Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 1678: Interesting

Main City of Langya Area, Governor Mansion.

“Governor, the Sky Sea Sect’s ferry is about to leave the city.”

The governor of Langya’s eyes flashed and he thought for a while before speaking in a low voice, “Tell everyone that I’m having a breakthrough in my cultivation and will go into seclusion starting from tomorrow.”

All governors were bestowed the title of marquis in the Great Qin Empire as a sign of respect. There were even some who were royalty who took the role of governors in the more important areas.

Of course, the title of royalty was still very valuable in the Great Qin Empire. Only those that crossed the Celestial Threshold could be bestowed the title.

A governor was a very high ranking official by the border and held a lot of power.

However, Huangyan was unwilling to deal with Bull Dingtian’s anger and hence went into seclusion. Anything that happened from then on would have nothing to do with him.


The Sky Sea Sect was a huge sect in the Han Sea. Over tens of thousands of years, the sect had established deep relations and had a strong foundation with numerous people. That was how they were able to establish ferries in various regions and the sect was very wealthy.

After all, the ferries not only fetched passengers, they also carried numerous resources. Buying and selling, it was normal that others would be envious.

Every year, there would always be incidents. The good thing was that the Sky Sea Sect was prepared. The manager of the ferry would always be an elder from the sect that was a peak Ruler and had entered the ‘heaven realm’. They would stay on the boat and spend the time sailing around. It was also beneficial to them.

A Ruler from the ‘heaven realm’ was enough to suppress an entire ferry, and naturally no one dared to create trouble. Moreover, Chengshan Crab was the money tree of the Sky Sea Sect but there were also other great demons with various ancient bloodlines.

Do not be fooled by how nonchalant and harmless he seemed just because everything was peaceful. When something really happened, other than his pincers, eight other long legs would extend and he would crush the entire mountain range in an instant. His battle prowess was incredible.

As the ferry flew up from Langya Area, it suddenly shook. The shaking seemed to pass, but although the Sky Sea Sect seemed relaxed on the outside, in actuality they were tense on the inside. They continued to investigate to find out the truth.

This was an order given after the elder communicated with Chengshan Crab. No one knew the details but they knew that the elder looked very serious.

“Elder, we have secretly investigated the entire ferry but found nothing amiss. Should we continue?” A cultivator from the Sky Sea Sect spoke respectfully.

Deng Haibo frowned. He fell silent before saying, “Continue searching.”

Across from him, the cultivator’s face shifted. He acknowledged and bowed before leaving.

“Elder, you should give them an explanation. If this continues, they will become suspicious and they will waver.” The assistant manager of the ferry reminded him.

Deng Haibo shook his head, “I can’t tell them the details yet. We have to be extra careful for the remainder of the journey.”

“Okay, I will instruct them.”

Waving his hand to dismiss him, Deng Haibo stood stiffly as he stared out at the sea of clouds. He felt a fog over his heart.

It was not dense but there was a strong feeling that something was not right. After he thought back on what he spoke about with Chengshan Crab, he looked serious.

Hopefully, everything would go smoothly!


The young Yuan Hu, who was beside Bull Bean, could not hold back. He thoroughly enjoyed shopping at the stalls on the ferry. He did not buy much. What he enjoyed was the atmosphere. He was able to learn interesting things and meet interesting people.

On the fourth time he went to check it out, Bull Bean found out what was interesting. She was not interested in the store areas. According to Yuan Hu, some young cultivators had rented out some stores and the food they were selling was good.

When he spoke, he almost drooled and Bull Bean decided that she had to visit this place.

Yuan Qin glared at her brother. She then failed to convince Bulll Bean not to go. When her mistress was washing up, she ran off to look for Rourou, who was eating fruits in a bored manner, and told her everything.

“I’ll go with you all.” Rourou threw away the fruit core and stood up, dusting off her hands.

Yuan Qin smiled and thanked her on behalf of her own mistress. She could not help but look towards Qin Yu’s room.

Rourou glanced at her and said slowly, “He won’t go.”

Yuan Qin could not help but look disappointed.

The corners of Rourou’s mouth pulled up. This young brat’s eyes are pretty good. But it is a pity you are just like a plate of beansprouts; there is no hope.

When Bull Bean saw Rourou, she looked surprised. But she did not ask as they headed to the street.

It was delicious!

Bull Bean held sticks of food in her hands as she took bite after bite. She ate quickly as the taste filled her mouth and she could not help but smile.

They ate through the entire street on the first day. Bull Bean was extremely full and she patted her tummy as they returned. She praised Yuan Hu for finding such a good place.

The second day was a repeat of the first day.

And the third day.

Yuan Qin looked carefully at Rourou, who held one stick in her hand and was eating carefully. She breathed a sigh of relief. It did not look like she was annoyed and she even seemed to be enjoying herself.

Finally, on the fourth day of roaming the ferry, they met with some injustice. A young couple carrying their baby had rented a store on the ferry and were selling rice cakes that were a specialty in their hometown. After frying, the rice cakes were a vibrant red color and their fragrance permeated the air. After a few days, the store was packed with customers.

On the second day, Rourou had already eaten their fried rice cakes. She had exclaimed that they were delicious, and on the following days, she would always buy a set when she passed by…sometimes two sets, or three.

When the business was good, there was trouble. Today, a customer found a worm in his rice cake. He was not willing to give in and had created a huge fuss. Everyone looked at the couple unhappily.

Eventually the cultivators from the Sky Sea Sect were notified, and after investigating, they looked at the couple. The couple appeared anxious. They then looked at the young baby and a difficult look appeared on their faces.

They had investigated. The ingredients used to make the rice cakes were a good quality glutinous rice. Though it did not contain much spiritual energy, it was still valuable. The various other materials used for frying were also items from Immortal. They did not find anything wrong with the sanitation.

They all knew the customer who was causing the fuss. He was a relative of the assistant manager of the ferry and had stayed on the ferry for many years. He had several stores in this street. Though the stores were small, they sold a lot. The assistant manager had no share in it.

They found this tricky.

They looked at each other and made a decision. They had yet to find anything wrong with the fried rice cake store. But since someone had found a worm in their food, they would need to investigate. The couple were to temporarily close down their store and wait for the investigation results.

Not meting out any punishment was their limit. They would not be able to concern themselves with how the couple’s business would be affected after closing for a few days.

Of course, they did this to protect the ferry’s reputation. After all, not everyone on the ferry had witnessed what happened, and even if they did, they did not know the full story.

The crowd dispersed. The one who created the trouble had gotten the result he desired and did not ask for compensation. He had long since disappeared.

The baby in the swaddle had been startled awake and was currently bawling. The young wife had red eyes as she attempted to pat him.

The husband was furious and a sinister expression appeared on his face. But as he looked at his wife, he decided to accept it. As he was packing up the stall, he realized there was someone in front of him. He looked up and realized that they were his frequent customers over the past few days. He forced a smile, “Sorry, something happened and we can no longer run the store. I’m very sorry.”

Bull Bean looked angry, “I saw what happened earlier. The Sky Sea Sect did not deal with it fairly. Your fried rice cakes are very clean.”

The husband chuckled bitterly and lowered his voice, “Miss, please lower your voice. If they hear it, there will be more trouble.”

“Hmph!” Bull Bean snorted unhappily. Yuan Qin reached out to pull on her sleeve. Her nose twitched and she said, “I know, I should not create trouble outside.”

Looking at the store owner, Bull Bean’s eyes shifted, “Oh right! I am staying at a small residence on the ferry; there is a small area at the front door. It is a garden in the residence. Let me bring you all there to fry your rice cakes. The Sky Sea Sect will not be able to say anything.”

The young wife’s eyes lit up as she heard this and turned to look at her husband.

The man looked very hesitant, “I don’t think the VIPs will eat fried rice cakes. Moreover, if I set up my store there, the fumes from the oil will be very strong.”

Bull Bean waved her hand, “Can they disallow me from setting up a store in my garden? Don’t worry, there will not be a problem. As for whether they will like it? Boss, you are underestimating your skill. Don’t worry at all, if your business is not good, I will compensate you.”

The man quickly waved his hands and told her he would not be able to accept it.

Bull Bean smiled and nodded, “Okay, then it is settled. Come over tomorrow to set up. I will ask him to fetch you from the entrance of this street.”

As she spoke, she pointed at Yuan Hu.

The young man immediately nodded, “Your fried rice cakes are delicious!”

The young couple expressed their gratitude before packing up their store and leaving with their child.

Throughout the entire thing, Rourou had been nibbling on her food. Her expression hardly changed.

Having done another good deed, Bull Bean was in a good mood. Though she did not get to eat the fried rice cakes that she liked, her appetite was still good and she ate more than ten other varieties of food. She then returned to her residence happily.

The next day, Yuan Hu left the residence very early and quickly returned with the young couple, who looked cautious. On the top deck of the ferry, all the residences were occupied by VIPs. Everyone here was extremely wealthy and it was understandable that the two of them felt uneasy.

Under Bull Bean’s urging, they set up their fried rice cakes store. Bull Bean made the first order. After eating a piece, she quickly nodded and put her thumbs up, “Boss, your fried rice cakes are really awesome!”

At this moment, she was seriously considering whether she should invite them home with her after they ended this journey. If she didn’t, it would be very difficult to eat such delicious rice cakes in the future.

A fried rice cake store had opened on the top deck of the ferry. It was not a big issue, but it was no small matter either. The Sky Sea Sect still sent someone to check it out.

Bull Bean pointed to the area outside the door, “Isn’t this area my garden? I did not destroy anything from the ferry. Are you all bothered by the fact that I am setting up a store here to earn some money? I heard that the Sky Sea Sect has always been reasonable.”

The cultivators from the Sky Sea Sect were speechless and could merely remind them not to create too much of a commotion and disrupt other guests’ rest. It would make things difficult for them.

Bull Bean patted her chest and indicated to them to not worry. She assured them nothing would happen.

After eating her first serving of rice cake, she ate a second and third serving. She thought about it and suppressed her embarrassment as she asked for a fourth serving.

According to her logic, she made up for what she did not eat the previous day.

Business was surprisingly good!

Firstly, there were very few guests from the residences that had tried small bites like this before, and they thought it was very interesting.

Secondly, the young man’s cooking was really very good. After eating a few portions, Rourou could attest to this.

Thirdly, it was because of Bull Bean’s identity.

Yushan Master had a rampage in Langya Area and died in Heaven Fragrance Residence – this was something that couldn’t be completely concealed. Though most people did not dare to spread the matter related to Bull Dingtian, it still spread slowly through various circles.

This was one of the main reasons why the ferry management had hesitated initially but eventually agreed to allow the fried rice cake store to be set up on the top deck.

Anyone else wanted to try?

The reason why they hesitated was to show that this issue was not easy but that they were allowing it because it was Miss Bull.

This was called doing a favor!

The customers in the residence area were mostly from prestigious backgrounds and had many sources of news. Whatever the ferry knew, they would probably have heard it. Of course they did not mind taking the chance to try and form a relationship with this lady from the Bull Family.

Just the fact of Bull Dingtian appearing and killing Yushan Master was enough to show how much he favored Bull Bean.

This was worth an investment!

Overall, the rice cake store that appeared on the top deck had booming business on the first day.

Bull Bean was extremely satisfied with her judgement. Of course, she was not stupid. She knew that a lot of them had purposely come for her.

However, Bull Bean had gone through numerous similar instances ever since she was young and she did not care. She could chat with them. But if they wanted to make friends with her using an opportunity like this, it was impossible.

As for a few young people that dressed up and intentionally stood in the front, Bull Bean had already blacklisted them from the start.

But ultimately there was no fixed outcome for this. On the third day since the fried rice cake store opened on the top deck, Bull Bean made a friend. The person was a beautiful lady; she did not make her identity known, but from her behavior, she was definitely someone with a background.

Of course, when Bull Bean made friends, she did not care about their background as most of them were not as big as her. It was mainly because this lady was very eye-catching and they talked easily. When they ate the rice cakes together, they chatted like long lost friends.

After a few days, Bull Bean was inseparable from Shu Huan. They shopped together on the ferry and found good places to eat together.

After they found out that they both liked to eat and had similar tastes, they hit it off even more.

Rourou brought a chair over and sat by the door of the residence. She sunbathed as she looked entertained by what was happening before her.

She found it interesting.

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