Qin Yu furrowed his eyebrows before immediately calming down. Although this was a bit unexpected, it was well within reason. If the Qin Empire dared to rebel against the Demonic Path and cooperate with the Immortal Sect then there was surely something they took confidence in…the Qin Emperor reaching the rank of a supreme being should be the source of this confidence!

The Dark Night Supreme Seat’s complexion became even uglier. He shouted, “The monster race hasn’t even made an appearance and yet three supreme beings of the world have appeared. And Yama has also suffered a backlash, so her injuries are severe. We simply have no chance of success here. If we don’t leave now we won’t have any time!”

Yama drew in a deep breath, “Your Majesty Holy Monarch, the Supreme Seat is right. We should leave first.”

Qin Yu lightly said, “Do you two still think we can leave?”

“Hahahaha!” The Nether Domain Master laughed, his voice billowing through the void, “Your Majesty Holy Monarch is correct. We have waited for you esteemed guests to arrive with such effort, so how can we let you leave so easily? Today, the Immortal Sect hasn’t hesitated to slaughter countless people and utilize a technique that goes against the heavens. So, I ask you three to please be buried here. How about it?”

Qin Yu shook his head, “No matter what the situation is, if you want to kill the three of us, that will all depend on your strength.”

The Nether Domain Master had an icy expression. “Are you waiting for Solitary Westgate? If so, then I ask him to also make an appearance!”

Bang –

Between the columns of smoke, space twisted. Soon it shattered from within and two figures howled out. Once was Solitary Westgate and the other was Emperor Zhou.

This great emperor that once ruled over the world had a dignified expression. He glanced over Qin Yu and the others, “Since I’ve helped the Immortal Sect today, I have naturally become enemies with the Demonic Path. If the three of you don’t die and want to take revenge in the future, then feel free to come to Absolute Capital and find me.”

If he dared to do it he dared to admit it. There was no concealing his actions. The valor of a ruler was immediately seen.

Solitary Westgate sneered, “You seemed to have forgotten me. I will make sure to personally pay you a visit at Absolute Capital in the future!”

Emperor Zhou lightly said, “I will be waiting.”

The Buddhist Nation Sovereign looked up at Qin Yu, a hint of pity in his eyes. “Let’s begin.”

Bang –

The black mountain trembled and a terrifying aura erupted. In each of the black columns of smoke spread across the land, an eye opened up. They were white and pale without the least bit of warmth.

Chu Empire, Ying Capital.

The Chu Emperor sat in the grand hall, a solemn expression on his face. “The Qin Empire has rebelled and conflict has erupted between the Immortal and Demonic sides. In a battle between two tigers, they are sure to be wounded!

“Last time I failed without achieving anything…this time, for my Great Chu I will surely seize hold of the dark flow of fate and establish a foothold to rule the world!”

The high-ranking officials of the Chu Empire in the hall all bowed, “We wish that everything proceeds smoothly for Your Majesty, that a new future will be opened up for Great Chu!”

At this time, shadows wriggled in the corner of the hall. Then, two shadow phantoms rushed out as fast as lightning.

The Chu Emperor coldly snorted and a tyrannical aura erupted from him. As the emperor of the Chu Emperor he was protected by its national destiny. And within the imperial palace, he was even stronger.

Assassinate him? These people were just seeking death!

But as these two figures were flying through the air they blew up on their own initiative. The destructive strength was dyed red with blood. But before it could diffuse outwards, all of this power completely fused into two short swords.

Lines appeared on the sword blades, giving them a partial attribute of absolute annihilation. The short swords broke through the defensive strength around the Chu Emperor and stabbed into his flesh and blood.

Although the blades stabbed less than an inch deep, the violent poisons within them had already permeated his body. With a loud bang, the throne beneath the Chu Emperor was blasted apart and his eyes filled with endless rage. “God Hunters Organization…you should all die!”

Bang –

In the skies above Ying Capital, the national destiny gold dragon appeared. It wove through the heavens, roaring in anger and unwillingness. The suicidal attacks of the two assassins from the God Hunters Organization had halted the Chu Emperor’s plans before he even had a chance to set them in motion. With the great war between the Immortal Sect and Demonic Path occurring, whether it was the person setting the trap or the person walking into the trap, no one wished for a third party to benefit from their chaos.

Between the heavens and earth, eyes had opened up in the black columns of smoke. They were white and icy cold, causing the temperature all around to drastically fall. This type of chill dove straight into the soul, capable of freezing one’s consciousness.

What was even more terrifying was that the lower temperatures caused the surrounding 100,000 miles to turn into a frozen zone, imprisoning everything inside.

The Buddhist Nation Sovereign reached up a hand and grasped at the heavens. Then, his five fingers twisted and pulled down. The skies roared and rumbled as if a hundred million waves were crashing into each other.

A trace of red appeared and started to spread outwards at an astonishing speed. After several breaths of time, the entire sky had turned blood red. It was thick and red, as if it were a sea of blood formed from countless lives. Each fluctuation that erupted seemed capable of swallowing and destroying all things.

The heavens had a spirit, and its anger was blood. Its blood deepened into a sea, overflowing with killing intent!

This was heaven slaying.

Within the blood red heavens, three figures simultaneously emerged. Their robes, hair, and eyes were blood red. Besides that, they were the exact same as Qin Yu, the Supreme Seat, and Yama.

“By the will of the heavens, we will send fellow daoists to the yellow springs.” With a loud roar, the three figures stepped forward at the same time.

Qin Yu raised a hand and punched out. The blood red copy punched out in the exact same manner without hesitation. Their fists clashed like colliding meteors.

With a loud rumbling sound, space trembled like a metal sheet had been struck.

Qin Yu furrowed his eyebrows as he was forced back several steps. Each step he drew back caused the humming of space to become stronger.

The blood red Qin Yu’s punch was as strong his own, as if he were fighting himself.

Before Qin Yu could think of anything more, the blood red copy punched again. Its fist erupted with an enormous strength like a rampaging river. This was the same as the fist that Qin Yu had sent out just now!

That wasn’t right. This fist was even stronger!

A stabbing pain pierced through between Qin Yu’s eyebrows. He felt an intense threat coming from this punch. With a thought, a deep blue sheen of water erupted. The phantom of a sea appeared, wrapping him up in numerous layers.

The blood red Qin Yu’s fist crashed into the sea phantom, immediately stirring up endless waves. The wild strength recklessly spread out, even causing signs of collapse to appear in the sea phantom.

And an even more terrifying scene occurred. The blood red Qin Yu flicked his sleeves and the phantom of a sea also appeared around it. It was pure crimson in color, just like the blood red skies above it.

The copy lifted its hand and the blood sea came crashing down, followed by a million erupting waves. There was a loud rumble like endless horses galloping across the plains as an unconstrained destructive force was released.

The path of water was a defensive ability. But, the Five Element Mountain was fundamentally a cultivation method used for slaughter. To attack and kill was its strongest meaning.

In this world, water was both soft and hard. After cultivating it to a high realm, one could transform it as one pleased. It could defend against a bombardment of attacks from the highest heavens and also sever mountains and rivers, ending countless lives.

After Qin Yu reached large success in the path of water, he had focused on defense while still probing its killing potential. But, this blood red Qin Yu across from him had immediately grasped the killing method after seeing him use the path of water…this was simply inconceivable!

“This blood red Qin Yu is a projection that the world has produced of you. To be more precise, it is a copy of you produced from the rules. As long as you use a method, it will immediately grasp it and erupt with an even greater force. In order to defeat this blood red Qin Yu, you have two choices. One is to use rules that it cannot duplicate and another is to rout the world rules. As long as a blank space occurs within the rules, the blood red Qin Yu will collapse.” Purple Moon’s cold voice sounded out in his mind.

Qin Yu’s eyes flashed. To use rules it could not duplicate or to rout the rules? His pupils began to shine like stars. The blood red Qin Yu across from him coughed out loud as it was sent tumbling away.

As expected, the strength of will could not be duplicated…although it was condensed into reality, it was essentially still an illusory concept. It existed in Qin Yu’s mind and belonged to him alone.

Qin Yu took a step forward, his robes fluttering around him. His aura erupted like a towering mountain, giving off an endless oppression. Thunder rumbled through the void as if an invisible hammer were smashing at the air, causing the imprisoned space to hum and cry.

The blood red Qin Yu’s complexion changed. It roared out once more and the blood sea reappeared around it. It seemed to fuse into the sea of blood before hurtling towards Qin Yu, wanting to swallow him whole!

The aura of destruction came out from that blood sea. Qin Yu didn’t doubt that as long as he was swallowed, that sea of blood would explode. But, his expression was calm. He looked at the sea of blood howling towards him and said, “It’s already too late.”

Bang –

There was another thunderous sound in the void. Like the last straw that broke the camel’s back, the power of the rules began to collapse.

Unwilling roars spread out from the sea of blood. Like a shadow, it rapidly distorted and faded away.

Summit of the black mountain, in front of the Black Sky Observer.

Emperor Ying’s eyes were dark and cloudy. After betraying the Demonic Path, the Qin Empire no longer had any other route it could take. If the Demonic Path wasn’t destroyed, how could he feel at ease?

“Earth Burial!”

Low and deep roars began to sound out. They were filled with an endless cold, like the winter chill piercing straight into one’s bones. With the pits in the ground where the Zhao Empire’s soldiers were as the connecting points, cracks began to appear. They spread out like a web.

From each crack, a powerful swallowing strength was released. When they fused together they seemed capable of pulling down the sun.

Moreover, what was most terrifying was that this swallowing strength didn’t target the body but at the soul. It was like thousands of tentacles stubbornly twining around the soul, constantly pulling downwards.

The earth had a spirit. Cracks were its anger. Its anger wove into a net, to swallow and extinguish the soul.

This was earth burial!

Qin Yu’s soul space violently shook as if an earthquake had passed through. An incomparable yin chill aura covered his soul. One could clearly feel the taste of despair and horror in this aura. 

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