Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 1664: Hiding Merit and Fame

The Jade Gate Realm consisted of three mountains and six water bodies. One of the rivers was called the Azure River and this river split the entire area into two parts. It was located between Bull-fighting Mountain and Star Picking Mountain. When Rourou brought Qin Yu to pass through space, she crossed this area.

Now, the carriage was moving along the riverbank of the Azure River. There was a booming sound. Rourou looked out and could see the river surging. She suddenly frowned.

Woosh –

There was the sound of something cutting through the air and a figure appeared in front of the carriage, blocking their way.


Yang Fanshan yanked on the reins. He thought this person looked familiar. He suddenly recalled seeing her on Many Pagoda Mountain. He hesitated before putting his hands together, “May I know why you have stopped us?”

The female in the bamboo hat coughed lightly and pointed to the huge river, “Recently, Great General Zhao Yuan has been catching criminals. The great demons in this river have been taking the opportunity to create trouble. They have secretly captured several cultivators to enhance their own cultivation. I am stopping you all to prevent you from getting into trouble. Change your route now and go around this area.”

Yang Fanshan’s expression changed. But before he could speak, Rourou’s voice could be heard from the carriage, “Ignore her, let’s continue.”

Giving an apologetic look, he knew that the woman had stopped them out of good intentions but he would not disobey Rourou because of this.

“Thank you for your warning. We will be on our way. Goodbye.” He tugged on the reins and the carriage continued to move forwards.

The woman in the bamboo hat frowned in annoyance as she watched the carriage leave. She recognized the two people driving the carriage. They had met previously on Many Pagoda Mountain. Back then, she had also kindly warned them. Now, not only did they not acknowledge her, they were not taking her warnings into consideration.

Never mind, if they wanted to die, so be it.

The woman in the bamboo hat turned to leave. However, she stopped again after a few steps, looking conflicted. After a while, she sighed heavily and smacked her own forehead, “Bull Bean, Bull Bean, didn’t you just swear not to be a busybody for the next month? Why are you trying to break your promise now? You are useless!”

She walked a few steps before stopping again. She sighed heavily and turned to chase after the carriage.

If she did not meet them, then so be it. But she could not just watch them walk into their graves…Bull Bean felt that if she did, she won’t be able to sleep properly for the next half a year.

Last time. It would be the last time. Then she would not care about anything for the next two months! Figuring it out, she felt better as she stayed a distance away from the carriage.

Though she had not seen the great demons from the bottom of the river, she heard that they were very powerful. If she fought them upfront, she might not be their match…but to scare a few off from afar, it might be doable.

In the carriage, Rourou snorted and looked unhappy. A kind lady was just like a dainty flower under a storm. Who knows when they would break with a ‘pa’.

Moreover, could you bring your excessive kindness somewhere else? Why are you always following us? Or did she have some other motives? Glancing at Qin Yu, Rourou looked serious.

She lifted her hand and looked at Qin Yu, then she hesitated before lowering it and snorted loudly. Across from her, Qin Yu had closed his eyes and was cultivating. He suddenly felt that something was not right and opened his eyes.


Rourou snorted, “Attracting the unwanted!”

Looking into her icy gaze, Qin Yu felt himself freeze. Where are we now, attracting unwanted?

Lifting his hand to massage his eyebrows, Qin Yu chuckled bitterly, “Explain.”

Rourou rolled her eyes, “Look for yourself.”

Qin Yu held his breath as he extended his senses outwards…hmmm, it's her again? Moreover, if he was not wrong, this woman in the bamboo hat was currently following them.

Looking at Rourou, whose face was contorted in anger, Qin Yu understood what she meant.

But he was innocent!

“What is she doing?”

Rourou chuckled, “Being a good person. Then, she will accidentally put herself in danger and wait for you, Young Master Qin, to rescue her.

“Saving someone’s life once is already extremely valuable. If you save her a second and third time, it will become a huge grace that cannot be repaid and she will have no other choice but to give you her body as repayment.”

Qin Yu chuckled bitterly. But as he looked up at the huge river outside the carriage, he had his guesses.

Wasn’t this woman too nice? Qin Yu could not understand. With her personality, how did she live until today?

“Cough! She is doing it out of kindness and we can’t blame her. I will scare that fish demon in the river and then let’s cross it peacefully.”

Rourou snorted in agreement. She really did not want to see the girl appear in front of her.

So what if she wore a bamboo hat? I can see very well, and vixens like you, who bring a lot of trouble, should wear a black cloth over your head…no, you should dress entirely in black and you should wear three layers of clothes.

White Iris just left and now a lady in a bamboo hat appeared. What was wrong with Qin Yu? Should she try to change him? Rourou rubbed her chin.

Qin Yu’s heart was beating fast as Rourou stared at him. He coughed lightly and turned, flicking out his finger.

Boom boom boom –

A huge wave appeared in the river but it was not obvious amidst the roar of the turbulent river. But in the moment that this wave appeared, a huge black figure at the bottom of the river suddenly froze. Amidst the murderous look it had, it suddenly hesitated.

In the end, it chose to suppress its thirst for blood and did not make a move. It hid at the bottom of the river and watched as the carriage rode off into the distance.

The woman in the bamboo hat followed behind the carriage. Her body was stiff as her face looked serious.

The entire time, she felt as if someone was watching her.

It was as if a pair of cold and evil eyes were locked on her and could attack at any time.

But thankfully, they passed safely and nothing happened at the river where the great demon had claimed territory.

Whew –

The woman in the bamboo hat let out a long breath and smiled. This must be a blessing from her ancestors to frighten the great demon and prevent it from hurting anyone.

She saved another four lives!

As she thought of this, the woman in the bamboo hat smiled even wider. As she looked at the carriage move further away from her, she felt happy.

Being a good person felt good.

The woman turned and left. There was no need to announce the good things she did…gratitude was not something she cared for.

“You all can just leave without knowing what happened. Who asked me to be such a beautiful woman who likes to do good things without needing repayment?”

The woman in the bamboo hat blushed slightly. She looked around and breathed a sigh of relief. She had felt slightly embarrassed as she said this. She did not know how her ancestors were able to say it confidently.

Alas, when it came to refining her character, she still had a long way to go.

In the carriage, Qin Yu’s mouth twitched. Though the woman in the bamboo hat spoke softly, but to him and Rourou, even if they were not paying attention, it sounded as if someone was speaking beside them. She was an interesting and kind lady.

Looking at the stoic-faced Rourou, Qin Yu smiled, “Since there is nothing, I will continue to cultivate.”

Very soon, Qin Yu realized that things were not so simple. As the carriage continued, they met a group of cultivators. They were all filled with anger, and sinister aura surrounded them.

Seeing Yang Fanshan and Jin Shen driving the carriage, a man from their side quickly flew out. He landed on the ground and greeted with his hands together, “Fellow cultivators, please stop.”

Yang Fanshan put his hand together and greeted back, “May I know why you have stopped us?”

The man was in a green robe and he looked calm, “We are here today because we were gathered by Infinite Monastery’s Little Wuji. We are going to find the vicious fish demon to seek revenge for our fellow innocent brothers!”

His eyes were burning as he spoke sincerely, “When you all came, you didn’t get disturbed by the fish demon right? It is because a family of four cultivators was captured by the fish demon recently. It must be full now and had no desire to hunt so you all were able to pass without a problem. Since we met, why don’t the four of you follow us to the Azure River. With Little Wuji from Infinite Monastery with us, we will be able to ambush the dish demon. If this were to spread, we will be famous.”

Yang Fanshan waited for a while but there was no sound from the carriage. He looked apologetic, “Sorry, we have something to do and can’t stay.”

The cultivator in the green robe frowned, “Now that Great General Zhao Yuan is targeting and capturing criminals, us cultivators from the outside, have to work together. You all are behaving coldly now and if you get into trouble in the future, no one will help you.”

Across from them, the entire group looked at them with dissatisfaction.

Yang Fanshan flushed but he shook his head resolutely, “Sorry.”

“Fine, since we are on different routes, then so be it. But I see that the other two in the carriage are also not from the Jade Gate Realm. Then you all better be careful. If you fall into Great General Zhao Yuan’s hands, don’t blame anyone if no one responds to your call for help.”

Amongst the group, a middle-aged man holding a horsetail whisk spoke slowly. From his demeanor, he behaved like someone that had achieved a high level.

The cultivator in the green robe snorted before turning away.

The two groups passed each other and continued on their way.

Qin Yu thought about it and said, “Are they really cultivators from Infinite Monastery?” If they had this kind of attitude, he felt that White Iris was better off not going.

Rourou shook her head.

Qin Yu understood. They were fake goods. They were really brave to use Infinite Monastery’s name as well as Little Wuji.

They were taking such a big risk just to gather people and be respected? As well as enjoy the feeling of being surrounded.

It was obvious that there was something else going on. But this was not important to him.

The carriage continued on its way. A moment later, Rourou suddenly said, “Young Master Qin, are you really not going to be the good person?”

Qin Yu did not open his eyes, “Back on Many Pagoda Mountain, I already saved her once.”

Rourou snorted twice as she assessed him. It was as if she was trying to read his true feelings from the nuances in his expression.

Not noticing anything, Rourou took a deep breath, “Go and save that girl. This time, don’t hide it.”

Qin Yu’s eyes shot open in surprise.

Rourou reached out and gestured. She pretended to pick up a chess piece and put it away.

Qin Yu reacted. Although it felt strange to do something with a purpose like this…he should save her. If good people really did not live long, then who would be nosy in the future?

This world would be too boring.


He raised his hand and knocked on the carriage.

The carriage stopped.

Qin Yu pushed the door open and stepped out. He looked at Yang Fanshan and Jin Shen and said, “I have something to do; you can continue on the journey.”

He turned and left. In a few moments, he disappeared from sight.

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