Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 738A: Breaking Ten Rings

The iceberg phantom was about to collapse. The Hidden Fog Sect Master’s eyes darkened and he couldn’t help but reveal the disappointment in his eyes. So even with mister’s strength, he still couldn’t achieve victory? If he knew this earlier he would have insisted on doing it himself. He was just a step away!

Elder Si and the others looked at Qin Yu. A great deal of the awe and respect quietly faded away from their eyes.

The strength of a Great Expert boundary wasn’t as incredible as they imagined. It seemed that there were things even they couldn’t do.

Yun Die opened her mouth, as if she couldn’t believe what she was watching. All sorts of chaotic thoughts wove together in her heart. After seeing 400 mature shadow trees, Yun Die never doubted her teacher’s strength anymore, so she couldn’t imagine a situation in which he would be defeated.

If teacher did it, he would succeed no matter what. This was a faith that had piled up in her heart after undergoing countless experiences. But now, a crack had appeared in this towering faith.

Qin Yu could feel the eyes behind him as well as the faint looks of ridicule from all around. His complexion remained calm and composed. He was waiting, waiting for the blood energy he poured into the dark star ice serpent to activate and confirm his hypothesis.

Hou –

The dark star ice serpent suddenly roared in vivid excitement.

Qin Yu’s eyes brightened. It was beginning!

A blood red sheen appeared on the scales that covered its body. Then, as if driven by an invisible force, the red light gathered to the lone horn on its head.

Its color turned bright and luminescent. It wasn’t a violent and brutal red, but one that was clear as translucent jade.

It was noble, beautiful, and pure!

At this moment, on the other six platforms, including Radiance Temple’s phoenix luan, all of the other spirit beasts cried out loud. Their eyes fell on the dark star ice serpent, shock, confusion, and awe in their hearts.

A trace of blood red appeared on the surface of the iceberg phantom that was caught in the eighth ring of light. The color was the exact same as the dark star ice serpent’s horn. It rapidly diffused outwards, forming the phantom of a saber.

It trembled and shattered the iceberg phantom. Or to be more exact, it had completely concentrated all of the strength of the iceberg within itself.

Whoosh –

The saber phantom cut forward, instantly piercing through the eighth ring of light.

What followed was the ninth ring and tenth ring!

Bang –

The saber phantom continued without slowing. It fell down on the arena, tearing a long gash through the time-worn tiles.

Crashing sounds constantly reverberated throughout the massive arena, shaking everyone and causing their complexions to blanch. All of them were stunned in utter disbelief.

Breaking the tenth ring…tenth ring…tenth ring…at this time, only this thought wildly raced through everyone’s mind…

Since the time when the seven great sects rose and carved up the vast and fertile Eastern Plains amongst themselves, the Beast King War had been conducted countless times. Through the long passage of history, there had been numerous examples of shockingly powerful Beast Kings that possessed incomparable strength and were able to suppress all sides.

But in the historic records, the highest result was only nine rings, and it was after adding on their supporters…their actual strength only reached eight rings.

Yet today, they personally witnessed the birth of a ten ring result. Moreover, they had used no supporters and achieved this result with their own strength.

How terrifying this was…if they didn’t see this with their own eyes they wouldn’t even dare to believe it.

“This is impossible!” The Witchcraft Sect Master roared out loud. His face flushed red with blood and contorted in rage. “I will not believe this! The dark star ice serpent is strong but it cannot break through ten rings of light!”

In the absolute silence, this roar caused everyone to regain their senses. In particular, Radiance Temple’s camp looked as if they had lost their souls. Their hearts skipped a beat. Could it be that some accident occurred?

“That’s right, even if that blood saber phantom was the legendary supreme Ice Saber hidden between the heavens and earth, it would never have such power!”

“The Moon Bow and Wind Sword have appeared and yet they haven’t been able to break the seventh ring. The Ice Saber is an existence of the same level so how can the disparity be so great!”

“There is definitely a problem with the Hidden Fog Sect’s result!”

The crowd was immediately roused.

Whoosh –

A small stone flew over. Qin Yu lifted his hand and grabbed it. The ‘pa’ sound of it hitting his palm caused the noisy arena to quiet down once more. Ten rings of light shined on the surface of the stone. It overflowed with light, and one could faintly see a seven-colored dragon phantom within it.

“Good! Great! Awesome!” The Hidden Fog Sect Master laughed out loud, his jolly voice reverberating outwards. He stepped forward and bowed. “Thank you mister for helping my Hidden Fog Sect capture the first place position!”

With the appearance of ten rings, who could compete against this?

Elder Si and the other high level figures of the Hidden Fog Sect all had awkward expressions appear on their faces. They bowed and said, “Thank you, mister!”

A Grand Expert isn’t terrifying? How did I come to such a idiotic conclusion!?

Yun Die’s excited face flushed red. She didn’t say anything, only straightening her back. A proud and joyful atmosphere flowed out from her.

She knew that teacher would succeed. Tenth ring…this was the tenth ring…in the long history of the arena, it was a result that had never appeared before!

The crack in her faith immediately vanished, and her belief became even firmer.

The Witchcraft Sect Master shot up onto his feet. He howled out, “I refuse to accept this result! I request that the arena recertify the results!”

He absolutely could not watch on helplessly as the Hidden Fog Sect became the ultimate victor. To the Witchcraft Sect, there was no news that could be worse.

The beautiful and elegant Radiance Temple Master had a dignified expression. She furrowed her eyebrows and stood up, “Radiance Temple also proposes a recertification of the Hidden Fog Sect’s result.”

The arena was an extremely important part of Dragon City and possessed all sorts of inconceivable abilities. But, it was still only a lifeless object, something similar to a precision tool.

Long ago, a mistake had once occurred. This was something that could be verified in the history books. So, the arena had given the seven great sects the right to appeal. As long as four or more requested a recertification, this proposal would be recognized and passed.

Of course, this right wasn’t without cost. They would need to pay a very high price to the Shadow Clan afterwards to compensate for the additional loss of power of the arena.

“The Blue Origin Sect proposes a recertification!”

“Moonkeep Tower proposes a recertification!”

“Typhoon Mountain proposes a recertification!”

“The Limitless Sword Sect proposes a recertification!”

Six great sects all proposed a recertification. This was not only because they found the ten ring result unbelievable, but also because they hoped to use this opportunity to determine the true strength of the dark star ice serpent.

If it really possessed the power to break through ten rings of light, there was no need to guess what the outcome of this Beast King War would be.

The Hidden Fog Sect Master took a deep breath, “Mister?”

Qin Yu said, “It's fine.”

This time, no one doubted his words. The Hidden Fog Sect people all revealed relaxed expressions.

Hum –

The ground lightly trembled as the massive gash in the floor rapidly regenerated. Then, a dark light appeared. A single vertical eye floated within it, and it slowly opened at this moment.

The moment the single eye opened, everyone in the arena felt a chill run through their bodies. It felt as if they had been completely seen through, no more secrets left.

The eye looked at the dark star ice serpent. But only Qin Yu knew that this eye spent most of its time paused on his body. He could feel awe and fear coming from the eye’s gaze, as well as a hint of hatred and resentment.

Before Qin Yu could discover anything else, the vertical eye slowly closed. An old and plain voice rang through the arena.

“The result is correct.”

Shua –

The dark light vanished from sight.

The Witchcraft Sect Master closed his eyes. He clenched his fists together beneath his robes. Viciousness and animosity swirled in his heart. He wished that he could destroy everything.

Hidden Fog Sect, it was unexpectedly the Hidden Fog Sect. If they became the ultimate champions, it could be imagined what would happen to the Witchcraft Sect!


He could not allow this!

But now the final confirmation had been completed and the ten ring result was without a doubt. But even if they obtained the right of a bye, that didn’t mean they would be the final leader…at the very least, the Witchcraft Sect wouldn’t stand by as the Hidden Fog Sect took all the glory for themselves.

Things that occurred in the arena couldn’t be changed, but there would be other opportunities outside. The Witchcraft Sect Master opened his eyes, his complexion calm and serene once more. He glanced at Qin Yu for a brief moment before turning around and sitting down in his seat.

Today, the Hidden Fog Sect had made their counterattack. And the Witchcraft Sect Master knew where the real roots of today’s disaster came from.

Since such a person became the Witchcraft Sect’s enemy, they had to thoroughly ruin him!

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