Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 754: Killing a Divine Dao

With Ji Xiangtian as the center, the skies behind him started to overflow with light. A meteor suddenly descended. It locked onto the location of the Saint as it came blasting down with unbelievable force.

It released an incomparably powerful aura, as if it would fall into the sea setting off endless raging tsunamis and destroying everything it passed through.

The Godfall Art appeared only a few times in the teachings of the Western Tomb. But each time it did, it represented the fall of an arrogant powerhouse who stood at the peak of the world. Whether it was an internal danger that came from the Western Tomb or a formidable enemy from the outside, there were no exceptions.

Do Ermo’s eyes started to shine. His weak aura was restored to its original state at an incredible rate and then surpassed its peak.

He slowly raised a hand. As his finger fell down, he trembled. His body formed from light started to rapidly darken.

Bang –

In the other half of the heavens, light erupted like a volcano and recklessly ignited outwards. Within the infinite heat, a meteor appeared. A long tail followed behind it as it soared across the skies, crashing into the other meteor.

Godfall Art vs Godfall Art!

After a brief pause, the calm and tranquil expression on the Western Tomb Divine Seat’s face finally broke. He clenched his teeth and roared, “Impossible, how can you grasp the Godfall Art!?”

The unique divine art granted to the Ji Family by the Dao Monarch was inconceivably strong. It was also one of the key factors that allowed them to maintain their superior status. But now, someone else had mastered the Godfall Art. This in itself was a great assault on the status of the Ji Family.

The Saint smiled. He lightly said, “Are you very surprised? The Dao Monarch controls the Western Tomb and every subject is his faithful believer. And in front of him, every believer is equal. If the Ji Family can control the Godfall Art, I can naturally cultivate it too.”

His expression changed and was filled with a cold difference, “The Ji Family falsely seized the authority of the Dao Monarch and stole the rightful rule of the Western Tomb for hundreds of thousands of years. It’s time that you all paid the price for this.”

A shocking explosion erupted as the shockwaves from the two Godfall Arts collided. It was like a supernova, sweeping through the world with a terrifying strength.

Hum –

Hum –

In the skies, massive chains of light appeared from nothingness. They constantly disintegrated as they withstood the shockwaves of the two Godfall Arts.

The Hell Mystic Realm was the holy site of the Western Tomb and was also where the Divine Church hid their greatest secret. To conceal this secret to the best of their abilities they naturally added the best defenses to it. These chains that appeared were a great array formation that was said to be able to block out the heavens and contained enough power to even seal gods.

Yet now, beneath the collision of these two Godfall Arts, it clearly wasn’t able to withstand the bombardment of energy. Great cracks began to appear throughout the array formation as it was heavily damaged.

But, the key problem was that the Western Tomb’s great array not only sealed the Hell Mystic Realm, but also had the ability to suppress and imprison.

As the great array was destroyed, terrifying existences hidden in the Hell Mystic Realm finally started to awaken. No powerful being was willing to live out their life in a cage. Their desire for freedom spurred them to riot.


The black mountain range lay down against the ground, winding past the horizon. Its ancient trees rose up and blocked out the skies. Suddenly, in the far off distance, blinding light appeared as two meteors collided in midair.

Even tens of thousands of miles away, the terrifying shockwaves could still be clearly seen. Everything in range was thoroughly disintegrated into nothingness by the power!

The ancient trees atop the black mountain range started to tremble. Then, cracks appeared in the mountain stone they took root in and began to rapidly spread out.

Massive chunks of black stone continuously fell, crashing into the ground.

Dust and dirt rose into the heavens, gradually blocking one’s line of sight. After an unknown period of time a pair of gray eyes appeared. It looked towards where the two meteors clashed, endless hatred within them.

Hou –

With a roar, a giant shadow shot into the skies, tearing apart the cloud of dust. It was unexpectedly a massive bone dragon!

In the Soul Refining Lake, countless souls were immersed in roiling lava, constantly withstanding a heart-wrenching pain.

Suddenly, great waves appeared on the surface. The pitifully screaming souls were ruthlessly thrust into the bottom of the lake.

In the blink of an eye the entire Soul Refining Lake fell silent. An extremely terrifying aura erupted, as if some sort of horrifying existence was gestating within it.

Bang –

A lava arm drilled out, breaking apart the tumbling lake surface. This was followed by a giant head and a body that seemed to support the heavens.

This was a giant formed of endless lava. What was even more frightening was that countless souls were wrapped around the lava giant’s body. They struggled and cried out in pain as they provided potent strength to the giant.

The lava giant looked up, its eyes locked onto the place where the skies burned with light. Its feet moved as it rumbled forward.

There was an endless sea of flowers that flooded one’s field of view. Pale blue petals gently swayed in the wind, carrying with them a hint of sadness. A light gray fog covered the skies above the sea of flowers. It seemed to isolate this part of the world, making this place seem even more dismal and quiet.

Occasionally, when the wind blew the sea of flowers, flowers would part and one could see the bones beneath. It added a gloominess and eeriness to the silent atmosphere.

It was clear that there was no truly peaceful place in this Hell Mystic Realm. This delicate sea of flowers appeared to be beautiful and gentle, but it was also a terrifying danger zone.

Suddenly, a wind carrying with it a blazing heat rushed in from the distance. It blew away the fog that covered the sea of flowers, exposing it to the exploding star-bright light in the skies.

“Ahh!” There was a painful scream. The voice was sharp and piercing like that of a crying child. The endless sea of flowers vanished in the blink of an eye, and finally only a single flower remained.

The fog that was blown away by the scorching winds crazily gathered over. It formed a thick, nearly black layer of fog that covered this pale blue flower.

Within the tumbling fog, a pair of blue eyes appeared. It stared at the hated source of light. There was loathing, fear, as well as a burning heat in its gaze.


Hu Fu obediently stayed where he was, holding onto the blood red stone that mister had given him. He felt dangerous auras approach several times, but in the blink of an eye they veered off into the distance.

This caused Hu Fu to sigh in acclaim and also be more confident in Qin Yu. It seemed that this mister had a certain understanding of this mystic realm. If so, there was a higher chance they would obtain the resurrection lily.

12 hours passed and mister still hadn’t returned. Hu Fu comforted himself by saying mister would never suffer an accident.

By the 14th hour, he couldn’t help but stand up and impatiently pace around.

By the 16th hour, Hu Fu’s complexion sank like water. He stared at the blood red stone in his hands, an uncertain look in his eyes.

And now, 18 hours had passed.

There was less than six hours to go before the transmission portal would close and there still wasn’t any news of Qin Yu.

Did he experience some accident? He must have experienced an accident! Otherwise, with mister’s abilities, how could he be delayed for such a long time?

As Hu Fu clenched his teeth and decided to search for Qin Yu, a heart-racing feeling rose up within him.

He fiercely looked up. In the distance, he could see a trillion rays of light erupting. A meteor suddenly appeared, bringing with it an apocalyptic aura.

Hu Fu’s eyes fiercely shrank. Godfall Art!

Although he had never personally witnessed it, he naturally knew of this. It was rumored to be the strongest divine art in the Western Tomb Divine Church, one capable of destroying the world.

What had happened? Why would the Western Tomb Divine Seat be in this mystic realm and also release the terrifying Godfall Art which was said to be able to bring down gods?

Before Hu Fu could gather his thoughts, another terrifying aura arrived. His mind buzzed and hairs rose all over his back. A second meteor appeared in his field of vision, carrying with it a similarly horrifying strength.

A second Godfall Art…

Hu Fu froze in place, gawking. Could someone tell him if this world had gone insane? It was well known that only the Western Tomb Divine Seat was able to cultivate the Godfall Art. But now, he saw two Godfall Arts being used, and what was even stranger was that they were clearly hostile to each other.

When he saw the first Godfall Art, Hu Fu immediately thought that the Western Tomb was secretly trying to kill them again. But then he hesitated. An even greater possibility was that some unknown accident had occurred within the Western Tomb Divine Church, and he and mister had been sucked into the mess because of their bad luck.

Bang –

A heaven-shaking explosion occurred. Even from such a far-off distance, Hu Fu stuffily coughed as if he had been struck in the chest by a great blow. His heart nearly stopped beating and his face paled.

This was the might of the Godfall Art…the Godfall Art that could bring down gods!

Moreover, it was two Godfall Arts colliding. Hu Fu didn’t doubt that if he were in that area, he would instantly be reduced to nothingness. Then, what followed afterwards was a terrifying ring-shaped shockwave. It passed across the land like an unstoppable tide, destroying everything it swept over.

Hu Fu paled even more. This was an instinctual awe one felt towards such an immense destructive strength. He could only pray silently in his heart and hope that mister wasn’t over there, otherwise if he was involved in that mess there was no chance he would survive.

Before the shockwaves from the collision of Godfall Arts disappeared, Hu Fu froze in place. The skies above him immediately darkened. This was a shadow that came from the highest heavens. He slowly looked up with difficulty, and he could even feel the sounds of his neck cracking as he did.

Finally, Hu Fu saw the figure that was flying through the skies. It was a long snake with two wings and a half-rotten body. There was a fierce wound on its belly, one that nearly split it in half. One of its eyeballs had blown apart and pieces of flesh and blood were dripping out.

At this time, the half-rotten snake looked down. Its lone eye locked onto Hu Fu. A piercing chill erupted in Hu Fu’s heart and he felt as if he had fallen into an eternal cave of ice. The blood in his body nearly froze.

Inexhaustible fear filled him, making him want to run away. But, his feet seemed to have taken root into the ground, not allowing him to move.

Hesitation flashed in the half-rotten snake’s eyes. If this was ordinary times it definitely wouldn’t let go of such a sweet snack. But right now it had more pressing matters to attend to.

It looked away. Then, it flapped its great wings that were broken in many places. Black winds were whipped into existence and it flew towards the place where the two meteors collided.

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