Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 554A. Waves Stirring

Outside the Holy Palace, Mu Xianglin was deathly pale. His back was disturbingly straight as he looked straight ahead. Although Yao Bin was the first to enter, he faintly knew about the Old Ancestor’s arrangements. That person in the Holy Palace absolutely wouldn’t allow him to obtain the inheritance so easily.

Mu Mo had a chance…he had a chance…suddenly, there was a peal of thunder in the skies above, followed by loud billowing rumbles that stirred up the world.

Mu Xianglin’s body shivered. He looked up to see lightning flashing. Auspicious clouds appeared from nowhere and a feeling of awe rose from his heart, causing his lips to quiver.

The throne of the Holy Son had finally found its new owner!

Mu Mo had only been in the Holy Palace for several breaths of time…Mu Xianglin felt his field of vision flash black. He bit through his lips to barely keep himself conscious…don’t panic, it’s not settled yet…Mu Mo had a Sovereign level Demon Body as well as the holy ancestor’s holy object in his hand. How could he possibly fail without fighting back?

After being in a trance for a long time, the surface of the Holy Palace’s barrier began to part open to reveal a channel. This was a true opening, completely different in significance from how it allowed people to enter just before.

Even if the great figures of the Demonic Path waiting outside knew that the throne of the Holy Son had been decided, they were still startled as they saw this.

The Holy Palace’s barrier was opening…this was a right that belonged to the Holy Monarch. The Holy Son was not the Holy Monarch, but he could wield a portion of the Holy Monarch’s authority ahead of time. With their minds in a haze, they finally realized that the heavens within the Demonic Path had changed today. Perhaps the Holy Son might be relatively weak compared to them, but he had the qualifications to establish his own foothold in the Demonic Path.

The Demonic Path disciples that entered the Holy Palace formed two rows as they quickly marched out, respectfully standing outside in waiting.

There were two people that had yet to appear. One was Qin Yu, one was Mu Mo.

Mu Xianglin wiped the fresh blood from his lips as blood began to reappear on his face. But before he had lowered his hand, he saw another figure step out from the barrier. He wore the dazzlingly bright Little Saint Robe. Wherever he went, space distorted, but people could still recognize him.

It wasn’t Mu Mo…

This thought was like a knife stabbing into Mu Xianglin’s brain, tearing open his heart and crushing the last remnants of hope he had. He spat out a mouthful of blood and toppled forward onto the floor.

Disbelief flooded the Demon Envoy’s eyes. The feeling of joyous surprise came too fast and it was like his heart couldn’t withstand the sudden urge of emotions. But, he was still the Demon Envoy. He was a peak Demonic Path character who had gone through numerous trials to get where he was today. He took a deep breath, suppressing all the fluctuations in his heart, and then he walked forward and bowed. “Demon Envoy An Yang pays his respects to His Highness the Holy Son!”

His voice spread out in all directions.

With An Yang’s status and strength, even if he faced the Holy Son he didn’t need to lower his head. But he couldn’t not bow today. He needed to use this bow to announce to the entire Demonic Path that the revered status of the Holy Son was higher than all. Even the solemn Lord Demon Envoy had bowed, so what qualifications did anyone else have to act high and mighty in front of the Holy Son?

After a brief period of silence, the voices outside the Holy Palace started to ring out like a chorus.

“I also greet Your Highness Saint Son!”

Today, the general situation had already been decided!

In a luxuriously decorated studio, several people were sitting on sofas, quietly flipping through the books in their hands. They often turned their heads and spoke to each other in soft voices. The atmosphere was quiet and gentle. Although the master of this studio had a high status, he didn’t like to intervene in common affairs. He preferred to spend his days indulging in his hobbies of reading ancient texts. In addition to the warm way in which he treated others and also his pleasant attitude, he was on good terms with many people in the Demonic Path.

But today, not too long after he sat down on a sofa, his eyebrows gently furrowed together as a complex look flashed in his tranquil eyes before quickly returning to normal. He laid his book down and clapped his hands, saying, “Everyone, I really must apologize but there are some matters I need to attend to, so I won’t accompany you all.”

Everyone nodded, not minding as House Master Bai left. Two Blue Sea cultivators happily chatted with him. It seemed that here, they didn’t pay much attention to the difference in status between them.

House Master Bai was another name for Bai Xinyuan. He liked this name and had always liked to think of himself as this. He happily smiled, cupped his hands towards everyone, then lay down his book and walked out.

“House Master Bai is such a refined gentleman; he always treats everyone well. It’s just that his only son is really a wastrel. I fear he has provoked some trouble today.” An old friend said, shaking his head and sighing.

Everyone nodded to express their agreement. But in the end, this was something that involved the private affairs of a great figure. They spoke for a bit longer and didn’t mention the topic anymore.

Although House Master Bai had left the studio, he still had a Calamity Immortal realm cultivation; he could clearly hear the conversation behind him. A bit of guilt appeared on his face.

But in the blink of an eye, he restored his calm. He passed out orders that no one was to disturb him and then stepped into the Hall of Reflection. Some matters had already been decided many years ago. He had no other choice.

The shockwaves from the throne of the Holy Son becoming occupied were still fermenting throughout the Demonic Path. Although things seemed calm on the surface, mighty undercurrents were crashing below. Various people were hastily moving to deal with the sudden change.

So for the next several days, the Demon Envoy became the busiest person. He helped Qin Yu sort out various relationships and arrange private meetings according to their level of importance.

Fortunately, when meeting for the first time, they only needed to give an initial impression and lay down a foundation for the future. Thus, these people didn’t stay for too long. Four to five days later Qin Yu finally started to have time to himself. But, the Demon Envoy became even busier. There were even more follow-up matters for him to deal with.

Today the Demon Envoy rushed over to discuss with Qin Yu which territory he would be taking over. After a decision was finalized, he stood up and bid his farewells. However, before he turned and left, he said, “There is a matter that I think with your current status, you simply shouldn’t pay attention to. But, I never thought that it still wouldn’t be solved by today.”

When Qin Yu first entered the Demonic Path he was given a dwelling on a mountain peak. Not too long after he entered the Endless Sea, someone took a liking toward his dwelling and tried to figure out a way to seize it for themselves. This person had a considerable background and with Qin Yu’s situation being uncertain, this matter was suppressed and treated as if it didn’t happen.

Seeing Qin Yu’s somewhat ugly complexion, the Demon Envoy explained, “When you left the Endless Sea, the Holy Palace was about to open so I didn’t tell you. I thought that once they learned you had returned, they would naturally back down…I was indeed negligent in this matter.”

Qin Yu shook his head. “This has nothing to do with you. But those people, they are still occupying my courtyard?”

The Demon Envoy hesitated and nodded. He said, “It’s just a useless junior that doesn’t know anything. He was spoiled as a child and has become arrogant and willful. His father is well liked throughout the Demonic Path. If there is no major problem just a small punishment will be fine.”

“I understand.”

Qin Yu watched as the Demon Envoy left. Then, he narrowed his eyes. He didn’t care about the courtyard itself, but the siblings Duan San’er and Duan Jieyu were staying there. He hoped that nothing had happened to them.

As he thought about it, he stood up and walked out of the temple doors. He saw Hai Lanlan waiting outside. She gathered herself and bowed, “Your Highness, the Lord Demon Envoy has asked me to follow you.”

Qin Yu glanced at her. She clearly knew the situation already. He smiled and said, “I don’t care about the courtyard. It’s just that I left two people there and I need to bring them over.”

Hai Lanlan’s heart relaxed. “Then that is simple. Your Highness has a revered status right now, so sending some people over should be sufficient. Why make the trip yourself? It will simply lower your own standing.”

Qin Yu thought for a moment. “That’s fine. Then make the arrangements for me and bring Duan San’er and Duan Jieyu over. However, be careful that none of them suffer a loss.”

Hai Lanlan smiled and nodded. Seeing Qin Yu turn back around, there was more appreciation in her eyes. Those that did great things could not bother themselves with such trifling matters. Right now was the time for His Highness to gather the hearts and minds of others. He shouldn’t provoke trouble just because of some minor matters. Otherwise, if something were to go wrong, it would make others have an unfavorable impression towards this new Holy Son.

As for bringing those people back…in Hai Lanlan’s eyes, if Qin Yu was willing to discard the courtyard and not investigate it, that was already a great show of benevolence. If this other party wasn’t an idiot then they wouldn’t refuse. However, thinking about it, this was a private matter of His Highness so it wasn’t a good idea to send the subordinates of the Demon Envoy over, lest it was publicized to the world. So, she spoke with Tutou and sent him over.

She thought things had ended like this. But when Tutou didn’t return after two days, she felt that something wasn’t right. After having some people go and investigate, she paled with anger.

Tutou hadn’t brought the people back. Rather, he had been caught and was now imprisoned in that summit dwelling.

“Your Highness, this is all my fault. I didn’t consider the situation clearly and have shamed you.” Hai Lanlan fell down to a knee. “I ask you to please punish me.”

Qin Yu waved his hand. “It has nothing to do with you.” He narrowed his eyes. “I want to see just what game they are trying to play.”

When he broke free from the Endless Sea, there might have been some people that didn’t care about his status. But today, he was already the Demonic Path’s Holy Son and yet there were still some people that dared to do this. Even a fool would understand there was another problem behind it.

Once Tuba learned of his brother’s situation, his face turned dark and gloomy. Without further word, he gathered the True Demon Guards below him. With Qin Yu’s status as the Holy Son, he had given Tuba the position of captain. His subordinates were temporarily provided by the Demon Envoy.

A large number of speedcars left the Holy Palace and rushed out.

Hai Lanlan wavered repeatedly. Then she said in a soft voice. “Your Highness, this might be a plot laid down by someone. You must be patient and make sure you don’t fall into a trap.”

Qin Yu closed his eyes. “I have my own plans.”

When the Demon Envoy bowed to him, it had given him sufficient face. But in the end, things like face and honor could only be obtained by himself.

If this really was a trap, then no matter what, Qin Yu promised he would make this schemer pay the price.

Knowing that His Highness Holy Son was in a bad mood, the True Demon Guards driving the speedcars accelerated their pace, completely disregarding the loss of energy. So, half a day later, they arrived at the summit dwelling.

The current Holy Son had sent someone to take back his old servants. But not only had his messenger failed, they had actually been detained instead. It was unknown where this news spread out from, but the cultivators on the mountain rapidly learned of this. They all waited in anticipation and with a bit of dread about what was to come.

When a large number of speedcars came to a stop, a crowd of True Demon Guards stepped out. When Qin Yu emerged, the faces of many people lit up with excitement. News of this quickly spread out.

The Holy Son had personally come to mete out punishment!

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