Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 478: Continent Collapsing

“Ten years…a hundred years…” The light phantom bitterly smiled as it looked at the black dot falling towards the ground. “I originally wanted to save your life, but since you are willing to give up on that, I will help you struggle for a hope that doesn’t exist to begin with.”

Strong winds rushed forth, pouring into his nose and mouth. Qin Yu cursed out loud and hurried to adjust his posture. Then, he loudly crashed into the black earth.

With a bang, the ground fiercely caved in and countless cracks spread out in all directions. Qin Yu stood up at the bottom of the pit, his entire body numb. It took him a great deal of effort to suppress the desire to spit out blood from his tumbling chest.

The black continent had unexpectedly taken the initiative to pull him down. And, what was even more horrifying was that after he passed through the sphere of light, he found that his cultivation had actually been thoroughly bound up.

If it weren’t for his Demon Body being strong enough, if it were anyone else, they would likely have been turned into a pile of meat after crashing down so far. And even if he didn’t die now, things didn’t look so wonderful for him…without his cultivation, all he had was his mortal body…

Qin Yu’s complexion changed. This was because he discovered that his feet seemed to be locked tight to the ground!

“Did you just discover that you can’t move at all? Are you feeling fear? Are you feeling despair?” At the edge of the pit, black fluid rose up, condensing into the figure of a man. This figure had a handsome face and an eerily evil look. He was looking at Qin Yu with great interest in his eyes.

Qin Yu was panic-stricken. “You…you…who are you?”

The handsome Spirit of Poison chuckled. “Stop acting. If you didn’t have permission from that fellow outside, someone as trivial as you simply wouldn’t have been able to come here.” His eyes flashed, “What secret are you hiding on your body? Could that fellow outside think you can harm me?”

Qin Yu’s complexion paled. “I never thought that even though I concealed myself so well, it would be seen through by you. If you know what’s good for you, hurry up and allow me to leave, otherwise you will come to regret it!”

The Spirit of Poison was stunned. It never thought that its casual greeting would actually hit the truth. But after looking at Qin Yu for several more moments, it couldn’t help but laugh out loud. This boy’s expressions were quite good, but the corners of his eyes were twitching just a little bit. His tense body and fierce eyes had flaws everywhere.

He lifted a hand. Black fluid flowed around his five fingers. “Speak the truth. Otherwise, whether you believe this or not, once my hand falls down your entire body will turn into a pool of liquid flesh.”

The five fingers slowly approached Qin Yu. The twitching at the corners of his eyes became fiercer and he suddenly shouted in panic, “No! No, don’t kill me! I was just walking around and suddenly came here; I don’t even know what’s going on!”

The Spirit of Poison frowned. After thinking for a moment, he lightly sneered, “I don’t care where you came from, but since you’re here now, you can wait here and die. I don’t want to waste any strength on your body.”

He took one step backwards and melted back into the black earth, disappearing from sight. Qin Yu’s tense body relaxed and he started gasping for breath. His eyes swept around, an expression of hopelessness beyond crying on his face.

Of course, all of this was an act. Because from the very first moment, he had discovered that the seemingly cruel and violent Spirit of Poison was actually not easy to deal with. And, what happened afterwards had proven his suspicions. This fellow was sly and crafty. He clearly longed to seize a mortal body and obtain the chance to escape from here, but he managed to suppress his instincts.

However, the Spirit of Poison was still tempted, otherwise he would have killed Qin Yu and been done with it. Why would he toss him here and allow him to do as he wished? It was clear that he was still a bit doubtful and was continuing to observe him.

Since he knew that the Spirit of Poison was still using some secret method to watch over him, if he was going to put on a performance, he would go all the way.

Thus, he appeared terrified and restless. He tried to flee but even after countless attempts he still couldn’t escape the imprisonment of the black earth.

When he discovered that faint traces of poison were continuously drilling into his body, despair and sorrow appeared on his face. At this point, even Qin Yu had to praise his own acting abilities.

After struggling for a long time, he finally couldn’t endure it any longer. His eyes glossed over and he slumped to the ground, looking as if he had accepted his death and was waiting for it.

During this entire process, it was not just the Spirit of Poison that was observing him, but also the spirit of the Sealed Pagoda up above. The light phantom seemed to arch an eyebrow, a strange look in its eyes. However, it couldn’t help but give birth to a trace of anticipation. Perhaps this young man really would be able to succeed.

The black dot on the Sealed Pagoda had already rushed past the middle region and was nearing the top. But when it was just about to enter the tip of the tower, it finally stopped. Within the small square, there was the sound of breaths of relief. While there were only several people standing here, it sounded as if waves were rushing back and forth.

But at this time, no one had any thoughts to care about whether they sounded like waves or not. They rubbed their stinging eyes, a perturbed feeling in their hearts.

Without accident, Yao Bin should be undergoing the final test. If he succeeded then he would become the master of the Sealed Pagoda. With that, the Demonic Path’s 13th branch, the Myriad Poison Sect, would be reestablished and he would leap up to become one of the top powerhouses of the world.

Honestly speaking, whether it came from the dark side of human nature or because they considered this treasure as belonging to the Black Demon Sect, none of them hoped that Qin Yu would succeed. But, even though they thought this in their hearts, it was difficult to speak out loud.

This was because everyone knew that the Sect Master needed to borrow the hand of Yao Bin to relieve the hidden dangers in his body. If Yao Bin failed in the test of the Sealed Pagoda, then death was the only result. This wasn’t something the Sect Master wanted to see.

Tie Qianqiu was without expression, but the truth was that in the depths of his heart, his mind was shaking. When Yao Bin entered the Sealed Pagoda, he had felt that things had spiraled beyond his control. But when he stared blankly on as Yao Bin rushed towards the summit of the pagoda and was only a half-step away from reaching the very top he still found it all unbelievable.

Before this, Tie Qianqiu believed that with Yao Bin’s help, he only had a 50% chance of relieving his body’s hidden dangers. But now after witnessing Yao Bin’s strength, he raised these chances to 80% if not higher. He suddenly felt regret. Perhaps his methods could have been a bit softer and more temperate. If so, he wouldn’t have forced Yao Bin to this step.

But now, it was already too late.

Looking at the top of the pagoda and the black dot that had paused there for a long time, there was a complex look in Tie Qianqiu’s eyes. Should he hope for Yao Bin to succeed or fail?

The Spirit of Poison was positive that this human who had broken into here was already thoroughly poisoned. His aura was weakening and his life fluctuations were diminishing. Without accident, soon he would die and his body would rot away, being absorbed into the earth and becoming a part of his body.

But this result wasn’t one he wanted to see. Starting many years ago, the spirit of the Sealed Pagoda had been in a half-dead state. But even so, it had managed to suppress him.

The Spirit of Poison knew that there would eventually come a day when he could break free. But when this day would come, he had no idea. From the moment he was born and had a will of his own, tens of thousands of years had passed. After being imprisoned for so many years, the violence in his heart increased day by day. The Spirit of Poison’s desire for freedom transcended all other wants and needs.

But he was still careful and chose to temporarily stand back and observe. This was because in the mind of the Spirit of Poison, a flaw had never appeared in the Sealed Pagoda that it could make use of.

But now, the Spirit of Poison was well aware that he needed to make a decision. Should he watch this human die? Or should he seize his body and escape the imprisonment of the Sealed Pagoda?

At the bottom of the pit, where Qin Yu was lying with his aura as weak as threads of silk, his soul space was completely clean. There was no poison that could corrode this place. As for his mortal body…he just needed a thought to swallow up all of the poison. Then, the Demon Body’s formidable regenerative abilities would rapidly heal him.

So, although it seemed that he was in a terrible state, the reality was that there wasn’t much damage done to Qin Yu. He was waiting…waiting for the Spirit of Poison to seize his body!

Without warning, black fluid gushed out from the bottom of the pit, submerging Qin Yu’s body. Endless black energy wildly flooded into his body!

The seizing of the body had begun!

In the end, the Spirit of Poison wasn’t able to suppress his desire for freedom. Moreover, he couldn’t feel any threat from this lowly human that was on the verge of death.

Perhaps the spirit of the Sealed Pagoda had prepared some plot, but he didn’t feel any fear at all. One was like a sun floating high in the skies and another was falling beyond the mountains. With such a vast disparity, there was no scheming that could cover this distance.

Thus, the Spirit of Poison had chosen to take action. And once he began there was no turning back.

He needed to seize control of this human’s body in the shortest amount of time. Then, with absolute strength, he would crush any plot that the Sealed Pagoda was scheming.

Everything proceeded smoothly. This body was filled with poison and was suitable for integration. The soul aura of this human was incomparably weak, like a candle light flickering in the cold winter wind, about to extinguish at any moment.

The Spirit of Poison smiled. This was normal. Even if he didn’t deliberately target this human, the aura of his poison alone would have caused him to wither away and die.

Then, he would deliver this lowly, pitiful, and innocent human the final gift of death. He would swallow his soul and gain some of his memories, allowing him to better control the body. Then, he would leave and walk beneath the sun.

The sun…

It was a strange yet familiar word. The Spirit of Poison had repeated this word countless times in his heart, and now he finally had a chance to bathe beneath it.

It would definitely feel warm…

Hu –

A black aura rushed into the human’s soul space. Then in the next moment, an ice cold feeling descended.

The Spirit of Poison’s eyes popped open. Panic and disbelief filled his face. At this moment, all of his strength had been thoroughly suppressed.

This was impossible!

Shua –

At the bottom of the pit, Qin Yu opened his eyes and his lips curved up in a smile. “There is nothing that is impossible.” He stretched out his arms. “Since you’ve already leapt into my jar, it’s time to give you a taste of your own medicine.”

Cracks appeared in space and rapidly collapsed inward. The phantom of the little blue lamp appeared above Qin Yu’s head. The deep blue light was pure and clear, like the most perfect jade in the world. This represented the full force and power of the little blue lamp.

Bang –

The entire black continent floating in the Sea of Poison began to shake and tremble. Loud rumblings exploded from deep below.

It was like countless thick tentacles stabbed into the earth and were ruthlessly swallowing all of the energy it contained. The endless black fluid converged from all directions. The moment it came into contact with Qin Yu’s body, it vanished from sight.

The index finger of his right finger started to shine with a dazzling light. Textures appeared, starting from his fingertip and slowly spreading up.


The Spirit of Poison wildly roared out loud. His will was born from poison so he should have been able to scatter himself and reform. But at this moment, he actually lost control of his will. He could only watch on helplessly as the strength of his main body was crazily wrested away.

Rumble rumble –

The edges of the black continent began to collapse!

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