Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 550: Pitiful People Who Deserve Death But Cannot Die

Within the Demonic Path’s small world, if one were to speak of the lands of misery, the Endless Sea would be one of them. But there was another place that wouldn’t rank any lower. However, because it concerned the face of the Demonic Path, it was considered a supreme taboo. Whether it was by design or accident, news of this place was suppressed and slowly faded from everyone’s attention.

Then, perhaps most people wouldn’t believe that this second land of misery was actually that place which was revered by the entire Demonic Path, that countless proud sons of heavens tried so hard to pursue – the Holy Palace.

When the last Holy Monarch perished 100,000 years ago, he hadn’t left behind a Holy Son successor. As a result, the throne of the Holy Monarch remained empty for 100,000 years. With the death of the Holy Monarch, the main body of the Holy Palace was sealed and all of the Holy Monarch’s concubines, palace ladies, maids, and all the female servants were also sealed inside, none of them able to have contact with the outside world anymore.

In a way, it could be said that the destinies of these women were even more pitiful than the Holy Nether Guards stranded in the Endless Sea. They could only slowly wither away with the passing of time.

In order to seek out a new descendant that could succeed the throne of the Holy Monarch, the main body of the Holy Palace would open every so often. But, those women sealed within had no chance of leaving.

From the moment they entered the Holy Palace, their destiny had fused together with this palace that possessed limitless dignity and overwhelming momentum. Without the imperial command of the Holy Monarch, they would never be able to leave.

In the eyes of outsiders, the Hoy Palace’s main body represented transcendent grandeur, the very embodiment of the Demonic Path’s supreme status. It was the incarnation of good fortune, the dragon gate which all carps could leap through.

But to these lonely women, it was a dark and infinite prison that swallowed their lives. The Holy Nether Guard had the slim ray of hope that was the road of Ascending Heaven…but they had no chance to leave.

No one longed more than them for a new Holy Monarch to be born, even if this meant that many of them would die in the aftermath. Because sometimes, living was a form of suffering worse than death.

The sealing of the Holy Palace’s main body was a complete seal. There was no wind, no rain, no air, no light, it was completely isolated from the outside world. Within the darkness, not even flames could burn. There were only small round beads that emitted a tragic green halo of light in the drowning darkness.

There was a tall figure wreathed in a black robe. She stood proud, but in the next moment she subconsciously lowered her head. It was unknown whether it was because of these beads that were rumored to be grinded down from bones, whether it was the surrounding darkness, or whether it was the eyes in the shadows below that looked towards her with a burning heat.

A light cough came from above. The tall figure finally relaxed. It was because those creepy eyes that had been lingering on her for a long time finally disappeared. She looked to her side where there was a black-robed figure nearly bent into a ball, and her eyes were filled with terror as well as some gratitude.

As if satisfied by the tall figure’s response, the black-robed figure on a throne high above had an even warmer expression. “Do not fear. They are just some unlucky people. If they could see you now, they would simply envy you. Come, come closer to me. Once I make my announcement, you will return to the palace with me.”

The voice was gentle and lilting, making one feel as if a spring breeze was wafting past them. Listening to this voice, one couldn’t help but feel closer to the person speaking. The tall figure hastily bowed, some excitement in her movement.

The black-robed figure on the high throne smiled. Then, she looked around below her. Her voice this time was slow and halting, seeming as if she were forcefully trying to keep a gentle tone. “In five days, the Holy Palace’s seal will be opened once more, and us people that deserve to die but refuse to die will finally see some hope.” There was a brief pause before she continued, “But how many times have we seen such hope? Yet each time we are disappointed, and in the end the feelings of us sisters are devastated. So this time, I am preparing to make a change. Although this goes against the rules, I hope that my fellow sisters will agree with me.”

There was confused noise from the shadows. It was clear that this news had caused considerable shock. But in the end, everyone felt fear in their hearts and no one dared to say anything.

Still, some people managed to stand out. “Big sister, what do you plan on doing?” This voice wasn’t pleasant to hear. It was like two dried pieces of meat jerky rubbing against each other, grating the ears.

Atop the high throne, the black-robed figure sprawled backwards as if she had found a comfortable position. She let out a long breath and said in a soft voice, “The reason us sisters have been stranded in the Holy Palace is because the throne of the Holy Palace is empty. As long as a new Holy Monarch appears, his imperial command will solve all our suffering. So, I am prepared to select an inheritance and place it at the entrance of the Holy Palace. The first junior to step into the Holy Palace should possess the most outstanding Demon Body amongst the current generation of juniors. After he obtains this inheritance, I hope he will be able to leap into the highest heavens in a single bound.”

“Big sister, I oppose!” The coarse and harsh voice was as hard as nails. “The palace has already established long ago that the inheritance of the Holy Monarch must be decided by the dark flow of fate. This is something that involves the destiny and future of the Holy Palace, and any outside interference is not allowed in any way, otherwise a great catastrophe will descend upon us all. If not for this, why would we still be in our current situation?”

“Little sister, you might say that, but 100,000 years have already passed. Just how long can we last? We live out our days not even like humans or ghosts. I don’t wish to live another day longer like this.” Her eyes swept out. “I believe that my sisters think the same as me.”

“Big sister…”

“There is no need to speak further; I have already made my decision. Since we all have our own opinions, then let us vote. Those that agree with my method, please withdraw from this hall. Those that disagree may stay behind.”

The tall figure to her side imperceptibly shivered. She lowered her head, about to bow, but she was stopped by the black-robed figure on the high throne. “You do not need to leave. Stay here. Since I have chosen you as my successor, then consider this as a learning experience on how to deal with similar situations in the future. I don’t want you to be thrown into a panicked confusion if this were to occur.”

The tall figure kept her head down and nodded. Beneath her black robe, she vaguely looked below the throne with regret, as if wanting to warn them, but in the end she didn’t say anything.

There was the sound of footsteps. At first it was just a few, but soon more and more could be heard. Faintly, one could sense panic and fear in the atmosphere. Soon the entire hall was emptied out. Only four figures remained. The person who spoke with an incredibly coarse voice was one of them.

The black-robed figure atop the high throne said in a soft voice, “My four little sisters, do you really want to oppose me?”

“The rules of the Holy Palace are there to prevent any disasters from taking root. Between you and me, as long as there is a single person who refuses, this resolution will not be passed…big sister, I know how much you have endured, how much you have suffered, but if we can keep persevering there will always be hope. Why take such a risk?”

“Hah…” The figure atop the throne lightly sighed. “We are people bound together by a common destiny, depending on each other to survive these 100,000 years. Even if there were ever any grievances between us, those things have long since vanished into nothingness. Why must things come to this…my four little sisters, big sister is sorry to all of you. But, please go.”

Bang –

Blood red flames instantly gushed out from the ground beneath the hall, swallowing up the four people and illuminating the darkness.

The robes worn by the four figures were instantly burnt to ashes beneath the scarlet flames, revealing four nearly corpse-like figures. They seemed to have lost all moisture from their bodies. Their grass-like hair was pasted onto their scalps and only the dark light that shone from their deep hollow eye sockets proved that they were still alive.

There were no pained cries. After a short flash of shocked anger and then stunned disbelief, there was an eerie serenity and freedom in the eyes of the four people. Bit by bit, they were burnt down by the blood red flames. They were reduced to tiny fragments that continued to melt away until there was nothing left of them.

Atop the high throne, the bent black-robed figure stood up with difficulty. Her back was extremely curved and her outstretched hands trembled.

The tall figure beside her respectfully fell to her knees. Her hood fell down to reveal an extremely beautiful face, one that was especially pale because she hadn’t seen light for a long time. Her long eyelashes shivered, as if expressing the fear and restlessness in her heart.

At this moment, the black-robed figure atop the throne had an incomparably warm gaze, as if she were looking at a rare worldly treasure. “You Qi, there is no need to feel fear. I will look after you. 100,000 years, this is 100,000 years with no end…we are a bunch of pitiful people that deserve to die but cannot die…only you are lucky…only you…”

Her quiet voice was still gentle, constantly echoing in this hall illuminated by blood red flames.

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