.

Today, he was ready!

With a serious look, Qin Yu breathed out. He got up and bounded towards the treehouse as everyone stared at him along the way.

Like the last time, he received a grand welcoming. The root men bowed towards him and allowed him to proceed forward smoothly and head up to the platform with the treehouse.

Rourou was once again shaken awake by the wooden chair. She lazily opened her eyes and stared at Qin Yu.

Her lips curled into what looked like a smirk. But because she just woke up and was very tired, her expression looked strange.

Thankfully, the tree did not lose its manners towards Qin Yu and it made him a seat.

Qin Yu sat down and coughed, “Rourou, I was too disrespectful the previous time, I came here to apologize.”

Rourou’s eyes were half shut and they narrowed at him, “You must be hungry again…”

She really did not give him any face. Couldn’t she hold back her words for now? Why did she have to push him into a corner?

Qin Yu sighed and nodded his head!

Dignity? That’s right, after food and drinks, it would be important.

However, the chance to raise his strength was right in front of him.

What about dignity? What is that? Can I eat or drink it?

Rourou’s lips were pursed together and she closed her eyes again, “I am tired, don’t bother me!”

Her tone was impatient and it was obvious that the two trees had received their instructions.

The root men instantly jumped to life. Some prepared ingredients while others cleaned up. Very soon, the fire was started and food was cooked.

A fragrant scent wafted to his nose. Qin Yu took in a whiff and started to drool.

Food was served together with wine.

Music accompanied the meal!

Looking at Rourou sleeping comfortably opposite him, Qin Yu picked up his chopsticks and drummed them against the table. “I will help myself!”

His chopsticks flew down rapidly. At the same time, flavor exploded in his mouth and he could not stop eating.

These dishes looked like ordinary food. However, after the secret techniques by the root men chefs, they tasted unbelievably good.

Finally, Qin Yu exhaled and placed his chopsticks down. His stomach bulged out.

He reached forward and a tree branch extended towards him. After considering it, he plucked two wine fruits.

“If you want to be burnt to death, you can drink it.” Rourou opened her eyes and smiled at him in a mocking manner.

Qin Yu put one wine fruit down after thinking about it. He opened the other and started to drink it.

He drank up and gulped everything down.

This time, he appeared to be in a much better condition than before. Perhaps because of his prior experience, Qin Yu forced himself to stay awake. Despite that, he only lasted for a while before darkness overtook his world and he drifted away.

It was another fiery and intense dream. Qin Yu shifted a lot in his sleep as he tried to grab the figure in front of him.

When he finally caught hold of her and hugged her in his arms, coldness spread through him from his forehead and his consciousness started to become clearer after a while.

Whew –

Qin Yu opened his eyes and panted heavily. Once again, Rourou glanced at him before she turned and walked towards the treehouse platform. The wooden chair automatically shifted towards her and she lay down comfortably.

Closing her eyes, Rourou gently breathed out. She fell asleep almost instantly as though she was fully exhausted.

Qin Yu tidied his clothes and covered himself. He sat down cross-legged and sensed the changes to himself.

A few moments later, his eyes flung open and he beamed with joy.

This was it!

He stood up and walked towards Rourou. After some hesitation, he bowed.

Although Qin Yu seemed to have eaten what Rourou ate on a daily basis.

These things were obviously not purely for eating and drinking.

It was not an understatement to call them a treasure given by the heavens and earth.

If the effects of eating and drinking here was spread to the world, many would cry and scream as they begged for a taste.

Qin Yu had the easy route and he knew this well.

He knew even better that Rourou allowed him to do this. Otherwise, he would not be treated so well when he came here.


The mysterious being in time and space was very strong. According to Stone Pagoda, it was one of the most terrifying existences in this world.

Why did it treat him differently?

All these thoughts passed through Qin Yu’s mind as he bowed but he suppressed all of them when he stood up.

After a final glance at the sleeping Rourou, he turned and left.

News spread in the camp. Simply put – General Jinwu was not willing to admit defeat. He challenged her again after a few days of rest, but he failed miserably regardless.


Zhou Dafu coughed and cupped his hands together, “Tribe Leader Cold Moon, the person in front is General Jinwu.”

The man opposite him was skinny compared to the rest of the barbarians. He wore a dark expression. With his current cultivation rank, he did not need to focus to overhear the people eavesdropping around him.

As such, he knew that General Jinwu went to meet a lady today instead of greeting him personally.

“Hmph! General Jinwu, he does not live up to his name!”

He scoffed and turned around coldly.

Zhou Dafu laughed bitterly and hurried to chase up to Cold Moon, “Tribe Leader, please don’t be angry. We are still very sincere in our dealings with you.”

The string of good words could not comfort Cold Moon and his expression remained dark. Zhou Dafu stared in exasperation as Cold Moon stomped off angrily. He rubbed his forehead helplessly.

The lotus root of the Cold Moon Tribe was an ingredient to create the Cold Moon Pill in the hands of alchemy experts in the West Desolate. The effects of this pill were extraordinary. As such, the Cold Moon Tribe was a tribe that the smugglers had to get on the good side of.

Back then, Zhou Dafu made a huge effort to win over the smuggling rights with Cold Moon Tribe. He even ended up in a conflict with one of the old generals in the military while fighting over this.

However, it felt like all his efforts were going to waste because of General Jinwu’s ignorance.

Sighing deeply, Zhou Dafu looked at the nine suns hanging in the sky. Estimating the time, Zhou Dafu figured that they should be here soon…although many things had happened, there was no stopping an arrow that was already released from a bow. He could only bite the bullet and continue forward.

He hoped that things would go according to his wishes!


The third time Qin Yu was going to head to Rourou’s palace to eat and drink, he was stopped outside his tent by Zhou Dafu.

Zhou Dafu wore a bitter smile and saluted, “General, I did not stop you when you wanted to relax previously. However, the Golden Crow Tribe is going to come today. They are one of the most powerful tribes of the West Barbarians. We are going to be conducting a large number of deals with them this time and you have to be present. Otherwise, I am afraid that things will go wrong.”

Qin Yu frowned and his first thought was to turn Zhou Dafu down. At this point, he was not in the mood to continue acting with Zhou Dafu in his play.

However, Qin Yu nodded his head and agreed after thinking about it.

He would end this quickly and get rid of all his troubles. Then, no one would stop him from going to eat and drink!

An hour later, the Golden Crow Tribe arrived.

The nine suns in the sky seemed to have burst with light. The air became dry and the green grass started to wilt at a fast pace.

A burning smell that felt hostile and violent like an erupting volcano permeated the air and made everyone feel suffocated.

The smugglers in the camp unknowingly shrunk in their seats as fear riddled their eyes.

The warriors from the Golden Crow Tribe wore crimson red armor where only their eyes were revealed. Behind them, two unknown flame beasts pulled a heavy carriage. Countless flame symbols were engraved on the carriage and it looked like a small sun that was radiating intense heat.

Ka –

There was a sharp sound before the flaming carriage opened. A handsome man with fiery red hair walked forward.

Zhou Dafu jumped and he wondered, “How can it be him?”

At that moment, there was dead silence in the camp.

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