Chapter 1553: Accepting Punishment

Water and fire do not mix.

Outside of the magma spring, the faces of all the barbarian cultivators changed drastically.

It was like they saw an immensely powerful Golden Crow Totem get destroyed just as it was about to be born.

It was like porcelain that had just been fired. But before it could cool naturally, a bucket of cold water was thrown on it.

When extreme heat and cold clashed, anything would be destroyed. Moreover, this was something that had not built its foundation.

No matter how biased the barbarians were, at this moment, they could not help but come to a realization – what happened today was the Ice Carp Tribe’s scheme.

But what had this got to do with them? Although their expressions changed, this was just external, and internally, they felt slightly happy.

None of us have such a strong totem, so how can the Golden Crow Tribe have one?

The barbarians were not unified and also had internal factions. For them to be invited here meant that their tribes were not that far away from the Golden Crow Tribe in terms of strength.

If the Golden Crow Tribe rose to power, the others would lose out, and no one doubted this.

Furious growls could be heard as several Elders from the Golden Crow Tribe rushed into the magma spring.

But everyone could see that they were too slow to stop it.

Pitter –

Patter –

Like hail falling to the ground, the surface of the fiery egg was getting hit. However, the red shell of the egg was very firm and would not crack like this.

However, the red veins on the surface of the egg was rapidly being put out. ‘Click’, a layer of ice covered the egg.

In a blink of an eye, the light rays vanished and it turned into a black stone without any aura.

Boom –

There was the sound of something heavy falling. The cultivator from the Ice Carp Tribe finally fell. He rolled over and coughed out more blood. He shouted, “Desolate man General Jinwu, how dare you attack me!”

At the same time, he turned to look at the fiery egg. After confirming that it was completely destroyed, there was a look of relief in his eyes, “Today, I accidentally created a huge trouble. I will pay with my death.”

Lifting his hand, he hit his forehead.

The dead could not talk, and one death settled everything.

He committed suicide in front of everyone. Even though they might not believe him, there was no way to make a dead man change his words.

General Jinwu had to take the blame for this!

Moreover, this prevented Golden Crow Tribe from saying anything. No matter how resentful they were of the Ice Carp Tribe, they had no choice.

After all, he was also a victim and…the one to blame was General Jinwu!

With his death, he could accomplish the deal with the Desolate men and ruin the Golden Crow Totem. One stone to kill two birds.

The corners of his mouth pulled up very slightly, in a hard to detect smile. ‘Bam’ his entire head exploded and blood and flesh spurted everywhere.

Since he was going to commit suicide, he was going to do it properly. He would die thoroughly and give no one a chance to intervene.

There was a deathly silence!

Everyone looked at the headless corpse on the ground. Despite everything that was going on, they could not help but internally praise this man for being vicious.

These ‘ice lumps’ from the Ice Carp Tribe had hearts of ice. They were vicious to others as well as themselves.

Plop –

Behind Cutuo, a young Golden Crow Tribe man could not help but fall to the ground as he could no longer bear the torment.

He was trembling and the scent of pee wafted in the air.

Cutuo frowned and said slowly, “The Young Lord has lost his mind. Bring him down to rest.”

The young man who fell to the floor shivered as he heard this. He suddenly looked up and shouted, “Father! I know my mistake, Father! It was them. They forced me. I had no choice. Father, please give me a chance!”

He spoke hurriedly and everyone could hear the fear and despair in his heart.

Cutuo waved his hands and two Elders from the Golden Crow Tribe stepped forward to hold the Young Tribe Leader. Their faces were ugly. It was as if his spine was removed; the young man was dragged away limply.

Amongst the Ice Carp Tribe, one barbarian spoke, “We can explain regarding the Fire Talisman.” Since they had planned to make a move, they were well-prepared to push all the blame onto others.

Cutuo did not give him a chance to speak as he waved his hand and cut him off, “That is not important. What is important is…how do you want to die?”

Everyone’s expressions changed as they could sense the violence in the air. No one took it as a joke.

The faces of a few barbarians from the Ice Carp Tribe changed, “Cutuo, Elder Black Cold was set up and thrown into the magma spring, causing things to end up like this. Elder Black Cold committed suicide to make up for it. Are you trying to make us stay here as well?!”

“Set up? Do you think we are blind?!” Cutuo stepped towards them. As he moved, the fire from the magma spring grew bigger and magma surged to the heavens. ‘Boom boom boom’, it rolled and bubbled as magma started to fall like rain.

“Cutuo, if you have proof, we will allow you to deal with us as you pleased. But if you don’t…” The Tribe Leader of the Ice Carp Tribe turned and greeted Prajna, “Master, please uphold justice for us!”

The ascetic from the Holy Land was their key.

For so many years, the Holy Land had been controlling the clashes between the two groups. If the ascetic did not do anything today, their reputation would suffer.

Prajna opened his eyes and looked over calmly, “Tribe Leader Black Hand, you are right. Everything boils down to proof.”

Black Hand bowed, “Master, you are right!”

His eyes flashed.

Since the Holy Land had made its stance clear, who dared to disobey?

As for proof…Elder Black Cold has committed suicide and could not be questioned. It was not like Golden Crow Tribe could make a dead man talk!

Cutuo halted and the fury all over his face disappeared all of a sudden. He looked at Black Hand and the other Ice Carp Tribe barbarians. An inscrutable smile appeared on his face

“Just because a dead man can’t talk, it does not mean that there is no proof.”

He dampened his aura and the violently bubbling magma spring became calm. The magma fell and the air was clear again.

There was a startled shout. Black Hand’s heart froze as he looked at the spring. Unbeknownst to them, the layer of ice covering the fiery egg that had been buried in the magma was gone.

The veins on the surface of the egg started to glow once more.

But something was different. Half of the egg looked like how it was previously, surging with an intensely powerful aura. However, the other half had turned an azure colour. The light rays emitted from it made it like a huge crystal, reflecting a dazzling halo in the air.

An intense absorption energy could be felt from the fiery egg, continuously helping it to absorb fire energy from the magma spring.

Whereas the other half of the egg was absorbing cold energy from Elder Black Cold, who had committed suicide. The remaining energy from his corpse was getting absorbed.

“Fire and ice!”

Black Hand shrieked as his face turned pale. He trembled as he stared at the sight before him.

Cutuo smiled softly, “That’s right. Tribe Leader Black Hand, this is the fire ice fusion.”

Delight shone through his eyes, “Initially, we were wondering how to get you all to take action to help our tribe’s totem successfully come into this world. After all, everyone knows that our tribes do not get along. However, I never thought that this would happen without needing me to do anything.

“The cold power from an Elder of the Ice Carp Tribe is enough to help our tribe’s totem fuse fire and ice into one. The result is superb. Hence, I really have to thank Elder Black Cold from the Ice Carp Tribe for his help.”

Dead silence.

Outside the magma spring, all the barbarians were staring intently. The change in situation was hard to accept.

Everything was part of the Golden Crow Tribe’s plan. They had expected the Ice Carp Tribe to make a move and turned their plot against them.

It sounded simple but after witnessing everything, one could not help but shout – superb, extremely superb!

The vicious Ice Carp Tribe had tried to gain an advantage but ended up losing thoroughly.

They lost an Elder and helped the Golden Crow Tribe to successfully bring their totem into this world and achieved the fire ice fusion.

Just thinking about the result made one feel like vomiting blood!

Black Hand’s face turned pale before darkening. His face then flushed before changing into a shade that was a mix of black and red.

It felt like he was about to explode on the spot.

Everyone from the Ice Carp Tribe looked as if they were mourning and were in intense pain.

The worst thing in this world was for your enemy to possess a power stronger than yours, causing you to feel suppressed.

Moreover, they had a part to play in helping them get this power…this was the worst feeling in the world!

However, this was not the only thing that the Golden Crow Tribe had. If not, Cutuo would not have needed to pretend to ‘burst out in fury’. He had prepared a hole such that the Ice Carp Tribe would step into it without hesitating.

There was a cracking sound in the Spring Valley. The ‘fire ice fusion’ egg cracked and fell.

A fledging golden crow flew out. When it extended its wings, it was less than three meters. Its entire body was covered with flames but at the top of its head, there was a light blue feather. It was like a crown that emitted cold aura.

Intense heat and extreme cold. These two conflicting energies did not seem to clash as they flowed harmoniously.

The golden crow suddenly flew up into the sky and tore through the cloud layers. It moved as fast as lightning. Feeling the aura released by the golden crow, Cutuo smiled even more brilliantly as he looked comforted and excited.

All the other barbarians watched jealously as they could sense the potential of this golden crow. With some time, it would mature and the Golden Crow Tribe would have astounding power!

Woosh –

The golden crow flew back. It did not return to the spring but instead flew towards Qin Yu. It furled its wings. Looking intimate and respectful, it landed in front of him and gently touched the back of Qin Yu’s hand with its head.

Qin Yu’s eyes flashed as he reached out to pat its head. He resisted turning back to look at Rourou.

Others might not be able to tell, but Qin Yu could sense that the golden crow’s goal was the being behind him.

It only turned to Qin Yu after receiving a warning from her and expressed intimacy.

There was a slight bitterness and admiration in Cutuo’s eyes. He chuckled, “Our tribe’s totem has arrived in this world and it is inherently able to sense danger. If General Jinwu was the one who attacked, this would not happen now…this is the best proof!”

Pfft –

Black Hand spat out a mouthful of blood as he fell to the ground.

The Ice Carp Tribe was utterly ruined!

“Tribe Leader!”

Amidst the cries, a few barbarians from the Ice Carp Tribe rushed forwards to help him.

They glared at Cutuo with hatred and animosity. Yet, there were hints of panic in their gazes.

Cutuo could not be bothered to talk to them as he bowed, “Master Praja, please make your decision!”

When Black Hand from the Ice Carp Tribe spoke earlier, several powerful barbarians made guesses about Prajna’s identity. As they watched this now, they trembled as they confirmed Prajna’s origin.

Everyone quickly bowed and lowered their heads respectfully.

Prajna’s eyes were as still as the lake as he looked at those from the Ice Carp Tribe. He said slowly, “There is unambiguous evidence. Do you have anything to say?

Black Hand struggled as he pushed the people helping him away. He gritted his teeth and said, “Master, it is my mistake for not being able to control Elder Black Ice. I am willing to be punished.”

The Ice Carp Tribe could never admit to this. The consequences would be too severe.

“Hmph! Are you trying to brush it off as just a mistake?” Cutuo sneered.

Prajna replied, “The Ice Carp Tribe behaved inappropriately. Their tribe’s territory will shrink by three thousand miles. For the next three years, your tribe has to present the Golden Crow Tribe with ten squares of Mysterious Ice every year.”

“Master!” Black Hand suddenly looked up.

It was bad enough that their territory would be reduced by three thousand miles. However, Mysterious Ice was a sacred object created by their tribe and they had a limited quantity each year. It was able to help their tribe increase the power of their members.

Ten squares every year for the next three years was too much!

Prajna was calm, “If you disagree with the judgement, the Ice Carp Tribe can appeal to the Holy Land.” He looked deeply, “But this will add twenty more years.”

Black Hand coughed out more blood as he smiled miserably, “We…accept the punishment!”

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