The three maids stuck out their tongues. One of them said, “Ever since miss woke up, she has been sitting in front of the window. Is she waiting for something?”

Another maid smiled. “Have you forgotten? Today is the seventh day. The pills that Grandmaster Ning left were finished yesterday. He should be arriving soon.”

“Wah! Are you saying that the miss is waiting for Grandmaster Ning?”

Ning Liang’s face flushed hot red. “If you keep on spouting nonsense, just see if I don’t tear out your mouth!”

“Miss, nooo!”

Amidst the giggles and laughter, a sudden voice rang out from the front courtyard. “Grandmaster Ning is here!”

Ning Liang’s heart began to race. As she thought about how he would speak to her uncle before he came over, her heart stabilized a little. She couldn’t help but look at her charming appearance in the mirror. She subconsciously wondered – would Ning Qin think she was attractive when he saw her?

There was the sound of voices followed by footsteps. A black-robed figure appeared in her line of sight. As if sensing her gaze, the black-robed figure paused for a moment and looked up, their gazes colliding in the air.

Qin Yu nodded in greeting and Ning Liang nodded in response. Her heart began to speed up on its own once more.

The maid had already opened the door. Qin Yu and Yuntao walked in while the others remained outside.

“That’s fine. The rest of you can leave.” Ning Yuntao ordered.

The three maids bowed respectfully and withdrew.

Qin Yu looked around. This time, he could clearly see Ning Liang and he couldn’t help but be startled by her growing beauty. After she had regained her vigor, she was even more dazzling than before. But he recovered in an instant and smiled, saying, “Miss Ning has recovered well. In this condition, it’s much more likely that your cold poison will be successfully dispelled.”

Ning Liang didn’t dare to meet his eyes. She lowered her head and bowed. “I will have to trouble Grand Authority Ning!!”

Concerning Qin Yu’s strength, only Ning Yuntao and Ning Ling knew about it. They were afraid that if this were revealed, it would cause even more troubles. And since Ning Qin was purposefully remaining so low key, the two of them didn’t dare to casually mention it.

Qin Yu smiled. “That’s enough; there isn’t any need to speak unnecessary words. I will first inspect Miss Ning’s current condition.” He looked around and said, “Miss Ning, it will be best if you lie down on the bed. If everything is alright, I will immediately begin dispelling the cold poison.”

Ning Liang nodded obediently. She took off her shoes and lay down on the bed, then pulled back her sleeves.

Qin Yu put two fingers on her wrist. The instant he touched her, Ning Liang tensed up. However, he thought she was only anxious and casually spoke some comforting words. “Don’t worry, nothing will go wrong.”

A moment later, Qin Yu opened his eyes, a happy look on his face. “Everything is very good. Miss Ning’s body has recovered much more than I imagined. She should be able to withstand the process of dispelling the cold poison.”

Ning Yuntao was overjoyed. “That’s too wonderful!” His expression filled with excitement. “Liangliang, you must recover as soon as possible. If the old master knows of this, he will surely be happy.”

Ning Liang nodded. Her voice seemed sad, “Thank you, Grand Authority Ning!”

Qin Yu patted her hand. He had subconsciously considered himself Ning Ling’s dao companion, so this girl should call him brother-in-law. Since Qin Yu regarded her as a junior, he didn’t realize that the actions he took were a bit liberal. “Make sure there aren’t any major changes in your state of mind. The process of dispelling the cold poison will be painful. You need to endure it as best as you can. It will quickly pass.”

He turned and said, “Fellow daoist Ning, I will now help Miss Ning catalyze the medicinal efficacy in her body. There cannot be any disturbances during this process, so please wait on the other side of the door during the treatment.”

Ning Yuntao looked at the silent Ning Liang for a moment before happily saying, “Of course, of course! I will go outside and wait. Grand Authority Ning, there is no need to worry. Just take the treatment slowly and steadily.”

As these words fell into Ning Liang’s ears, her face blushed red.

There was the sound of the door opening and closing.

There were only two people left inside. Qin Yu had a solemn expression. He said in a deep voice, “Miss Ning, you must remember that no matter how uncomfortable you feel within, you cannot resist.”

These words instantly broke Ning Liang out from her daydream. She took a deep breath and said, “Grand Authority Ning, please rest assured. I will simply consider myself as already having died.”

Qin Yu revealed an appreciative look. This girl really was smart. He took out a wax pill. With a little bit of strength from his fingers, the wax broke apart to reveal the crimson pill beneath. As soon as this pill appeared, circles of heat energy were emitted, swirling around the room. The air in the room instantly turned dry, even making one feel a bit parched.

“Eat it!”

Ning Liang swallowed the pill. She immediately coughed out loud. Her body trembled and pain crossed her face.

Qin Yu didn’t dare to be careless. He grabbed onto her hands and magic power surged out like billowing water, forcing the medicinal efficacy of the Blazing Sun Integration Pill to revolve through her meridians. With his magic power as the barrier, he could control the dosage of medicine according to the situation and how much cold poison was deposited in her meridians. This was all to prevent the cold poison from erupting and causing a backlash.

Ning Liang’s complexion relaxed a little but she still bit down tightly on her lips, not making a single sound.

Qin Yu untensed. Ning Liang’s ability to withstand pain was much higher than he had imagined. This would allow him to concentrate on removing the cold poison in her body.

Ning Yuntao stood guard outside the room. As time passed, his thoughts began to tumble and he couldn’t help but worry. But as he thought about Qin Yu’s instructions, no matter how worried or restless he was, he could only endure it and wait outside.

The three maids, attendant, and other cultivators stood outside in the yard. They were all silent with dignified complexions.

Two hours, four hours, six hours…

When the sun began falling in the west and a layer of yellow covered the earth, there was a creak as the door finally opened and Qin Yu stepped out.

“Grandmaster Ning!” Ning Yuntao said with a flustered expression.

Qin Yu nodded. “Everything went smoothly. In one month at most, Miss Ning’s cold poison will be completely resolved.” Although his voice was calm, he couldn’t conceal his exhaustion.

Ning Yuntao was wild with joy. “Thank you, grandmaster! Thank you, grandmaster!”

In the distance, the Ning Family cultivators who saw his expression all cheered in excitement!

Zong Yingming stood in a corner, his face full of shock. This Ning Qin was actually able to dispel his cousin’s cold poison! But to him, this actually wasn’t good news at all. He squeezed out a smile as he gripped his fists beneath his robe. His eyes flashed with a bit of gloominess but also wariness.

“The initial portion of Miss Ning’s cold poison has already been melted away. However, her body is still weak right now and she has fallen asleep. In a moment have the maids go in and help her wash and tidy up. I will return again tomorrow.” Qin Yu lifted a hand and rubbed his temples before turning and leaving.

Ning Yuntao was filled with gratitude. “Grandmaster must be exhausted! Men, hurry and help grandmaster return. Stand guard at grandmaster’s entrance. If he has a need for anything, act accordingly!”

Qin Yu waved his hand. “You can stay here and take care of Miss Ning.”

“Yes.” After Qin Yu left, Ning Yuntao hurried into the room. There was a cloying stench in the air. Ning Liang was unconscious on the bed and her skin was covered with a layer of black filth.

Too occupied to care about the smell, Ning Yuntao hurried forward to inspect her and found that Ning Liang’s inner cold poison had reduced by a great deal. He could no longer suppress himself.

“Hurry, hurry! Immediately help the miss wash. Make sure your movements are light and gentle; do not disturb her rest!”

Three maids entered the room and helped Ning Liang wash herself. Ning Yuntao walked out and closed the door, a bright smile on his face.

The attendant cupped his hands together. “Second Old Master, should I immediately inform the family?”

Ning Yuntao hesitated for a moment. “Not for the time being. We need to avoid any unnecessary complications.” He looked around. “Remember, no one can reveal anything concerning the miss’ condition, otherwise you will be severely punished!”

“Yes, Second Old Master!” Everyone bowed.

Zong Yingming’s gaze grew heavier. He left with everyone else. When he returned to his room he paced back and forth, his expression uncertain as he slowly came to a decision.

Worried and distraught in his heart, Zong Yingming pushed open the door and stood beside the pond in the courtyard. He looked at the fish swimming in it and allowed the darkness to submerge him. His clothes gradually grew wet with dew and he let out a long breath. He muttered, “Whatever. In the end I cannot harm my cousin. As long as she recovers, there will always be a chance for me to move her heart.”

He turned and walked back to his room. The faint sounds of conversation were audible from behind. His thoughts stirred and he moved to the side, hiding in the shadows along the path.

Two women walked in from the same direction, shoulder to shoulder. They chatted to each other in a quiet voice, clearly in a good mood.

“The miss has awoken just now. Her condition is clearly much better than before. That Grandmaster Ning really seems to have some skills!”

“He definitely has skill. They have only met several times and he hasn’t even revealed his true appearance yet, but the miss has already lost herself around him.”

“Hehe, I can also see that. When I mentioned to the miss about her distressed and horrid appearance just then, she was clearly worried. The miss clearly was afraid that Grandmaster Ning wouldn’t like her.”

“How is that related? It was just the poison dispelled from her body. Once the miss recovers, she will surely be more beautiful than she is now! Grandmaster Ning will surely be entranced to the point where he prostrates himself below her dress!”

The voices of the two gradually passed far away. In the shadows, Zong Yingming clenched his jaws, his body shaking with anger.

That slut!

I pursued you diligently all these years and I have never shown you any disdain or contempt because of your illness! But, you don’t even spare a glance at my feelings. I can only consider you as a pure snow white flower that has yet to open, but in a short few days you actually mingled together with Ning Qin!

Hate, anger, violence, resentment…all sorts of negative emotions wildly swelled up in Zong Yingming’s heart, causing his handsome face to become completely distorted.

“Ning Liang! It was you who betrayed me, so don’t blame me for betraying you!” Zong Yingming roared out in his heart. “Ning Qin, do you really think you are some savior that can change everything!? I will let you know what fear and despair are!”

He rushed back to his room. Without delay, he took out a jade slip and recorded a message before crushing it to pieces. He let out a breath, his expression cold and callous. “Ning Liang, you are mine, you can only be mine…no one can take you away from me! No one!”

Almost at the same time, at the east end of Four Seasons City, in Grand Authority Chu’s courtyard.

Qi Cheng woke up from his sleep. He turned his hand and took out a jade slip. As he probed it with his divine sense, his eyes flew open with shock.

Pa –

He crushed the jade slip and rose up from his bed. Then, he pushed open the door and walked out.

Soon, passing through layers of security, he was allowed to enter.

Within the hall, Chu Taidou wore a silken undergarment. A beautiful concubine with seductive curves was serving him some tea. His expression was faint, “What is the matter that you would rush here in such a hurry?”

Qi Cheng started to speak but hesitated.

Chu Taidou raised a hand. “You can leave.”

The concubine turned and left.

“Now you can speak.”

Qi Cheng lifted up his head and said, “Master, disciple just obtained news that today an alchemist named Ning Qin refined the Blazing Sun Integration Pill and helped the Ning Family’s miss dispel a portion of her cold poison!”

Pa –

The teacup was smashed to bits and boiling hot tea dripped down his fingertips. However, Chu Taidou seemed to not have sensed this at all.

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