Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 510: Become Prey

Xu Guzi’s eyes twitched. He personally watched as Dong Hanzhu retreated from the battle. If he said that he didn’t feel envy he would only be lying to himself.

But right now, envy or anything similar would only cause him to die first. He suppressed these thoughts and turned to say, “Zhou Fenghuang, Mu Qingluan, I can set up an array formation that can teleport the three of us out of here. But, I need the two of you to buy some time for me!”


“Fellow daoist Xu, please hurry!”

Zhou Fenghuang and Mu Qingluan nodded without hesitation. Then, the two of them joined forces to create a massive sea of fire. Blue and black flames intertwined together, covering the three people.

Xu Guzi turned and hurriedly started to lay down the array. His hands constantly moved in law formulas, creating more and more runes that melted deep into the earth.

A sharp light flashed in the depths of his eyes.

That’s right, he did possess a secret array technique. By utilizing the magic power of the array formation he could tear through space and escape. But, the array formation could at most send only one person away.

He lifted a hand and tapped the point between his eyebrows. A golden light appeared and he tossed it into the array formation. With this, the arrangement of the mystic array was complete.

But Xu Guzi’s hand signs didn’t stop. He seemed to casually step forward. As long as he entered the mystic array, he could instantly activate it.

However, the moment he was about to step into the mystic array, a terrifying burning hot aura instantly gushed out from below and snuck into his body.

Xu Guzi’s body froze and the joy in his eyes turned to despair. In the next moment, the burning hot aura in him erupted, completely breaking apart the inside of his body.

Bang –

Xu Guzi’s body blew apart. Only his head was left intact.

Zhou Fenghuang and Mu Qingluan took back their hands at the same time. There was no change to their expressions, as if they hadn’t done anything at all.

Xu Guzi’s lips slowly squirmed, his voice weak and dismal. “The mystic array can only send off one person…haha…only one person…”

He wanted to watch these two poisonous women panic. He wanted to see them turn on each other and kill each other. No one would leave here alive!

But Xu Guzi was destined to be disappointed. Zhou Fenghuang and Mu Qingluan’s complexions didn’t change in the slightest at his words.

A mocking light flashed in the eyes of the two. At the same time, they took a step forward and their bodies fused together.

This was true fusion. They had both become a woman who was different from the two, but also similar to the two. She opened her mouth and said in a soft voice, “Thank you so much fellow daoist Xu, a single person is more than enough.”

She took a step into the array formation, activating it. Layers upon layers of runes appeared, submerging her in their waves.


Xu Guzi screeched. But as he reached the highest pitch, he suddenly stopped. His eyeballs were the first to give in. Unable to withstand the pressure, they bulged out from within and then his entire head exploded.

Hu –

Black and blue flames flickered, turning everything to ashes.

Sun Zifu watched as Zhou Fenghuang and Mu Qingluan combined together and killed Xu Guzi. His eyes widened and his entire face was etched with confusion and alarm.

This…this world…he really couldn’t understand it…

Before he could regain his composure, he was ruthlessly thrown away. Qin Yu’s icy cold voice passed near his ears. “Whether you live or die, that will depend on your own luck.”

Whoosh –

Sun Zifu was sent howling far into the distance.

Qin Yu withdrew his hand. There was an extremely dignified expression on his face. From this point on, he would no longer have the energy or attention to look after Sun Zifu again.

From this point on, it would be a life or death situation. He needed to unleash his greatest strength.

Bang –

The earth collapsed and Qin Yu’s figure hurtled forward. He reached a hand ahead and space twisted. The monster tree puppet general wildly struggled but it couldn’t avoid the fate of being crushed to pieces.

He looked up and his gaze met Zhao Qianyuan’s. Without the need for any words, the two of them instantly understood each other.


With a loud shout, Zhao Qianyuan’s dragon spear maliciously pierced into the ground. In the next moment the ground shook and countless dragon spear phantoms tore out from the earth.

Each spear phantom seemed like a sharp arrow. They howled through space, each one locking onto their own goal.

Bang –

Bang –

The explosions shocked the heavens and earth. Each one represented the death of a monster tree puppet.

Zhao Qianyuan lifted the dragon spear, pressing it forward. His body was still and silent, but his terrifying slaughter intent arrived like a crashing tsunami.

Qin Yu’s eyes blazed with radiance. What an incredible Zhao Qianyun; he was motionless like a mountain, his next move capable of collapsing the heavens!

Qin Yu lifted a hand, his five fingers curved and pulled back as if he were stretching out a great bow. Silver white light instantly erupted, blinding to the eyes.

Five Element Mountain, path of metal!

Whoosh –

Silver white lights shot out at an inconceivable speed. Wherever they went, monster tree puppets would blow up before they were twisted and shredded apart by an immense slaughter strength.

In several breaths of time, a massive swath of the terrifying tide of monster tree puppets had been destroyed.

But the greatest threats were the three demonized cultivators who had survived until now: Leng Feng, Han Sheng, and the woman who had awakened a curse bloodline.

These three people were overbearingly strong and after undergoing demonization, they were even more horrifying than before. Their blood red eyes locked onto Qin Yu and Zhao Qianyuan, making it seem as if one had fallen into an infinite prison of blood.

With a loud shout, Leng Feng and Han Sheng plunged towards Zhao Qianyuan. Although the attacking dragon spear phantoms constantly sent the two people flying up and away, they couldn’t actually stop them from gradually closing the distance between them.

The woman with the curse bloodline chose Qin Yu.

After being demonized, she floated in midair like an eerie spirit. A dark gray mist constantly tumbled around her; this was the strength of the terrifying curse bloodline.

“Ahh!” Her blood red eyes were glued onto Qin Yu. She opened her mouth and screamed. Her originally elegant face was covered with scales, making her look fierce and monstrous.

Qin Yu’s heart shook. In the next moment within his soul space, the Cosmic Seacross Bell shook. Even so, his soul still felt numbed, showing signs of collapse and instability.

This woman, besides a curse bloodline she actually possessed such a terrifying soul attack technique!

Whoosh –

The curst mist flooded towards him like a tide, sweeping all around him.

If Qin Yu’s soul was damaged, his body would stiffen and it would be difficult for him to react. But, his feet moved and he avoided the mist attack.

Adding strength to his legs, the ground collapsed as he landed. Then, his figure burst forward like lightning, straight towards the demonized woman. As long as he could kill her, the power of the curse would naturally scatter.

His fist rumbled ahead. Qin Yu’s eyes were ice cold. He was confident that as long as he struck her, he would be able to kill her with a single strike. But at this moment a wooden spear stabbed towards him and he had no choice but to withdraw his punch and move his hands up in a defensive position.

The wooden spear shattered and the monster tree puppet general that launched the sneak attack cried out in pain. But it didn’t retreat and instead continued forward. All of its roots spread out in the air, looking like a massive net that wanted to wrap Qin Yu up.

The monster tree puppet general’s body was completely unraveled, turned into numerous branches that swayed from side to side. They winded about each other, constantly contracting into a smaller circle. They were like countless large snakes that were joining together to kill their prey.

Bang –

Bang –

A thunderous explosion erupted from within. The layers of branches violently shook and their movements slowed. Eventually, they were blasted away.

Qin Yu stepped out. The gray curse mist had already been taken back. The demonized female cultivator didn’t seem to have fully lost her intelligence. Knowing that she had almost died in the last strike, she had an enraged expression on her face.

With a scream, the curse mist wildly gathered around her, wrapping her within and forming a large snake. The eyes of the snake were blood red; these were unexpectedly the eyes of the female cultivator. The large snake screeched and its tail violently swept about as it rushed forward.

The large snake might have been condensed from the strength of the curse, but using some unknown method, it seemed to condense into reality, as if it were a living creature that emitted a horrifying killing intent.

Qin Yu didn’t dare to directly take it on. If both sides collided, that intrusive curse strength would directly invade his body.

The little blue lamp provided him with immunity to poison, and when it came to curses…to speak honestly, the power of curses was one of the most terrifying and strange powers in the world. He didn’t want to take the risk.

However, since this large snake was formed from the curse mist, then perhaps it could be considered some kind of supernatural art.

And Qin Yu just happened to have an ability that could break through the strength of supernatural arts.

He lifted a finger and pointed ahead. Wind and clouds howled above as a finger appeared.

Between the heavens and earth, a titanic amount of strength began to gather. Perhaps because this small world was flooded with demonic energy, the fingerprints of this condensed finger began to turn black.

Qin Yu hesitated for a moment. The changes to the Boundless Blue Finger were beyond his expectations, but it was too late to turn back.

A cold brilliance flashed in his eyes and the Boundless Blue Finger howled forward. The demonized woman’s mind had been taken over by the desire to kill and destroy. Even though there was still some wisdom left in her mind, it was actually just some residual instincts.

The large curse snake didn’t dodge or evade; it brutally collided with the finger.

The Boundless Blue Finger shattered apart. But, what was strange was that the black fingerprints were completely intact, as if they were a shadow of the finger.

The large curse snake didn’t slow down and it broke through the black fingerprints. Qin Yu’s eyebrows furrowed together, revealing a bit of disappointment.

But at this moment, the curse snake suddenly screeched in pain. On the surface of its body, black spots began to appear, like massive rotting sores.

“Ahh!” Pained screams filled the air and the curse snake collapsed, revealing the woman within. The black scales on her body were rotting and melting away, causing blood to cover her.

Qin Yu instantly approached. His hand thrust forward and there was a scalp-tingling sound of bones being crushed to pieces. Then, the female cultivator collapsed to the ground, nothing left but a mass of rotting meat.

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