Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 1638: The Nine Bends of the Heaven Crossing Great Dao

The old chef’s figure appeared quietly at the pier of Long Island. When he saw the tidal waves that had formed on the lake, he sighed. He thought to himself, ‘There is a road to the heavens but no one wants to walk on it. There are no doors to hell and people still seek their doom. But in this world, whether it is humans or demons, everyone has to pay for their own choices. Everything in this world is preordained.’

Furthermore, he did not have many years left to live. He might not even have a next life, so why would he still be worried about being stained by all this karma? Furthermore, he did not take the initiative to make a move. At most, he acted in self-defense. The gods above could clearly see that and would not blame him.

The old chef flipped his hand and retrieved a golden talisman. The lines on it were messy, like a child’s doodles. However, the moment the talisman appeared, in the deep lake that surrounded Long Island, those water demons that were eager to rush up and kill them suddenly felt fear rise up in their hearts.

The terrifying waves instantly calmed down. One by one, the big demons in the deep lake turned around and ran for their lives. The eagerness in their hearts could not overcome the fear. They felt that Long Island, which was right in front of them, had suddenly become like a big mouth that was waiting for them to send themselves right in.

However, it was too late for them to escape. The golden talisman in the old chef’s hand was activated. The messy lines on it came alive and lit up one by one. It produced a whistle that spread throughout the lake.

Its speed was astonishing, even quicker than lightning. In the blink of an eye, a hundred mile radius around Long Island turned into a cage.

Those water demons that had intruded were locked within. No matter how hard they roared and tried to escape, to the point that their heads were smashed in, they still could not break the golden cage at all.

Farther away, ferocious waves were still continuously crashing in. With every wave, there was a water demon hidden underneath.

There was already a cage in a hundred mile radius around Long Island, but they still entered as if they could not detect it at all.

This scene was witnessed by various neighboring islands, where the people widened their eyes in shock.

Long Island’s Demon Trapping Formation was not only perfectly hidden, it was also one that allowed demons to enter but not to leave, as if it wanted to swallow all the water demons in one gulp. It was extremely shocking.

Such a method and such power was foreign even to some elders who were very knowledgeable and well-informed. Their eyes were filled with awe.

Of course they wished to come closer, but they really did not dare to. However, they were also slightly unwilling to just turn around and leave now. This was because such movements and careful arrangements made by Long Island clearly meant that they had prepared it long ago and at a huge cost, which also meant that they were guarding something very big.

The Thousand Islands was also known as Thousand Island River, and it spread out for tens of thousands of miles. The lake’s water had an abundant amount of luck and was very pure. It gave birth to thousands of demons, which was definitely more than could be found on land on the islands.

From the number of demons that came, it could be seen that the movements that happened today had alerted almost half of the Thousand Islands.

No matter how costly or powerful a Demon Trapping Formation was, how could it really trap tens of thousands of demons? Like a man with a big belly, he might be fine for a while, but after non-stop eating for a few days, he might not be able to take it.

When that happened, wouldn’t an opportunity still arise for them? Of course, we will just stay here and not go close to Long Island. We will just play the role of good neighbors and watch from afar and wait to lend our assistance – this would not be crossing any lines! After all, good neighbors watch out for and help each other; it’s the right thing to do!

Min Xiangtai, the young master who had fallen in love, only had eyes for White Iris now. He was completely oblivious to everything that was happening outside his courtyard and the kind of commotion that was happening at Long Island.

Rourou was sitting on the roof. Top-grade Light Flow Tiles from Light Flow City were under her buttocks. These tiles were now dim as all the spiritual energy that they contained had been completely swallowed.

At this moment, she looked in the direction of the pier. She raised her eyebrows and a trace of a cold smile appeared on her lips.

This old chef was giving her a warning. What a loyal person he was, trying to protect his lord. However, even though this Demon Trapping Formation was very powerful, it was going to cause trouble.

Otherwise, after Rourou left Long Island, she would not mind coming back secretly one day to swallow this old thing to recover what she lost today.

She raised her hand to drink from a wine fruit and under the influence of alcohol, she said blandly, “Get lost!”

Min Xiangtai, who was in the room, did not even hear this. On the other hand, White Iris froze for a while before she smiled.

When these two words spoken by Rourou spread across the islands, they roared like thunder above the Demon Trapping Formation. ‘Hong-long-long!’ These two words exploded continuously in the ears of the people who were watching from the neighboring islands. Their faces turned pale and their bodies started to tremble.

Screw the plan, screw helping your neighbors. Let’s get out of here first, it’s more important to stay alive!

We can’t provoke Long Island!

Other than the Demon Trapping Formation, there was also a really strong person on Long Island holding the fort. As for how powerful this person was, it was not something that they could know. However, they were sure about one thing. If this person wanted to kill them, it would not be difficult.

After the figures had retreated, the water demons in the lake could no longer create big waves. Those that had come were just going to die.

Rourou drank another sip from the wine fruit and looked in the direction where Qin Yu was undergoing closed-door cultivation. A light flashed past her eyes.

It had begun!

The corner of her lips turned up and her face was full of a gloating expression. Back then, the gate that Qin Yu saw had been pushed away by her until it was pretty far away. That old toad was going to suffer a huge loss this time.


Min Changjing gritted his teeth. He had a gloomy expression on his face.

Paving the road to the heavens was even harder than ascending to the heavens itself. Furthermore, he was consuming his own Dao Path to help someone else pave the road, which meant that it was even more difficult.

In this entire world, even a father would not do something like this for his own son.

Yet, now, his only son had unknowingly entered his own doom in front of that lady.

If he made any errors at all, his son would instantly die on the spot.

Even if he had a thousand frustrations, he could only hold it in. This was because he only had this one lonely descendant who could continue his bloodline!

Despite this, it still pained his heart as he felt the Dao Path that he painstakingly accumulated over the years flow out of his body so ferociously.

It was the first time in thousands and thousands of years that he had suffered such a huge loss.

On the other hand, Qin Yu had gathered all his concentration. He cut off all his senses that came into contact with the outside world, so of course he did not know that Min Changjing was gritting his teeth now.

He saw a golden path extending towards him that led directly upwards to that huge and golden gate.

It was a mysterious and magnificent feeling. As he walked up the path, he could feel his connection to the heavens increasing. He could feel himself achieving harmony with the heavens and earth.

Simply put, he was becoming part of the World’s Net in order to remove the World Net’s suppression from himself. This made Qin Yu gain some enlightenment in his heart. It was no wonder the most powerful people in this world who had crossed over to the King realm could live easily without being suppressed by the World’s Net such that they were bleeding out of their noses and mouths. This was probably the reason why.

Just when Qin Yu was completely focused on his cultivation, far away at the Seizing Heavens Sect, Spirit Embryo Qin Yǔ was also in closed-door meditation. At this moment, his heart skipped a beat. His eyes widened with shock before turning he smiled bitterly. He thought to himself, ‘Out of the two of us, who was the one who was born from the heavens and earth? To think that such a thing could happen. Sure enough, he is the master. This is all logical.’

After thinking for a while, white-robed Qin Yǔ smiled. He closed his eyes and with a single thought, the aura coming from his body disappeared, leaving only a leather bag behind that had lost all its spiritual essence. Since that lady needed me to help, then I will offer my assistance. The road to the heavens was also known as the Nine Bends. Only those who finished walking this path could enjoy the gifts of the heavens and truly practice the Heaven Crossing Great Dao.

However, since it was known as Nine Bends, it meant that this road was fraught with obstacles and winding bends. One who chose to embark on this road would have to walk a much longer route than others. In this world, there were probably only a few people who had managed to complete this road.

If Master could finish walking the Nine Bends and open up a path for himself to cultivate the Heaven Crossing Great Dao, his future cultivation journey would be smooth and unimpeded. He would be able to make astonishing achievements.

I am wholeheartedly loyal to Master and have no selfish thoughts at all…but if the person helping Master to pave the road to the heavens runs out of Dao Path halfway or chooses to stop helping halfway, the Heaven Crossing Great Dao would meet a dead end and be cut off. That would be Master’s bad luck, and that would have nothing to do with me.


At Long Island, Rourou sat on the roof of Min Xiangtai’s courtyard. She raised her eyebrows and the corner of her lips revealed a look of ridicule.

You little thing, how dare you try to scheme against me when you’re so insignificant? If it were not for the sake of paving a way for Qin Yu to obtain the true Heaven Crossing Great Dao, why would I still be dilly-dallying here?

She raised her hand and pointed at the space in front of her. In the next moment, the eloquent and smiling Min Xiangtai fell onto the desk, unconscious.

Opposite him, the smile that was on White Iris' face previously instantly disappeared. She got up and bowed, “My Lady.”

Rourou appeared in front of her and said indifferently, “Not bad. You did a good job, I guess it makes up for your idiocy previously.”

She waved her arm and Min Xiangtai landed in her arms. Rourou turned her head and looked at another courtyard that had its front doors shut tightly, “Little brat, I know you’re hiding in there. You better not make any reckless moves, otherwise my hand might slip and he will die. If that happens, you’re going to become a pitiful widow.”

‘Creak!’ The door was pushed open. The big lass who had her hair tied into a braid walked out helplessly. She greeted Rourou respectfully, “My lady, please have some mercy and do not hurt the young master. I do not want to be alone.”

Rourou swept her gaze up and down that big lass and the corners of her lips turned up, “I almost saw wrongly…your Long Island is indeed interesting.”

The big lass smiled, “My lady, please keep it a secret. I’m not married yet.”

Rourou nodded, “Of course I will. That old toad is an eyesore to me too; how dare he bargain with me?” She carried Min Xiangtai, who was still unconscious, and turned to leave. Her figure instantly disappeared.

The big lass got up and wiped the cold sweat that had formed on her forehead. She looked at where Rourou was sitting earlier and her face paled slightly.

She finally understood why Lord Min and her father did not dare to act recklessly even though they were working together…this lady was truly too scary!

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