Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 525: Monkey Calls Himself King

The assistant buzzed with trepidation. He quickly took out the register of names for the new disciples. He had to remember this boy’s information first. Then, he could call him out by name and secretly indicate that he knew he was extraordinary from the beginning. From then on, he could find ways to pull the two of them closer together.

There was also Zhang Xuan. This dog, he really struck luck this time. When Qin Yu and Zhang Xuan were talking earlier, he had seen it from the corner of his eye. At the time, Qin Yu hadn’t yet revealed his strength so this was definitely something similar to an early investment through leaving behind a good impression.

Mm…this comrade Zhang Xuan was definitely worth cultivating. Perhaps there would be a day when he could rise back up from the dirt.

As for Comrade Zhang, he was still stunned. He looked at Qin Yu and then the examination stone that was still flashing with a dazzling purple light and there was a look of bewilderment on his face.

Duan Jieyu clenched her fists. Because of her excitement, her previously pale face started to glow red like an apple, making her look extremely beautiful.

Her master was truly the fiercest, much fiercer than she thought!

Purple, this was the highest rank purple! Her eyes swept about and she took in the dumbfounded and shocked expressions all around. She couldn’t help but lift up her head proudly, revealing her snow white neck.

We are servants that were personally chosen by master…from now on, no one will dare to bully big brother!

Gong Zhen froze in place. Behind him, his bald servant was also shivering uncontrollably, horror in his eyes. Before they made a move, they had inquired into some information. They didn’t know much; they only knew that this surname Yao had a bit of strength.

But if one could become a Demonic Path disciple, no matter how disappointing they were they still had to possess some ability. So Gong Zhen didn’t place this information in his heart to begin with.

But now…could someone tell me why this person would have a peak Blue Sea strength? This was peak Blue Sea…this was a height that the vast majority of people would never reach in their lives. If this person could take another step further he would be able to reach the Calamity Immortal realm…

All the redness faded away from Gong Zhen’s face. Fear and despair swelled up in his heart, submerging his mind.

The numerous gazes directed at Qin Yu now revealed a deep sense of awe.

The assistant finally found Qin Yu’s information and swept over it with his divine sense, immediately remembering all of it. He plastered on his brightest smile but just when he was about to take a step forward, there was a cold sneer from the crowd. “So what if he is a peak Blue Sea? He’s a hundred years old if not older. How can someone like that be compared with us!?”

A hundred years old…

The assistant paused.

Another disciple said, “This fellow daoist Yao Bin comes from the Black Demon Sect. According to what I know, fellow daoist Yao joined halfway through his path and at that time he already had a profound Blue Sea cultivation. Then, he stayed in the Black Demon Sect for 80 years.”

This explosion of information was even more accurate. Everyone’s spirits were immediately lifted. If this person was a Blue Sea expert 80 years ago, how old was he now? Conservatively estimating, he should be at least 200 years old.

Hehe, what was there to say about this? When they were the age of this old fogy, perhaps they wouldn’t necessarily be much worse than he was. Moreover, a Blue Sea that was over a hundred years old had limited potential. The chances of them making another breakthrough in the future and stepping into the Calamity Immortal realm wasn’t too high.

The assistant looked over. When he saw Qin Yu’s calm expression that didn’t show any intention of refuting these words, he suddenly felt starkly disappointed. Still, he squeezed out a wide smile.

“Fellow daoist Yao Bin, your cultivation is wonderful. With your strike leaving behind a deep purple color, you are undoubtedly in first place. Fellow daoist may freely choose whichever dwelling you prefer on the mountain.”

His attitude was sufficiently intimate, but compared to how he was going to treat Qin Yu before, the difference was like the heavens and earth. Within the Demonic Path, if one didn’t become a Calamity Immortal they would never ascend to the highest heights.

Peak Blue Sea…through millions of years of inheritance, the Demonic Path had accumulated many of them. Each year there were peak Blue Seas that were on the edge of death, forever unable to break through the last threshold, that would die in their cave dwelling while sitting in hateful meditation.

All of their hard earned cultivation, the struggle of tens of thousands of years if not longer, would all turn to nothing.

Of course, peak Blue Seas were still absolute powerhouses. Placed within the Land of Divinity and Demons, they would still be powerful rulers of their own regions.

It was only in the Demonic Path that the corona of such a powerhouse would be weakened by a great deal.

Qin Yu had a calm expression. Since he had taken Yao Bin’s identity, he naturally couldn’t refute these ‘facts’. But, he believed that the true high level figures within the Demonic Path would know the truth. For instance, the two guests that had visited him at Dawnperch Hotel that day.

His performance today was sufficient. Soon, information would spread to the high level figures, attracting even more attention to him. And this attention would become a shroud of protection, making those who had ill intent towards him feel some dread.

As for what these people around him thought of him or how they looked at him…did that matter?

In truth, Qin Yu really didn’t mind at all.

So when he drew back his hand, his complexion was still serene. He moved to the side.

“Humph! When there is no tiger on the mountain, the monkey calls himself king! In our generation of disciples, there are several proud children of heaven. For instance, the Zhao Family’s Scion Zhao Qianyuan; he is a true peerless proud son of heaven that stands at the pinnacle! There is the Dong Family’s Dong Hanzhu who is also an extraordinary person. There is also the Western Tomb’s highest Du Tian, his dao arts are unparalleled in this world! Zhou Fenghuang and Mu Qingluan, these two proud daughters of heaven are also standout individuals who shine from the highest heavens! These are the true elites and each one has been selected by the various Elders as disciples, allowing them to enter the Holy Land ahead of time to cultivate so that they don’t have to stand with us.” Gong Zhen sneered again. “Otherwise, how could our limelight be snatched up by an old fogy like this!”

Since he had already offended this person, he wouldn’t dread them anymore.

These words resonated with the crowd. Many people nodded to themselves, and when they looked at Qin Yu again, there was a bit of mockery in their eyes.

So what if you’re at the peak Blue Sea realm? We are all Demonic Path disciples, so would you dare do anything to us?

Moreover, it’s unknown who will be stronger and weaker in the future. As long as you don’t reach the Calamity Immortal realm, there is no need to fear you!

Duan Jieyu’s heart raced, her lips white with anger. Why did these bastards always aim at her master?

But, was what they said true?

Did her master really have no potential?

Duan San’er let out a long breath and patted her shoulder, a smile on his face. “Our lives were saved by master, so why think so much? Just remember, no matter what happens, we are master’s servants. All we need to do is loyally serve him.”

Duan Jieyu argued in a quiet voice, “I know big brother. I just feel sorry for master because he is a good person…” No wonder the master had chosen to endure it when her big brother was injured before. It was because her master had his own difficulties to deal with.

Suddenly, she felt a bit of heartache. The small trace of resentment she felt before vanished like smoke.

Qin Yu’s complexion didn’t change because of Gong Zhen’s words. After all, a mountain would never care about the weeds that had taken root at its base. However, when he inadvertently glanced over at Duan Jieyu and saw the mixed emotions of suppressed anger, depression, and sadness on her face, his eyes flashed a little.

In particular, there was actually a bit of pity in this young girl’s eyes.

Qin Yu was left speechless for a moment. For someone as high profile as he was today, he was actually being pitied? This was simply absurd. Of course, he wasn’t angry over this, but was left in a mood where he didn’t know whether to laugh or to cry. When he glanced back at Gong Zhen, his eyes turned cold.

If I want to ignore you then I can ignore you. If I find you bothersome then I can also give you a ringing slap. Of course, I won’t be able to hit you physically, but beating you up with words has the same effect.

Gong Zhen sneered, “What, did I say something wrong?”

Qin Yu lightly said, “These people you speak of, does senior-apprentice Gong know some of them?” Qin Yu then shook his head, “No, asking if you know them is thinking too highly of you. Have you ever seen them before?”

Gong Zhen flushed red, shame coursing through his body. He clenched his teeth and maliciously said, “The proud elites of the Demonic Path are like divine dragons; I have never seen them!” He looked up and mockingly said, “Does fellow daoist Yao know them?”

This was clearly a rhetorical question, so he never expected Qin Yu to earnestly nod and say, “That’s right, I know them.”

Gong Zhen was stunned for a moment. Then he started to recklessly laugh, “When it comes to fake boasting, I really do admire you. Fellow daoist Yao, don’t forget that those fellow elites are also in the Demonic Path right now, and sooner or later they will learn of this. At that time, I’m sure your expression will be ugly to see!”

Qin Yu suddenly said, “You’ve been watching for such a long time, it’s about time you come out. Strictly speaking, you were the one that abandoned me to begin with, so you should be feeling some guilt at least.”

These sudden words came out of nowhere. Everyone was left confused for a moment, but soon enough their eyes widened as if their eyes would fall out from their faces.

Zhao Qianyuan walked forward. His hands were empty and he didn’t carry his iconic dragon spear with him. But, his calm momentum was enough that no one here dared to belittle him.

Moreover, what he wore right now was a red robe with a black background. The golden collar signified his status as a Demon Son of the Demonic Path.

The assistant ran over as everyone watched in shock. He bowed deeply and said, “This lowly one greets Scion Zhao!”

These words left everyone dumbfounded. All of them were left gazing in a trace, as if they had come face to face with a living legend.

Scion Zhao…in the Demonic Path, besides that one, no one would dare be called by such a name…in other words, he really was Zhao Qianyuan.

Zhao Qianyuan walked in front of Qin Yu and looked him over a few times. He faintly smiled, “Good. There doesn’t seem to be anything wrong with you, so I feel at ease now.” After speaking, he thought for a moment and cupped his hands together. “What happened that day was indeed my wrong. I ask Brother Yao to forgive me.”

Qin Yu lifted an eyebrow. “Why is Scion Zhao so polite?”

Zhao Qianyuan straightened himself. “I’ve discovered that Brother Yao’s benevolence seems to be limited. I don’t want any further trouble to come from this matter in the future.” He turned around and honestly said, “I can testify that Yao Bin knows of the people you mentioned just now.” He paused and then added in, “All of them.”

Qin Yu had a calm expression. “I just arrived today so I don’t have anything prepared, so I won’t ask Scion Zhao to stay as a guest. If you come and visit another day, I’ll treat you to a drink.”

Zhao Qianyuan went with the flow, “Dong Hanzhu also, he has never forgotten you. I will bring him with me next time.”

Qin Yu nodded, “Alright.”

Not staying much longer, Zhao Qianyuan leisurely walked away. But, his sudden appearance left everyone feeling suppressed and gasping for breath. All of those mocking eyes were filled with awe once more.

This was Zhao Qianyuan! If he came all the way over here to see someone, even testifying on their behalf and speaking to them on equal terms, could that person be someone average?

Gong Zhen’s complexion paled. He didn’t say another word.

Qin Yu walked over to Duan Jieyu’s side. Seeing the little miss’ smile, he lightly said, “When some people boast and bluster, their words are like thunder and their lips and tongues waggle like fireworks. Hearing them out is fine, but should I lower myself to the same level as them? If I really am bothered, then I can just wait for another day to make a move and the world will fall quiet once more.

“I don’t remember where, but I once heard a saying that said to not make a noise in a mess if possible. Although this seems a bit too much like acting, sometimes it is reasonable.”

Duan Jieyu nodded with effort, her smile blooming. She seemed to hesitate a little before she asked in a tiny voice, “Master, could you help me and ask his highness Scion Zhao for an autograph?”

Qin Yu was stunned. When he was showing off his skills and had slapped this fellow black and blue, was it appropriate to ask him such a question? Humph, the thoughts of a girl are truly unfathomable. They shouldn’t keep chasing after stars like this, otherwise they were sure to suffer a great loss!

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