Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 460B. Curse of Identity

After carefully sensing the storage ring for a long time and not receiving any warning from the purple moon in his soul space or the awakened Undying, he carefully searched it with his divine sense. The ten materials were complete and intact inside, all of them of high quality. Qin Yu took them out and put them away in his own storage space, then directly tossed that considerably high quality storage tool away. Facing the Immortal Sect, he had to be extra careful, 100% careful. He couldn’t allow himself to be 90% careful, otherwise he would die a pitiful death someday in the future.

The curtains to the great alchemy ‘competition’ that had drawn attention from all around finally fell. The splendid process and all the twists and turns that occurred left countless cultivators marveling in awe. In particular, when the Master of the Dao Arena made a move in the end, this caused countless cultivators to feel pride as they reiterated this experience to all of their friends and family.

It had to be known that apex powerhouses of the world had successfully seized their lives from the heavens and become undying beings that coexisted with the stars, the sun, and the moon. They were considered the most terrifying existences in this world. To witness an apex powerhouse take action and even listen to their voice, this in itself was a great honor.

Qi Cheng was also one of these people. But, he didn’t feel even a tiny fraction of that so-called honor. Right now, his complexion was pale and there was a horrified expression plastered on his face. Chu Taidou had died in his room. Although he had already expected this, as everything happened quietly and without him noticing, he still felt incomparable fear.

However, the black ring on Chu Taidou’s finger was still there. The Immortal Sect would absolutely not forget about this supreme alchemy treasure. This meant that they would arrive soon.

Qi Cheng stood in the opulent and magnificent Chu Family Mansion and he could hear the frightened sobbing cries of women in the rear courtyard. His body gradually turned icy cold. Even if the weather was in a rare state and the sun was shining down brightly on his head, he couldn’t feel any warmth from it at all.

Fear and worry tore at Qi Cheng’s heart but he had no way to divulge these emotions. Thus, the little blood vessels on his eyes began to fill with blood. A wild and maddening fury started to exude from his body.

Qi Cheng turned and walked away. Because of Chu Taidou’s death, the entire Chu Family was in chaos. No one cared about him violating the rules and rushing into the inner sanctum.

He arrived outside a gorgeous courtyard. He lifted his leg and kicked down the front door, knocking unconscious a red-eyed maid. He grabbed onto a young and beautiful concubine with fox-like eyes and dragged her screaming onto the bed…

Soon, her sharp screams weakened and became gentle, even becoming something like a song.

It was unknown when, but another guest appeared in the room. He wore black robes and took a seat at a nearby table. He even lifted a teapot and poured himself a cup of tea. He took a sip, but because the tea seemed to have turned cold, he shook his head and put the cup back down.

He did many things, but the man and woman on the bed didn’t seem to notice him at all. He was like a shadow.

After a long time, Qi Cheng grunted one last time and slumped down onto the bed. Sweat dripped down his naked muscles and he asked, “Why didn’t you resist?”

The woman held onto his head and gasped. “I know that you want me. I knew it from the first time you came to visit the old man and glanced at me. I won’t lie to you. The Chu Family is done for. I need to find someone new to rely on, and that person is you.”

Qi Cheng chuckled. “You are quite direct.” He fell silent for a moment before saying, “If I don’t die, you can stay by my side. Although I won’t have the same power and influence I had yesterday, I can still give you a lavish lifestyle.”

The woman seemed touched by his words. Her hands wandered across his back. Just as Qi Cheng’s breathing deepened and he was about to wage war on the bed once more, he heard someone helplessly say, “Although I don’t mind watching another one of your erotic escapades, I don’t have much time left today, so I can only apologize and disturb you.”

Qi Cheng leapt up from the bed. He couldn’t bother with caring about his stark naked body or the woman behind him who was trying to cover herself with the bedsheets in a panic, screaming at the same time. This was because he had a clear memory of this figure. Thus, after seeing the black-robed person, Qi Cheng kneeled down without hesitation and said, “I greet the emissary. Is there any way in which I can assist you? I ask that the emissary give me orders.”

The black-robed figure laughed out loud. “You really are smart. No wonder Chu Taidou favored you so much. I came here today because there is something I must discuss with you.” He paused and then continued to say, “Tao Yuan has died and Chu Taidou has also died. The Immortal Sect hopes to support another person. I have chosen you. What do you think?”

Qi Cheng didn’t waver at all. He directly bowed his head to the ground and said, “This subordinate greets the emissary. I am willing to become a dog of the Immortal Sect and faithfully serve!”

The black-robed figure nodded in satisfaction, “In joining my Immortal Sect, we naturally won’t treat you unjustly. For now, I will let you manage the ring that Chu Taidou left behind.” As he spoke he walked out, his voice light, “The Demonic Path’s Shadow Division has already arrived at Four Seasons City. You should be more discreet, otherwise you might lose your small life.”

Before his voice fell, his figure had already vanished from sight.

Qi Cheng clenched his fists, excitement in his eyes. He originally thought it would be impossible for him to escape catastrophe, but who knew that after crossing all those winding peaks and paths, he would come across a stroke of good fortune? To join the Immortal Sect and become a hidden agent…there were some dangers associated with it, but in exchange for living, those dangers weren’t anything at all. Moreover, he had also obtained the supreme alchemy treasure Chu Taidou had.

Perhaps many years in the future, he could also become a character like Tao Yuan!

He took a deep breath and composed his surging state of mind. He turned and looked at the pale-faced woman on the bed who was still squeezing out a smile. She parted the bedsheet that covered her body a little, revealing a part of her pale and slender figure. Qi Cheng was well aware of what scenery lay beneath those sheets and what happiness that body brought to him. Even though he had just enjoyed himself, he was still ready to make trouble.

Qi Cheng grabbed the bedsheets and tossed them away. For a moment, all sorts of stimulations crashed into his mind. Because of his excitement, his actions were especially fierce. It was only two hours later that he roared out loud and stopped.

The woman beneath his body had already been exhausted and was unable to move. But, her eyes were filled with joy and expectation as she started to fantasize about her future life.

But fantasies were only fantasies. With a light cracking sound, this woman who only had a Nascent Soul cultivation widened her eyes as her neck twisted to the side. She didn’t die just yet. She stared at the naked man in front of her with disbelief. They had just been enjoying each other a moment ago. Her lips moved as if she wanted to speak, but no matter how much she tried she couldn’t voice a single syllable.

Qi Cheng’s voice was cold and his eyes were even colder. “Sorry, but I want to live, and live well, so I cannot allow any mistakes. So, your only choice was to die today.” He picked up the bedsheet and then covered the face of the woman staring at him with dead, unblinking eyes. He combed his hair and washed his face, putting on some new clothes before stepping out of the room.

After taking several steps out, Qi Cheng turned back again. He sent the unconscious maid to join her master in the afterlife. Only then did he straighten himself and walk away with a confident stride. There were many matters to process.

As for the promise he made to the woman not too long ago, it was like a gust of wind in the cold winter. It brushed past him and blew to somewhere unknown.

The ways of the world were unpredictable and filled with an infinite number of possible outcomes. No matter how much a person tried to figure it out, life would always leave a person surprised. Who would have imagined that the confident and proud Chu Taidou and the lofty and arrogant Grandmaster Tao Yuan would both lose their lives in a single day?

As for the black-robed figure, after he left the Chu Family Mansion he turned and looked towards the direction of the Dao Arena. He lightly coughed and wryly smiled. He also never expected that he, a person known for his scheming and plotting, would suffer such a great loss at the hands of a young fellow.

Qin Yu had broken through the Mirage King Bead and taken away the treasure which he had worked so much to refine. As a result, he even suffered a backlash because of it. This little fellow wasn’t even at the Blue Sea realm but he had managed to accomplish this. Although he had suffered a loss, he actually felt that this situation was now quite interesting.

Suddenly, the black-robed figure seemed to sense something. He turned and stepped away, vanishing from sight.

In the Dao Arena, Solitary Westgate furrowed his eyebrows a little. A cold intent flashed in his eyes. But after a moment of hesitation, he didn’t hunt down the aura he sensed. Yes, he did say that he was dissatisfied with the Immortal Sect, but to provoke the Immortal Sect wasn’t a wise decision either.

Thus, he could kill Sun San, but this person he couldn’t.

“Qin Yu, your current identity is now a curse. Only by ridding yourself of your identity will you be able to obtain a new life. I hope that you are smart and won’t be killed off by others.”

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