Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 429: RealFake Monster Raising Mystic Art

Qin Yu revealed an excited look. He lifted his hand and 10 jade bottles appeared. Each jade bottle was the same size, with ghostly runes etched on their surface. These were specially refined objects used to seal in the monster beast souls and blood.

Looking at the jade bottles, one could see the dark red monster beast blood essence contained within. And above that blood essence floated the soul of the monster beast! This blood was the essence of flesh and blood obtained from the body of the monster beast after specially refining it. As for this soul, it was the complete soul of the monster beast, without any damage to it.

To refine the complete blood and soul of a monster beast was extraordinarily difficult and also required tremendous good luck. It was because of this that the price was so high.

In order to collect these ten souls and blood in front of him, Qin Yu had gone to great lengths. As for Tuba, it was unknown how many life or death tests he went through.

It had to be known that everyone would eye something so precious. Once you obtained it, someone else would clearly covet it.

However, it was all worth it in the end. As long as the Purpleback Bluewing Ants could complete their first stage evolution, they would possess enough strength. Qin Yu had a solemn expression. He lifted his hands and the ten jade bottles flew up in the air together. Then, he formed hand seals. The law formulas quickened the runes on the jade bottle, causing cracks to appear on their surface.

Pa –

Pa –

At the same time, the ten jade bottles shattered together. As the souls and blood lost their suppression, the souls of the monster beasts reared back their heads and roared with joy, flying straight into their blood essence. In the next moment, ten blood essences simultaneously exploded, inflating into ten monster beast phantoms, each one releasing a potent aura.

Even if this was only the first stage of cultivation, in order to possess the necessary qualifications to have their blood and souls used, the monster beasts had to be at least at the Blue Sea level; in other words, they were monster kings. Although they only had the strength of initial monster kings, when ten of them were placed together, it was still an astonishing strength.

The Purpleback Bluewing Ants all emitted a threatening buzz. They revealed looks of desire in their eyes. After swallowing those cultivation pills, they instinctively knew that these monster beast phantoms in front of them were the key step to entering the next stage!

Qin Yu’s divine sense comforted them, suppressing their restless movements. He turned his hand and took out the Soul Summoning Bell and gently shook it.

The ten monster beast phantoms all revealed looks of fear. They turned and tried to flee, but at this time an icy cold will arrived upon them.

Qin Yu’s eyes brightened. His hand shook faster. Although there wasn’t any sound at all, the monster beast phantoms became increasingly anxious.

Suddenly, ripples appeared in the void, as if an invisible pair of giant hands was passing through from another side, grasping the void and slowly pulling it open.

Then, through the hole that appeared, one could clearly see the boundless grasslands on the other side.

Among the verdant rabbits, one could see a gray bunny on the ground. Its thick and stubby legs were in front of its chest and it passed through the spatial channel with an arrogant posture.

Its pupils were incomparably deep and profound, like an inscrutable abyss. They emanated a vicissitudes of years so thick that it nearly condensed into essence. As the rabbit swept its eyes over the ten monster beast phantoms, the phantoms suddenly froze in place as if they were struck by some immobilizing technique, no longer able to move anymore. Then, without stopping, it turned its eyes towards Qin Yu.

It was hard to describe Qin Yu’s mood at this moment. He never ever imagined that the ancestral monster – which was born from the heavens and earth and that had the capabilities to destroy the world – would be linked with a rabbit. And what he found even more unacceptable was that as this rabbit faintly gazed at him, he felt an inexplicable fear surge within his heart, making him no longer able to resist. It was a terrifying feeling as if he had been seen through, with no more secrets left to hide.

After a moment of hesitation, Qin Yu cupped his hands together and bowed, “Junior greets Lord Ancestral Monster.”

The rabbit tilted its head and its little mouth pulled up in a taunting smile. “To judge others based solely on appearance, it disappoints me that your character is still stuck at such a low level.” Its eyes flashed and it continued to say, “Moreover, I really am curious. Your Soul Summoning Bell hasn’t even recognized a master and yet you dare to summon a fragment of my soul. Do you want to die?”

Qin Yu’s heart leapt in his chest and beads of sweat formed on his forehead. But without waiting for him to say anything, the little rabbit said, “But since I have already awakened, the process cannot be stopped. Everything will depend on your good fortune.”

The ten monster beast phantoms all wailed at the same time. Their condensed figures shattered, turning into countless tiny fragments that were sucked into the rabbit’s body. The rabbit’s hairs turned blood red and an inexplicable aura started to emanate from it. As the Purpleback Blue Ants smelled this aura, they fell into a crazed state.

Buzz –

They frantically flapped their wings, their aura instantly forming a connection with the rabbit. Blood red lines appeared from the rabbit’s body, sinking into the Purpleback Bluewing Ants on the other side.

Overbearing, tyrannical, brutal, ferocious, ice cold – all sorts of intents nearly crushed the frail consciousness of the Purpleback Bluewing Ants in an instant. Qin Yu coughed out loud and blood gushed from his nose and mouth.

This was the will of the ancestral monster’s remnant soul. Through the Purpleback Bluewing Ants, a terrifying suppression descended!

In that moment, Qin Yu became aware of what was happening. If he couldn’t resist the crushing willpower of the ancestral monster’s remnant soul, not only would this cultivation fail but he would be buried with this attempt.

Damn it! Why hadn’t the Monster Raising Art contained any warnings about having the Soul Summoning Bell recognize a master? Qin Yu didn’t have enough time to think about it. He roared inwardly, only able to transfer all his strength to resist the overwhelming impact of the ancestral monster’s remnant soul.

The ancestral monster, the ancestor of 10,000 monsters, born from the precelestial land. Even if this was only a small soul fragment, it still contained an unimaginable might! Being crushed by this will, Qin Yu felt as if his entire body had fallen into a wild undercurrent deep beneath the sea. Just the slightest mistake and he would suffer a horrible death!

In his soul space, a little rabbit phantom appeared. It looked above Qin Yu’s soul where a curved purple moon was hanging, and a trace of interest flashed in its eyes.

“This junior, he actually controls the Lunar Star Art. No wonder I felt something strange about his aura just now.” The rabbit’s little mouth twisted to the side. “But depending on this Lunar Star Art which can’t even be considered as having crossed the initial threshold, this junior cannot resist the test of my will. What a pity.”

As if to verify its words, just as its voice fell, cracks appeared on Qin Yu’s soul. Because of the agonizing pain, his entire soul violently shivered.

The rabbit curled its lips. “After slumbering for endless years, I thought that I would be able to play for a bit longer after being awakened this time. I never thought this would only be a frail little kid.”

It turned to leave.

But at this time, the rabbit’s complexion changed. It fiercely looked up into the skies above Qin Yu’s soul. Right next to the purple moon, a blue sun phantom appeared.

The purple moon and blue sun shined against each other, their halos fusing together and turning into a strange creamy white. Beneath this light, the cracks on Qin Yu’s soul began to be repaired at speed visible to the naked eye. Even the aura of his soul became much more solid and strong.

“Solar Palace Secret Art!” The rabbit’s eyes widened and it instantly vanished. In the next moment it appeared in Qin Yu’s dantian sea.

Looking around Qin Yu’s dantian sea, the rabbit saw the blue sun hanging in the skies above the vague Five Element Mountain. It fell silent for a long time before sighing with emotion and saying, “It looks like I’ve been asleep for far too long. Lunar and Solar, changes have happened to these two super influences, otherwise how could their inheritance arts both simultaneously appear in one body?

“This brat is extremely lucky, but, he doesn’t seem to know about the functions of the secret arts from the Lunar and Solar Palaces. He is only using their most basic functionality.” The rabbit thought for a moment and then sneered. “This success can only be considered as his good luck. He simply hasn’t obtained my acknowledgement, so I have no duty to warn him of anything. Moreover, one has to feel their way through their own path in cultivation, right?”

After an unknown period of time, Qin Yu’s eyelids shook and he opened them with difficulty. His eyes were dark and listless and he looked utterly exhausted. The remnant soul of the ancestral monster had already vanished. As he glanced over at the sleeping Purpleback Bluewing Ants, his lips pulled back in an ugly smile.

At least he had managed to make it through. He thought he had reached his limit several times, but in the end he didn’t collapse from the onslaught of will. He flicked his sleeves and received the Purpleback Bluewing Ants into the imperial spirit bag. Then, he took out several pills with black and red colors mixed on their surface and swallowed them down, restoring his strength.

These pills were demonic path pills. They were refined from the flesh and blood essence of living beings. Although their medicinal efficacy was a bit rough and overbearing, the effects were actually somewhat better than those of pills refined from spirit plants.

Two hours later, Qin Yu opened his eyes, an odd look in them. He was originally 90% sure he would succeed, but he nearly failed at the end!

“Soul Summoning Bell recognizing a master…” He thought about what the ancestral monster’s remnant soul had said. A dark look crossed Qin Yu’s face. It was clear that the Monster Raising Mystic Art simply didn’t state this key step.

Could it be that the Monster Raising Mystic Art he obtained was also fake? But that didn’t seem right. If it really was fake, how could he summon the remnant soul of the ancestral monster? The most likely possibility was that the Monster Raising Mystic Art he had was incomplete and it was missing the most essential part.

As Qin Yu thought of this, his mood became much worse. At this time, there was a fluctuation in the imperial spirit bag. The sleeping Purpleback Bluewing Ants had woken up.

With a thought, the Purpleback Bluewing Ants flew out. Their appearance was very different from before. Their wings had turned grayish white and another gray shell covered their fragile bodies. Their auras had risen by several levels.

But what caused Qin Yu’s heart to sink was that beneath the crushing will of the ancestral monster, the consciousness of the Purpleback Bluewing Ants had been erased. They would only listen and move according to his commands now.

Now that they had lost the ability to move on their own, the capabilities of the Purpleback Bluewing Ants had fallen by a great deal.

Qin Yu’s expression filled with uncertainty. He didn’t think that after expending so much time and effort to complete the first stage of the cultivation, this would be the result he would obtain.

“Mm?” At this time, Qin Yu’s complexion changed. He discovered that the Purpleback Bluewing Ants seemed to develop a mysterious connection with some existence. And, through this connection, it indistinctly took the Purpleback Bluewing Ants as the superior.

After a moment of hesitation, Qin Yu cautiously probed this connection with his divine sense. Then, he felt a cruel soul filled with a destructive aura.

This soul seemed to have not discovered the arrival of Qin Yu’s divine sense. It was currently in a deep sleep.

As Qin Yu was surprised, some information spread out from this cruel soul. Qin Yu was startled, but a look of pleasant surprise soon crossed his face.

After several breaths of time, Qin Yu opened his eyes, admiration on his face. “What a wonderful Giant Monster Sect, you actually split the Monster Raising Mystic Art in two. The real one is real, but the fake one is also hiding the most essential part of the real one.”

For instance, the method of having the Soul Summoning Bell recognize a master!

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