Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 553A. The Situation Has Been Decided

Qin Yu knew that completely disregarding the oohs and aahs of the people exclaiming outside and completely disregarding what he was feeling right now, when the barrier opened and he rushed forward, he was clearly being forcefully pulled in! Before he could regain his composure, he slammed straight into the Holy Palace’s barrier. Then, he arrived right in a spacious square.

While he had some confidence in his heart – enough that he didn’t regard the Mu Family as too great a threat – he was still cautious. When it came to the opening of the Holy Palace’s main body, he did the necessary research. If he wasn’t wrong, then right now he was in the big square before Heavenwait Temple, where the test for the Holy Palace’s inheritance would begin.

In other words, everyone that was allowed to enter the Holy Palace would come here first. Then they would disperse in their respective directions to find their own lucky chance inheritances.

But the reality was far too strange. Qin Yu was afraid that he had fallen into some trap. He stood motionless, carefully sensing his surroundings. After looking around numerous times, he finally determined that this really was Heavenwait Square.

He slapped his forehead, thinking that his mind didn’t work well enough. Wasn’t it said that, ‘Those who wish to enter, expose your strength in front of the Holy Palace. The one most recognized shall be the first to enter?’ How come his mind was flustered to the point that he forgot this already? Thinking about it carefully, he had been impatient to take the test.

In the end, he wasn’t able to resist the compulsion that pulled at him, and it looked like the Holy Palace was just the same. It had opened the door and pulled him in, without showing any restraint at all.

Although he didn’t know what the situation was outside, even a fool could figure it out. The expressions of the people there must be wonderful…as for those that had made so many preparations to the point that even the Demon Envoy felt restless, those confused Mu Family people must have been stunned in disbelief for some time, and they were likely filled with despair right now.

Qin Yu took a deep breath and suppressed these random thoughts. He looked towards the center of the square. There was a black stone tablet placed right in the middle. Although he couldn’t tell what material it was made of, the moment his eyes fell on it, his heart couldn’t help but begin racing. To his current knowledge, such a thing shouldn’t be in Heavenwait Square.

Just what was this black stone tablet?


In a dark hall, four more dim green beads began to glow. But, it didn’t brighten up the atmosphere at all. Instead it made this place seem even colder and gloomier. You Qi thought of the beads atop her head; they were quenched from burning down four lives. Her complexion paled further. Luckily, she hid this well. She only revealed the respect and awe she should have, without any other emotions at all.

But even if she didn’t make a mistake, how many more days of safety would she be able to live?

Once she entered this purgatory, there was nowhere to run anymore. You Qi could only patiently endure it. Before the day of her disaster arrived, she needed to find a slim hope of survival…if she couldn’t, then she would have to bet everything in a desperate final struggle. Even if she were to die, she would break down a few of that freakish ghost grandma’s teeth!

Mm, this attitude of ‘if you don’t let me live, I won’t let you feel any better’ should have infected her from that bastard boy. As she thought about how her current situation was mostly due to that boy, You Qi couldn’t help but grind her teeth and complain.


The Land of Divinity and Demons wasn’t like that abandoned land of exiles, and the people were completely different. If someone like Qin Yu walked around, refusing to suffer any losses, then with his personality he was likely to be bullied out of his mind. Thinking of this, You Qi suddenly felt much better. The black robes she wore covered up the little trace of warmth that lit up her eyes.

In her entire life, she likely wouldn’t see him again. That bastard boy, she hoped that his luck would improve a little. If there ever came a day where he somehow managed to wander his way to the Demonic Path, perhaps there was a chance he could take revenge for her. Because she knew that even if she broke a few of that ghost grandma’s teeth, she would still die.

“Hoho, it’s about to begin. Then, let us sisters take a good look at which boy has obtained the great gift we prepared for him.” The black-robed figure atop the high throne said. She lifted her hand and swiped out. The light falling from the dim green beads above started to fuse together, forming a dreary light screen.

What it showed was the current scene within Heavenwait Square. As the black-robed figure’s eyes fell on the black stone tablet, she sighed with emotion.

The black stone inheritance might not be the most formidable in the Holy Palace, but it was actually one of the most beneficial in cultivating the Demon Body. She had spent a great deal of strength in order to move it there.

But all of this was worth it. Once the Mu Family obtained this advantage, they would abide by their side of the agreement and help her obtain new life. As her eyes swept over You Qi’s beautiful appearance, her gaze became gentler.

Suddenly, there was a fluctuation in the light screen. This was because the Holy Palace’s barrier had opened. The black-robed figure paused for a moment before sighing.

No wonder the Mu Family was confident that others wouldn’t seize the chance to come in first. They actually had such a Kirin child appear within their ranks. To obtain the approval of the Holy Palace in the blink of an eye was incredibly astonishing. Her heart relaxed. This was also for the best to avoid any unnecessary troubles, otherwise it would be bothersome for her.

Soon after, the picture playing on the light screen changed once more. A figure emerged from thin air within Heavenwait Square. This person didn’t seem as if he expected to obtain the approval of the Holy Palace so quietly. He stood in place, without making a single stir.

Bang –

There was a loud noise from the high throne and the entire hall shook with it. The black-robed figure that was sitting there and feeling quietly gratified was staring stubbornly at the young man in the light screen. Everyone could feel the fury emanating from her body. The reason was simple: the person who appeared in the light screen wasn’t the Mu Family junior that all sides had agreed on.

Damn! That Mu Yunli was completely useless. He couldn’t even handle something so simple!?

Everything had been prepared. There was only one final step remaining, but someone had managed to take the initiative and arrive first! But anger was anger; she couldn’t allow this situation to occur. Otherwise, if the Mu Family were to obtain nothing, would they still abide by their part of the agreement?

“Everyone leave!” That greasy yet gentle tone had now completely disappeared. All that remained was a cold yin energy that permeated the air.

The pitiful people in the hall all sensed that something wasn’t right. They simply didn’t dare to say another word. They turned and started to walk out.

You Qi bowed, using significant effort to maintain her calm as she walked out. But, there were already mighty waves crashing in the calm lake of her heart. She blinked her eyes multiple times and only then did she not burst out into tears.

Qin Yu! It was Qin Yu!

If it were anyone else, they wouldn’t have recognized this person who had restored his old original appearance. But You Qi and Qin Yu knew each other from the very beginning; she wouldn’t mistake him.

Perhaps his facial appearance could coincidentally be the same, but his mannerisms and some other traces that proved it was him couldn’t be imitated.

Just now, she had been thinking of Qin Yu. And as she did, he suddenly appeared in front of her.

If it wasn’t for her disposition being tempered throughout these years, she feared she would have lost her composure and done something rude upon seeing him.

Qin Yu had come to this tomb of living corpses. You Qi naturally knew what today was. But, no matter how she thought about it, she didn’t dare to believe it. When they separated in the past, Qin Yu had been struggling to survive, but now he actually had the qualifications to openly and honestly step into the Holy Palace. In particular, he was even the first one to enter the Holy Palace. The meaning behind this made her feel as if she were living some fantastical dream.

But soon after, You Qi felt worried. These past years, in order to survive, she had been doing her best to figure out that old witch’s personality. That old witch was a hypocrite monster who liked to pretend she was carefree and calm all the time. Even when she burnt those four people to death several days ago, she had maintained a gentle demeanor and tone. But today, it could be seen that she had been moved to true anger!

After the Holy Palace had been sealed, all that were left in here was a bunch of pitiful people. But that old witch’s status was extraordinary, and she used some unknown method to maintain a certain level of authority over this place.

If that old witch wanted to deal with Qin Yu, what could she do about it? You Qi felt distressed, but she knew that she couldn’t do anything to warn him. If she were to do anything that revealed their relationship, she would only be needlessly harming the both of them.

After leaving the great hall, everyone stood outside. Some covetous looks swept over You Qi once more. With her anxious mind, she didn’t bother paying attention to them at all.

Moments later there was a loud roar of anger from deep within the hall. The sound was like the screeching wails of malicious ghosts. The people waiting outside began to tremble. Only You Qi had a faint look of pleasant surprise in her eyes.

Qin Yu was fine!

He was fine!

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