Shua –

The Sword Sect Master immediately arrived. He hugged the spirit lizard tightly in his arms, disregarding the blood that dyed his robes red. With a pale face, he looked up at the dark star ice serpent and said, “On behalf of the spirit lizard, I thank you.”

Judging by the final eruption of strength revealed by the dark star ice serpent, if it really wanted it could have ended this battle before the spirit lizard completed its final attack.

The Sword Sect Master turned around, holding onto the spirit lizard’s corpse as he flew back to the platform. “We’re leaving.”

Whoosh –

Whoosh –

The Sword Sect cultivators followed behind him. In the blink of an eye they had flown far away.

The Limitless Sword Sect’s supporters were all silent. At this time, even they couldn’t find any words of complaint to say.

The spirit lizard had given its all. For this reason, it had even paid with its remaining lifespan and died here on the battlefield.

If there really was something to blame, they could only blame the dark star ice serpent for being too strong, so strong that it left all others wallowing in desperation.

At this time, the battle between the phoenix luan and moon praying beast was still continuing. The two formidable spirit beasts were evenly matched, and every second of the battle was fierce and tumultuous.

But looking at the situation, it was clear that victory and defeat wouldn’t be decided any time soon.

The Radiance Temple Master Bei Qing furrowed her eyebrows. The power of the dark star ice serpent was beyond her imagination. Even though she made extra preparations, if she continued to consume the phoenix luan’s strength by having it fight the moon praying beast, she feared everything she had done would be for naught.

At that time, her troubles would be great.

The Moonkeep Tower Master was expressionless. Her ordinary-looking face became increasingly unpleasant and hard to look at. She faintly glanced at the Hidden Fog Sect cultivators who were cheering and jumping in joy, and ridicule and pity flashed deep in her eyes.

What a bunch of pitiful fools!

The Moonkeep Tower Master lowered her head, hiding her face from everyone’s line of sight. Her lips moved as she sent out a sound transmission.

Across the arena, the Radiance Temple Master’s complexion changed. After some uncertainty, she finally nodded.

The Moonkeep Tower Master raised a hand, “We admit defeat!”

Simple, clear, and without any explanation. As for the moon praying beast that was in fierce combat with the phoenix luan, it didn’t show any resistance to this order at all. With a loud roar it backed off from the phoenix luan. It stepped upon moonlight and flew away from the martial field, returning to Moonkeep Tower’s platform.

The crowd was in an uproar!

This was especially true for the large number of supporters standing behind Moonkeep Tower. They were completely unable to accept this result.

“How can this be?”

“Today, it isn’t just the benefits of Moonkeep Tower that are involved. If you do this, then where does that leave the rest of us!?”

“Look at the Limitless Sword Sect’s spirit lizard. Even though it died it still stood until the very end. This battle is only in an evenly matched state and yet they actually admitted defeat!”

“They have gone too far!”

The Moonkeep Tower Master had a calm expression. “The moon praying beast’s strength is limited and it cannot compare to the Sword Sect’s spirit lizard. If we don’t admit defeat now, even if we were to face the dark star ice serpent it would be a dangerous situation for us.”

She glanced around, “I betrayed the trust that you placed in us. It is indeed Moonkeep Tower’s fault. But, we are also helpless. I hope that you may all forgive us this one time. Moreover, all of our supporters will receive a gift from Moonkeep Tower as a way of expressing our apologies.”

The restless crowd quickly quieted down.

That’s right. Even the strong spirit lizard died on the spot, so what did it matter if the moon praying beast won? This was a completely reasonable and logical decision. And coupled with Moonkeep Tower’s gift and the tyrannical strength of the seven great sects, everyone decided it was better to stop here than to keep complaining.

This was an effective way of dealing with the situation!

Across from them, the Radiance Temple people had blue complexions. Moonkeep Tower had clarified the matter and confessed that they believed it would be dangerous for the moon praying beast to face the dark star ice serpent. But if the phoenix luan’s strength was similar, how much better could its result be? The tiny bit of joy they felt thoroughly vanished.

Bei Qing’s complexion sank. She had been placed in a difficult position by the Moonkeep Tower Master once again. Not just that, but she would have to pay a steep price later. This was the cost of having Moonkeep Tower admit defeat.

Feeling the eyes of the sect’s cultivators on her, Bei Qing felt even more aggrieved. She took a deep breath and barely managed to suppress her racing thoughts.

She said, “I believe that the phoenix luan will have a chance to win!”

As long as they won, all of the distrust and censure would disappear. Everything that Radiance Temple paid would be taken back twice over.

Three flaming figures stood together. A small and petite figure was speaking right now. Her childlike voice was filled with innocence and immaturity. “Limitless, Lone Mountain, since we have gathered here, let’s not fight amongst ourselves and waste time for nothing.

“I’ll get straight to the point. We are all determined to not lose the Chaotic Sky Chronicle, and that anyone who tries to get in our way must die.”

Limitless darkly said, “Oriole, if we’re getting straight to the point, then state what you want. Speaking in roundabouts isn’t your style.”

Oriole glanced at Lone Mountain.

Lone Mountain said, “As long as we can obtain the Chaotic Sky Chronicle, I do not mind any method.”

“Excellent.” Oriole clicked her tongue and laughed. “That Sage fellow’s plans are very complete and there is indeed a good chance of success, but what we want is absolute assuredness. No mistakes can be allowed.

“The Chaotic Sky Chronicle is on that girl Yun Die’s body, and the only thing stopping us from obtaining it is Ning Qin. As long as he dies, it doesn’t matter what the arena result is.”

Limitless said, “If we do this, we will be violating the parliament’s agreement. Even if we succeed, this will attract the dissatisfaction of Sage.”

Oriole said, “I will shoulder all consequences!”

“Then I have no problem.”

Lone Mountain smiled, “Neither do I.”

Oriole glanced at the two. “I shouldn’t have to explain what is about to happen; you should have guessed it by now. Then, let’s go. Remember, you must be extra cautious. Do not alarm Sage or the others. I don’t want some unforeseen accident to occur.”

The three turned and walked into the depths of the dark hall. As the meeting place where the Senators of the Dark Parliament gathered, this place certainly wasn’t used for just meetings.

With three Senators taking action, they could utilize some interesting powers to place that troublesome Mister Ning Qin in a death trap.

Oriole smiled. The scene that was about to arrive would surely be interesting.


The Limitless Sword Sect and Moonkeep Tower had both left the stage one after another. The remaining competitors were Radiance Temple and the Hidden Fog Sect. All that was left was the battle for the title of Beast King.

Whoever won would be the last ones smiling. They would obtain a rich award.

The ground rumbled and the arena that was split into two fused back together. As if to emphasize the importance of the Beast King War, four statues rose up from the ground, each standing at a corner of the battlefield.

These four stone statues all stretched out their hands and looked down at the arena as if they were the referees of this battle.

The final battle was about to begin!

There was no time to rest or recover. But this in itself was fair, because both sides were given the same treatment.

If one side had used up too much strength defeating their opponent in the semifinals and were left in an extremely weakened state, then they could only blame themselves for not being strong enough or for having bad luck.

So, when the arena combined back together, the phoenix luan and dark star ice serpent faced each other. Their eyes met and a cold chill shot out all over.

Hu Fu straightened his body with effort and suppressed his desire to cough. His cloudy eyes stared closely at this scene as his emotions rolled about like wild waves.

How many years had it been? The day he had been waiting for had finally arrived. If the dark star ice serpent could become the Beast King then he would have the opportunity to break the shackles binding down the Hidden Fog Sect and complete the grand mission handed down to him by all previous generations of Sect Masters!

With mister helping them and with such a formidable dark star ice serpent, they could win! They could definitely win!

Hu Fu looked up ahead at Qin Yu. But at this time, the shadow beneath Qin Yu’s feet suddenly squirmed like a living creature. It rose up like a giant mouth and swallowed him whole.

Bang –

In the arena, the battle between the phoenix luan and dark star ice serpent loudly erupted!

The moment he fell into this plot, Qin Yu correctly guessed that this was the doing of the Dark Parliament. It seemed that they weren’t willing to keep their side of the agreement and had decided to flip over the table instead.

If this was before, Qin Yu might have felt this was a bit troublesome. But right now he was calm and at peace. Even if his consciousness was wrapped in darkness and seemed to be continuously sinking as if it would fall into the endless abyss, he still didn’t feel any panic.

The reason was simple. He had already found an extremely reliable backer – if he thought about it that way, then being locked onto by the Ancient in the Hell Mystic Realm wasn’t entirely a bad thing.

Qin Yu believed that the moment he was attacked, the Ancient must have sensed it. It would certainly make a move. He couldn’t explain why he had such a feeling, but this intuition was incredibly intense.

His sinking consciousness finally came to a stop. He landed on hard ground. It was a deep darkness that was flat and smooth, like an incomparably giant mirror.

“I welcome your arrival, my main body.” A deep voice sounded out from all directions. It carried with it a joy and arrogance that came from being freed after a long imprisonment.

Qin Yu looked down at the black mirror-like ground. His image was reflected in it, but right now that reflection had a strange and sinister smile hanging on its face instead.

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