In order to avoid any unnecessary troubles, Qin Yu dressed back up in his hooded black robes and quietly left the Dao Arena to meet with Ning Rufeng and Ning Liang.

“Old master Ning, I’ll have to trouble you!”

Ning Rufeng smiled with a carefree expression. “Grand Authority Qin, there is no need to speak so seriously. You saved this little brat’s life and my Ning Family will always remember this. If we can help you even just a little bit, we would be overjoyed.” He paused for a moment, revealing a bit of hesitation as if he wanted to say something.

Qin Yu cupped his hands together. “It is already a great favor that old master Ning was able to provide this information to me. I do not dare to ask for anything more than that. If we can borrow the treasure today then that would be for the best, but even if we can’t I will have no complaints at all.”

Ning Rufeng had an embarrassed expression but he actually let out a long breath inside. “Thank you for the understanding, Grand Authority Qin. It is just that the Equipment Sect has always kept this treasure tightly hidden so even I don’t have full faith in convincing them. But don’t worry, I will do my best.”

After tossing around for a night and considering the situation, Ning Rufeng felt that he should warn Qin Yu in advance and have him be psychologically prepared for anything to happen. If they didn’t succeed in borrowing the treasure, he didn’t want to deal with any complaints that might occur.

Qin Yu’s response left him feeling much more at ease.

They didn’t speak much further. The three boarded the Ning Family’s speedcar and after a brief wait, they soared straight towards the Equipment Sect’s shop in Four Seasons City. Ning Rufeng was someone who gained wisdom and skills with age. Even if Ning Liang lowered her head and didn’t speak, he kept the atmosphere in the car peaceful and harmonious. As for Qin Yu, even though he wasn’t in the mood to talk much, he didn’t feel bothered either.

Sometime later, the speedcar came to a stop. They stepped out and came face to face with the opulent display of wealth that was the front of the shop. An atmosphere of mind-boggling wealth rushed out at them.

Ning Rufeng laughed. “The Equipment Sect is growing more and more these days. Their coffers are full of profits and their influence is spreading. I heard they are making preparations to expand into the Yan and Qi Empires.”

Qin Yu’s eyes flashed. “As long as the Equipment Sect agrees to loan me the treasure, I will give them a satisfactory reward.” He could naturally hear the reminder in Ning Rufeng’s voice.

Ning Rufeng praised inwardly. Qin Yu really was an intelligent young man. The Ning Family could help him build bridges and connect to others, even speaking out on his behalf, but the reward would have to come from Qin Yu. Otherwise if the Ning Family did everything, that would be the same as openly trying to curry his favor. If that were to happen, how could Ning Liang have the face to stand in front of him?

“Let’s wait a moment before we start talking. It won’t be too late to propose our request after we see the person in charge.” Ning Rufeng apologetically smiled. He was the first to head into Equipment Pagoda.

Yes, that was right, the Equipment Sect’s shop was called Equipment Pagoda. Although this wasn’t a new or fresh idea, the momentum behind it wasn’t too bad.

Ning Liang carefully followed behind. Qin Yu paused briefly and the two started walking side-by-side. He turned his head and heard her apologetically say, “Grand Authority Qin, I really am sorry. I had no idea that my grandfather might not be able to borrow the treasure.” She was well aware how much Qin Yu valued those spirit insects. To give him hope in a hopeless situation and then proceed to take that hope away, this in itself was a great blow.

Qin Yu laughed. “The Ning Family is already helping me. Do you think I would start hating all of you just because I can’t borrow a single treasure? In Miss Ning’s eyes, am I really such a petty and miserable person?”

Ning Liang was flustered. Just as she prepared to explain, she saw Qin Yu smile and point towards the signboard of Equipment Pagoda. She immediately closed her mouth. She knew that Qin Yu wasn’t angry and he was just joking around, but she still felt a little sad in her heart. The Ning Family really didn’t seem to have any method to help Qin Yu. She hoped that her grandfather would be able to smoothly help Qin Yu borrow that treasure today.

As the retired Patriarch of the Ning Family as well as someone who had experienced the most glorious years of the Ning Family in the past, once he tightened up his demeanor and lifted his head, his aura and momentum were considerable.

While Equipment Pagoda had a considerable background, since they were open for business they naturally had to follow the supreme rule of ‘customer is king’. A young greeter who was proficient in observing the moods of others had already walked up with a bright smile plastered on his face. “Honored guests, your arrival truly brings glory to my Equipment Pagoda. Please, take a seat and rest first. The shop recently received a new batch of tea and I will immediately bring it out to serve our honored guests.”

These words were as pleasant as a spring breeze. It was clear that the reason Equipment Pagoda was thriving prosperously was not just because their refining skills passed the standard but also because their management skills and customer service was impeccable.

Ning Rufeng smiled. He turned his hand and took out a token. “I have a large business deal I want to make. It’s best if I can discuss this with the manager of the shop. May I ask which sect Elder is currently on rotation in Four Seasons City?”

As the young greeter saw the token, his smile brightened even further. He bowed once more, even deeper this time, and respectfully said, “So honored guest already has a history with us. Forgive me for my blindness. Right now, the one in charge of this shop is Elder Muli. Honored guests, please wait in the VIP lounge first; I will immediately pass on the message for you.”

After putting away the token, Ning Rufeng smiled and nodded. But, his heart began to race. It just so happened that he had unfortunately heard some rumors about this Elder Muli before. He was known for being a rigid and stodgy old bastard who was stubborn beyond compare. To run into him today…he feared that even before speaking, the difficulty had suddenly risen by over 30%.

The young greeter led the way. They passed through a brightly lit hall. Soon, several crystal boxes hanging from the ceiling attracted Qin Yu’s eyes.

Ning Liang looked over and cried out loud, acclaim filling her eyes.

Each crystal box had a different shape. They were carefully polished and crafted with a variety of angles and edges. Beneath the lights, they reflect a dazzling radiance. But, the most eye-catching thing about them was the scales quietly lying within the crystal boxes.

Each scale had countless runes cut into its surface, and these runes seemed to constantly flow across the surface as if they had a life of their own. Even though the crystal boxes isolated out all aura, just looking at the scales made one’s spirits feel suppressed. It was like a terrifying monster had appeared in front of them and was roaring into the skies.

Ning Rufeng’s eyes brightened. “What great treasures!”

The young greeter stopped and looked up at the crystal boxes. His face revealed a look of pride. He smiled and said, “Honored guests have good eyes. Our sect spent an inconceivable amount of time and resources to slay a terrifying great monster and seize its scales for use in refining. Every single piece is no trifling matter. After stimulating them, they can even resist the strike of an almighty being. But, the scales of such a great monster cannot be sought, only encountered through fate. Even in the entire sect there aren’t many of them. The scales have been distributed to all of the various Equipment Pagodas and displayed as an example of the sect’s skills and also to serve to stabilize the shop. Unfortunately, they cannot be sold to the outside.” His voice was apologetic and sincere.

He had spoken these words countless times already and had already memorized them to perfection. Anyone would believe him just by hearing him. As for when he said that they had a good eye…that was just nonsensical flattery. The treasures were hung up in the air and were obvious for everyone to see. As long as one wasn’t an idiot they would naturally take a look!

Ning Rufeng shook his head. “What a pity. If there were enough scales, then if you refined a complete armor set it could be called a most precious treasure.” He no longer spoke and continued walking forwards.

Ning Liang’s eyes sparkled like stars. She didn’t care about the power of the scales. What drew her in were the beautiful and intricate runes on their surface.

As her grandfather said, if one could refine a complete set of armor from those scales, they would definitely become the most dazzling treasure in the world.

Qin Yu turned and glanced at the crystal boxes a few more times. Though the black robe covered his face, he wasn’t afraid of being seen. There was a strange look on his face.

Equipment Pagoda’s VIP lounge was completely worthy of being called VIP. Every single inch was full of luxury. Not mentioning anything else, just sitting down on the soft sofa that felt as if it would swallow you was something worth talking about.

The leather for the sofa was made out of snow sheepskin. This sort of spirit sheep was found in snowy mountains. Not only was there fur and skin pure white and flawless, but the leather made from it was also as white as snow. After careful refining, the pores of the skin naturally shrunk and connected together, forming a kaleidoscope of beautiful patterns. Every single piece was extremely valuable.

As for the sofa filling, after taking in a deep breath of the faint fragrance that drifted out, one could tell that it was made from the most delicate down of the red finch. This spirit bird ate crabapples as its main source of food. Crabapples were sour and difficult to eat, but after being eaten by these spirit birds, they would release a fragrance that calmed the mind and relaxed the senses. Only red finches that lived for over a hundred years would have delicate down feathers that would constantly release this fragrance and be considered of sufficient quality to be used as sofa filling.

Making these several sofas would have taken several snow sheep and hundreds of red finches. Converted to spirit stones, this was no minor number.

Ning Rufeng sat on a sofa and lightly coughed. Even more helplessness was revealed in his eyes. While he knew Qin Yu was filthy rich, what the Equipment Sect didn’t lack was money. Today, it would not be an easy task to borrow the treasure. He would probably need to be shameless and brazen about the entire ordeal.

Cough cough. Old friend, oh old friend, it isn’t that I’m someone who can’t keep his word, but this involves the future happiness of my precious granddaughter! I can only apologize to you!

It took Elder Muli a moment to arrive. After he did, he dove straight into the main subject. “I heard that honored guests have arrived. I wonder what requests you have? My Equipment Pagoda will do our best to meet your needs.”

Old master Ning immediately squeezed out the most charming smile he could. He said, “I am Ning Rufeng, the master of the Ning Family, a noble family within the Demonic Path. Today, I took the liberty to come here and disturb Elder Muli because there is indeed a bold request I would like to make.”

Elder Muli’s eyes hardened with a bit of wariness. “Honored guest, please speak.”

A noble family of the Demonic Path…only those that accomplished great merits for the Demonic Path would be given such a title. They were highly respected in the Demonic Path. To a certain degree, the Equipment Sect needed to rely upon the good grace of the Demonic Path. Since Ning Rufeng immediately identified himself as such upon first meeting, they naturally needed to maintain a certain level of respect around him.

Ning Rufeng’s smile became blinding. “I heard that you have a most precious treasure in your sect that can suppress all things in the world. I have a good friend who is raising spirit insects and for certain reasons needs to borrow your most precious treasure. Of course, to express how deeply sincere we are, we are willing to pay your sect an equally rich reward.”

Elder Muli’s face immediately darkened. The cold gaze in his eyes caused Ning Rufeng’s smiling face to stiffen. “I have no idea where honored guests heard such rumors, but they are all lies. There is no such precious treasure in my Equipment Sect.” He stood up. “If there is nothing else, I have other important matters to attend to, so I won’t stay any longer.”

He turned to leave.

Ning Rufeng’s complexion changed. He never thought that this person would have such a fierce reaction. Hey, it would be fine if you said that you wouldn’t lend it to us, but what do you mean by directly stating that it doesn’t exist? How am I supposed to explain things to Qin Yu?

“Elder Muli, please wait a moment. I really only wish to borrow it, I have no other intentions in mind. I ask that Elder Muli please try to accommodate us.”

Muli coldly coughed. “I already clearly stated that no such treasure exists, so no such treasure exists. If you three insist on creating a scene, then don’t blame my Equipment Pagoda for kicking you out!”

This was already the peak of impoliteness!

Ning Rufeng clenched his teeth, “I am old friends with Elder Hai Mingwei!”

Muli paused. He turned and looked over, his eyebrows furrowing deeper and deeper. “Hai Mingwei…” He clenched his teeth and glared for a long time before violently flicking his sleeves and leaving. His voice echoed back from afar. “Three honored guests, please wait a moment. I will soon return!”

“Aiya!” Ning Rufeng heaved a deep sigh and sat back on the sofa. His wrinkles instantly deepened, making him seem as if he had aged a great deal.

Ning Liang had a worried expression. “Grandfather, are you alright?”

Ning Rufeng shook his head. He looked at Qin Yu and weakly forced out a smile. “Grand Authority Qin, there is no need for you to worry. I have been old friends with Hai Mingwei for many years and with him speaking on our behalf, we can surely borrow that most precious treasure.” He paused for several breaths of time and then sighed repeatedly. “It was just that I had to betray my old friend today. For the rest of my life I will be wracked with guilt and I will never be able to overcome my shame and see him again!”

Ning Liang’s eyes were wet with tears. She took Ning Rufeng’s thin and spotted palm in her own and held onto him tightly. Her heart was filled with guilt.

In the end, her grandfather had done this all for her! Thinking of this, she couldn’t hold back her tears any longer and they started to drip down her cheeks.

Ning Rufeng loudly acclaimed in his heart. Yes, now this is grandfather’s good little granddaughter! This follow-up attack is wonderful; it will surely be able to touch Qin Yu’s heart!

Hey brat, open your eyes and see how good our Ning Family is towards you! If you don’t treat my granddaughter a little better, will you be able to sleep at night?

Qin Yu had a solemn look, but he was actually feeling quite helpless inside. He faintly guessed that the reason Ning Liang still hadn’t given up on him yet was largely in part thanks to this old master Ning. Still, did you really need to make the play develop in this direction?

From old master Ning’s performance, he clearly knew that the Equipment Sect kept this treasure of theirs a highly confidential secret. Since he came to their door to ask to borrow it, how could he not tell them how he had learnt of it?

Thus, it was obvious that before Ning Rufeng came today, he had already expected this outcome. As for why he seemed so sad and sorrowful…it was clearly to help Ning Liang. He wanted to show him just how much the Ning Family valued him in order to touch his heart.

Of course, there was certainly some guilt towards his old friend, but this should only be a tiny part of it.

But even though he saw through all of this, Qin Yu could only keep a stoic expression plastered on his face and not reveal any change of emotion at all. Otherwise, if this silly girl Ning Liang were to misunderstand anything else, he feared it would only hurt her heart that much more. Moreover, no matter what was on his mind right now, it was an indisputable fact that Ning Rufeng had sold out his old friend.

Since he had received the graciousness of others, why keep haggling over things so much? So after reconsidering it, he put on a very moved expression and conveyed his thanks to old master Ning once more.

“My Ning Family owes Grand Authority Qin such a deep debt, what does it matter that I must break my bones in order to repay you? As long as my granddaughter can live happily in the future, I will be satisfied.”

Hey, this reminder was a little too blunt!

Qin Yu couldn’t help but cough and not speak any further. Otherwise, who knew what direction this wise old man would lead the conversation in?

Ning Liang’s face blushed red and she angrily huffed, “Grandfather, what did you say?” Her eyes swept over Qin Yu. Only when she saw that he didn’t reveal any unhappiness did she relax a little.

Ning Rufeng’s complexion didn’t change. For wizened old characters like him, the thickness of their skin was proportional to their age. “Hah, I have grown too old and it’s hard for me to control my emotions as an elderly folk. I spoke nonsense just now and I hope Grand Authority Qin doesn’t mind.”

Qin Yu smiled and shook his head, not adding a single word.

Seeing that Qin Yu didn’t want to keep entangling himself in this conversation, Ning Rufeng pressed his lips together. Ning Liang hurriedly picked up a cup of tea and passed it to him in fear that he would continue and say something embarrassing.

How could grandfather say something like this? Wouldn’t Qin Yu think I was trying to borrow this matter to make some request of him?

Ning Rufeng stuck out his tongue as he was burned by the hot tea. He put down the teacup and couldn’t help but glare at Ning Liang. You blind little hooligan, who do you think I am speaking nonsense for? And you dare to use such a cruel method against me!

“Aiya, I’m just too old. I have no idea where I make mistakes and when I start annoying people…”

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by a cold sneer, “Since you already know you are old, why don’t you slit your neck and finish yourself off. Why do you keep on living to harm others and yourself!”

Upon saying these words, the anger in the tone of voice became evident for all, like a vivid painting come to life.

Ning Rufeng widened his eyes and started sputtering as if he had seen a ghost. He immediately jumped up from the sofa and twisted around. His actions were nimble and flexible, without any of the weakness and old age he had been complaining about just before.

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