Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 664: Powerful Devil

“Devil race!”

Qin Yu said in a low voice, “He is the Nether Domain Master.”

Solitary Westgate looked up, his eyes shaking. Then, a look of pain crossed his face, eventually transforming into torrential killing intent.

“It was you! It was all because of you!”

His poignant cries rolled through the air like roars of thunder.

Babasa turned around. A strange smile appeared on his scaled face. “You only managed to find the murderer of your wife and child when I had no choice but to reveal myself. How pitiful and pathetic. Your wife and child must be disappointed in you down below.”

Solitary Westgate had an incomparably pained expression. “I should have thought of this…a long time ago…” In the past when he rose so rapidly, he still hadn’t come into direct conflict with the Immortal Sect. He had been puzzled as to why they had killed his loved ones.

Today, everything was explained.

The Nether Domain Master was the disguise of the Devil Overlord. And his wife Yun Niang had the bloodline of light flowing within her body. She was the inborn adversary of the devil race.

He had already known of this, but there were no longer any traces of the abyssal devils in the Land of Divinity and Demons. He had once followed this trail, but after obtaining some plausible information and finally deeming it to be worthless, he had turned to other aspects.

But reality was this brutal. If he had continued to follow down that trail, he would surely have obtained some harvests. He wouldn’t be mocked by his hated foe like this today.

In particular, Yun Niang and Anning had both suffered unjust deaths even to this day…

Solitary Westgate’s face twisted.

Qin Yu didn’t know any of this, but it wasn’t hard to guess what was happening from the scene unfolding before him. When he saw Solitary Westgate’s pained and self-blaming expression, he shouted out loud, “Westgate, you have finally found your life’s greatest enemy, so do you plan on only sobbing and wallowing in your own pity? Yun Niang and Anning are both watching you. What you need to do is to kill this devil and take revenge for them!”

“That’s right, you're completely right…what I need to do now is take revenge…revenge!” Solitary Westgate howled. He glared at the Devil Overlord, cruelty and viciousness gushing out from his gaze. “I will tear you to shreds and turn your bones to ash!”

He raised a hand and loud rumbles instantly filled the skies. The rumbling of thunder echoed through the world. Endless lightning wove together in the heavens, forming an incomparably large kirin phantom.

The kirin’s eyes were blood red. A dreadful pressure erupted from it, carrying with it a terrifying aura that suppressed the world.

Babasa smiled, “Come, pitiful child…oh, I almost forgot to tell you. Your wife and child’s blood was very delicious. Even after all these years, I still think back to it fondly.”


Solitary Westgate was like a demon. The kirin phantom reared back its head and roared into the skies. A million bolts of thunder shot down, all of them aiming at the Devil Overlord like arrows.

Bang –

All of the lightning collided together, immediately fusing into a massive pool of thunder. Waves of thunder tumbled within, emitting an aura that could destroy all things.

Qin Yu furrowed his eyebrows together. He could feel the terrifying power within that pool of thunder, but the Devil Overlord’s aura wasn’t weakening at all.

No, not only was he not weakening, he was only growing stronger!

As if the Thunder Kirin that Solitary Westgate summoned and the destructive thunder he cast down was only supplementing the Devil Overlord’s strength.

“Hahaha! Solitary Westgate, is this your only move? You want to take revenge for your wife and child with just this? Dream on!”

Babasa recklessly laughed from within the pool of thunder.

Qin Yu roared, “Don’t fall for his trap! The Devil Overlord is intentionally enraging you! He wants to use the power of thunder to restore his own strength!”

But the current Solitary Westgate seemed to have lost himself in his own hatred. Not only did he not seem to hear Qin Yu, but he instead galvanized the strength of the God Beast.

More and more lightning fell. Bright flashes constantly exploded in the skies, turning into bolts of white light that crashed down.

“It’s finally a little interesting? But, it is still far from enough. Solitary Westgate, even if you know that I personally killed your wife and child, you will never be able to take revenge for them! You are destined to forever remain a useless and incompetent fool!” The Devil Overlord’s callous voice rose up once more.

“Die! Die! Die!”

Solitary Westgate’s eyes were fierce. His body had grown larger and bloodstains started to appear on the stretched surface of his skin. Tiny blood vessels erupted in his eyes, causing his eyes to become increasingly red with each one.

In the clouds, the kirin phantom had a pained expression. It was by no means the complete main body of a God Beast. Once the godhead lost too much strength it would fall into a weakened state. If it wasn’t able to maintain itself, the godhead might even collapse.

Qin Yu stepped forward and flew towards Solitary Westgate. But before he could approach, he was forced back by a fist.

“Screw off! Anyone that tries to stop my revenge will die!”

Qin Yu’s complexion paled but it wasn’t because he had lost his temper. This was because he had confirmed that there was something wrong with Solitary Westgate’s current condition. He hadn’t lost himself in his own anger and hatred. Rather, at some unknown time, he had fallen into a trap.

The most terrifying strength of the abyssal devils lay in their attribute of annihilating strength. But besides that, they also possessed the power to mislead and deceive the hearts and minds of others. In the far off past when they still roamed the Land of Divinity and Demons, the abyssal devils had used this cunning power to control several powerful forces, almost sweeping over the entire world.

The monster race that had been expelled into the northern snowy regions and forced to withstand punishment for tens of millions of years was one of those powerful forces controlled by the abyssal devils.

It was clear that Solitary Westgate had fallen into a trap laid down by the Devil Overlord. The Devil Overlord wanted Solitary Westgate to use up all his strength to restore him.

Qin Yu could not allow this to continue!

A cold light flashed in Qin Yu’s hand. He raised a hand and pressed a finger forward. Then, without hesitation, he pressed a second, third, and fourth finger.

With four continuous fingers, four finger phantoms appeared. Waves rose up in the world with loud rumblings, their wild fluctuations capable of destroying all.

The Devil Overlord could absorb strength to restore himself. But, there had to be a limit. Otherwise, even though the world was endless, it would have already been fully seized by them.

You want to deliberately enrage Solitary Westgate and use his strength to restore your body?

Okay. Then I’ll let you eat all you want this time. But I fear that if you eat too much, your body might blow up instead.

Bang –

Bang –

Bang –

Bang –

Boundless Blue, Blue Spirit, Blue Sea, Blue Heaven – the four fingers erupted at the same time, gathering together into an incomparably dreadful strength. It pierced straight through the pool of thunder, opening up a direct tunnel that revealed the Devil Overlord’s form within. The scales between his eyebrows broke apart and a clear hollow finger mark appeared. Destructive strength burst free like a tide, wildly pouring in.

“Although I witnessed this once already, to personally experience it myself, I realize that Your Majesty is truly terrifying. By gathering the strength of these four fingers, you can undoubtedly dominate this world.”

Babasa revealed a look of praise. “But to rely on this finger alone, you can only barely manage to harm me. You cannot cause any truly substantive damage.”

On Babasa’s two blood-colored horns, the markings suddenly split apart. The rules of the heavens and earth wailed as the surrounding space shattered.

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