Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 684: Chain of Stars

Although Qin Yu was filled with suspicion about this fellow’s moral character, he acknowledged his eyesight when it came to treasure. For Big Pig to say something so humiliating like he would be fast, there must be something about this bracelet that made it worth losing so much face.

But what left Qin Yu puzzled was that he didn’t sense any formidable aura from the bracelet. There were only some fluctuations that seemed to have protective functions for the soul.

Perhaps it was because his cultivation dropped and his eyesight fell with it. He glanced over at Big Pig’s depressed appearance and affirmed his guess.

He would put this away first. Once his cultivation was restored and he carefully examined it, perhaps there would be other harvests.

But at this moment, Qin Yu could sense a strange fluctuation in mood coming from Big Pig through his connection of being his blood-raised beast. He seemed to be filled with shock.

Qin Yu narrowed his eyes. “What did you discover? Tell me what secret is hiding in this bracelet. This is an order!”

Big Pig lifted a hoof and opened up a spatial crack. A blood red light flew out. Then, the bracelet in Qin Yu’s hand erupted with an even brighter light. Stars appeared in this light, like an endless river of stars.

An invisible strength was released. It drew in the blood red light so that it fell onto the bracelet. When they touched, the blood red light dissolved, turning into some sort of liquid that covered the bracelet. In the next instant it was absorbed cleanly away.

Qin Yu’s eyes subconsciously widened. He watched as the dark blue surface of the bracelet vanished like paper engulfed in flames, revealing a dark golden surface beneath. Countless complex and exquisite patterns overlapped each other, weaving together into a mysterious design.

He had already seen that the blood red light which was absorbed was the blood tentacle thing that Big Pig had dug out from the ground just now.

But why was that thing able to be absorbed by this bracelet and why would such an astonishing change occur?

It was like the original outside surface was a layer of camouflage or even a seal. And now it had been broken for some reason and the bracelet’s original appearance was revealed.

Before Qin Yu could think about this more, the stars released by the transformed bracelet rapidly enlarged, turning into truly shining stars that emitted a vast brilliance.

This light was like a sea of stars. A suction force suddenly appeared. Qin Yu secretly thought that the situation wasn’t good, but there was no time for him to react.

His mind flipped upside down. When his consciousness was restored, he looked around and was left stunned – because at this moment, he was placed in an endless sea of stars. All around him were incomparably large stars.

Standing in front of a star, Qin Yu seemed to pass through the clouds and mountains beneath. As if he were a small and weak ant, awe and shock arose from the depths of his soul.

Suddenly, the peaceful stars in this sea started to slowly rotate. They emitted a loud thundering that came from the highest heavens, carrying with it an unparalleled penetrating and destructive power that could crush everything into powder.

Qin Yu instantly felt the terror of these stars. They were like a million mountains suppressing him. And as time passed, this suppression only became increasingly small.


Qin Yu howled in pain. At this time, he felt as if he could burst apart from being squeezed at any moment.

“Give up! This strength isn’t something you can withstand!”

“To be buried in the sea of stars is an honor only the most revered powerhouses can enjoy! With your small and weak cultivation, you should be gratified that you can do this!”

“Why resist and suffer needless pain? Deliverance is right in front of you, as long as you wish for it.”

Countless thoughts rushed through his mind. Qin Yu’s eyes glazed over and innumerable cracks appeared on the surface of his body.

The stars spun faster and faster. The loud rumbling sounds they emitted were like the mocking laughs of giants. A low and humble human ant actually dared to rush into the interrogation of the stars.

“No! I won’t give up! I won’t die! I can’t!”

Because Qin Yu was under immense pressure, his eyes were blood red and blood vessels bulged all over his body. He looked up at the surrounding stars and angrily roared out loud.

With just you, you want to kill me? That is far from enough!

In the cave, when the bracelet was restored to its original appearance an invisible strength had arrived. The surrounding space instantly froze, becoming like a giant block of solid ice.

Big Pig’s widened eyes were full of panic and horror. But, his expression was still stuck in one of sorrow when he discovered Qin Yu had broken through the treasure. When these two sights were contrasted with each other, they seemed particularly strange and funny.

Big Pig had no idea what was happening, but it was definitely related to the bracelet that Qin Yu took.

After trying every method to escape and failing, Big Pig dejectedly gave up. He could only place all his hopes on Qin Yu.

But at this time, his heart ruthlessly shrank and a great sense of fear and horror rose up within him. This ability was one he had obtained after becoming the king of the pig race – foresight of danger!

After obtaining this ability, it had helped him survive numerous difficult situations. But there had never been a time when it gave off such a terrifying feeling.

It was like the world was about to collapse, and all lives swept up in this chaos would be delivered into the abyss of destruction and death. No one would be able to avoid this.

However, the cave remained quiet and still, without anything unusual happening. So why did he suddenly sense such a horrifying destructive feeling?

Big Pig tried hard to turn his eyes. Finally, he discovered differences in the ‘frozen’ Qin Yu.

Just from looking at Qin Yu, Big Pig could sense an incomparably terrifying oppression pushing down on him, as if invisible stars were suppressing him.

The fear in his heart rose. Because Big Pig knew that if he were to suffer this suppression, he would have long since died.

But even if Qin Yu could last, how long could he last? Once his body collapsed and he perished, then as Qin Yu’s blood-raised beast, he would be buried along with his master.

Big Pig finally realized why his foresight of danger ability would be triggered and to such a terrifying degree. Tears filled his eyes, but because of the invisible imprisonment they wouldn’t flow down. His field of vision began to blur over.

If Big Pig could choose, he would have rather not discovered the aura of treasure on Mu Xuan’s body. But, time couldn’t be reversed. With things having come to this point, there was no way to reverse it.

Big Pig thought about the Elder who had pushed him onto the throne of the Pig King. The Elder had warned him that he couldn’t abuse the talents that the heavens had granted the pig race to take things that weren’t his. Otherwise, the karma he acc.u.mulated would grow more and more until it would one day erupt and strike back at him.

Was it time for this backlash to occur? Big Pig was filled with despair!

Suddenly there was a light cracking sound. Following that, the terrifying strength that covered the cave instantly vanished.

With space restored, the tears that Big Pig had saved up now flowed down without reservation. They crashed to the ground, forming a puddle.

“I…didn’t die…I really didn’t die…”

Big Pig sobbed with joy.

Qin Yu opened his eyes. His pupils were dark and weary, filled with exhaustion. He only had time to glance at the bracelet in his hands and watch as it disappeared into motes of starlight before his consciousness fell into darkness.

He slept for a long time without any dreams at all. When he opened his eyes, not only was his energy restored but he felt an unprecedented state of relaxedness.

Although he couldn’t mobilize any magic power like before, he could actually see his own soul space.

His soul was covered in cracks, as if it had been forcefully glued together. But now, the surface of his soul was covered in a radiant chain of stars. They crossed paths with the broken runes that floated around.

“Chain of Stars – was produced from some unknown land and was inherited in this world for a long time. It is an unsurpassed treasure of the soul. Not only does it have a formidable defensive power, but it can be used to suppress and to heal…” This information appeared on its own initiative. Because Qin Yu had rushed through the interrogation of the stars, he had become the new master of this precious treasure which had been lost in the endless flow of time.

There were also many other mysteries. For instance, why would the Chain of Stars appear on the wrist of such a weak and young female cultivator? For instance, why was the main body of those blood-red tentacles able to unravel the seal on the Chain of Stars?

Even if Qin Yu couldn’t obtain an explanation for these riddles, he was still able to confirm that he had obtained a harvest surpassing his imagination.

With the help of the Chain of Stars, although he couldn’t figure out how to overcome his difficult situation, it should be able to buy him some more time. It wouldn’t be like before, where he felt the approach of death with every breath he took – the result of using the Ashes and Embers secret art in a severely wounded condition. Although Solitary Westgate had given him a sort of ‘isolation’ that could slow down the combustion of his soul, his journey through the spatial black hole had caused a breakage to appear on this isolation.

Despite there being no pain, the feeling of knowing that his soul was moving towards destruction with every passing moment was enough to cause one’s mind to collapse.

Hu –

He let out a long breath. Qin Yu suddenly felt that this dim cave had become much more beautiful. Thus, when he turned and saw the anxious Mu Xuan nearby, he revealed a happy expression.

No matter what was said, the Chain of Stars had been this girl’s treasure. If it was only an ordinary treasure, then Qin Yu would naturally think he deserved it for saving her life.

But now…he felt that he should be a little nicer to her.

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