Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 676A: Entering a New World

Solitary Westgate was surprised. “You really know this creature?”

Qin Yu nodded, “Not only do we know each other, but our shared origin is very, very deep. A long time ago I was only a common disciple in a small sect in the land of exile. Thanks to this pig in front of you, I was almost killed. Afterward, it was also this pig that saved my life and helped me obtain a lucky chance that changed my destiny.”

He suddenly smiled. “The reason we met each other can be considered all in part thanks to this pig. Westgate, do you think this is humorous?”

Solitary Westgate earnestly looked at Qin Yu. After determining that he wasn’t joking around, he was left speechless.

Just what was this?

Leviathan’s eyes widened, his expression saying ‘I am a cultureless idiot with no brain, so please don’t play with me here!’

This wild boar was friends with the Demon Sovereign? That was completely impossible!

It obviously rushed out from this spatial black hole. For better or worse, you have never gone in, so how would you know it!?

But, Leviathan only dared to scream these words in his heart; he didn’t say them out loud at all.

What nonsense. Qin Yu had already said this. If he dared to question him, wouldn’t that be the same as saying he was tired of living?

A moment before, he had been feeling a bit sad about the bitter fate the pig was going to suffer, but now he was feeling resentful that it had escaped tribulation…it could only be said that this Leviathan was far too emotional!

Qin Yu lightly said, “What, do you not recognize me? Eastern Mountain Sect, medicine garden, mountain valley…do you remember yet?”

The boar opened its mouth, an extremely shocked expression on its face. Of course it wouldn’t forget the most alarmingly dangerous period of its young pig life. However, it was just that Qin Yu’s aura was too strong so it didn’t dare to think in that direction. Now that Qin Yu had reminded it, when it looked through its memories it could see that despite some changes, Qin Yu’s appearance matched that of the thin and impossibly weak youth!

“It’s you! It’s really you! Your name is…Qin…Qin Yu…”

Qin Yu nodded, “That’s right, it’s me.”

The boar suppressed its shaking heart. It squeezed out a tentative smile and said, “Ah…I never thought you would have such unexpected achievements today. Since we’re old acquaintances, and it isn’t even an exaggeration to say that we have a fated friendship, please understand that everything today is simply a misunderstanding. Lord Qin Yu, you must help me explain the situation. Be merciful and please let me go.”

Qin Yu said, “In the past, you harmed me and I almost died. Afterwards, you saved me also. The grudges and gratitude between us have already been settled and being old acquaintances doesn’t mean anything. I can save you today, but you must answer my questions honestly. If you dare to deceive me, then if this person beside me decides to attack you again, I definitely won’t be stopping him.”

Solitary Westgate joined in on the act. He coldly snorted, causing Big Pig’s heart to shiver. Big Pig hurriedly said, “I will definitely do anything you wish!”

Qin Yu said, “Very good. Now, the first question. Why did you come out of that spatial black hole?”

Big Pig put on a long face. “I have no idea…I really have no idea…that night, after I killed that person and escaped, I have no idea how but I was suddenly swept into a shattered space. When I woke up, I had already arrived in a different world.

“This was a world of mighty pig power, where wild boars were revered above all. The Pig Elders recognized me as the bloodline descendant of the Pig King. Somehow, I managed to stumble my way into becoming the heir to the throne.”

As he spoke, he revealed a look of fond remembrance. Those days were truly wonderful beyond compare. Every day he had all sorts of beautiful lady pigs visiting him, and he lived in opulence and luxury. The Pig Elders fed him all sorts of heavenly treasures every day, forcefully causing his cultivation to rise. It was simply heaven on earth.

“Unfortunately, there was a pig rebellion afterwards and I was forced to escape. The damned pig race’s divine tool experienced a malfunction at the critical juncture and tossed me into a turbulent flow of space. Luckily my fur and meat was thick so I managed to survive. Afterwards, I somehow arrived here.”

Qin Yu furrowed his eyebrows. “Wait a moment. Explain clearly how you managed to escape alive from the spatial black hole…it’s because your meat is thick?”

Seeing Qin Yu’s gaze, Big Pig suddenly had an ill premonition. But, he didn’t dare to lie. He could only brace his heart and nod in acknowledgement.

Solitary Westgate suddenly said, “How much time did it take you to escape from the spatial black hole? Humph! I cultivate supernatural arts that allow me to discern truth from lies. You had better not talk nonsense, otherwise I will skin you alive and turn you into pork jerky!”

Big Pig shook. He sobbed and said, “I…I took around 20 days…I really am not lying…the inside was too terrifying and I almost died several times…they say that people enjoy happiness after they survive a disaster, but I haven’t been able to enjoy happiness yet…I don’t want to die…”

Solitary Westgate drew in a deep breath. “You’re saying you wandered in that spatial black hole for 20 days?”

His heated gaze caused Big Pig to shiver even harder and for more tears to fall down his face. But, he didn’t dare to lie. “Yes...yes…”

Solitary Westgate looked at Qin Yu and sighed with emotion, “You really are lucky!”

There was no need to explain the meaning behind these words.

Qin Yu smiled. “I have always been lucky.” He coughed and said, “There are two paths for you to choose from. The first is that Westgate here is going to flay you alive and turn you into pork jerky. The second is that you enter the spatial black hole with me. You don’t have much time to make a choice, so hurry up.”

Big Pig was stunned.

The first path was death, but the second path wasn’t much different from death. Was there even a need to choose? Choose? Choose? Choose your mom!

Big Pig hoped that Qin Yu was just making a joke. But after looking at him for three seconds and seeing no change in expression, the final hopes shattered in his heart.

It was real. He really needed to enter that spatial black hole!

Thinking back to the 20 days of despair he survived in the past, Big Pig shook like a screen. This time it wasn’t an act – it was true fear.

He had a sudden impulse to curse Qin Yu and then die…if he was going to die anyways, then why endure more suffering?

But this impulse lasted for less than a second before Big Pig’s heart stabilized. His brilliant heroic pig life had just begun, so how could he be willing to die like this?

No, I can’t give up. In any case, entering the black hole doesn’t necessarily mean death. Although this bastard Qin Yu has a tyrannical cultivation, all sorts of accidents could occur within the black hole. Perhaps it wouldn’t be long before he died!

At that time, he could hurry up and retreat. Maybe nothing would go wrong…yes, I can’t give up, I must persist!

After Big Pig’s heart and mind shook, he looked up, his eyes heavy and profound. “I choose the second path!”

Qin Yu smiled. “Smart. Then we won’t delay any further. Let’s go.”

Big Pig was stunned again. Big brother, this is the same as seeking death so don’t you need to make some preparations? Even if you are prepared, shouldn’t you bid your farewells to your friend or something? You are just turning and leaving…what in the world is this?

Seeing Qin Yu walk towards the spatial black hole, Big Pig clenched his teeth. He braced his heart and followed behind.

Solitary Westgate shouted out, “Qin Yu, you must return alive! You still owe me a great deal and I am waiting to receive it!”

Qin Yu didn’t turn his head. He raised an arm and waved back. “I said that my luck has always been extremely good…I will definitely return within 200 years!”

Solitary Westgate laughed out loud. “Good. Then I will also make a promise to you. Until you return, I will look after everything in your place.”

“Thank you!”

After speaking, Qin Yu reached out a hand and grasped out. As Big Pig cried out loud, Qin Yu grabbed his leg and stepped into the spatial black hole.

Shua –

Like sinking into a black river, the man and pig vanished from sight.

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