A wild strength instantly swept through the chamber where Mi Ganyuan stood, turning it into powder. The maids and servants waiting outside the chamber were swept in during the process, their bodies and souls annihilated.

Mi Ganyuan took a step forward and appeared in the skies above the Emperor’s Palace. His eyes were cold and bright as he glanced around.

He was the emperor of Great Chu, one of the most honored characters in the world. Looking at the entire Land of Divinity and Demons, he had the qualifications to go wherever he pleased.

With a thought, he could summon changes of cloud and wind. With a raise of his hand, a trillion lives would bow their heads.

But now, he had actually been ruthlessly used by others…and what Mi Ganyuan found even harder to accept was that from beginning to end, he had fallen into this plot without knowing anything about it.

To a sovereign king who believed he wielded power and authority over the world, this was a tremendous attack!

If it was simply a loss of face then that would have been fine. But if he didn’t process things correctly today, there were sure to be dire changes occurring in the Land of Divinity and Demons. His dreams of the Chu Empire dominating the world would become increasingly distant…it might even degenerate into nothing but illusion.

Mi Ganyuan couldn’t allow this matter to occur. He absolutely could not! He took a deep breath and thrust his hand down. The entire Emperor’s Palace erupted with a divine light.

Roar –

A golden true dragon howled up from the Emperor’s Palace. Although it wasn’t as large as the nine dragon phantoms that appeared before, it was incomparably solid, as if it were a real living creature.

Mi Ganyuan took a step out and fused into the point between the true dragon’s eyebrows. Its massive eyes suddenly shined with brilliance.

To paint a dragon and add a dot to the eyes, this was the final finishing touch…as a great emperor, he used himself as the spirit of a true dragon. This golden true dragon rising from the Emperor’s Palace was the accumulated natural destiny of the nation – the Chu Empire’s spirit!

When the first state minister saw this, his heart shrank. He had already faintly sensed what His Majesty the Emperor had been planning.

But because this involved secrets of the emperor, and it was also very obvious that Mi Ganyuan didn’t want anyone to know, he had simply feigned ignorance this entire time.

But now it seemed that a grave error had occurred in the emperor’s plans. Otherwise, why would he awaken the true dragon of national destiny?

This should be something that only occurs when the nation was collapsing and the foundation was no longer solid.

Suddenly, the first state minister’s complexion changed and his lips started to quiver. As a person who had become the first state minister, someone whose position stood above the high prince and even the royal family, he already had the qualifications to touch upon the empire’s greatest secrets. This was the time when the Sea of Purgatory had opened. Could His Majesty have really…?

What a fool!

The first state minister could not wait and watch. His figure flickered and he appeared above the Emperor’s Palace.

“Yuan Qing!”

The Chu Emperor’s voice spread out from the mouth of the dragon, carrying with it a hint of regret.

The first state minister swayed. He knew that his guess was correct and at this moment all the blood faded from his face. He looked at the emperor and disregarded his regal and dignified air.

“Your Majesty, he….he ran out…”

The Chu Emperor coldly said, “I will pay any price to make him stay.”

The first state minister fell silent for several breaths of time. “Your Majesty’s safety concerns the wellbeing of the empire. If anything were to happen to you, the Chu Empire would be in a precarious situation.” He lowered his head, looking at the shaking Ying Capital. “In this matter, allow this servant to work for Your Majesty. I hope that in the future, Your Majesty will consider the landscape of the Chu Empire before all else.”

“Yuan Qing, I will not allow you!” The Chu Emperor roared.

The first state minister bowed deeply. “I have the royal family bloodline flowing in my body to begin with. To devote myself to Great Chu is the highest glory for me.”

Bang –

Blood red flames immediately ignited, wrapping around his entire body and turning him into ashes. Then, all of these flames rapidly contracted inwards, condensing into a seal that hid from sight.

The eyes of the golden true dragon revealed a pained and saddened look. But deep within, there was also some relaxation.

How could an outsider understand the thoughts of an emperor? Even if he made a mistake, he didn’t want to pay for it himself.

Of course, what the first state minister had sacrificed for Great Chu would surely be repaid in the future.

Bang –

The ground of Ying Capital ruptured. Massive cracks spread out in all directions.

Emperor Zhou howled upwards. The loud thunderclaps in the heavens increased several times over.

A dragon’s cry emerged from the thunder. An invisible suppressive aura descended, like a million mountains arriving.

Countless people felt as if a great stone had been placed on their chest. Even breathing became difficult.

This was a conflict between two emperors!

One was the founding emperor of Great Zhou. He had slaughtered trillions of people and had established the Great Zhou Empire, ruling over the world.

Another was the current Great Chu Emperor. He was the head of the seven empires and possessed unparalleled strength, enough to look down at the world with fearless disdain.

When their eyes met, it was like a million bolts of thunder crashing down, the light so bright that it almost blinded the eyes. Countless weak and small cultivators started to stream blood from their mouths and noses before they fainted.

“Emperor Zhou!”

Mi Ganyuan loudly shouted.

Emperor Zhou had a faint expression. “I have to thank you for being able to extricate myself from trouble today.”

“No need!” The golden true dragon roared into the skies. An immense and formidable imprisonment arrived. Using the destiny of the nation itself to suppress, just who could avoid this?

But the one he was facing was Emperor Zhou. Tens of millions of years ago he had already stood at the peak of the world. Even if he had lost the national destiny of Great Zhou, he was still one of the rare super powerhouses of the world.

He placed a hand between his eyebrows and pulled out a golden sword. Compared to Zhan Lingtian, the difference was as great as the heavens and earth.

With sword in hand, Emperor Zhou’s hair fluttered around him and his robes swayed with the wind. His momentum as an unsurpassed king caused everyone’s souls to tremble.

He lifted the sword and a golden bolt of light appeared. It was like a waterfall crashing down from the highest heavens, rumbling through the endless skies.

Bang –

There was a heaven-shaking explosion. With the collision point as the center, a wild strength swept out in all directions, destroying everything that it passed through and turning all into powder.

Ying Capital’s cracked city walls could no longer withstand this barrage of wild strength. They began to loudly collapse all around. The entire imperial capital instantly turned into purgatory. It was unknown how many lives had been lost in this collision.

Ever since the founding of the Chu Empire and the establishing of Ying Capital, this was the first time such a horrific scene had ever occurred. Mi Ganyuan’s complexion became especially ugly. No matter what happened in the future, no matter how he tried to fix this, this matter would be written down in the annals of history and become the greatest scandal to happen under his rule.

At this moment, a blood red rune appeared. It seemed to possess its own spiritual wisdom as it howled forward.

Emperor Zhou’s complexion changed. For the first time, a dignified expression appeared in the depths of his eyes. Without hesitation, he reached backwards and pulled Zhan Lingtian in front of him.

A formidable aura was fused into his body. With his bones cracking and popping, Zhan Lingtian was awoken from his stupor. He widened his eyes and screamed.

The blood red rune hesitated for a moment before submerging into his body. Zhan Lingtian’s pitiful screams had just begun before he was ruthlessly silenced.

He couldn’t move his body. But, his twitching face and his blood red eyes were more than enough indication of what sort of terrifying pain he was withstanding right now.

“Blood God Seal!”

Emperor Zhou’s face was icy cold, killing intent surging all around him. “False emperor, I will record what happened today in my heart! There will come a day when my army breaks into Ying Capital and completely destroys Great Chu! I will execute your imperial bloodline and throw you into the endless abyss so that you will never reincarnate!”

Bang –

Space collapsed and swallowed his figure.

The golden true dragon roared out loud. Its tail violently swept around as it hurtled forward like a bolt of lightning, drilling into the shattered space and chasing after Emperor Zhou.

Today, Emperor Zhou was at his weakest point. If he couldn’t kill him now, there would be endless disaster in the future!

A moment later, the golden true dragon flew back. Mi Ganyuan’s angry roars echoed through the highest heavens and deepest earth.

Shua –

The golden true dragon flickered and appeared outside the mansion of the third state minister. It opened its mouth and a golden light began to rapidly gather.

Within his studio, the third state minister patted down his clothes and smiled.

“Your Majesty. If taking my life will make you feel better, then I am willing to die…consider this the last thing I ever do for you.”

A cold light flashed in the golden true dragon’s eyes. A golden light blasted out. Then, the entire mansion was swallowed up, instantly vaporized.


Demonic Path, Holy Palace.

Clang –

Clang –

A low and deep ringing spread out. It carried with it a sorrowful note as it spread throughout the Demonic Path’s Holy Land small world.

There were a total of 99 rings.

The Demon Envoy stood in a great temple, his complexion pale.

Startled anger and regret flooded his eyes.

99 was a supreme number. And for it to spur the ringing of the Holy Palace’s sacrificial bell, only His Highness the Holy Son could do this.

Had he died?


Cloud Grove City, Mu Family.

The Mu Family Old Ancestor rushed out from seclusion. As he heard the ringing bell that was reverberating through the world, his eyes widened and his wrinkled face filled with ecstatic joy.

The Holy Son had fallen!

To the Mu Family this was undoubtedly the greatest news. Now, they could use this chance to escape the swamp they were stuck in.

“Men, instantly go and open the family’s treasure house. Take out all the precious treasures and heal Mu Mo no matter the price!”

Now, Mu Mo was the closest one to the throne of the Holy Son.

As long as Mu Mo could smoothly succeed the throne, all problems would be overcome. The Mu Family would still be the top family of the Demonic Path!

Eastern Sun City, Holy Son Palace.

The normally orderly palace was in complete chaos. The proud and stubborn palace workers were all pale.

His Highness the Holy Son had fallen!

Within the palace, Ning Liang’s eyes were reddened. Great drops of tears fell down her cheeks.

Hai Lanlan sat across from her. Although her expression was calm, her hands still quivered, exposing her surging feelings within.

“Little sister, do not worry. His Highness entrusted you to me, so I will protect you no matter what…” Her voice cracked here. She couldn’t say anything anymore.

“Heavens! Why do you treat us so!?”

Beneath the Endless Sea, sounds of weeping rang throughout Holy Nether City. The death of His Highness meant that the dawn that was so close for the Holy Nether Guard had thoroughly vanished.

In the future, even if a new Holy Monarch appeared, would they still be willing to accept these people that had pledged themselves to a different master?

If not, then they would be stuck in infinite darkness. There would be no path of survival for their people!

A full month had passed. Ying Capital’s great array opened and sealed up the Sea of Purgatory.

Elder Chen sat at the banquet. Although his expression was indifferent, his heart was icy cold.

He had already obtained the news from the Holy Land, but he didn’t want to believe it.

But even today, the Holy Son hadn’t returned. The True Demon Guards that followed by his side were also stuck in the Sea of Purgatory.

This proved that the Holy Son had indeed fallen.

He clenched his fists beneath his robes. His breathing quickened and anger flickered in the depths of his eyes.

It was a well-known proverb that the wealthy did not allow their children to sit beneath the eaves, and this was something he had repeated before. How could the solemn Demonic Path’s Holy Son take such a risk?

Now, the heavens really had collapsed.

Elder Chen’s eyes fell upon the one sitting in the highest seat. Emperor Chu’s expression was faint. It was impossible to tell what he was thinking.

But not too long ago, news of what happened in the disastrous battle at Ying Capital had spread out. This news could not be contained.

Emperor Zhou hadn’t died and had returned to the world. In the Land of Divinity and Demons, this was the most explosive recent news.

Was this related to the death of the Holy Son?

Elder Chen shook his head inwardly, suppressing these thoughts. This opening of the Sea of Purgatory had been ten times, a hundred times more dangerous than any time before.

The Chu Empire had also suffered serious casualties. Without absolute evidence, they couldn’t question this.

Moreover, further investigation was meaningless.

The Holy Son had died. To the Demonic Path, this was a tremendous attack!

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