Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 470A. A Crafty Escape

The black mountain phantom was in an extremely unstable condition. Red lines often appeared on the surface of the deeply sleeping purpleback bluewing ants, gently twitching.

The will of the Ancestral Monster could regain consciousness at any moment!

Qin Yu couldn’t care about the weariness of his soul. He suppressed his excited mood and with a thought, the tattered Soul Summoning Bell appeared in front of him.

In the next moment, without need for any command at all, the slumbering golden soul of nothingness started to fly towards the Soul Summoning Bell on its own initiative.

As it approached, the soul of nothingness constantly shrank. It turned into a mote of light the size of a grain of rice and fused into the Soul Summoning Bell.

Everything proceeded unexpectedly smoothly. It occurred so rapidly that Qin Yu wasn’t even able to react. The master recognition process…seemed to have been completed!

The golden soul of nothingness seemed to be different from what was recorded in the Monster Raising Mystic Art. Qin Yu took a deep breath and looked at the Soul Summoning Bell floating in front of him.

Time passed a breath at a time. The Soul Summoning Bell maintained its silence, without any change at all. A gloomy expression began to appear on Qin Yu’s face…could it be that the golden soul of nothingness didn’t meet the conditions needed for the recognition of the master?

Suddenly, the Soul Summoning Bell gently trembled. It was faint at first, but it began to pick up speed and strength, becoming incredibly fierce. One could see the rusted stains on the Soul Summoning Bell falling off at a rapid rate. Faint traces of golden began to appear on its surface.

However, because the Soul Summoning Bell had been considerably damaged, the golden light flowing on its surface was clearly hindered and stagnated. But it was undoubtedly much more dazzling compared to before.

Qin Yu was overjoyed. Just as he was about to reach out to grab it, a young voice sounded out. “Move your stinky hands away, don’t just touch anyone!” The tone was dark and ominous, but unfortunately it wasn’t able to exude the threat it deserved.

Whoosh –

The Soul Summoning Bell fiercely drew away, creating a distance between it and Qin Yu. Qin Yu looked at it with a stunned expression, but before he could even say anything or understand what happened, the young voice spoke up once more, even more grating than before. “You pervert! Lecher! Don’t you care about face at all? What are you looking at! I haven’t even put clothes on yet!”

The voice sounded sour as if bitter and about to cry tears. Suddenly, there was a burst of golden light. When Qin Yu could see things clearly once more, he saw that the Soul Summoning Bell had vanished. In its place was a little girl that looked to be around five or six years of age. She had golden hair and wore a puffy skirt. At this time, her round and chubby cheeks were pinched together and she was glaring at him with a ‘vicious’ glare.

This…what the hell…this was completely different from what was recorded in the Monster Raising Mystic Art.

The little girl looked at Qin Yu who had a dull and dazed expression etched on his face. She lightly humphed and arrogantly said, “Brat, I am going to give you a chance to reform yourself. You can become my follower and serve me reverently. Perhaps I may even forgive you for the crime of blaspheming me.” She narrowed her eyes and gnashed her little teeth. “Otherwise, just the sin of peeping at me naked is enough to send you to the punishment station and be burnt to ashes in the flames!”

Qin Yu took a deep breath. His thoughts raced and his complexion became strange. “You are the Soul Summoning Bell…”

“How bold! You dare to use such an impolite tone with me? Qin Yu, do you want to die?” The little girl had an overbearing and tyrannical attitude.

Heavy lines crossed Qin Yu’s forehead. He was silent for a moment before he said in a low voice, “Stop bluffing. I can already sense that the Soul Summoning Bell has recognized an owner. In other words, no matter what you are, I am your master.”

The little girl’s face paled. “You…you…you…you can try me! I..I..I…I’m not afraid of you!” Even though she said this, the expression on her face seemed to say that if Qin Yu were to be any more mean towards her, she would immediately start crying.

Qin Yu lifted his hands and rubbed his eyebrows. “First of all, I saved you, right?” When he spoke, he glanced at the little girl from the edge of his vision. He saw her reveal an expression that seemed as if she were wondering just how he knew about this. From this, he immediately determined that this little bratty girl really was the golden soul of nothingness.

The little girl bit her lips, not saying anything.

Qin Yu relaxed a little. “Look, I don’t have any evil intentions towards you. But, you need to tell me what the current situation is right now. Only then will there not be any misunderstandings between us.”

In order to express his sincerity, he took several steps back.

The little girl wavered. This person wasn’t easy to fool. Moreover, his divine sense was in her body. If she needlessly provoked him, maybe she really would suffer a loss.

If the first option didn’t work, she would switch to her backup plan.

She blinked her eyes, instantly becoming pitiful and sad. Her long eyelashes trembled and she instantly displayed her heartrending and emotionally stirring skills to the max.

“I…I didn’t mean to…I’m so scared…I’m scared you will…really hurt me…”

Qin Yu’s smile was incomparably bright. “You have no idea just how much effort I spent to arrive here today. Not only will I not harm you, I will do everything in my power to protect you.”

The little girl sobbed. “But, I am tired right now. I need to immediately go to sleep otherwise my head will hurt so much. If you have something to say to me, how about asking me later?”

Her appearance was pitiful and lamentable. Even though Qin Yu knew that it was likely she was just putting on an act, he found himself unexpectedly nodding.

“Thank you!” The little girl’s eyes glistened with tears, as if she were incomparably thankful. Then, she turned into a flow of golden light that drilled into Qin Yu’s body. His heart skipped a beat and he quickly probed himself. He found that within his soul space, there was the existence of the Soul Summoning Bell.

Hum –

There was a faint tremble and he seemed to indistinctly hear the pleasantly surprised cry of the little girl. The light that the purple moon scattered down began to quickly gather on the Soul Summoning Bell. The purple moonlight fused into it and its surface flashed with golden light. At this moment, it seemed to become just a little bit brighter.

Qin Yu’s soul opened its eyes and he looked carefully at the Soul Summoning Bell. According to the information recorded in the Monster Raising Mystic Art, after the master recognition process was completed, he should be able to completely control this supreme soul treasure and obtain many advantages.

But now, while he did feel a connection between himself and the Soul Summoning Bell, it wasn’t too strong. Fortunately, this connection told Qin Yu that he was still the master of the Soul Summoning Bell. It just meant that he didn’t have the rights to fully control it yet.

His eyes flashed. It was clear that all of this was related to the golden soul of nothingness. It seemed when he accidentally obtained this extremely abnormal soul of nothingness, it might not have been a good thing like he originally thought.

Qin Yu sighed inwardly. The eyes of his soul revealed a thoughtful expression. He needed to clarify the Soul Summoning Bell’s current situation as soon as possible.

This was because if a treasure was his and yet he couldn’t control it, that in itself was a hidden danger!

“Hum hum! Whether I am a hidden danger or not a hidden danger, how about you think about it later? On behalf of the fact that you spoke so nicely to me, allow me to warn you of something. There is an aura that has entangled itself with the Soul Summoning Bell. Once I fall into a deep slumber, this aura will be automatically severed. You should be a bit more careful and make sure you aren’t killed by others!”

Hum hum! Once you get out of danger, I will draw a clear line with you! Let’s see how you die then!

Qin Yu was shocked. He wanted to ask further but the golden light on the surface of the Soul Summoning Bell began to rapidly darken until it completely vanished.

He was the only person that should know about the existence of the Soul Summoning Bell. But, the Immortal Sect’s interference with the precelestial wood had already caused him to develop some suspicions. Now, with what this little girl said…the worry in his heart grew heavier.

At this moment, his heart skipped a beat and an extremely terrifying feeling rose up in him. Like a mountain, it blotted out the skies and crashed down as it arrived!

Qin Yu’s body froze. His heart seemed to be held by an invisible hand, so tight that it couldn’t beat.

Endless dread surged in his mind. A piercing chill spread through his entire body, so cold that his blood almost froze over.

An angered roar spread out from the far off horizon. Even though he was in the Dao Arena’s training room, the walls and barriers still weren’t able to keep it out.

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